The 522nd chapter is also called sister?

To put it bluntly, Lu Menghan is not worthy to make Wu Bingyu feel threatened.

In Wu Bingyu’s eyes, Lu Menghan was just a simple and beautiful little girl.

She is still a student, a child, and it is even more impossible for her Wu Bingyu to compete with a little girl and be jealous!

At the moment, it is Lu Xuanying, who can make Wu Bingyu feel threatened, and will make her worry that Lin Feihang will be snatched away by Lu Xuanying!

However, she had misunderstood that Lu Xuanying was the same person as herself.

Afterwards, even though it was because of my vague questioning, this misunderstanding was resolved!

But Wu Bingyu discovered that even Lu Xuanying was a strong, domineering, capable, and beautiful woman.

In front of Lin Feihang, he couldn’t dominate anything!

And until now, Lu Xuanying and Lin Feihang have not exactly what happened. The relationship between boy and girl friends is just a title!

Lu Xuanying’s certain emotions towards Lin Feihang. Wu Bingyu could feel it.


But Wu Bingyu also felt that even if she was a woman as strong as Lu Xuanying, if she really became Lin Feihang’s woman, she would have to bow her head to Lin Feihang!

How powerful is Lin Feihang? Although Wu Bingyu couldn’t imagine it, he knew it well!

Therefore, it seems that there is nothing to worry too much about. Although Wu Bingyu is currently on guard against Lu Xuanying, he is not too hostile, and the two are still quite harmonious!


“It’s been a few months…” Lu Menghan still said in a daze.

Lu Menghan was like a little girl who made mistakes, so she admitted directly.

She didn’t relax.

“A few months ago?”

Wu Bingyu muttered, thought for a moment, and then asked in confusion: “Sister?”

After Lu Menghan heard Wu Bingyu, he was immediately confused.

“What… Sister?” Lu Menghan said with some confusion.

Lu Menghan didn’t understand, just like Lu Xuanying didn’t understand before.

Obviously Wu Bingyu is even bigger!

Wu Bingyu is only a few months older than Lu Xuanying, but almost ten years older than Lu Menghan!

In front of Wu Bingyu, Lu Menghan was really just a little girl.

Speaking of it, Lin Feihang started with this kind of little girl, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Because Lin Feihang was young, he was only 21 years old, and his age was almost stuck in the middle of the difference between the two. Lin Feihang’s age was used as the benchmark.

Wu Bingyu is not too big, and Lu Menghan is not too small.

Lu Menghan did not understand the meaning of “sister”. But Wu Bingyu had already figured it out thoroughly.

Seeing that Lu Menghan was still in a daze, Wu Bingyu no longer delved into this topic anymore. Instead, he just turned off and said, “Sit down first, and I will collect the clothes and sheets.”

Wu Bingyu said, turned around and went to collect the clothes!

Wu Bingyu didn’t say much, although Lu Menghan knew that her relationship with Lin Feihang was still under confidentiality, but there was no big problem.

As long as Lu Menghan has a “relationship” with Lin Feihang, he can wait for Lin Feihang to come back.

Lu Menghan has already clarified his position!

Wu Bingyu didn’t say anything, she still looked a little busy, but Lu Menghan was full of problems in his head.

She has forgotten even the troubles of today.

The gossip fire in my heart also started to burn.

Burning more and more prosperous!

How could it be…

Wu Bingyu is Lin Feihang’s woman?

Really are?

Thinking about it, Lu Menghan turned out to show an expression of excitement, a feeling that he wanted to know some great secret.

At the moment, Lu Menghan walked quickly to the balcony and said, “Miss Wu, let me help you.”

After speaking, Lu Menghan began to help Wu Bingyu gather clothes together, before Wu Bingyu was polite with her.

Lu Menghan asked first, “Miss Wu…When did you and Lin Feihang…When did you get along? You guys were secretive. I heard that Lin Feihang and Lu Xuanying were very close, and…

She has a lot of problems.

At this time, Lin Feihang had already rushed to Lin Xiaoxiao’s bar.

There are so many things that happened on this day, and now Lin Feihang feels that his body has been overloaded, and he is too tired!

Lin Feihang immediately got out of the car without his exhausted body!

And the little boss also walked out of the gate violently to greet Lin Fei’s channel: “Lin Shao, did you sleep well last night?”

The little boss looked at Lin Feihang staring with dark circles in amazement, and then asked in doubt: “Ye Fan is not dead, what are you worried about?”

“Do you think I am because of Ye Fan?” Lin Feihang reluctantly spread his hands and said slowly: “You are still young, you will understand in the future!”

“Ha ha.”

The little boss started laughing!

He seemed to have misunderstood what Lin Feihang meant. He thought he understood something. He just grabbed his stomach and smiled: “Lin Shao, your body is not good. I feel hollowed out. Or I will buy you some kidney treasures. , Or buy some Liuwei Dihuang Wan tonic?”

The little boss began to think again: “I don’t know what can be used to treat kidney deficiency.”

“I heard that there is an old Chinese doctor who has a secret recipe, and my friend said it was good after using it.”

The little boss winked at Lin Feihang and began to smile evilly: “Lin Shao, I don’t want to ask you?”

“It’s not easy for you to work day and night.”

Lin Feihang squinted at the little boss. The little boss was thinking about nasty things 1

Old Chinese? I am an old Chinese doctor!

At the moment, Lin Feihang began to laugh and said, “You friend, wouldn’t it be you?”

“Shao Lin, you think too much.” The little boss then grinned again: “Look at me, I have a great talent, a very strong body, a great body, and be a groom every night.”

Lin Feihang immediately curled his lips and said, “Then I will be worse than you?”

“Then Bibi?” The little boss said with a mean look!


Lin Feihang looked speechless and looked at the mentally retarded little boss with disgust.

How grown-ups are still saying this.

“Shao Lin, don’t believe me.”

The little boss murmured: “When you are eight or nine years old, you will.”

“When I urinate farther than anyone else, I can urinate to the fourth pit?”

Lin Feihang had a black line on his face, really wanting to pat the little boss with a mentally retarded head full of tofu.

He didn’t want to entangle with the little boss anymore, so he scolded: “Talk to the business.”

The little boss hurriedly said with a serious face: “Lin Shao, Qian Xiangdi came over to you and said that he had something to report to you. Because he couldn’t find you, he contacted me and I brought him here. Now he is in the private room on the second floor. Woolen cloth.”

“Well, I’m going now.”

Lin Feihang spoke lightly.

Soon, Lin Feihang entered the private room.

“Shao Lin.”

Qian Xiangdi, the manager of the media company under the Lin Group, was sitting in a chair, waiting anxiously for something.

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