Chapter 521 Is there a relationship between men and women?

Wu Bingyu after entering the door. Put the bag of vegetables and meat on the cabinet by the door first…

After changing her slippers at the door, Lu Menghan closed the door and entered the room, but she looked at Wu Bingyu’s eyes even more weird at the moment.

It was the first time for her to come to this house, and she was not very familiar with it, but she felt that Wu Bingyu knew about it.

It seems that everything is so natural

Wu Bingyu, who had changed his slippers, walked in with the vegetables and didn’t forget to turn around and asked: “Miss Lu. When did you… come?

“It didn’t take long, it was only half an hour.” Lu Menghan also said quickly.

Then Wu Bingyu asked again: “You and Lin Feihang…are also friends?”

Lu Menghan was in Lin Feihang’s house. He took a bath, changed clothes, and wore Lin Feihang’s clothes. Of course, Wu Bingyu was not asking the question “Is it a friend?”

“Ah, yes…friend…” Lu Menghan replied.

Lu Menghan does not want her brother to be embarrassed because of her own remarks. Because of family reasons, Lu Menghan is able to find out her own status very well.

When the two parties don’t know what the relationship is with each other, when it comes to the relationship with Lin Feihang, the two of them are more defensive, which is very difficult to say.

Although the two knew that something was wrong with each other, at the moment Lu Menghan’s heart was more wrong!

Because… because this is Wu Bingyu!

This is the dream lover of many men in Jiangbei City. Although his elder brother is very good, he doesn’t mean it’s all the same!

Wu Bingyu immediately carried the bag and walked directly to the kitchen.

When passing by the sofa, Wu Bingyu noticed Lu Menghan’s clothes on the sofa.

All the clothes were just thrown on the sofa. Including the two very private ones.

She took a look at Lu Menghan, didn’t say anything at the moment, didn’t ask anything, walked over to the side and advanced to the kitchen.

Lu Menghan walked back to the sofa, feeling that something was wrong, absolutely nothing.

How did Wu Bingyu go home, like the hostess of this house.

Isn’t this brother’s house?

But if it wasn’t for the older brother’s house, how could there be older brother’s clothes?

Somewhat confused!

This is the first meeting between Lu Menghan and Wu Bingyu.

“Miss Lu, did Lin Feihang say when he will be back?” Wu Bingyu put the vegetable meat first, came out of the kitchen and asked Lu Menghan.

Lu Menghan came back to his senses immediately, and then said: “No… I didn’t say, I guess it should be soon.”

Lu Menghan stood by the sofa and replied, a little dazed. She still can’t figure it out, still thinking.

“Oh:…then you sit down first.” Wu Bingyu motioned for a while.

Lu Menghan couldn’t help but frowned, and felt that weird again.

just like! This is Wu Bingyu’s home, and her Lu Menghan, the guest Wu Bingyu entertains, asked her to sit down first.

The atmosphere is very subtle.

This made Lu Menghan feel uncomfortable for a while, is he just an outsider?

After Wu Bingyu had finished talking with Lu Menghan, he walked directly into Lin Feihang’s bedroom and closed the door.

Lu Menghan turned his head to look at Wu Bingyu, and sat down on the sofa with an incorrect face, frowning slightly.

That is one or two minutes.

Wu Bingyu walked out of the bedroom again, but she changed her clothes unexpectedly, and she knew it was a man’s pajamas and pajamas.

It’s blue! It should be Lin Feihang’s clothes.

“Miss Lu would like to drink something? What would you like to drink? There is… in the refrigerator.”

Wu Bingyu again opened his mouth to entertain Lu Menghan very warmly. While questioning, Wu Bingyu walked directly to the balcony and began to collect the clothes on the balcony clothes rail!

Lu Menghan’s eyes widened, he stood up suddenly thinking about it, and boldly asked Wu Bingyu a question directly.

“Miss Wu. Do you have a relationship between men and women with Lin Feihang?” Lu Menghan asked this question when he got up.

Originally, according to Lu Menghan’s personality, she would never ask anything more, but this time, she asked very directly, because Lu Menghan thought of something!

Lin Feihang’s home usually has people coming to clean the house, so when Lu Menghan first entered this new home, she looked at the room very large and tidy, and she didn’t think much about it.

Until Wu Bingyu appeared.

In a subtle and weird atmosphere.

Wu Bingyu went to the kitchen to put the bag first, then went to the bedroom to change clothes.

When I came out, I went to collect the clothes that were dried on the balcony. It was really like going home.

The proficient even made Lu Menghan feel that the clothes seemed to be washed by Wu Bingyu

Wu Bingyu took away even the boxer shorts that were dried, and he didn’t dislike it at all when he held it in his hand.


There is no such friend, I can even clean up the housekeeping!

And a fairy like Wu Bingyu who does not eat the fireworks in the world, can actually buy vegetables, and also pack clothes?

After Wu Bingyu heard Lu Menghan’s question, she paused when she raised the hand picking the clothes rack, and then immediately took it back. In fact, she was waiting for Lu Menghan’s question, because Lin Feihang’s relationship is still secret. stage.

Without knowing the other party’s situation… She must never be exposed.

But… if Lu Menghan asked himself first, it would be the same thing!

Wu Bingyu felt it entirely based on a woman’s sixth sense.

Lu Menghan must have something to do with Lin Feihang. He went to a male friend’s house, but took a shower first. He also wore the other party’s nightgown and put his own clothes around. This is simply abnormal!

Wu Bingyu paused on the balcony, and then she turned around and looked at Lu Menghan in the living room, but did not answer Lu Menghan’s question.

Instead, Wu Bingyu asked, “What about you?”

Lu Menghan asked if she had slept with Lin Feihang.

Wu Bingyu did not answer but asked you instead!

Wu Bingyu did not admit that he had slept with Lin Feihang, but he did not deny it either! ,

Lu Menghan was already shocked when he heard this.


This is real!

Lu Menghan is getting messy!

This Wu Bingyu is extremely good, even saying that she is her idol!

The daughter of one of the four major families in Jiangbei City! The most perfect first beauty recognized by Jiangbei City, she turned out to be her brother’s woman!

Lu Menghan was stunned, not talking.

“And you?”

After Wu Bingyu asked another sentence, he repeated: “When did you………with Lin Feihang?”

Wu Bingyu’s question seems to have something in it.

She hadn’t inquired deeply into Lin Feihang’s other women, and she didn’t particularly care about a few of these things.

Because I and Lin Feihang are not a normal boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

In this case, what will make her mind is that she will feel “threatening”, and only Lu Xuanying is the only one!

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