Chapter 486 Revenge for Ye Fan

He listened to Li Yunlong sneered and said: “Lin Feihang, what kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to here? Why? Good people are let you be? What if he doesn’t die, you are going to die.”

“It’s not because you coveted Miss Lu’s body, and Ye Fan has blocked you more. You hold a grudge, and then you use a conspiracy to kill Ye Fan.”

Li Yunlong began to instigate secretly: “Lin Feihang, no matter what Ye Fan said, it is also a handsome man whom Chairman Lu valued, and Ye Fan is not simple, he has something to do with the Wu family.”

“You killed Ye Fan so happily.”

“You are so careless about life, you really don’t put the Lu family and Wu family in your eyes.”

What Li Yunlong said was to provoke the relationship between Lin Feihang and Lu Xuanying.

Lin Feihang looked at Li Yunlong with a sullen face, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The heart said that you don’t need to squeeze, and you won’t have any good fruits to eat in a few days!

But at the moment the little boss saw Li Yunlong so unreasonable, he was not used to who this Li Yunlong was!

As Lin Feihang’s number one dogleg, he naturally wants to make Lin Feihang clear!

At the moment, the little boss cursed: “I am f*ck. You are not dead!”

“What nonsense is your Tema talking about!”

The little boss roared directly, and wanted to rush forward and beat the owed Li Yunlong.

At this moment, seeing the action of the little boss, Ah San behind Li Yunlong also began to exert his left leg backwards slightly.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feihang quickly said, “Don’t be impulsive.”

Lin Feihang stopped the little boss at the moment, and then swept Li Yunlong coldly. Now that he killed Ye Fan, it must have been spread by Li Yunlong in Jiangbei City.

Ye Fan no longer has any personal connections in Jiangbei City. The Lu family has basically given up Ye Fan, and the Wu family will definitely not be enemies with Lin Feihang for a dead Ye Fan.

But Li Yunlong is different. After all, Li Yunlong is the son of the Li family, and there is still power behind him.

And behind him there is a temple that bulges high, with a strong aura, obviously a master.

It’s just that this master has been holding down the peaked cap on his head, lowering his head, giving people a look down on his face, and a feeling of unpredictability!

Lin Feihang was injured in the battle with Ye Fan just now.

At this moment, I couldn’t help but feel that I was not sure to kill him!

Under several scruples, Lin Feihang could only temporarily extinguish his thoughts, and killed Li Yunlong by the way.

At the moment, Lin Feihang said to Lu Xuanying: “Xuanying, there are really difficulties in this. Do you choose to believe in him or believe in me?”

Lin Feihang looked at Lu Xuanying sincerely in his eyes.

Lin Feihang knows not to be reasonable with women, because women are emotional animals, and they have to talk about feelings with women.

As long as the feelings are there, even if you are unreasonable, the woman will think you are reasonable.

As long as she likes you, no matter how smart a woman is in front of you, she will become brainless and believe you.

Lin Feihang looked at Lu Xuanying’s hesitation, and immediately said: “Xuanying, please believe me, I have a last resort.”



Lu Xuanying hesitated, then nodded!

Lu Xuanying likes Lin Feihang, and Lu Xuanying, who has a relationship with Lin Feihang, naturally believes in Lin Feihang more.

Lu Xuanying hated Ye Fan, and she also didn’t trust Li Yunlong.

If Li Yunlong hadn’t said that her personal help Liu Xueyun had an accident, she would not have come with Li Yunlong.

Lin Feihang was overjoyed and said directly: “Come here.”

Lin Feihang waved at Lv Xuanying, successfully making Lv Xuanying stand next to him cleverly.

Seeing this, Li Yunlong couldn’t help cursing in a low voice: “Damn!”

At this moment, Li Yunlong was simply looking like a dog. He wanted to use Lu Xuanying to provoke the relationship between Lin Feihang and the Lu family.

I didn’t expect a woman who fell in love.

It’s so mindless!

And at this moment, Liu Xueyun who saw this scene suddenly roared: “Mr. Lu, please take revenge for Ye Fan!”

“It’s him who deliberately killed Ye Fan.”

Liu Xueyun, who was holding Ye Fan’s corpse, started shouting in order to add fire.

She wanted to avenge Ye Fan, but she was just an urban white-collar worker, so what can she do!

Lin Feihang immediately spoke directly: “Xuanying, you don’t know yet, do you?”

Lin Feihang took the initiative to answer the doubtful Lu Xuanying: “In fact, you secretary, she was conquered by Ye Fan a long time ago, and she has an adulterous affair with Ye Fan.”

Lu Xuanying was taken aback for a moment: “This?”

Immediately, Lu Xuanying turned to look at Lu Xuanying and asked, “Is what he said is true?”

Lu Xuanying looked at Liu Xueyun angrily, and said coldly: “I believe you so much, but you keep hiding from me.”

“Since you are already with him, why do you want to match me and him?”

“How can you do this!?”

Remembering that Ye Fan knew her whereabouts well before, and Liu Xueyun had said good things about Ye Fan in front of her countless times, Lu Xuanying became even more angry.

She doesn’t like someone hiding from her! This is undoubtedly a betrayal!

Liu Xueyun spoke helplessly and slowly: “Mr. Lu, I like Ye Fan.”

“I’m really sorry for you too.”

“But this is the end, I have nothing to say.”

Staring at Lin Feihang, Liu Xueyun gritted his teeth and said cruelly: “Lin Feihang, I won’t let you be a ghost!”


Liu Xueyun used Lin Feihang’s knife to kill Ye Fan and directly inserted it into her heart.

Liu Xueyun still took a breath at this moment, and directly roared: “Lin Feihang.”

“I curse you not to die!”


Liu Xueyun even collapsed directly on Ye Fan’s corpse, and went to Huangquan together with Ye Fan.


Lu Xuanying was a little anxious when she saw this. After all, Liu Xueyun had been with her for more than ten years anyway.

Lin Feihang felt a little regretful in his heart, nothing more!

Lin Feihang said lightly, “She just died for her love, so don’t be too sad.”

Lin Feihang stopped the eager Lv Xuanying, winked at the little boss on the side, and then said slowly; “Find a cemetery and bury them.”


The little boss immediately ordered several bodyguards to put the bodies of Ye Fan and Liu Xueyun in sacks.

Seeing this scene, Li Yunlong immediately said: “Lin Feihang!”

“This time I’m considered to be worse, and you’re lucky to win.”

Li Yunlong looked at Lin Feihang coldly, then threatened coldly: “But you wait, this matter won’t be forgotten!”

“The good show is yet to come, let’s play slowly!”

Lin Feihang raised his brows, then sneered, and said, “Do you think I’m afraid of you?”

Lin Feihang sneered, even more disdainfully said: “Don’t think I don’t know, you are making some calculations.”

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