Chapter 485 Ye Fan is dead?

The system has already tested Lin Feihang!

There is a 50% chance of being killed by the Dao of Heaven!

As long as it is 50-50, I will win!

I wouldn’t be so unlucky!

If he survives, there is still a hidden danger, that is, Ye Fan’s master, will definitely avenge his apprentice!

But what if you provoke it?

If it doesn’t work, I will stay dormant for a while.

With the help of the system, after a short period of dormancy, he can certainly rise again!

Kill Ye Fan’s master!

The little boss looked at the killing intent that popped up in Lin Feihang’s eyes, and couldn’t help being frightened, and then asked: “Lin Shao, you really want to kill him?”

The little boss looked at Lin Fei’s channel in amazement: “In this case, what will his master do?”

Lin Feihang waved his hand domineeringly, and then said: “For the rest of the matter, leave it to the future self to handle it.”

Lin Feihang glanced at the little boss, and then said: “Even if it is a dark coiled hole, as long as you punch it hard, you can turn it into a water curtain hole with white light flashing!”

“So his master will have his own way at that time.”

“If we don’t kill Ye Fan now, Ye Fan will kill us in the future!”

Lin Feihang looked at Ye Fan coldly, and said lightly: “Ye Fan, I will leave you a whole body, you are my only opponent in this world!”

What Lin Feihang said was from his heart, Ye Fan was indeed his only hidden danger in this world. Only by killing Ye Fan can he be the real protagonist!

Ye Fan didn’t know this. He didn’t even regard Lin Feihang as his opponent, just as his own stepping stone, but now the stepping stone is actually going to kill himself, he is really unwilling!

Ye Fan stared at Lin Feihang grimly, and roared: “Lin Feihang, do you dare to kill me!?”

“Ha ha.”

Lin Feihang sneered, then personally waved the machete in his hand.

It’s not that he is bloodthirsty. If you know how to kill the protagonist, there must be some reward.

Lin Feihang, worried that if he let the little boss do it for him, the system would not recognize it?

If the system only admits that he personally killed the son of luck, then that counts.

Isn’t he miserable?

No matter who killed Ye Fan, as long as he instigated it, it would be counted on Lin Feihang’s head. Let the little boss kill Ye Fan, and he was struck by lightning, and he had not received any reward. What a shame!

To be on the safe side, Lin Feihang decided to do it himself.


“Keep someone under the knife!”

A rapid roar suddenly sounded from the corridor.

Lin Feihang heard this voice, but he still didn’t hesitate at all, and directly stabbed Ye Fan to death!

What’s the joke, someone called to keep people under the knife, Lin Feihang really wants to keep people under the knife?

Isn’t he a fool?

Why did the villain die?

The most common way for a big villain to die is to die from ink stains!

To die is to tease the protagonist before he is dying.

Then someone called to stop, and then really stopped.

Lin Feihang will not make this mistake that countless predecessors have made.

Playing cards according to the routine is a proper mentally retarded behavior.


Immediately after the stab, thunder blasted from the sky!

“Boom! Boom!”

Originally, Lin Feihang had already waited for the arrival of the thunder, but after a burst of thunder, he had nothing to do with him, which made him feel a little strange!

The system always warns itself that if the protagonist is killed, he will be struck by lightning, and Lin Feihang has never tried it.

I tried it today, except for a few thunders that frightened people, but nothing happened!

Is the system an undercover sent by the protagonist? Are you here to scare yourself?

Lin Feihang felt wrong after thinking about it, not to mention that he had no time to think about it now.

Because the two people who asked themselves to stop have already ran over!

Just to see Ye Fan’s eyes widened, he looked at Lin Feihang fiercely, and shouted, “You…”

Before the words came out, blood blisters were already appearing in the mouth!

“Gudong, Gudong, Gudong!”

Ye Fanyuan opened his unwilling eyes and stared at Lin Feihang fiercely, clutching the wound that was spurting blood when the machete was inserted into his heart.

Crashed to the ground.


Accompanied by a muffled noise.

Ye Fan’s anger is absolutely here.

Liu Xueyun saw Ye Fan, who was already lifeless, and directly shouted: “Ye Fan!”

Holding the dead Ye Fan corpse, Liu Xueyun burst into tears instantly.

“Lin Feihang, why are you killing him?”

Before Lin Feihang was reacting to life, she saw Lu Xuanying, surrounded by Li Yunlong and Ah San and others, walked directly to the second floor of the abandoned electronics factory!

At this time, Lu Xuanying’s eyes were full of angry questioning Lin Feihang.

Although she didn’t like Ye Fan, she also knew that Ye Fan was deeply loved by her father.

She hates Ye Fan, but she didn’t even think about killing Ye Fan.

She thought, as long as Lin Feihang expelled Ye Fan, everything would be fine.

And at this moment, her boyfriend is like an executioner, which makes Lu Xuanying a little unacceptable for a while!

Lin Feihang really dare to kill!

Lin Feihang turned his head and said to Lu Xuanying: “Xiaoying, this matter is unclear in a few words.”

Lin Feihang smiled bitterly and answered Lu Xuanying, “I can only tell you that.”

“If I don’t kill him, then he will kill me.”

“He and I must die.”

Lin Feihang took the wet wipes handed over by the little boss, then wiped the blood from his hands, and said slowly, “So I can only kill him.”


Lu Xuanying was taken aback when she heard Lin Feihang’s words.

If this is the case, she really can’t blame Lin Feihang anymore.

Whoever kills is not for his own sake, to survive, this is also the past!

Could it be that Lu Xuanying asked Ye Fan to kill Lin Feihang, and Lin Feihang, don’t you live?

This must be impossible!

Although Lu Xuanying didn’t want Ye Fan to die, Lin Feihang was more in her heart.

Deep down in her heart, she liked Lin Feihang.

If between Lin Feihang and Ye Fan, one person must die.

That Lu Xuanying would definitely choose to let Lin Feihang survive!

“Lin Feihang, you can really quibble.”

A somewhat bitter voice suddenly rang.

The person who made this sound was naturally Li Yunlong beside Lu Xuanying.

Obviously, Lu Xuanying was also invited by Li Yunlong!

“Li Yunlong.”

Lin Feihang’s eyes gathered together, and he looked at Li Yunlong with a cold expression. This guy must have deliberately called Lu Xuanying, he was planning to find something for himself.

Let him grow extravagantly.

Otherwise, Lin Feihang could have asked the little boss to deal with Ye Fan’s corpse now, and then he was going to do other things on his own!

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