Chapter 372: Raising

With the help of the Lin Family and Lu Family, then some families in Beijing would not be afraid to exist.

Even if the Lin family is really the force that his elder brother has gathered, he is confident to talk to Lu Xuanying.

Lin Feihang’s efforts to find an endorsement for Lv Xuanying is enough to prove Lin Feihang’s sincerity towards Lv Xuanying.

What’s more, the current Lin Group is controlled by Lin Feihang, which is even simpler.

Lin Feihang’s temperament and temperament, Jiang Handong have all read it on the data, and they all know it.

He has also heard a little about what he has done in Jiangbei City over the years.

Lin Feihang is the kind of character that doesn’t mean anyone.

At that time, Lu Xuanying was blowing the pillow breeze to Lin Feihang, so why not worry about not getting Lin, the Lv family’s power.

This is simply the crouching dragon and phoenix that Liu Bei encountered!

Lin Feihang just wanted to speak when the phone rang suddenly. Lin Feihang picked up the phone and looked at it. He frowned slightly, and then answered the channel: “I’m busy.”

It was from Lu Xuanying.

At this time, Lin Feihang was in front of Jiang Handong, for the sake of the man’s face, naturally he had to be hardened, but in fact, he was still a little frustrated in his heart.

Lu Xuanying asked, “You didn’t find me all day today, how are you doing with your endorsement?”

Although Lu Xuanying didn’t care about this bet, she didn’t believe Lin Feihang could invite Liang Jingru at all, but when she thought of this guy, she didn’t find herself for a day, and she was busy all day for endorsements, but he played smartly. Lu Xuanying just couldn’t help being angry.


When I called, I was so stiff!

Busy now?

What are you up to?

When Lin Feihang heard Lu Xuanying’s words, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he had a plan again in his heart, saying that the call was good!

Lu Xuanying is here to send assists!

Lin Feihang did not answer Lu Xuanying’s words, but directly said: “Raise.”

Lin Feihang suddenly said something like this, which made Lu Xuanying not react, and she asked suspiciously: “Raise? What raise?”

Lin Feihang ignored what Lu Xuanying was saying, and even directly said: “Xuanying, I don’t want to explain anything to you now, let’s just raise! If either of us loses, we just kneel down and apologize, how about?”

When Lin Feihang spoke, he deliberately mentioned the word “Xuanying”, which was deliberately said to Jiang Handong.

Lu Xuanying originally wanted to ask Lin Feihang in detail, what was the situation with Lin Feihang, but before she waited to ask, Lin Feihang went straight back.

Lu Xuanying also got angry directly, and said coldly: “Okay. Okay!”

After talking about Lu Xuanying, she just hung up the phone!

The character is so rigid, who is afraid of whom!

“The old lady didn’t hit the house for three days. I really owe it to clean up!” Lin Feihang muttered, then put down the phone.

This scene stunned Jiang Handong. Did both of them talk like that?

Jiang Handong stared, and asked in surprise: “You and Lu Xuanying usually talk like this?”

Jiang Handong was stunned at this moment.

Although Jiang Handong didn’t know Lu Xuanying, it didn’t mean that he had never heard of what kind of person the eldest granddaughter of the Lu family was.

Moreover, in Jiangbei City, it is also rumored that Lin Feihang has been chasing Lu Xuanying for a long time, serving Lu Xuanying the same way as his ancestors, but the last two people still retired.

But don’t know why, the two people are together again.

Since we are together, Lin Feihang should know how to cherish.

Knowing that this kind of woman has worked so hard to chase her hand, she has to coax and let it go.

But Lin Feihang’s tone was directly like an emperor, and… and he made him kneel down?

Even other families wouldn’t dare to talk to Lu’s eldest granddaughter like this!

What can I say to my family?

Who wants his child to be so bullied by his in-laws!

What kind of background does this family have to dare to talk to Lu Xuanying like this?

Why are there missiles at home?

Jiang Handong didn’t think that Lu Xuanying personally exploded.

But you can’t look at the individual. Although Lu Xuanying’s background is very powerful, what is more important is Lu Xuanying’s character.

What kind of personality Lu Xuanying is an iceberg female president? These Jiang Handong have all heard of 1

So, what kind of background does it have to be? what kind of person? Can you hold Lu Xuanying so much? Talk like that?

Jiang Handong has already begun to guess in his heart, Lin Feihang is afraid that behind him is not only a scary background, but also strong personal ability and unique personality charm. These are not enough!

Jiang Handong looked at Lin Feihang with his eyes flashing, and Lin Feihang also looked at Jiang Handong pretending to be puzzled, and smiled and asked: “What’s the matter, Brother Jiang? What’s wrong with me talking to my woman? Is there a problem? ”


When Jiang Handong heard Lin Feihang’s words, he couldn’t wait to go up and smoke his big mouth.

At this moment, Jiang Handong didn’t know what to say.

Jiang Handong still did not speak, and Lin Feihang at this time seemed to understand what Jiang Handong was talking about, and then smiled casually: “Ah! You mean. I just told her. Those words?”

Lin Feihang faintly smiled and said: “Actually, it’s nothing. Lovers, it’s just a small fight. She is making a tantrum with me. We made a bet, the game is a bit big, and it’s up to the top. But between couples, Actually it’s nothing.”

Lin Feihang said lightly.

Jiang Handong began to think about it in his heart.

A woman with Lu Xuanying’s personality would play with Lin Feihang?

It seems that the relationship between these two people is close to a certain degree?

Could it be that all the rumors about retiring that I heard before are false?

Jiang Handong kept guessing in his heart what this was for.

But his face remained calm, and a cheerful smile appeared directly.

Jiang Handong immediately picked up the teacup and gestured to Lin Feihang: “Come on, Brother Lin, have tea.”


Lin Feihang also picked up the teacup and said politely to Jiang Handong.

After the two drank tea again, Jiang Handong immediately wiped his mouth, pretending to be relaxed and asked: “What are you two betting on? Is it convenient to talk about it?”

Jiang Handong is actually not a very curious person.

But Lin Feihang’s attitude towards Lu Xuanying just now really scared him directly.

So Jiang Handong especially wants to know now.

Lin Feihang smiled faintly: “Bet… Actually, there is nothing I can’t say, it’s related to her company.”

“Her company has been getting messed up recently. I said I would help her get it done, but she still doesn’t agree.”

Lin Feihang said helplessly and shook his head with a wry smile.

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