Chapter 371 Has something to do with the Lu family?

After Jiang Handong finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and put out a pair, as long as Lin Feihang said his name. He just made the phone call directly.

After Lin Feihang heard this, he actually started mmp in his heart. What about Liang Jingru you were talking about at the time? What about your promise?

But it doesn’t matter. Lin Feihang knows that Jiang Handong is only to fulfill a promise he made at that time, but it is still impossible for Liang Jingru to be the endorsement.

Lin Feihang pretended to be a little deliberate, and then said: “It must be…that fits the company’s products!”

“Oh, yes, yes.” These words directly reminded Jiang Handong.

At the moment, Jiang Handong immediately asked: “I haven’t asked you yet. What is your woman’s company called? It’s not that I saw that little grandson this morning.”

Jiang Handong said with a laugh, and then said: “What kind of business does she do, and how big is it?”

Although Jiang Handong asked about the scale, Jiang Handong knew that Lin Feihang’s company was definitely not small, otherwise, could he ask for celebrity endorsements?

Lin Feihang didn’t directly say that his woman was Lu Xuanying of the Lu Group. In this case, it seemed a little fake.

Lin Feihang said lightly, “In fact, she is too stubborn, she is just a little trouble, and she is a little bit of a cosmetics industry. The main thing is the high-end crowd, what is Quanying Yimei. She is still a bit famous in Jiangbei City. Well, the assets are over 100 million. It can only be regarded as a niche boutique.”

Lin Feihang went on to say: “I originally wanted her to enter the pharmaceutical industry with me, but she had to make a decision temporarily. There is no way, a woman, she always has to coax, I just followed her, but I didn’t expect This will happen.”

Jiang Handong nodded, and began to think about it: “Since it is in the cosmetics industry, it is simple. Just find a young and beautiful one with good skin. This is what I said, simple.”

Jiang Handong said with a grin, because he had nothing else but the most young and beautiful women.

Lin Feihang immediately reminded him: “It must be well-known.”

When Jiang Handong heard this, he immediately smiled and said: “Don’t worry, Brother Lin, it’s really not your brother who brags to you, I promise to find you a front line! Red! The new generation! The thieves are tender and tender. of!”

Jiang Handong’s words are very vulgar, and with such a smile, it’s a bit wretched.

When Jiang Handong said, he turned his phone and began to look up his phone number.

Jiang Handong wrote lightly: “Brother Lin, wait a while. I’ll give it to you now…”

Having said this, Jiang Handong’s voice stopped abruptly, and then he suddenly raised his head to look at Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang also looked at Jiang Handong with a smile, and then pretended to be very polite and said: “What’s the matter? If it’s inconvenient for you, Brother Jiang, then forget it, after all, we meet together…”

Lin Feihang seemed very embarrassed after doing this.

Jiang Handong immediately shook his head and said, “No!”

After Jiang Handong finished speaking, he continued to stare at Lin Feihang, and then asked in surprise: “Your woman’s company. What is it called?”

“Quan Ying Yimei, what’s the matter?” Lin Feihang asked pretending to be ignorant.

Jiang Handong couldn’t help but his heart trembled, and then he asked: “Your woman’s last name is Lu?”

“Yes, what’s the matter?” Lin Feihang said lightly with a very puzzled look.

In fact, Lin Feihang knew why Jiang Handong was so puzzled.

Jiang Handong finally couldn’t help it, and asked thoroughly, “That eldest granddaughter of the Lu family, is Lu Xuanying your woman?”

Lin Feihang still looked puzzled, and slowly nodded and said: “Yes, yes, that’s right, it’s her.”

“Brother Jiang, what’s the matter with you?”

“Ha! Hahaha!” Jiang Handong began to laugh, and then laughed again.

Jiang Handong immediately said: “No wonder, no wonder, I knew that the Lin family had a good relationship with the Lu family, since you can tell this matter, I should be clear, who are you Lin Feihang going to help, I’m still guessing here. , I thought who’s it.”

Lin Feihang began to pretend not to understand, a little confused, knowingly asked: “Brother Jiang, do you know Xuanying?”

Jiang Handong shook his head and refused: “I don’t know.”

Lin Feihang then asked: “Yingyi?”

Jiang Handong said, “I have seen it once, but I am not familiar with it.”

Lin Feihang asked again: “Then Brother Jiang, what are you laughing at?”

“Because… I’m laughing at myself stupid!”

Jiang Handong’s answer was not what he asked.

Jiang Handong lied

Looking at Jiang Handong’s performance, Lin Feihang couldn’t help but smile in his heart. He knew that this matter was half done.

Lin Feihang knew the real reason Jiang Handong laughed.

The Lu family and the Jiang family have nothing to do with each other.

It may be that the lower level of the family has contacts, but above the top level, there is no intersection, and there is no relationship at all!

The two families are also different in nature.

Don’t look at the Lu family as just the four major families in Jiangbei City, but based on its background, it is much better than the Lin family.

The most important thing is that Mr. Lu had served as a soldier in his early years.

Therefore, the Lu family belonged to that kind of rich and powerful, not only rich, but also very powerful!

There are also many people in the family who are in high positions in Shangjing.

Although the Jiang family lives in Shangjing and is deeply rooted, it is a pure business model in terms of its family model.

Industry is difficult to do, and it takes too long to accumulate.

The Lu family has always been low-key in doing things. Basically, they rarely use the influence of Shangjing, and they will not interfere with the status issue in Shangjing.

Although Jiang’s family has people on the top, they are not their own after all. In some things, they are naturally far inferior to Lu’s.

The reason Jiang Handong laughs is because the Lu family has nothing to do with the Jiang family!

Because all the big forces that have a relationship with the Jiang family will eventually become Jiang Handong’s elder brother’s contacts, not his own contacts!

The contradiction between the brothers is very deep!

Therefore, only those who have nothing to do with the Jiang family can finally become his own.

The reason why Jiang Handong didn’t have a good relationship with Lin Feihang was not because he looked down on the Lin family.

It is because the Lin family has been squeezed into the four major families in Jiangbei City in recent years, and its background is insufficient, and the relationships among the characters are also complicated.

Therefore, even Jiang Handong didn’t dare to be accurate, did the Lin family have anything to do with his elder brother?

At this moment, when Jiang Handong knew that Lin Feihang’s woman was Lu Xuanying of the Lu family, he felt that this was a network that he could use for himself.

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