Chapter 345 This is a round

Wan Caixia dared to offend anyone, because she relied on Zhong Dahai to rely on herself for everything these years.


According to Lin Feihang’s God’s perspective.

He knew that Zhong Dahai’s son was not actually Zhong Dahai’s birth!

This is a game in itself!

A bureau to seize the wealth of billionaires!

A bureau of money and death!

Zhong Dahai’s infertility, before he married Wan Caixia, no one knew about the entire Jiangbei business district. A super-rich man has no descendants. In the future, there will be no one to inherit these billions of property. This will naturally become a topic of discussion.

So Wan Caixia and her cousin made this round directly.

Wan Caixia’s cousin’s name is Wan Xiaoli.

The cousin is just a rhetoric. In fact, Wan Xiaoli is not Wan Caixia’s cousin, and there is no blood relationship between the two.

But both of them are from the same village, and both are surnamed Wan.

Wan Xiaoli is five years older than Wan Caixia. It was Wan Xiaoli who walked out of the village with Wan Caixia, took it to the bathing center, and became a sacred and skilled woman.

After Wan Caixia had plastic surgery, Wan Xiaoli started to do more high-end business.

Wan Caixia had been the mistress of several bosses under the arrangement of Wan Xiaoli.

Until, Wan Xiaoli and a cronies around Zhong Dahai entered into a relationship.

Wan Xiaoli spent a lot of money back then to get Wan Caixia to Zhong Dahai’s side through the relationship.

Zhong Dahai was also “in a hurry to go to the doctor” at the time, changing women almost every day.

In this way, Wan Caixia took the initiative to approach Zhong Dahai and became pregnant “smoothly”!

But this child is not Zhong Dahai’s, but Wan Xiaoli’s!

To this day, Wan Xiaoli is still Wan Caixia’s cousin, who works under Zhong Dahai and is reused, but in private, the “cousins” are lovers.

Lin Feihang even knew that Wan Xiaoli had planned to kill Zhong Dahai so that Wan Caixia and his son could inherit the inheritance smoothly.

And he can become the regent.

It’s just that this matter was stopped by Wan Caixia.

Of course, Wan Caixia didn’t find it because of her own conscience, but because the child was too young, she was not so stable yet, and she was afraid that she would not be able to beat the old people in Zhong Dahai’s company.

Lin Feihang is familiar with the original work and has a God’s perspective, so he knows it very well!

“Your son is not yours at all, but Wan Xiaoli’s wild species! He and Wan Caixia are not related to any cousins, they have no blood relationship at all. These words are lie to you! Do you think that too? Does your son look like you? You found out too, right?”

This was the first paragraph Lin Feihang said in Zhong Dahai’s ear, and he spoke very quickly.

Unhappiness, Zhong Dahai’s fiery temper would never allow himself to finish.

Lin Feihang actually knew that Zhong Dahai had already discovered that the child was not like him, nor was he like Wan Caixia.

But because he had already done a paternity test, Zhong Dahai could only take this suspicion in his heart.

And Zhong Dahai has heard some rumors over the years.

Zhong Dahai and Wan Caixia are old couples and young wives. They are easy to be talked about. Moreover, they have been unable to bear children for so many years. Suddenly they have a son, but the child is not like him. Rumors are inevitable.

This is a thorn in Zhong Dahai’s heart.

But people have two skins on their mouths. Although Zhong Dahai is also capable, he can’t seal these people’s mouths. He can only let them go on.

With a son, nothing else matters.

Lin Feihang saw Zhong Dahai calm down, and continued to say in his ear: “Wan Caixia’s real name is Wan Lijuan. She and Wan Xiaoli are both from Wanjiacun. There is no blood relationship at all. Wan Caixia was still a big girl of Huanghua. At the time, it was brought out of the village by Wan Xiaoli, and it’s true that he was a young lady…”

“The reason why Wan Caixia was able to appear by your side was deliberately arranged by Wan Xiaoli back then. You can’t give birth to all Jiangbei City. They know it deliberately. I know you can’t believe my words for a while, but that’s the truth.”

Lin Feihang Zhengzheng whispered in Zhong Dahai’s ear: “You should know who the child looks most like! I believe Wan Caixia also said to you that my nephew is like an uncle’s nonsense!”

“If you still don’t believe what I said now, you can ask Wan Caixia for a while, and ask her what she has been doing during the recent period, and where did she go?”

“If she says she went out with Wan Xiaoli, you can think about it yourself. In fact, this matter is also very easy to check. You can arrange for someone to take the monitoring of Caixia Perfect Co., Ltd. to see their exchanges. , Pay special attention to whether they were to avoid people and go out the stairs when they were alone.”

“You can also ask Wan Caixia directly, but I don’t think she will tell you the truth. She will say that she has always been in the company, and her cousin can testify to her, and that she has always been in the office and no one else. ”

“You’ve noticed something wrong a long time ago? But they can always testify to each other. Because they are cousins, you don’t think about the relationship between two lovers. They take advantage of this.”

Lin Feihang talked a lot, and then stopped.

At this time, Zhong Dahai turned his head slightly and said in Lin Feihang’s ear: “I have done a paternity test!”

Zhong Dahai was expressionless, Lin Feihang could not feel his emotions at this moment, but he knew that Zhong Dahai believed his own words, otherwise he would not tell himself that he had already done a paternity test.

Lin Feihang smiled faintly: “Paternity tests can also be faked, it’s not difficult at all. This is a bureau, do you understand? It’s planned! Of course they will know that you will do a paternity test.”

“During Wan Caixia’s pregnancy, you once gave Wan Caixia 10 million yuan for an abortion. Do you remember this? This money was passed by Wan Xiaoli and went to the doctor who issued the paternity test report. If you don’t believe me, you can check if the doctor left the hospital soon after you did the paternity test.”

Lin Feihang continued: “By the way, you can actually cheat her…”

Lin Feihang said a lot.

In fact, if he unilaterally said this kind of words, it would not have a direct effect. The effect is now because Zhong Dahai had long felt something was wrong, but because of Wan Caixia’s sibling relationship with Wan Xiaoli, and back then The paternity test report made him unable to figure out where the problem was.

Everyone present watched Lin Feihang and Zhong Dahai whisper, and they continued to be confused.

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