Chapter 344 A Happy Life

It’s true that this kind of thing has been embarrassing. It’s even more embarrassing to handle it well!

When Zhong Dahai saw his wife like this, he quickly slapped Wan Caixia on the shoulder and comforted him: “It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t cry, I’ll take care of this, and there is a husband.”

Zhong Dahai himself comforted his wife Wan Caixia, and then Zhong Dahai pulled Wan Caixia aside, and walked two steps forward. Then he looked very bad and asked, “Boss Lu, this is what your friend?”

Zhong Dahai directly asked Lu Xuanying because he didn’t know Lin Feihang.

Although the Lin family is also in the real estate business, there is no anxiety at all with Zhong Dahai.

Although Zhong Dahai didn’t know Lin Feihang, he could tell that the two were together.

At this moment, Zhong Dahai is really angry, and the fire is very big, but now he is still restraining.

In fact, he is not a careful person.

These things can be said in private no matter what, but when scolding his daughter-in-law in public, isn’t this just slapping him in the face?

In this way, this matter can’t be solved with a few words!

When Lu Xuanying saw Zhong Dahai look like this, she knew that Zhong Dahai was crushing the fire, which could be heard from the name.

Lu Xuanying has always called Zhong Dahai his brother Zhong, and Zhong Dahai would also call her Xiaoying privately.

Lu Xuanying said blankly: “This is my boyfriend, that is, the little white face in the husband’s population.”

Lu Xuanying even ignored Zhong Dahai’s appearance, she was just straight ahead! When the relationship breaks, it breaks, and she is not ashamed!

Lin Feihang also couldn’t help but was taken aback. He didn’t expect that Lu Xuanying was actually trying to protect herself, and was directly facing Zhong Dahai!

Lin Feihang’s heart was still moved.

Unexpectedly, this cold-faced beauty is still very good to herself.

When Zhong Dahai heard Lu Xuanying’s words, his eyes changed slightly. Lu Xuanying’s…boyfriend?

It seems that someone who has something to do with the Lu family is definitely not kind.

Moreover, listening to Lu Xuanying’s tone, she dared to offend herself for this young man, then the young man in front of him is either rich or noble.

Wan Caixia even sneered: “It’s a little white face! You are still in your twenties and you are not married. Find a white face who looks younger than you. Isn’t this what it means to raise a little white face? Did I say something wrong?”

Wan Caixia started splashing again.

Zhong Dahai turned his head and stared at his wife fiercely.

Wan Caixia knew that her husband loved her, and she was not afraid that Zhong Dahai would blow her beard and stare at her. She immediately cried and said, “They bullied me, they bullied me together, what they said is so ugly!”

When Zhong Dahai heard Wan Caixia’s words, he immediately softened to his wife, and quickly said softly: “Caixia, I will solve it, don’t talk below.”

Lin Feihang directly stood up at this time, raised his hand to signal to let the bodyguard go away, then took a step forward, smiled and stretched out his hand: “Boss Zhong, I will introduce myself, Lin Feihang.”

When Zhong Dahai heard this, he was shocked for an instant, his eyes widened suddenly, he didn’t expect that he would meet the Lin family in this way.

But Zhong Dahai is a face-conscious person. Now that Lin Feihang talks about his wife, he is undoubtedly hitting him in the face. He is not used to whether Lin Feihang is a Lin family or not.

But Zhong Dahai stretched out his hand and shook Lin Feihang’s hand, but he firmly grasped Lin Feihang’s hand.

Zhong Dahai wanted to give Lin Feihang a chance to get rid of him.

Lin Feihang immediately took advantage of the situation and violently pulled, directly hitting the shoulder of Zhong Dahai.

Zhong Dahai was taken aback and just wanted to move, but Lin Feihang’s left hand suddenly pressed Zhong Dahai’s right shoulder.

Lu Xuanying was also taken aback when she saw the two men clashed with swords.

With Zhong Dahai’s character, maybe the two will definitely fight for a while, but what is certain is that she will definitely face Lin Feihang.

Lu Xuanying couldn’t help squeezing her fists.

Just as Lin Feihang tilted his head and whispered directly in Zhong Dahai’s ear.

Zhong Dahai wanted to push Lin Feihang away, but Lin Feihang’s words made Zhong Dahai stop directly.

Not only did he listen carefully to what Lin Feihang said, but his face changed wonderfully.

Lin Feihang talked with Zhong Dahai for two minutes, but Zhong Dahai didn’t push Lin Feihang away directly, and even asked Lin Feihang with his head tilted back.

Seeing this scene of the two people instantly made everyone present feel a little confused.

It was a situation that might have to fight.

What did Lin Feihang say to Zhong Dahai? Can Zhong Dahai calm down directly? Even listening carefully?

Lin Feihang had a very good impression of Zhong Dahai.

He is bold and righteous, and he doesn’t stick to the trivialities, and he can even help his friends.

Although Zhong Dahai had used many illegal methods in the process of making his fortune, Lin Feihang didn’t care about them.

And Zhong Dahai’s problem is very big!

It is not a business problem, but a reason from himself and his family.

Zhong Dahai started his family by demolition in his early years. When he was young, he had a lot of disputes with others. When he was in his twenties, he used to guard his brother. It was that time that blocking the knife caused Zhong Dahai to have a big problem.

It was when Zhong Dahai was 24 years old. He entered the hospital with five knives in his body. He almost didn’t get rescued. He walked behind the ghost gate. He lay in the hospital for five months. When he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor told him clearly. After him, it is very likely that it will be extremely difficult for him to have a child in the future.

The doctor was right. Zhong Dahai has indeed been unable to have children since then. He tried his best to even go abroad to do test-tube babies, but he did not succeed. This is also the reason for his divorce from his first wife.

And with his success and fame, not having children is already a part of his heart disease.

Although Zhong Dahai is indeed very successful in business, his interpersonal relationship and reputation are also very good. The brother he used to block the knife in the past is still his best brother and his right arm.

It seems all this is very happy. This made his heart disease magnified a lot.

Zhong Dahai had many women and made a lot of efforts, but none of them succeeded.

But until he met Wan Caixia.

Wan Caixia was originally one of his many mistresses, but she became pregnant three months after she met Zhong Dahai. The child was born smoothly, and he was still a boy. Zhong Dahai also did a paternity test. The son is indeed His own!

Zhong Dahai feels that his life is happy from then on.

This is why Zhong Dahai spoils his wife so much.

Wan Caixia also developed an arrogant temper because she was spoiled by Zhong Dahai.

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