I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 965: Copying the body, the place where demons are conquered

Qing Nami suddenly exclaimed, the cause and effect she mentioned was very bizarre, or very strange.

Such a scene of cause and effect appeared, so that even Su Mingcheng and Su Gucheng were slightly stunned for a moment.

At any time, the two of them looked at Su Li with a very strange and unbelievable look.

Among them, Su Gucheng showed a very special emotion. It was an emotion that seemed to have thousands of words to say but didn't know where to start.

After this emotion emerged, even the extremely powerful murderous intention that Su Mingcheng had previously contained was completely restrained.

Immediately, Su Mingcheng gathered in his eyes with a special mysterious aura. When he stared at Su Li, a very powerful and pure source of hope aura emerged from his eyes.

What is the ability contained in the eyes formed by this aura?

Su Li knew this very well. This was a special 'locking method'!

This method was used by Su Li to deal with some extremely powerful people who could not be locked by the Eye of Heaven.

Moreover, after using this method, after Su Li has locked onto the enemy, he can use methods such as Heaven's Secret to reverse fate and Heaven's Secret to subvert fate to target the enemy.

At this time, when Su Mingcheng used this method to 'observe' Su Li, Su Li immediately noticed the other party's lock!

Not only that, Su Li was extremely shocked to find that the other party's locking method almost had a sign of being locked by the 'system'.

In other words, the other party has even taken certain steps in these aspects and has glimpsed some very important causes and effects!

The other party obviously had no way of knowing at this time. Their simple action directly exposed everything.

After all, this world exists in a time gap and has 'connectivity', so almost no one would think that this subtle point would be a problem.

But just as Su Li was 'taught a lesson' by Feng Qianwei when he came into contact with the glass beads very early on, he was deeply impressed.

Especially before, the system even exercised its 'locking' ability almost intentionally!

When his own 'locking' ability is extremely powerful, now he will immediately become extremely sensitive when faced with other people's special means of locking.

And if it was not certain that Hu Chen had a problem before, then when Su Mingcheng mobilized an extremely weak locking ability, Su Li's heart was completely convinced.

It was a real result that made him a little angry, a little helpless, and at the same time extremely disappointed.

He always thought that some things would slowly get better, but in fact...

Su Li's thoughts flashed across his mind, but he still looked at Qing Nami with a calm expression, and at the same time did not respond to the other party's surprised inquiry.

On the contrary, after Su Mingcheng restrained all his murderous intentions, Su Mingcheng's 'locking' ability was quietly displayed in an instant.

Then, he seemed to also 'see' a series of information on Su Li.

However, at this time, Su Mingcheng's eyes showed a hint of astonishment, because all the scenes he saw were white fog and white snowflakes.

It's like the white screen with snowflakes on an old TV set after there is no signal.

This is the move he made through the original eye of the 'source of hope', and the information deduced has no information at all!

At this time, Su Mingcheng was also quite wary, and immediately restrained all his deductions and peeps, but he found something strange, that he was not counterattacked!

Under normal circumstances, once the corresponding information cannot be truly detected, there will probably be some backlash.

But at the moment, he didn't see through the other party, but he didn't get backlashed either, even though Su Mingcheng was actually ready for backlash!

Su Mingcheng was silent for a long time, and then suddenly said: Su Li, are you really the Su Li from the Su family? The Su Li who married the Fang family's eldest daughter and married into the Fang family because the Su family wiped out the family?

The battle between the three parties seemed to have suddenly fallen into a brief state of silence because of Su Li's appearance.

Even the tense atmosphere before immediately changed a lot.

If you don't know, you might even think that these four people have seen each other for a long time and have a deep friendship.

It doesn't matter who I am, it matters who you are.

Su Li spoke calmly, and then his eyes fell on Su Mingcheng, and then asked: As for what you just looked at, did you feel comfortable?

When Su Mingcheng heard this, he was slightly startled and said, What are you looking at?

Su Li said: What are you looking at? Of course you are looking at my information and my heritage.

When Su Mingcheng heard this, he suddenly felt that something bad had happened. The other party had discovered it!

But the next moment, he immediately noticed that something was wrong. If the other party discovered it, wouldn't the other party cause even greater backlash to him?

But now he is not being attacked, but it just shows that the other party is probably just cheating and scaring him, rather than really finding out!

Su Mingcheng said in a deep voice: Look at you? Are you inferring from you? Maybe you are overthinking. I just think you look like our clan brother, so I have some thoughts.

Su Li said lightly: Do you think I'm cheating? Do you think you haven't been attacked because I didn't notice it?

Su Li's tone was as calm as ever.

Su Mingcheng's heart skipped a beat, but he still didn't admit it.

Su Li said in a deep voice: You guys set up here and put on a good show, but in fact, I can see through everything at a glance. So there is no need to hide and hide, just take out Use your own methods!

When Su Mingcheng heard this, he couldn't help but frown deeply: Whether it's Su Li or not, what happened between us this time has nothing to do with you.

Su Li said: Since you are here this time, since you have met me, then you should hand over the soul-eating beads that Qing Nami mentioned before.

When Qing Nami heard this, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened: Su Li, since you are 'Su Li', how dare you say this!

Su Li said: I won't talk too much nonsense with you, either fight or die!

When Qing Nami heard this, she couldn't help but laugh: Really? Is it just you?

Su Li said: You don't have to show such disdain. If you really are disdainful, you don't need to build such a big formation, and even arrange various ancient killing formations everywhere here. Are you intercepting me? Isn't it because you want to stage a drama similar to a counter-calculation?

Do you think I will intervene in your life-and-death struggle to help you or them? And then stab him in the back at another critical moment?

It seems like a very low-level plan, and it is also very crude, but in fact the effect is very good. It is a pity that before coming here, I have thought of all the possibilities, including the situation in front of me.

Su Li's expression was calm, and he overturned all the other party's 'arrangements' with just one sentence.

This is equivalent to exposing the opponent's plan in person, and truly alerting the enemy!

However, Su Li's ability through meditation is truly top-notch!

Under such circumstances, Su Li didn't need to resort to tricks.

At this time, when Su Mingcheng saw that Su Li did not seem to be cheating or testing something, his expression suddenly became much colder.

However, the three of them did not take the initiative to expose anything. Even if Su Li really saw the clues, the three of them did not join forces immediately.

At this time, Qing Nami stared at Su Li with a cold expression.

Su Li walked towards Su Mingcheng step by step.

Not far from Su Mingcheng, Su Gucheng's eagle-like cold eyes were always locked on Su Li.

At the same time, from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Su Mingcheng from time to time, and Su Mingcheng responded with a 'be patient' look.

It seems that you still have your persistence.

Su Li spoke calmly, and then said: So, I will send you to reincarnation.

While Su Li was speaking, a long sword with a cold glow suddenly appeared in his hand. This was the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

Then, Su Li suddenly pointed at Su Mingcheng with his sword, and suddenly said: Let's take action.

Su Mingcheng was silent for a long time and said, It seems that you are already determined.

Su Li said: Yes, now your purpose of delaying time has been achieved.

Su Mingcheng was finally slightly moved at this time. He had been unwilling to believe that Su Li had indeed discovered many causes and consequences, so he had been dealing with them carefully.

Now, he truly realized that Su Li had really spied something, and it was very possible that he had even spied on their layout here!

If this is true, then it will be much more difficult to target this Su Li.

Therefore, Su Mingcheng's expression became uncertain at this time.

Su Gucheng suddenly said: Su Li, don't you want to know the cause and effect of Fang Yuening, the eldest daughter of the Fang family? This time, as long as you cooperate and show some good attitude, there is still a chance.

Otherwise, it will only become an eternal regret in your life.

Su Gucheng's words were cold and stern, but they also carried a resounding firmness.

It seemed that as long as Su Li was stubborn, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Su Li said: Isn't it better this way? Let's open the skylight and speak plainly. It can't help but make it so complicated!

As for the eternal regret of my life?

If it's just you or the three of you, it's still not enough.

After saying that, Su Li smiled jokingly and said, But if we add another Yamina, we might be able to fight with me.

Su Li's words made Su Gucheng's eyes shrink violently again.

At the same time, Qing Nami's face finally showed a look of shock that could not be concealed after Su Li mentioned 'Yamina'.

Immediately, at this time, the three people finally realized that Su Li was not testing, but had already seen through their plans from beginning to end.

It can even be said that their acting performances are probably as funny as clowns, and have long become a trick in Su Li's eyes that cannot be used on stage.

It seems...he really knows.

Qing Nami withdrew all her fighting spirit. In an instant, her temperament completely changed, becoming as deep as an abyss and as cold as an immortal from the Nine Heavens!

Qing Nami did not say this to Su Mingcheng and Su Gucheng, but seemed to be mumbling to herself.

Su Mingcheng mused: Now that you know it, just deal with it according to the result you know.

Su Gucheng said: Now that you have opened your heart, Su Li, this is your only chance, your only chance to save Fang Yuening.

Su Li said: What is salvation?

Su Gucheng frowned deeply: Su Li, you don't have to say these insincere words.

Qingna said beautifully: You are stubborn and stubborn.

Su Mingcheng said: Su Li, even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your parents and sister.

Su Li sneered: Have you become a sister again now?

Su Mingcheng said: Look, are you acquiescing?

Su Li stopped moving forward. At this time, he was less than three meters away from Su Mingcheng.

At this time, Su Li suddenly said: What is the acquiescence? Regardless of whether they are brothers, sisters, or sisters, they are just relatives. Naturally, relatives do not need to care so much. As for you, have you finished saying your last words?

Su Mingcheng was a little stunned, and Qing Nami's eyes suddenly trembled.

Because in that moment, Su Li actually took action!

And Su Li's action was like lightning, turning into a white afterimage in an instant, and then, no aura could be seen escaping.

The next moment, Qing Nami discovered that Su Mingcheng in front of him suddenly had a blood line between his eyebrows, and then a large amount of blood spurted out.


Then, Su Mingcheng's eyes widened, and even before his emotions had time to condense, his eyes began to wander.

At this time, Su Gucheng immediately realized the terrifying and almost suffocating huge gap between the two sides!

Therefore, his breathing became a little faster, and he swallowed saliva almost instinctively.

call out

It was at that moment that Su Li took action again.

The Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword in his hand turned into a stream of light in an instant, cutting the heaven and earth suddenly, and stabbed Nasu Gucheng fiercely in an instant.

Su Gucheng's figure suddenly rose up, as his blood evolved into endless dragon veins in his breath. After the dragon veins gathered together, the sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring appeared in his body.

Then, waves of extremely terrifying and demon-like aura of destruction sprang up in his body.

Such a breath is extremely powerful and terrifying!

The moment it appeared, Su Li immediately realized that it was the aura of the Ancestral Dragon Demon.

As expected, it is you damn people who participated in the clone plan and have always regarded such an area as a real harvesting place and a real laboratory!

Even in this process, a method similar to memory resonance is used to steal the core information and secrets to provide for the growth of those bastard things. It is a typical case of forgetting one's ancestors!

Su Li scolded coldly.

At this time, the murderous intent surged in his heart.

He has never wanted to kill everything here so much!



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