I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 964: The reason for selling blood, the result of being a creditor

Pretending? Are you even worthy of Qing Nami? You don't even have the strength to fight back against me, and you want us to join forces? You really are so self-righteous to the extreme!

The man named 'Su Mingcheng' sneered, with a hint of joking in his words.

On the other side, the man in white clothes and sword suit, who looked extremely cold and arrogant, Su Gucheng, also had a hint of disdain at this time.

It was as if what Qing Nami said was a huge humiliation and insult to him.

His aloof and aloof attitude seems extremely real.

However, in Su Li's view, this kind of performance is not that perfect in terms of acting skills. Su Li's ability in this area has now reached its peak, and he is now in a state of eighteen levels of life heritage, in a state of unity of knowledge and action. , The state of being single-minded in the way of heaven can have a very profound discernment between truth and falsehood.

This ability originates from the Eye of Hundred Tribulations.

Although the system is in a blocked and anti-virus state, Su Li's own abilities have been further highlighted. Coupled with Su Li's 'invincible meditation' on himself, the upper limit of his abilities can be infinitely increased in such a place.

Now here, he is not afraid at all when facing the 'Wang Emperor', and he is even confident enough to fight a battle, and even win it!

After all, he relied on fantasy to fight. In fact, he had already learned this aspect in the fantasy world.

At that time, when he was still as weak as an ant, the abilities of Zhuge Qianyun and Su Ho were comparable to peerless gods in his opinion.

But he can still shoot out Zhuge Qianyun's eyes and chop off Su Ho's head.

On what basis?

It’s the ability to imagine!

In the ancestral land of China, there is an old saying that spiritual practice is everywhere, as far as our thoughts go, we can go as far as we can.

The point of this sentence is how powerful thoughts are.

And what this kind of thinking embodies in this world is the ability of 'meditation'.

In this regard, in the fantasy world, Su Li had already experimented countless times, and was even treated as a powerful soul race alien because of this. It could be said that he was inexplicably burdened with a reason for being targeted without knowing it.

Now, with Su Li's ability, he could instantly see through such a 'layout'.

Every layout must have a purpose.

So, what is their purpose?

In this case, then, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger cub?

Su Li planned to explore the truth and see what exactly such a causal arrangement would lead to.

When Su Li thought about it, a breath appeared. At this time, in the world behind Qing Nami, the hazy fog began to dissipate, revealing an ancient mysterious spiritual realm.

This is a place where bones are buried, but once the twilight haze and hazy air currents between heaven and earth are completely clear, you can see very far away.

From here, Su Li saw a field that contained a special aura of life, like a mirage scene.

But Su Li knew that it was by no means a mirage, but a real realm.

That place contains a special breath of life similar to the light blue baby of the system elf, and even...

At this moment, Su Li thought of another scene in Su Li's mind like light blue selling blood...

This blood was studied and then evolved into the realm of life elves.

And this is also the case, from the blood essence of selling blood, a special Queen of Life Yamina was born!

Therefore, a certain name of the system was Yamina.

Even Liyang appeared in a certain name of the system.

Lieyang has been confirmed to have a huge shadow of Wangchen's cause and effect, which can be traced back to the current Emperor Wang, or the former Su Wangchen who is now Hu Chen.

At this time, in this flash of lightning, Su Li vaguely sensed a scene as if on a whim. Su Wangchen was squeezing the system. The system was selling blood, similar to how Su Li was suppressed by the Twelve-Element Magnetic Divine Light Array and then harvested in the ancestral land of the Su family. , this is called 'selling blood'.

This was not the initiative of the system, but that Su Wangchen knew that he was valuable and took the initiative to be harvested in order to show sincerity and exchange for benefits.

In this way, it is euphemistically called selling blood.

In fact, it is active cooperation and continuous squeezing and harvesting of the system.

Others sucked souls and lives from the system, but they didn't know it and thought they were sucking the original Su Wangchen.

And Su Wangchen used this to show his invincibility. Even though I was harvested, I am still so powerful and invincible!

Therefore, Su Wangchen will be taken more seriously and gain endless resources.

This is a way to clean up and cash out.

In other words, this can be seen as a transaction method similar to the 'No. 8 Pawnshop'. Su Wangchen has been selling the immortal blood of 'Immortal Light Blue' in exchange for countless abilities and resources. In the end, if there is no such thing, we can get early loans, overdrafts, etc.

So much so that he owed a huge sum of money.

Why did Su Wangchen do this?

Naturally, the system is too powerful!

Naturally, he couldn't control the system, so he wanted to completely control it because Su Wangchen knew very well that once he completely controlled the system permissions, he could create the invincible Moonlight Box, and everything could be completely changed by 'time and space travel'!

In fact, he almost succeeded!

At this time, Su Li captured such a scene in his mind like lightning, and for a moment, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

In the past, he had always been very curious. Qing Lan sold his blood and was heavily in debt. Who did he sell his blood to, how did he sell it, and who was the creditor?

In the past, he had never been able to figure out the answer to this question, but now, without deliberately thinking about it, when he meditated on his invincibility and power in such a world, this information appeared naturally.

This is……

The extremely terrible truth.

In other words, if Hu Chen is really a traitor today...

That would be very scary.

There are three directions. In one direction, Hu Chen is still just a wave, but he has become a super spy chess piece in the hands of others without knowing it.

The second direction is that today's Hu Chen is indeed just a wave, and has not been controlled very much, but he has become completely independent, forming a 'spare tire' reserved for use by those special beings, so he can Survive in the cracks and yet be so nourishing.

The third direction is that Hu Chen knows what he is doing and is so ambitious that he does not hesitate to infinitely divide his own will, self-will and super-ego will, and wants to kill three corpses in three different identities.

If it is the first direction, you have to be careful when dealing with it, but you can still play the game.

If it is the second direction, then although Hu Chen is a waste, he is not too hateful, and there is still room for redemption.

And if it's the third one...

That...this will be Su Li's biggest enemy in his life.

Su Li didn't want to be the third one, but according to certain rules, the more undesirable things were, the more unlucky they would be!

Therefore, if it is the third direction, then letting Hu Chen establish a dojo in the system field is the biggest mistake. This is a fatal failure.

In addition, if Hu Chen lost the fortune pen at a critical moment, then was the pen really lost accidentally? Or was it Hu Chen who was just pretending to show his sincerity and actively ‘offered’ it?

It's hard to say anything.

Su Li's figure was frozen in place, and he didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, he actually didn't want to talk at all.

When he was still very weak, he still couldn't figure out many things even if he knew the answers.

And when he is already very powerful, now he is meditating on being completely invincible in this world. This has a certain basis of cause and effect. If he wants to refine the void and return to the real, then he can really become invincible.

So when he is already strong, even if he doesn't know the answer to many things, he can figure it out as if on a whim.

Such an opportunity was rare, but Su Li did not use this ability to madly understand the unknown cause and effect.

Because virtue is still unmatched.

No matter how powerful and invincible you imagine yourself to be here, once you adapt to this method, once you learn in advance the consequences that you cannot afford, this is the most terrifying and deadly prison of the truth.

In other words, the fact that he was meditating on his invincibility has been 'discovered', so the 'truth' also passed on by the enemy was made available to him in the form of a cage!

Therefore, if Su Li continues to dig out more and more terrifying truths, the final result... is self-evident.

Now, Su Li only noticed such a little bit of cause and effect, and immediately understood the terrible trap hidden in it. Therefore, his heart immediately became empty and he stopped thinking wildly.

Some of the previous fatal judgments also turned into clouds in an instant and dissipated in Su Li's core treasure The Emperor's Book of Classics.

In this way, Su Li naturally does not need to worry about being imprisoned by the truth.

Sure enough, the moment the thought came up, Su Li noticed that the rules and atmosphere between heaven and earth had become different.

He was deep in thought, and then immediately dissipated the last stray thought.

Like the clouds are light and the wind is gentle, the heart is like still water, and the ancient well has no waves.

All these moments are like being born in the dark, existing in an instant, and fleeting in an instant.

Therefore, after the slightest sign of the change in the void appeared, it gradually calmed down quickly.

Seeing this scene, Su Li felt even more relieved, but also became more certain about some things.

At this time, Su Li looked at the realm of life elves behind Qing Nami with his profound eyes.

This time, Su Li was extremely sure that the birth of the Life Elf Realm itself originated from certain elven bloodlines of the system's light blue baby.

After all, the blood aura of the light blue baby is indeed very similar to the aura in the life realm behind Qing Nami. However, the light blue baby is now invincible due to system transformation and evolution, so that noble aura The quality of the breath and the blood is far beyond the kind of foundation in the realm of life elves.

On this point, after being in contact with the light blue baby for so long, Su Li already had a very clear judgment in his mind.

At this time, in the realm of life elves, there was an extremely strong aura of the origin of life.

And this kind of original breath of life is also extremely complicated.

After Su Li activated the Eye of Hundred Calamities for a moment, he immediately sensed the extremely complicated changes in the patterns and totems of the rules of heaven and earth.

Among them, arrays of formations cover the distant wind and sand, preventing the chaotic sand from getting close to this beautiful world of life.

It's like a world of myths and legends that is isolated from the world. At the end of the endless dirty, desolate, desolate and dilapidated place, a miracle of life and rules manifests itself.

At this time, Su Li was thoughtful, and after sensing it with the Eye of Hundred Calamities, he seemed to sense the ultimate comfort and comfort in the realm of the life elves, and the ultimate sense of intoxication and sinking that made people forget to leave.

This feeling……

It seems like that special dream kept flying forward in the darkness, and then encountered the kind of scenery...

Su Li felt awe-struck, and immediately realized why the life elf realm would not appear in reality.

It seems that some kind of research... failed, so much so that there was a collapse.

But this time, this scene is in a pause or gap in time, in order to be well 'embedded' into reality.

Therefore, the realm of life elves cannot exist.

But this time, he was 'drawn' into this place, and I'm afraid that the original intention and purpose was to revive 'Pseudo Light Blue'.

After Su Li's thoughts flashed through his mind, he immediately grasped the truth.

Therefore, he immediately withdrew the Eye of Hundred Calamities Cave and Darkness, and at the same time, there was a bit of strange color in his eyes.

For some causes and effects, the most fearful thing is never how complicated and terrifying the cause and effect is, but rather not knowing the core purpose of the cause and effect.

In other words, no matter what the other party does, what is Su Li's biggest reliance now?

It’s the system!

Therefore, if you protect the system well and protect it well, you will be almost invincible!

Therefore, anything you do can actually be done with the core purpose of protecting the system. Then you will not be afraid of any means of the other party, nor of any repeated jumps by the other party.

Being strong has powerful benefits. With the ability of Three Thousand Avenues, many causes and effects can be seen at a glance, but it is also equivalent to directly peeking into the enemy's core plan and purpose, which will directly make the enemy crazy, crazy and even collapse!

So...it's quite interesting.

Su Li also sneered in his heart.

At this time, after Su Li figured it out, he directly used the Great Karma and Great Destiny Technique to annihilate all causes and effects, leaving no flaws and not allowing any existence to have any chance to peep.

Immediately, Su Li stepped into the void with a calm expression and walked in the air.

At this time, he looked indifferent to the battle ahead. As for Qing Nami and the others who suddenly noticed his arrival, Su Li didn't care at all.


Suddenly, Qing Namei scolded in an extremely cold voice.

At the same time, there was a deeper sense of vigilance and fear in her beautiful eyes.

It seemed that she also mistook Su Li for Su Mingcheng and Su Gucheng.

She was already stretched thin by the two of them, and if she added a 'Su Li' with a deep aura, she would naturally be very passive.

Su Li did not stop, but continued to fly in the air so fast that he almost flew over the heads of the three of them!

At this time, Naqing Namei suddenly said in confusion, shock and anger: Su Li, are you Su Li? The Su Li who was abandoned by the eldest lady of the Fang family and then exposed his body in the wilderness?

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