I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 953 Children and daughters share the same cause and effect.

The crystal coffin began to vibrate.

It's like an instinctive resistance.

However, as Su Wangchen murmured, this resistance gradually disappeared.

Su Wangchen's hand still touched the transparent crystal coffin.

On the crystal coffin, after the faint glow dissipated little by little, the crystal clear color also began to dim quickly.

Then, countless rays of light converged into a little girl in a green dress.

After her shadow gradually condensed, her slightly blurry but extremely delicate and cute little face showed a close, sincere and expectant smile, and she shouted delicately: Daddy, you are here...

Ten years of life and death are uncertain. If you don't think about it, you will never forget it.

A lonely grave thousands of miles away, no place to speak of desolation.

Su Wangchen's heart was greatly touched, and these two sentences kept flowing in his heart.

He stood there numbly, as if he was a little distracted.

At this time, wisps of hot energy came from the palm of his other hand, which was the energy from the source of the Nirvana Flame transmitted by Jiang Luan.


Jiang Luan's voice seemed distant and extremely ethereal, as if it was far away in the horizon, and also like a dream.

Su Wangchen was stunned for a while, then came back to his senses, only to see that the crystal coffin in front of him had already disappeared.

Among them, there was no little girl, let alone that coquettish and bright smile.

There is no closeness or expectation.

Some are still just nothing.

Su Wangchen sighed softly and said, I'm sorry, father is still late...Father, you don't deserve to be a good father.

Su Wangchen spoke softly, his tone particularly sincere.


At this time, the wind began to rise between heaven and earth.

Like gusts of dark wind, sweeping across a chaotic sandstorm.

The sound of whimpering in the distance sounded like weeping.

At this time, Jiang Luan just held Su Wangchen's hand. At this time, Su Wangchen felt very wrong and was saying unknown words to everything in the void.

She was very worried. She tried calling Su Wangchen and felt that Su Wangchen had heard her.

But Su Wangchen didn't respond to her.

My child, father is here to see you.

Su Wangchen murmured softly again, his eyes and even his tone seemed extremely humble.

He looked very lonely and felt very sad.

And in such a mood, the rustling wind gradually subsided for a while.

Then, the dark wind quickly dissipated.

In the void, an unusually fuzzy little person finally condensed.

This little person could no longer condense her essence. Even if Su Wangchen didn't have the powerful 'mind's eye' ability, Su Wangchen wouldn't be able to see such a little girl.

After such a little girl appeared, Su Wangchen felt indescribably excited, or his heart was filled with extremely complex emotions.

After the little girl appeared, her appearance gradually took shape, and she actually looked a bit like Mei'er.

But this kind of resemblance is just a special temperament similarity of the charming heart, not Meier.

Su Wangchen stared at the little girl. In his eyes, her appearance was somewhat blurred, not particularly clear, just like the image in a low-quality pixel video, with some distortion.

However, the look in those big eyes was too vivid and clear.

These large and innocent eyes can even reflect this mysterious and mysterious land that is almost twisted and ugly.

Su Wangchen just stayed there, staring straight at the little girl.

The little girl raised her head, blinked her big, bright black eyes, and said coquettishly with a look of intimacy and pleading: Daddy, don't kill your brother, okay? My brother will definitely get better and will be obedient. of.

As she spoke, she approached Su Wangchen and seemed to be shaking Su Wangchen's thigh.

Su Wangchen vaguely felt two chubby porcelain white hands on his thighs, pushing gently, very weakly.

Su Wangchen's mouth moved but he said nothing.

Dad, my brother will definitely not turn into the Ancestral Dragon Demon. He will definitely not. My brother is so cute! Yunyun will definitely not let his brother turn into the Ancestral Dragon Demon! Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao will also help stop it! Daddy , just agree! Promise not to let your brother suffer anymore.

The little girl's hand was still pushing his thigh.

Su Wangchen instinctively reached out and took the little girl's hand. The hand seemed not small, but very cold.

When I got it, it was cold.




Suddenly, some vague sounds came from my ears.

Then, Su Wangchen's heart trembled slightly, and he suddenly woke up a little from an indescribable 'dream'-like state.

Then he saw that at some point, he had held Jiang Luan's hand tightly in his palm.

And there was a bit of sadness in Jiang Luan's slightly gloomy and anxious eyes.

It was as if she had seen his doomsday catastrophe, with a look of extreme regret and sorrow.

With this look in his eyes, Su Wangchen found that he could immediately understand Jiang Luan's feelings of regret and intolerance, and at the same time, he was also very powerless.

Su Wangchen's expression was solemn, and then he looked around again, but he could no longer see the little girl.

In fact, there is no relevant causal aura in the void.

Even the Canggu stone tablet, the ghost paper flying in the void, the aura of the crystal coffin in the void in all directions, and the aura of the sinister wind have all dissipated.

Su Wangchen was thoughtful, then calmed down a bit, looked at Jiang Luan with gentle eyes, and said softly: Jiang Luan, I'm fine, what's wrong with you?

After Jiang Luan shook his head slightly, he pursed his lips, lowered his head slightly, and closed his eyes.

In the corners of her eyes, tears had condensed into strands of ice beads.

Her body temperature seemed to have started to become very, very low.

How is this going?

Is this supposed to be the exhaustion of potential in order to awaken him?

Su Wangchen thought for a while, gathered the source of merit and hope, and tried to deliver it to Jiang Luan, but Jiang Luan shook his head gently and said softly: Is it true that this time we will be replaced by karma?

Su Wangchen shook his head and said: No, as long as my original intention exists, it will not be overturned by cause and effect. Do you know what I saw before?

Jiang Luan fell silent.

Su Wangchen said: It doesn't matter what you saw, what matters is what I saw. That's the key.

But our feelings will not be affected by any external factors. Do you understand this?

Jiang Luan was slightly startled when he heard this.

Su Wangchen said: Most of what you see is not good, but the reality will definitely not be like this. In other words, even reality, reality will definitely change, and what I am doing now, It’s changing all that.”

Jiang Luan was thoughtful, and after a while he said softly: I'm sorry, I just hope you have a good life...

Su Wangchen said: I know, but my good is also your good. Only if you are good and you are happy, will I be good.

Jiang Luan's heart suddenly warmed a little, and she no longer resisted the powerful source of merit and hope provided by Su Wangchen.

She saw some cause and effect, and did it with the intention of fulfilling it, but Su Wangchen was instantly upset and told her not to be 'stupid' like this.

Therefore, Jiang Luan felt a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Luan said softly: Well, I have completely understood. In the final analysis, I was misled by the special cause and effect, thinking that I would help you... In fact, this is actually a kind of cruelty.

Su Wangchen said: It's good if you can understand this. In fact, things this time are not complicated.

Buried here is... Jiang Yufei's 'son' who killed her son to achieve enlightenment.

But in fact, this is a huge layout. This son is not only a son, but also a daughter.

The word son is good.

As for this child, the cause and effect and destiny have actually been intercepted long ago, so the so-called younger brother...

Do you know Meng Siyun?

Do you know Meng Siyan?

Jiang Yufei’s two children…

Jiang Yufei's own cause and effect was almost taken over by Li Juan.

Because the fate of Li Juan's two children had already overturned the child in Jiang Yufei's womb, and because they wanted to imitate the murder of their children to achieve enlightenment, there were many causes and consequences for their children's suicide in the womb.

But the child actually survived.

These children are Meng Siyun and Meng Siyan.

Meng Siyun was afraid that I would kill Meng Siyan, so she begged me not to kill her brother.

Jiang Luan was a little shocked when he heard this.

You know, Su Wangchen said these words to her in his heart.

But the truth behind these words is terrifying!

Such truth...

Lift it up like this...

Could it be that Li Juan is going to become Su Wangchen's mother?

And Su Wangchen seems to be involved with Su Renhuang...

This is really terrifying!

When Jiang Luan heard this part of the information, his scalp immediately went numb.

The key is that Su Wangchen actually shared this kind of information with her in a tacit understanding!

In other words, Su Wangchen has decided to hide nothing from her and live and die together!

Jiang Luan was moved and regretful at the same time. The regret was not because he was afraid of death, not because he was worried about being wiped out after acquiring such a big secret, but because... Su Wangchen shouldn't tell such a secret.

If you tell it, the secret may not be kept!

Stop, stop talking!

Jiang Luan's beautiful eyes were both moved and deeply worried.

Su Wangchen said: It's okay. Since we can talk about it, we can naturally solve it.

Jiang Luan was a little confused because she couldn't understand Su Wangchen's words this time.

Su Wangchen responded softly and tactfully: Actually... that brother has been killed.

Hearing this, Jiang Luan's beautiful eyes suddenly widened: Ah, then...that's not murder...who, who killed...

Jiang Luan was in chaos.

She was by no means a person who would lose her balance easily, but Su Wangchen's words at this time were too shocking!

This was even scarier than the secret Su Wangchen told her before.

Su Wangchen sighed softly and said, Maybe it's me, maybe it's not me. This question may or may not have an answer.

Jiang Luan could no longer understand.

She deeply understood that this was no longer a topic that could be continued.

Su Wangchen added: No need to worry. After all, since I have said it out, the cause and effect of this scene has actually been solved. After all, I haven't killed you now, right? And this 'reminder' has actually been done by me. You totally get it, don’t you?”

Jiang Luan was thoughtful, then nodded silently and said, Yes, I understand.

Su Wangchen said: The pattern and changes here are very complicated, including the changes of 'Resurrection of the Solitary Evil' and 'Demon Killing the World'.

This change comes from the Ancestral Dragon Demon.

Jiang Luan said: Ancestral Dragon Demon...

Su Wangchen said: You should understand the specific composition of this thing, right? It is formed by replicating the earth's veins and evolving the blood, and uses its own blood to form the 'Earth Dragon Vein' pattern...

Jiang Luan said: What do you mean...

Su Wangchen said: Yes, I am going to transform into the Ancestral Dragon Demon. This is also part of my destiny of 'Resurrection of the Solitary Evil' and 'Demon Killing the World'.

Jiang Luan said: Then... what should we do?

Su Wangchen said: That child will give certain guidance.

There was a hint of thought in Jiang Luan's beautiful eyes.

Of course, her mood was indeed very heavy.

The fate of this child is really miserable.

Now, even under such a miserable fate, this child seems to be trying his best to save something.

What is it that saves?

Maybe it's the relationship between her father and mother, or maybe it's her way of protecting her younger brother.

Jiang Luan did not speak again.

Su Wangchen breathed out a breath of turbid air, and then flew up.

In the void, there is a faint wisp of soul energy. This is a kind of soul energy that nourishes the soul.

The veins of the soul-nurturing land formed a huge word 'death'.

The area in front is the soul-nurturing land in the area with the word 'dagger'.

And where is the soul-nurturing place in the area with the character ‘xi’?

That is the place close to the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea, or in other words, the place where the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea takes root, which is actually here.

After Su Wangchen flew into the sky, he vaguely felt the soul energy of the soul nourishing land filling his neck.

He clearly felt that the little girl's existence was approaching him, and she tried to guide him on such a way forward.

Next, Su Wangchen quickly approached the mysterious dagger-shaped area.

Here, his own energy and blood surged, and there seemed to be a mysterious and strange army in the void in all directions.

Among these strange things, Su Wangchen not only saw many ‘old friends’, but he even saw existences such as Su Li and even Meier among them.

This scene seems to exist in the long river of time, as if it exists in the past.

Su Wangchen did not take action against these people. At this time, he had relied on a special secret method to develop dragon veins and transformed into the Ancestral Dragon Demon.

The powerful Ancestral Dragon Demon could actually suppress all the causes and effects here, but Su Wangchen did not do so.

While transforming into the Ancestral Dragon Demon, Su Wangchen involved Jiang Luan into the first level of his memory restricted area in order to avoid some special accidents.

At the same time, Jiang Luan was also asked to help her control everything in the outside world more clearly, and when necessary, she could give him some reminders once he lost his mind.


Suddenly, a bloody explosion exploded in the void.

Then, a colorful crystal coffin burst out of the air and slammed into the center of the soul-nurturing ground.

Afterwards, a large number of ghosts gathered.

But soon, the colorful crystal coffin bloomed with boundless charm, and under the mysterious light, endless ghosts were harvested in pieces.

Soon, these ghosts were completely cleared away.

At the same time, a large amount of dragon vein aura and extremely mysterious rune fluorescence began to escape from time to time in the void.

And those mysterious runes were directly deciphered by Su Wangchen at this time.

Su Wangchen recited the poem again. Ten Years of Life and Death.

When such verses are recited, it is as if Pandora's box has been opened.

In the void in all directions, after the endless runes gathered, they began to release light and enveloped the four directions.

At this time, the blood in the colorful crystal coffin began to boil violently.

A lot of bubbles flew out.

In each bubble, there are wisps of ghosts struggling in it, and then they are carried by the bubbles to fly to the entire Jingyang Village, and even enter the distant dream-like killing scene of the suppressed 'Headkiller' among.

Soon, after all the bubbles boiled out, there were actually two rows of practitioners standing neatly in the huge square of Jingyang Village!

Among them, there are a row of 10,000 young talents on the left. Each of these young talents is as powerful as a purple-robed quasi-king!

And in the row on the right, there are a total of 10,000 talented girls. Each of them is equally as powerful as the purple-robed quasi-king!

Seeing so many young men and women of such a high level at one glance, the scene was extremely shocking.

Su Wangchen's eyes narrowed, knowing that the real 'step' was coming.

But at this time, Su Su Wangchen only felt a sudden light on his neck.

The invisible shadow of the little girl in the green princess dress seemed to fly out and rush into the chaotic light.



Come on... Yunyun... you will be obedient. Yunyun doesn't blame dad...

In the void, the sound of wind seemed to be echoing like weeping and complaining.

At that moment, Su Wangchen's eyes immediately became extremely bright.

The first scene of the prosperous scene in Jingyang Village kicked off at this moment.

And with Su Wangchen's current strength and ability, it is obvious that he cannot and cannot deal with such an existence.

Even if Su Wangchen could resonate with some of Wangdi's abilities at this time, he still couldn't deal with the murderous intention of such an array of hundreds of thousands of geniuses.

In particular, this place is a real soul-nurturing place. Create a soul-nurturing place in the reincarnation passage of the secret realm of the underworld, and support the cause and effect of 'Jingyang Village'...

It can only be said that it is not the most cruel, only more cruel.

Only beings like Li Juanying can do this kind of thing.


The solution has actually been available for a long time.

Whether it's Su Li or Su Wangchen...

In fact, I have experienced killing in Jingyang Village several times.

This time...

It's time to show off your real skills!

Wangchen, don't worry, leave the rear to me.

Jiang Luan's voice sounded in Su Wangchen's heart.

Su Wangchen smiled softly and said: Well, this time, we husband and wife are united to break the karma in Jingyang Village, break this dusty giant karma, and find a path of hope!

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