I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 952: The identity of the fetus in Jingyang Village

What kind of place is Jingyang Village?

This is a very mysterious and terrifying place.

Both Su Li and Su Wangchen actually have very deep memories of Jingyang Village.

Jingyang Village was a very famous village when it was destroyed in the Nirvana Era.

It is said that before the Nirvana Era came to an end, many peerless experts in the divine realm and even stronger realms gathered in Jingyang Village, preparing to take the last road.

However, at the critical moment, a black hole suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, covering Jingyang Village.

Then, Jingyang Village disappeared directly.

Of course, this is just a legend recorded in the biography in the Hall of Soul Resurrection.

No one knows whether this is true or not, because even those old monsters who have lived through this period of time and have lived for thousands of years do not actually know what is going on in Jingyang Village and why. He suddenly disappeared.

It's like many powerful people don't know why the soul-suppressing monument in the Blazing Wasteland suddenly fell down, and who exactly it killed.

Some secrets are secrets because they have been secrets since they were born...

In Su Wangchen's memory, or in Su Li's resonant memory, this place was extremely weird.

And one of the most profound memories is the willow tree by the pond at the end of the village.

It used to be a willow tree. The willow tree is a willow tree, which represents the weirdness of water.

But now it is an ancient locust tree.

The locust tree represents the strangeness of wood.

Next to the former willow tree is a ruined monument of a lonely grave. In front of the ruined monument is an old lady in black wearing a cane.

Her crutches were planted in the ground, standing upright.

She was squatting in front of the remains of the solitary tomb, actually burning the paper.

The flame of the underworld is that strange red-green flame.

After the paper burns, it will soar into the sky, fly hundreds of meters high, and burn into balls of blazing red and green flames in the void.

At this time, the sky was already filled with this weird flame, which looked a little scary.

Today, next to the old locust tree, a woman with bloody hair is squatting there quietly, burning paper money.

After the paper money burned, it also rose into the sky, flew hundreds of meters high, and ignited raging balls of blood and red-green flames in the void.

Everything completely overlaps with a certain scene in the past.

Jiang Luan instinctively moved closer to Su Wangchen, with a serious look on his face.

At this time, even with the foundation and yang energy of the Nirvana Flame all over her body, she still felt completely cold.


Jiang Luan called out in his heart.

Cold sweat had formed on her forehead, and her legs felt like they were filled with lead, unable to move at all.

Considering her background, she encountered an unusual crisis in an instant, which is evident from such an environment.

The cry of the baby in her heart made her scalp tingle and her body run cold.

Su Wangchen held Jiang Luan's hand tightly, and then circulated a ray of light source of hope.

Suddenly, Jiang Luan's heart gradually warmed up a bit, and the sinister voice from before immediately dissipated a lot.

This change made Jiang Luan immediately feel relieved.

But even so, Jiang Luan was still a little unable to move forward.

All of this is very different from the weird things I have experienced in the past.

Su Wangchen once again summoned a source of energy, and then softly recited part of the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra.

At this time, Jiang Luan's condition immediately improved a bit.

Right and wrong are all my fault. Many causes and effects will quickly dissipate.

Su Wangchen spoke softly, and then added: The origin of this Jingyang Village actually comes from the poem 'A Hundred Thousand Banners Kill Yama', so don't let this poem come true.

Su Wangchen suddenly said these two sentences.

As a result, the environment at the scene suddenly became weirder and deadlier.

At this time, the bloody-haired woman stood up quietly, and then turned around.

While her bloody hair was flying, a huge bloody mark also appeared between her eyebrows.

This is an ancient blood tower mark, and there is also a 'demon monk'-like lotus mark vaguely contained in it.

Su Wangchen narrowed his eyes slightly and said, Yun Mingxuan?

The blood-haired woman seemed to be Yun Mingxuan who disappeared from the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea, but she didn't look like it.

Is this your answer? Is this the immortal response of endless reincarnation?

Su Wangchen was not sure whether the blood-haired woman was Yun Mingxuan.

But in his memory, there should be an old woman here. This old woman is related to Hua Ziyan.

However, the reason why this scene is related to Hua Ziyan, and Hua Ziyan is still here to guard the cause and effect, is because the appearance of this scene is related to the 'shadow'.

There is no doubt that Yingying has been eyeing Hua Ziyan very early. Therefore, Hua Ziyan has always had someone who can replace her.

How similar is this scene to Su Li and Su Wangchen?

Or, is it so similar to the former Su Wangchen and Emperor Wang?

The scene from the past flashed through Su Wangchen's mind.

At this time, the blood-haired woman roared in the same voice, her voice hoarse and sinister.


Damn it, hurry up and die!

If you don't deserve to die, you should die quickly!

The lonely souls, demonic obstacles, resentments, and inner demons left in the world will all go to death.

Ghost, ghost, burn faster, and die faster.

The blood-haired woman also spoke incoherently and murmured. At the same time, a pair of sinister and blood-colored eyes glowed with a faint green light, like the eyes of a wild cat in the dark, looking a bit eerie.

Su Wangchen looked at such a pair of eyes calmly. In such a pair of strange, mysterious and terrifying eyes, Su Wangchen saw the cause and effect of the destruction of the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea.

At this time, the green light escaping from such eyes quickly covered Su Wangchen and Jiang Luan.

Su Wangchen held Jiang Luan's hand and allowed this green light to erode him, but still silently guarded Jiang Luan in the aura of the source of hope.

Jiang Luan stood behind him, while he faced the blood-haired woman head-on.

At this time, the figure of the blood-haired woman suddenly became extremely huge.


The figure of the blood-haired woman flew into the sky, and her body instantly expanded, becoming extremely tall.

Her hand pointed at Su Wangchen from a distance, and then pointed past Su Wangchen to Jiang Luan.

Then, she stabbed out with her finger, and the blow hit Jiang Luan's abdomen head-on.


There was an explosion in the void, a large amount of flames scattered and rained down.

Su Wangchen's eyes narrowed, and he punched out with a punch that was as deep as the abyss, instantly shattering the decisive blow.

The void shook, and the figure of the blood-haired woman trembled, but she stood still and did not move.

There was a strange color in her eyes, and then her eyes flashed with a cold green light, staring at Su Wangchen, as if she wanted to choose someone to devour.

After her cold eyes locked on Su Wangchen, she suddenly smiled with half of her face. It was a bloody smile, very sinister and cruel.

And in such a smile, the attack that was resolved by Su Wangchen seemed to have escaped directly into the void and suddenly disappeared.

Subsequently, the figure of the blood-haired woman also solidified into nothingness, and went directly into the lonely tomb of the ruined monument.

The lonely grave has returned to calm, and there are still a large number of ghost papers burning blazingly in the sky.

However, at this time, there were some strange words on the ruined stele: The tomb of my son Su Li, Mu Qingya was established in...

However, before these strange words appeared, Su Wangchen suddenly gathered all the power of his heart and soul, then meditated on the Huangji Jingshi Book, mobilized the creation pen, and took out a creation pen in one fell swoop.


Su Wangchen raised his hand to use the fortune pen. This fortune pen came from Su Li.

When Su Wangchen left, Su Li lent this pen.

So, this is a huge gamble.

But this was also because Su Wangchen gave Su Li a big wake-up call with memory resonance, making Su Li realize that Hu Chen had a big problem.

That's why Su Li did this.

Of course, if the other half of the Creation Pen is lost, Su Li still has a way to regain his. The Creation Pen is bound to the system and can be summoned back at any time.

Therefore, Su Li is actually not worried.

But Su Li did not dare to give this pen of creation to Hu Chen because Su Wangchen was still within Su Li's 'control', while Hu Chen was completely detached and completely out of control.

Su Li would never dare to take risks with such an existence.

At this time, Su Wangchen used the pen of creation to mobilize the destiny information in the Huangji Jingshi Book, and with a fierce stroke, he directly scratched out the words on the stone tablet like a destiny cut by destiny!

When that stroke was drawn fiercely, the void suddenly exploded.

At this time, the empty energy that the bloody-haired woman struck at Jiang Luan suddenly and silently stabbed Jiang Luan in the abdomen.

Jiang Luan's abdomen was also obviously bulging, and it seemed that he had given birth to life inexplicably.

It's just that this life originates from the endless weirdness and yin energy of this Jingyang Village.

However, when Su Wangchen drew such a stroke, the line of text was directly erased.

As a result, the terrifying fatal blow did not hit Jiang Luan's abdomen.

The fetal energy gestating in Jiang Luan's belly also began to gradually collapse and dissipate.

At this time, a small explosion of flames in the void exploded into small blood-colored bubbles. Among the small bubbles, the figure of a broken baby appeared.

These babies were shouting Daddy to Su Li in the parallel time and space among them.

These babies grew up and turned into a little girl wearing a green skirt. She was riding on Su Li's neck, riding a cow, and at the same time devouring the source of life soul and life energy soul energy...

Such a scene flashed by in an instant and disappeared quickly.

Vaguely, Su Wangchen's memory resonated with the scene where Su Li once met Su Ho in Jingyang Village and called him daddy when he was a child.

But as soon as this scene appeared, it was immediately broken.

Then, the bloody bubbles and the corresponding worlds in the bubbles all collapsed and dissipated.

After this scene appeared, even Jiang Luan was a little surprised and confused.

Even, because she was pregnant and had a baby inexplicably, she could sense this situation.

But before that, she had actually had many experiences with the Emperor Su Wangchen, but they had never been able to successfully conceive a child.

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The birth of life requires certain cause and effect, not to mention that the more powerful the life is, the more difficult it is to give birth to the next generation of life.

Because everyone wants to live out the next life, or the new life of each life is the end of the previous life.

But because of the powerful self-intention of life, many beings are not willing to become other people's children.

Now, Jiang Luan had fetal gas inexplicably, which was something she could not explain at all. It seemed that she had completely turned Su Wangchen green.

But when this situation first appeared, the next change shocked her because the fetal air naturally disconnected and disappeared.

What...what is going on? Isn't this related to the cause and effect of 'killing one's son to achieve enlightenment'? I, I will never do such a thing!

Jiang Luan was a little surprised and worried, and he was also worried about the cause and effect involving Jiang Yufei and Jiang Yinxue. That was really scary.

In particular, Jiang Luan now knows the cause and effect of Concubine Jiang Yu's murder of her son, so he is even more afraid of having a cause and effect with that kind of woman.

After all, this woman was ruthless and unkind. Jiang Luan could never bear such an existence.

Su Wangchen said softly: It's okay. In fact, specifically, it should be a certain existence that wanted to blame his father and caused this scene. It happened to be the cause and effect of the child's suicide in the womb, so such a transfer is extremely appropriate.

In fact, there is still a great possibility of success. However, since he gave me the pen of creation, I will live up to his expectations in this matter.

Su Wangchen's tone was very soft, but his will was extremely firm.

This tone and quality made Jiang Luan vaguely understand.

In other words, this...is this the cause and effect of Emperor Wang?

Who is that woman...?

Jiang Luan was a little confused.

Su Wangchen smiled and said: She does not represent anyone at the moment. This is just an evolution of cause and effect and destiny. She can represent Jiang Yufei, Hua Ziyan, Mu Qingya and... Gongcheng Qing butterfly.

And you, Jiang Luan, she can also represent.

Therefore, the key is not to care about who she is, but to care about me, the solver of this cause and effect!

Who am I?

When Jiang Luan heard this, his consciousness became even more confused.

She felt that her intelligence was a little behind.

But she wasn't too worried, nor was she too sad. Instead, she was a little sad.

Because at this time, Su Wangchen was really high-spirited.

When Jiang Luan looked at Su Wangchen, Su Wangchen also looked at the line of text obliterated by the fortune pen.

This line of text cannot exist and must be erased.

If the mark really goes up this time, then Su Wangchen... will replace Su Xinghe and directly become Su Li's father.

Then use the cause and effect of father and son to make a complete turnaround.

Su Wangchen also vaguely sensed the changes in Emperor Wang himself.

At this time, he can't leave any regrets here.

In Su Wangchen's eyes, the broken inscriptions seemed to gradually merge together, forming a high-spirited, unrestrained, and carefree young man.

Su Wangchen looked at the young man who looked like a dream projection on the ruined monument, as if he had seen him burying his father Su Xinghe in Luoxia Barren Mountain.

The same high-spirited, unrestrained and carefree.

They are also full of longing for the future, thinking that they will stand out, that they can be embraced by everyone, and that they can have seventy-two concubines in three palaces, six courtyards, and so on.

But as he looked at it, Su Wangchen's eyes dimmed sadly.

The young people who were blended with those strange words have gradually become no longer high-spirited, unrestrained, and no longer carefree.

As the environment on the ruined monument changed, time seemed to pass at an extremely fast speed.

The young man turned into a middle-aged man. He had decadent and depressed eyes, a sad stubble, and a face full of vicissitudes and pain, but full of peerless charm.

This face engraved all the sadness and misfortune in his life, everything in his life, but it was devoid of any emotion.

He has a dull, dull and weathered face.

At this time, when Su Wangchen was looking at him, he also raised his head and looked at Su Wangchen.

Then, he lifted the sword in his hand. The sword in his hand was also a clear frost sword.

However, that Qingshuang Sword was smoother, sharper, and filled with dense brilliance.

Su Su Wangchen instinctively closed his eyes and lowered his head, as if he didn't want to look at the middle-aged man with the sword pointed at him.

However, the middle-aged man kept staring at him, with a cold and sharp look in his eyes.

Su Wangchen raised his head again, with a smile that seemed to be relieved at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, the middle-aged man in the ruined monument suddenly slashed directly at Su Su Wangchen with the sword in his hand.


Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be a dazzling bloody light exploding in this area.

The remains of the monument exploded.

Among them, an extremely transparent crystal coffin appeared.

In the crystal coffin, lying quietly was the body of a snow-white, crystal-clear baby.

Are the baby's bones Su Li's?


Is it the body of Su Li who committed suicide in the womb?

Still not.

Then whose bones are these?

It was the body of the baby in the belly of Concubine Jiang Yu after she killed her son and became enlightened.

These are the bones of Emperor Wang's child.

This child...

It's a daughter.

Therefore, there are joys and sorrows in the world, living and he.

There are such helpless and painful joys and sorrows in the world.

Here, I am Su Wangchen, and I am also your father.

My child, my father... finally came to see you, on behalf of Emperor Wang, on behalf of your father, and on behalf of... Wangchen Self.

Su Wangchen murmured, then silently bent down and stretched out his hand towards the crystal coffin.

At this time, there was a terrifying resistance in the void, like sticky ripples that locked onto Su Wangchen's hand, preventing him from touching the crystal coffin.

However, Su Wangchen still slowly stretched out his hand and quickly approached the crystal coffin.

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