I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 947: True Void Realization, Great Time Technique

Su Wangchen quickly received the news from Su Li.

This piece of news is of great significance.

Su Wangchen took the initiative to break off his meditation, and at the same time, he directly used the method of heaven to dissipate such a piece of information.

Soon, all the relevant information turned into nothingness, as if it had never existed at all.

These methods are also an application of the Great Destiny Technique and the Great Cause and Effect Technique. When this ability is used, these related abilities are also lost to Su Wangchen.

In other words, at this time, Su Wangchen was the real Su Wangchen, and Su Li was the real Su Li.

However, instead of feeling disappointed, Su Wangchen felt as if the last restraint on his body had been let go.

At this moment, in the realm of Su Wangchen's will, there seemed to be a tragic atmosphere of 'the wind is rustling and the water is cold'.

As for this scene, no one except Su Wangchen knew about it.

The world in the gray mist is like a hazy illusion, but it has a great suppressive effect. It seems that as long as the mind is unstable, it will be sucked into the abyss of eternal destruction, and it will be completely unable to extricate itself...

But in such an environment, Su Wangchen still held Jiang Luan's hand tightly, and his body and mind were in a state of complete tranquility.

At this time, his foundation that he was not within the Three Realms and was not within the Five Elements was further revealed.

After all the gray mist auras aimed at him swept towards him, they dissipated one after another. Like a waterfall hitting a boulder, the water flow was shaken and poured in all directions.

In the void, blood-red lanterns appeared. There seemed to be ancient bronze coffins lying in the lanterns. It also seemed that they were not ancient bronze coffins, but were polished into ancient coffins one by one. A normal skull.

Deep in the ancient coffin, there seemed to be a faint ghost flame floating faintly. The deep purple flame was somewhat obvious, but the flame itself was not strong.

Coupled with the aura of gray fog, the environment seemed even more eerie, cold and terrifying.

Jiang Luan didn't take all of this to heart. She silently mobilized all the power of the Nirvana Flame. Her whole body was like a flame fairy, with aura flickering and glowing lights all over her body.

Although Su Wangchen's body did not glow, it gave people a truly introverted and returning to nature terrifying feeling.

Swish swish

In an instant, endless black shadows gathered together and suddenly invaded where Su Wangchen was.


At this time, Jiang Luan suddenly raised his hand, and a lotus like a flame ignited directly in his palm.

This flame lotus is very similar to the original flame blood lotus and red lotus. At that time, Su Wangchen asked Jiang Luan to try to absorb and refine these fragments.

But now, Jiang Luan can use such methods.


The flames flew up like lotus flowers, suddenly enlarged and shook suddenly.


The void exploded, and the terrifying refining shot out countless flame petals.

One thought is like a lotus, transforming the world!

Jiang Luan murmured, and the moment a flaming lotus shot out, the void suddenly shook violently.

The flame petals that dominate the world are like fire rain, instantly covering countless black shadows and shooting directly through them.

In the void, a large number of black shadows showed extremely ferocious twisted shapes, and emitted shrill howls.

It was a roaring sound like a soul roaring, but it had no substance.

However, both Su Wangchen and Jiang Luan could sense it very clearly.

This kind of lamp is a bit like... a coffin lamp.

Su Wangchen suddenly spoke.

As he spoke, he held Jiang Luan's hand tightly, pulling her at the same time, and said in a deep voice: Let's go!

As he spoke, Su Wangchen's figure was like a shadow of lightning, golden light instantly evolved, and the method of spreading golden light on the ground was suddenly used at this moment.


As if the void was distorted, in an instant, countless afterimages of golden light appeared in this area of ​​the world.

After the afterimages became one, Su Wangchen and Jiang Luan were no longer there.

At this time, more broken black shadows gathered together, like an overwhelming mountain.

This scene is even more terrifying.

However, when these black shadows gathered, Su Wangchen and Jiang Luan had already left the area.

Wangchen, these things... seem to be indestructible and indestructible.

After traveling a certain distance, Jiang Luan clearly realized something was wrong, so he immediately spoke.

Su Wangchen nodded and said: It doesn't matter. There is no need to target them deliberately. These are just preludes and a drain on our abilities. Just avoid them.

When Jiang Luan heard this, his expression became a little more solemn.

Su Wangchen said: Everything has just begun, but the problem is not big. I have already deduced the solution.

Su Wangchen didn't specify the method and he felt that the method he obtained was deduced, but was it really deduced?

Under the big plane world of Babel Tower, deep in the world of A Chinese Girl.

At this time, Su Li was under the Dongtai Mountain Divine Realm and completely solved Su Wangchen's cause and effect problem.

The solution is solved, but whether it will be successful or not is hard to say.

For Su Li, or for Su Wangchen, the current result is actually destined.

He and Su Wangchen became independent, and this was the result.

But in this independence, whether Su Wangchen becomes one of his own or an enemy depends on the success or failure of this time.

If he failed, Wangdi would be Su Wangchen, and now Su Wangchen would be completely dead.

If it succeeds, Emperor Wang will be suppressed, Hu Chen will lose a huge part of his background, and Su Wangchen will rise because of it.

In addition, there are all the causes and effects related to Feng Yao and Feng Chaoge, and generally some or even all of them can be solved.

This time, the system did not give any reminder, but Su Li knew that if he could win Emperor Wang this time, he would be able to capture at least two of the three thousand avenues again.

But it was not Su Li's initiative to make this decision, but Su Wangchen's request.

Because when resonating with memories, Su Wangchen discovered that Hu Chen was a little special, that there were some special cages existing on him, or that maybe Hu Chen was not of the same mind.

Hu Chen cultivated the mind's eye, and his mind's eye ability was extremely powerful, so Su Wangchen never showed any abnormality at all, just to scare the snake away.

When Su Wangchen and Su Li faced each other, when the resonance and sharing of memories connected in an instant, Su Li knew what Su Wangchen was thinking. Su Wangchen's idea was crazy, but it was also a kind of special means.

Once successful, a large part of internal and external troubles can be solved.

But if it fails, the end will naturally be miserable.

Su Li didn't want Su Wangchen to do this at that time, but Su Li was even a little suspicious of Su Wangchen at that time, so Su Li didn't stop him.

Now, what Su Li is waiting for is only one answer, and the Peacock King is responsible for setting up this process.

Su Li was silent for a while, then silently used the Great Cause and Effect Technique to cut off all the related causes and effects on his body.

Su Li's body is still in the area where A Chinese Girl's World is, or in other words, still in the Sea of ​​Flowers of Emperor's Blood.

But part of his consciousness has always existed in the East Taishan area.

Su Li brought up the system panel, opened it, and glanced at the light blue elf.

The light blue elf is currently sorting out the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house, which seems to be making some preparations for the change in 'authority'.

Su Li watched for a while, then asked the light blue elf: Baby light blue, what do you think the problem will be this time? If we start to kill viruses, do it in A Chinese Story World... What do you think?

The light blue elf stopped sorting out the golden Emperor's treasury, flew up from the void, and landed in the void in front of Su Li.

At this time, she took the initiative to become much smaller, like a small dragonfly.

This is not because she has become smaller again, but because she took the initiative. In fact, her normal size has reached about 1.6 meters, and she is already a big girl.

However, because she liked to play with the babies of Sanqiandao, she took the initiative to become smaller.

Now, she was still flying in front of Su Li in a state about the size of a small dragonfly.

She tilted her head and thought seriously for a while, then said sweetly: Master, the problem this time is actually that the cause-and-effect changes in the illusion of the sea of ​​flowers are in line with the changes in reality, so if you can use the Way of Time Tracing With the Great Time Technique, some changes can be appropriately adjusted.”

Su Li said: Sure enough, this method is the 'method of mending the sky' that Feng Qianwei described at that time, right?

The light blue elf smiled and said: Yes, Master, Master is so smart, he thought of it immediately.

Su Li said: The reason why I thought of it was not because of my cleverness, but because I had realized the truth before. In fact, Feng Qianwei had already done this, and now, many realities have been reversed into illusions because of this change. , so Su Wangchen lives in reality, and I must find a way between truth and fiction.

I wasn't actually too confident at first, but since you can make such a judgment, it shows that the direction this time is not wrong.

Su Li said, smiled slightly, and said: So, there may be unexpected gains this time.

The light blue elf said softly: Master, if you want to use the Great Time Technique here, it is very likely that your strength will be exposed and your ability will be lost.

Su Li said: That's worth it, because once the anti-virus is turned on, the system will be completely passive. Moreover, the place I want to hide must be the so-called 'bone burial place', but this place is actually Something has been 'leaked'.

According to the calculation and judgment of fate, only that place has a glimmer of hope.

The light blue elf is a bit difficult to understand.

Su Li glanced at the light blue elf, and saw the problem from her doubtful beautiful eyes, so he explained: The reason why the light blue elf has such a judgment is actually that in addition to the Tianmai Listening Eye In addition to his abilities, I also 'borrowed' some of Hu Chen's abilities when he came here before, so I calculated some cause and effect, and there will be no mistakes in this regard.

Therefore, the place where I will hide for three days must be in the area of ​​the Boneyard. But it’s hard to say where it is specifically. And this place, I initially estimate, may actually have something to do with the mysterious area under the forbidden area of ​​the Ancient Sky Blood Clan.

When the light blue elf heard this, he immediately started calculating with concentration.

However, this time, although she was extremely focused on the calculation, she failed to calculate the corresponding result.

Don't forget it, you just know the answer in your heart. Right now, I'm calling you out because I hope you can do me a favor. Once the Great Destiny Spell backfires, and once the Great Time Spell is overused, you may need to use some of your abilities this time. , or show your charm and hold these two babies tightly, don't let them run away.

Otherwise, I would really be a complete failure.

Su Li warned.

This was the first time Su Li took the initiative to ask the system for help.

Su Li's request made the light blue elf very happy, but also quite worried.

Because the meaning of this requirement is actually self-evident.

If there was no way out, how could Su Li make such a request?

And since such a request has been made, it shows how dangerous and difficult this time is!

Master, don't worry, those babies won't leave easily. No matter how serious the situation is, the light blue babies will understand and be moved by their emotions, and will definitely protect them!

The light blue elf's tone was extremely firm.

Su Li nodded and said nothing more.

In fact, even if he didn't mention this request, the light blue elf would definitely do it.

But he couldn't deliberately not mention it just because he knew the light blue elf was going to do this. This nature was different.

Well, I believe you, but you must protect yourself no matter what.

Su Li warned seriously.

The light blue elf nodded obediently in agreement.

Later, after Su Li had another conversation with the light blue elf, he silently shut down the system.

The next moment, Su Li mobilized nearly one ten thousandth of his sealed secrets, which was actually the greatest 'limit' he could bring out!

It's not that he can't give 100%, but once he gives 100%, after a wave of real-time updates, he will have no way out.

The moment one ten thousandth of the secret was revealed, Su Li directly evolved Nirvana, mobilized many abilities of the Three Thousand Dao, and formed a method like a sacrifice mode.

After these methods were gathered together, the movement caused was naturally extremely huge, but Su Li didn't care at all.

After gathering all the abilities, Su Li directly operated the Way of Time Tracing, and at the same time derived the Great Time Technique of the Ultimate Way from the Great Cause and Effect Technique, Great Destiny Technique and Great Space Technique of the Three Thousand Avenues of the Ultimate Way!

Among them, there is also the Great Reincarnation Technique as a traction.


At that moment, the words Feng Qianwei said appeared in Su Li's mind.

Su Li no longer remembers what those words meant.

Yes, I don’t remember but Su Li knows what to do.

It's as if a physical memory has been formed.

These words refer to the 'way to mend the sky', or the method to control the 'time axis'.

At this time, Su Li used this method to control the Way of Time Tracing and to control the Great Time Technique.

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The result was that the entire Sea of ​​Emperor Blood Flowers suddenly collapsed as if it had returned to ruins.

Then, time goes back and all cause and effect are traced back.


In an instant, time stopped.

The world is dark.

At that moment, the mysterious sound of thunder exploded in the void, and the terrifying thunder like five thunders exploded in the void in all directions.

Su Li, on the other hand, was in such a state of physical and mental harmony, his whole body suddenly trembled, and he suddenly woke up.

Then he discovered that he was actually in the sea of ​​flowers of Emperor Blood.

What is the environment at this time?

The environment at this time is that Emperor Wang and Li Qianlun are fighting a life-or-death battle with the Fire Spirit Emperor Ape!

At this time, Jiang Luan was still being roasted in the flames, and was about to completely intercept the immortal source of the Nirvana Fire!


The Fire Spirit Emperor Ape roared and roared again and again.

After Su Li was shocked, his body and mind trembled, and he couldn't help but look at Emperor Wang with a horrified expression!

At this time, Emperor Wang seemed to wake up from the mysterious thunder explosion in an instant.

Then he looked at Su Li with some surprise and uncertainty. There was deep fear in his eyes, and an indescribable will to 'control'.

At this moment, Su Li thought that many of his previous experiences were 'realizations of truth and emptiness'?

It was Emperor Wang who opened the True Void Realization and experienced the future in the True Void Realization, and now that the 'True Void Realization' has ended, Emperor Wang has returned to the moment when he fought against the Fire Spirit Emperor Ape?

The cause and effect of this scene was presented in this way, and Su Li had already gained some understanding and confidence.

Moreover, Su Li could tell with almost incomparable clarity that Emperor Wang had used some kind of special ability called 'realization of reality' and experienced the future in advance.

Moreover, he experienced a great battle in the future and was hunted!

Emperor Wang was indeed beaten to death before, or was about to die.

But he never died.

But both Hu Chen and Su Wangchen received incredible benefits!

This in itself is very wrong!

And now... In this moment, after seeing Emperor Wang's eyes, Su Li's heart became clear. As a professional who uses the ability of 'True Void Realization', how could Su Li not know what happened after returning from Zhen Xu Realization? A moment of its own 'expression'?

In other words, Emperor Wang still didn't know that Su Li had known that he had experienced Zhenxu Realization, and in the Zhenxu Realization, he knew all the causes and consequences of Wangdi.

Therefore, Emperor Wang thought that he had experienced the future and had all the future under control!

And this is the key to this competition, this life and death battle, this confrontation.

Does refining the void return to reality, or does refining the truth return to void?

Su Li walked out step by step. His eyes passed by Emperor Wang in an instant, and then fell on Jiang Luan, who was being burned and refined by the flames.

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