I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 946 Leading the Times and Usurping Destiny

This chain of cause and effect is also a chain of killing and calamity.

And where did this series of killings and catastrophes start and end?

Su Wangchen actually already had the answer in his heart.

In other words, this is not actually Su Wangchen's answer, but a trace of cause and effect presented in the lightning-like memory resonance, an extremely terrifying and extremely powerful cause and effect.

What is the cause and effect of this?

It was a certain sentence from someone in the fantasy world that Su Li had experienced.

Now, everything has begun to come true.

Refining the imaginary will return the true, refining the true will return the imaginary.

And these are the methods that need to be dealt with in the face of all these murders...

The so-called person is Hua Ziyan, or in other words, it is Hua Ziyan who leads her. Then Zhuge Qingchen asked, and Mu Yuxi gave the answer!

And the so-called certain sentence is the sentence that leads the times.

At this time, Su Wangchen had to uncover some of the dust-covered memories. Those memories were no longer memories, but had become a kind of 'peeping', a powerful peek at destiny.

This kind of peeking is the so-called refining of the void. The past reality has turned into the illusion of today, forming part of the memory resonance.

The resonance of this part of the memory also made Su Wangchen understand that on some levels, he was still a part of Su Li, which was something he was very pleased about.

In this regard, Su Li gave him a hope and a rescue. If Su Li did not give him such a resonance of memory this time, then this time, Su Wangchen knew that he would not be able to bear it and would not be able to go on. .

Even if Su Li does not take action in the world of A Chinese Girl, then once the world of A Chinese Girl merges into reality this time, then Su Wangchen will not wake up from reality, then he will definitely become 'Zhuge Liuyun' His identity dies in the world of A Chinese Girl and in reality at the same time.

The accumulation of cause and effect time after time seems to be no big danger every time, but in fact, once the experience of Babel becomes a habit, and when the real death finally comes, the harvest is silent.

At that time, once it was harvested or suppressed, no one would know that it had been harvested or suppressed.

Therefore, Su Li saved him and Jiang Luan this time, and Su Wangchen had understood a lot of things in his heart.

At the same time, the lightning-like memory resonance in the darkness also allowed Su Wangchen to see some of Hu Chen's cause and effect, so he appropriately distanced himself from him.

In this aspect, Su Li also did the same. After all, in terms of resonance memory, Su Li resonated with him, but obviously did not and would not resonate with Su Wangchen.

So what kind of memory scene did Su Li resonate with Su Wangchen this time?

What was Hua Ziyan saying again?

What is the cause and effect that drives it?

In fact, all of that has already happened in the fantasy world, and the current methods and corresponding answers have been given!

There was once a peerless genius who led the ‘soul-killing era’.

There was once a peerless genius who led the ‘True and Void Era’.

There was once a peerless genius who led the ‘Age of Talisman’.

There was once a peerless genius who led the era of 'infinite clones' and 'serial noumenon'!

There was once a peerless genius who led the era of the ‘Sacred Artifact of Incarnation’ and the ‘Memory Forbidden Zone’!

These are the past!

These are all things that happened in that fantasy world!

But now, these have been refined and become imaginary.

This will be the method Su Wangchenyi or Su Li will use to 'break the shackles'.

The significance of leading the times also lies in breaking some of the dust and shackles of the times!

Only in this way can we lead the times and be at the forefront of the times. Being at the forefront of the times means moving to the forefront of the times, which means breaking the shackles of the times.

For Su Liyi or Su Wangchen, this means breaking certain blockades and shackles and embarking on the road to transcendence!

This was also the guidance Su Li gave Su Wangchen this time.

An extremely mysterious meditative state appeared in Su Wangchen's mind, as if the mysterious sounds of the world flashed out from the dark chaos.

Those voices have appeared before.

But now, it is extremely clear and direct in this dark and mysterious area.

It was so enlightening that it shocked Su Wangchen's mind, making Su Wangchen neither forget nor dare to forget.

At the same time, such a voice would not allow all of Su Wangchen's inner thoughts to be sensed or spied upon.

There is a kind of person in this world called the 'Lord of Destiny.' For example, Zhuge Qingchen, although this person has many problems, his destiny is fine.

And there is a kind of person called 'Peerless Genius'.

The existence of such people is not reasonable to us...

Do you still remember the young man who took one look at the Heavenly Soul Suppressing Monument and understood the extreme soul-killing technique of Heavenly Suppressing Souls? Refining his own soul into a soul-suppressing stele, he kills whoever he sees, and kills everyone with one move. He killed all the chickens and dogs in the Mingshan Mansion, and the blood flowed like a river. A mere boy, forcibly carved a bloody path of soul fighting, and erected Famous!

Do you still remember the girl who took a look at the truth about the scorching sun? She learned how to behead on the spot and killed one hundred thousand geniuses in Jingyang Village with one sword. For a long time, all the geniuses immediately took a detour when they saw her, just like a little white rabbit seeing a tiger.

Do you still remember the descendant of the public lineage who reversed his bloodline and refined himself into the Ancestral Dragon Demon? One man transformed into the Ancestral Dragon Demon, destroyed two Netherworld ships, forced his way through two large mansions, killed countless people, and snatched two soul-suppressing tablets from others!

Remember that Que De? He refined his body into a Nether Warship, and refined his soul into a Nether Demon that imitated the Ancestral Dragon Demon. When combined, one ship plowed through the sky, and suppressed all the powerful men who came to Mingshan Mansion. They died and were buried in the Netherworld Sea. Their bones were collected by him and he built hundreds of Netherworld ships.

And this time, people like Su Ye, Zhuge Qianyun...

Perhaps I haven't done anything for so long that I have forgotten the joy of fighting.

At least one hundred thousand years have passed from the Guixu era to now.

Maybe it's only a few days in my memory, but my mind is really not too fond of fighting anymore. This is really wrong.

After all, this is an era of fighting, an era where the weak eat the strong and the strong are respected! If I hadn't shown strong enough abilities, I wouldn't have such an identity and status now, and I wouldn't get their respect.

In fact, if we face such an environment now, we will be unable to do anything and fall into a complete dead situation.

Then, you can GG.

Brother Li, before the battle, Brother Li should probably understand the divisions of the three souls and the seven souls, so that when facing them, he can carry out appropriate attacks based on their characteristics.

Because their souls are only part and not all, targeted attacks will be much easier!

Brother Li, among the three souls, there are heaven soul, earth soul and human soul.

The heavenly soul returns to heaven and reaches the heavenly road in space. Because the heavenly soul is only a conscience and an immortal Wuji, and is involved in the cause and effect of the physical body, it cannot return to the place of origin. It has to be taken away to the place of refuge on the heavenly road in space and temporarily taken into custody by its main god. This is The so-called heavenly prison.

The earth soul returns to the underworld and reaches hell. Because the earth soul can know all the karma and retribution of the main soul, it can also direct the good and evil of the living body. Therefore, after the death of the physical body, the earth soul then enters the place of cause and effect.

The human soul wanders among the cemeteries, because the human soul is originally the body of the Zude family name that has been passed down through the generations. With the courage of the seven souls in the body and their actions, after death, they go to the cemetery to face the god, and they come and go as a place of refuge on the road of human beings.

The seven souls are the soul of Tianshu, the soul of creation, the soul of five elements, the soul of radiance, the soul of agility, the soul of infinite, the soul of yin and yang...

The distinction between the seven souls is wrong. The seven souls are divided into: joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire!

What?! Isn't it the soul of Tianshu, the soul of creation, the soul of five elements, the soul of radiance, the soul of agility, the soul of infinity, and the soul of yin and yang?

No, the information I obtained was secretly sensed when I was getting rewards in the Tower of Babel. It seems that if I failed to experience the Tower of Babel, my soul might be wiped out and I would end up with a very bad outcome. .

But this time, because of the young master, I got some good benefits.

And before entering, I cut myself into a mortal and re-established the foundation, so that I could have those insights.

On this point, I am basically convinced that there is no mistake, so if what I realized in the Tower of Babel is correct, then our previous understanding must be wrong.

I originally thought everyone was aware of this matter, but unexpectedly, nothing has changed!

Therefore, Master Zhuge, you can announce this information in the name of Tianji Pavilion.

After all, considering the appeal of your Zhuge family, it is very effective, and it should be a great merit.

Okay, if this is true, then I will pass on the news after this! Right now, the most important thing is to live well!

These sounds seemed to be echoing in my ears again.

This is a scene memory that Su Li resonated with Su Wangchen.

Hua Ziyan, Mu Yuxi and Zhuge Qingchen are no longer among them, but their voices of discussing cause and effect are still there.

The existence of Zhuge Qingchen corresponds to the Hu Chen who exists in the modern world.

And that Su Wangchen has become Hu Chen today.

In other words, the so-called Zhuge Qingchen is looking for a way to survive and live well, and his purpose is for Hu Chen to live well.

No matter who this Hu Chen is, in today's world, there is only one Hu Chen, and that is Hu Chen, the son of Tianyan God.

Therefore, once one of Hu Chen survives and lives well, he will naturally have methods to use to achieve this goal.

On the other side, Su Wangchen now also has one and only one, that is the former Emperor Su Wangchen, who is now Su Wangchen.

Therefore, if you want to solve this problem now and see Su Ye, you will most likely have to go through such a murder.

Hu Chen would definitely not come forward in this murderous catastrophe, but this murderous catastrophe must have something to do with Hu Chen.

This is the materialization of top cause and effect.

In other words, the effect of using the name to occupy the cause and effect is truly manifested at this time.

Who is Hu Chen?

Hu Chen is Hu Chen.

Who is Su Wangchen?

Now it’s Su Wangchen!

Therefore, if Emperor Wang wanted to name him ‘Su Wangchen’, the current Su Wangchen would definitely die.

Su Wangchen knew this when the dark lightning flashed through the depths of his memory.

Dealing with Jiang Luan is only the first step. It is also through the light of Nirvana of the Immortal Phoenix that we can see the divinity, draw in the Peacock King and seek the Peacock King's help.

There is nothing wrong with saying help.

After all, among the external forces, there are really not many people that Su Li or Su Wangchen can trust nowadays. Some trustworthy ones are incompetent, and some capable ones cannot be trusted.

The only exception is the Maurya King, who was 'enlightened'.

At this time, the voice in Su Wangchen's mind quickly dissipated and disappeared.

And he held Jiang Luan's hand, and his figure had arrived at the secret realm of Hades.

There are no unusual changes in the environment here, and there are no special beings coming to greet them.

It was as if everything had fallen into eternal silence. Waiting for Su Wangchen, there was only a road that seemed to be a dead end and a road of no return.

Dark, hazy, foggy and rising gray fog.

What such an environment means is actually self-evident.

Su Wangchen looked at Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan's eyes became more determined. If there were worries before, now, everything has turned into clouds and dissipated.

All she has is her only obsession to live and die together with Su Wangchen until death.

Such a feeling is gradually sublimated amidst such precipitation.

Su Wangchen's eyes in response were also extremely calm and firm.

This time, we are truly united as husband and wife, even though I didn't give you a decent wedding.

Su Wangchen said softly.

Jiang Luan smiled softly and said, Then let's hold the wedding in the sea of ​​flowers, and then just call our closest friends.

Su Wangchen smiled and said, Okay, then let's conquer the Emperor's Blood Sea of ​​Flowers and use the sea of ​​flowers as the foundation to become our marriage palace.

While talking, Su Wangchen looked forward.

Ahead, the gray mist rises and changes into various ferocious and tragic scenes, which look extremely ferocious and terrifying, as if once you are in it, you will be completely doomed.

But neither Su Wangchen nor Jiang Luan cared at all, and the two of them moved forward more firmly.

The road under their feet shook violently as the two of them moved forward, and there seemed to be roars and roars from the depths of an abyss, or the hisses and howls of ghosts.

But Su Wangchen and Jiang Luan had turned a blind eye to these.

Soon, the two of them arrived in front of the gray fog.

At this time, an extremely huge, evil face appeared in the gray mist.

This grimace looks like...

If Su Li had been present, he would have immediately recognized that this was the huge evil face that he had attacked repeatedly before.

Now, this grimace appears in the secret realm of Hades, the wheel passage. How ironic is this?

But at this time, except Su Wangchen and Jiang Luan who saw this scene, who would know the cause and effect?

This is a dead end road. There are many fatal dangers in it. We cannot stop you from moving forward because you are no longer contaminated by many causes and effects, but it is impossible to pass.

Go back and think of it as a little bit of feedback for your control over the authority of the secret realm of Hades.

The grimace made an extremely cold, sharp and hoarse voice.

Go back by yourself? This is exactly what I, Su Wangchen, want to say to you. You are a despicable person who is neither a human nor a ghost. It would be a pity to die.

Su Wangchen responded with a cold tone.

The huge mysterious ghost's expression turned gloomy, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

How dare you be disrespectful to Wangchen?

As soon as Jiang Luan saw this situation, his whole body was suddenly burned with blazing immortal-level Nirvana Immortal Phoenix flames, which suddenly swept towards the huge ghost face.


In the void, gray mist rose, and all Jiang Luan's attacks suddenly shook and were completely defeated.

However, the cohesion of the giant mysterious ghost face has become much thinner because of this. It has changed from an 'ultra-clear' state to an 'ordinary' image quality state, and there are even some 'snowflake' pattern cracks.

Obviously, although Jiang Luan did not attack it, he succeeded in making it unstable.

It is not a pity to die!

The giant ghost snorted coldly, his voice stern and extremely cold.

But Su Wangchen just sneered and said: Trash!

As he spoke, Su Wangchen took Jiang Luan without hesitation and stepped into the depths of the rising and roaring gray mist.

The next moment, the gray mist swept towards Su Wangchen and Jiang Luan like a crazy wolf.

Deep in the Tianmai realm.

In this dojo, Su Wangchen and Hu Chen were no longer around.

And now, Su Li's figure has returned from the Tianmai Domain to his own dojo, the Mount Taishan Divine Domain.

When he came here, Su Li did not go to find Hua Ziyan, nor did he go to the Qingdi Palace to find Mei'er. Instead, he stood alone at the foot of the Dongtai Mountain Divine Realm.

He put his hands behind his back and looked at Mount Tai in the distance silently, his expression extremely calm.

Suddenly, Su Li's eyebrows burned slightly, and then, a scene that resonated like a memory appeared.

This scene was the message that Su Wangchen resonated with through meditation.

This is the tacit understanding between Su Li and Su Wangchen. Today's Su Wangchen is no longer the Su Wangchen in the fantasy world, so Su Li still gives some memory resonance to some things.

In this way, the response will be smoother and more confident.

The causal scene that resonated with Su Wangchen at this time was exactly the scene where Su Wangchen was targeted by the huge mysterious face.

Everything is exactly as you predicted. In other words, what I will encounter next is the danger of 'leading the times' again and again, right? So what I have to do is to 'lead the times' again and again. , occupying the cause and effect of the 'Destined Son' of every era into my own body, and then solidify this scene to snatch such fate and cause and effect?

In the resonance of Su Wangchen's memory, he meditated on this passage.

Yes, so from now on, I will cut off all the karma with you. Next, it will be you, Su Wangchen, who lost the throne of the Heavenly Prince, but suddenly emerged as a real killer. In addition, since Su Ye has When the Maurya King's summons arrives, after you walk through this road, you can break through this killing calamity.

Once there is a problem, because the Peacock King has contacted Su Ye, Su Ye will also be 'protected'. As for how to protect you, the specific cause and effect will not be mentioned.

But I hope you can walk through this road on your own ability, rather than being 'guarded' to walk through this road.

Su Li directly meditated on such a piece of information and passed it on.

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