I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 868 The Beauty of the System, Meier Mending the Sky

Su Li almost saw the same charm in the eyes of the three old men Yao Qi, Yao Xiu and Yao Xian.

The charm seemed to manifest itself into an ancient painting.

On that scroll, there is a bright moon, which reflects the flowing water.

Four lines of ancient poems appeared in Su Li's mind.

People today cannot see the moon of ancient times, but today's moon once illuminated the ancient people. People in ancient times and today are like water flowing, and they look at the bright moon together like this.

So, where is the moonlight?

In the running water.

So, where is the flowing water?

The water flows in Lihe River.

Deep in the soul of Lihexi.

As long as they burn their souls themselves, a scene with a dense moon and stars will appear, reflecting a scene like the bright moon and the sea of ​​the North Ming Dynasty.

There is a bright moon on the sea, and the world is at this moment together.

At that moment, it was as if a tragic song suddenly appeared, manifesting the corresponding moonlight.

At this time, the three of them did not speak, but Li and Xi suddenly understood - they understood where the moonlight was.

The moonlight is in their hearts and their souls.

Su Renhuang, I seem to know where the Ancient Void Scripture is. If the three elders have no objections, I will take you to see it.

Li suddenly spoke softly.

She didn't mention the heart and soul, because that's what burns.

And once it burns, it's like self-sacrifice.

There are always people in this world who want to sacrifice. She used to not think about it this way, because there was never anyone in this world who was worthy of her thinking, let alone someone who was worthy of her doing this.

But now, she thinks about it and is ready to do it.

Perhaps——Su Renhuang doesn’t know where the moonlight is.

But if there is no bright moon in this world, how can there be moonlight?

And when will the bright moon appear? And where is it?

Someone once said to her - as long as your heart does not die, the bright moon will be in your heart.

After Li said this, Xi, who had a close connection with her, also understood.

Where is the bright moon?

The bright moon is in their hearts.

One round is burning away from the fire.

One round is reflected by the stream.

Only in this way can there be moonlight.

Xi's heart beat slightly faster, it was an indescribable feeling.

There is a slight regret, but there seems to be a kind of happiness and pride dedicated to him.

So, when she looked up with complicated emotions, she saw a pair of bright and deep eyes.

Those eyes seemed to have broken through all illusions, captured all causes and effects, and had seen through their hearts.

At that moment, both Li and Xi were a little flustered, unable to face such a pair of eyes.

An inexplicable happiness seemed to fill their hearts - because at this moment, there was already moonlight in such a pair of eyes.

Everything is already there.

Where is the moonlight?

The moonlight was in Su Li's eyes and in his heart.

Moreover, in his heart, two locations seemed to be reflected, very important locations, where Li and Xi were dressed in full attire - that seemed to be their most beautiful and moving appearance, like peerless fairies coming to the dust.

At that moment, an unprecedented happiness filled their hearts again.

Indescribable touching, indescribable... feelings.

In this life, I will never regret joining the Chinese royal family.

In this life, I will not regret following the Su Renhuang.

Before this, their lives were lonely and dark, difficult and bumpy, with no hope and no future in sight.

But they did not give up. It seemed that there was always a voice in their hearts telling them that if they persisted, there would be a bright future, and there would be such a unique man who would take them out of the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore at the critical moment. .

So when they found the flower of the other shore, the Kunpeng Mingyuan flower, they suddenly felt that life was full of expectations.

Therefore, no matter how difficult the practice is, no matter how dangerous the crises and prisons they face, they maintain their true intentions and avoid being harvested again and again with difficulty.

Maybe these days are not good, but I have got used to it.

But now, when they saw the depth of Su Li's eyes and the two precious places in his heart, they suddenly felt that happiness came so suddenly.

When the happiness that they had never expected suddenly came, life seemed to suddenly have endless light of hope, so that their eyes also bloomed with the light of old happiness and the hope of happiness.

The light and hope bloomed in their eyes like a beautiful flower.

After blooming, the beautiful flowers turned into seven-color plum blossoms and began to solidify. Finally, they turned into extremely beautiful seven-color plum blossom eyes, and then froze for a moment.

Then, it all began to disappear again.

But Su Li saw this scene.

He stared at Li silently, and then stared at the stream silently.

He didn't speak for a long time.

But in such gaze, he still saw their sincerity hidden deep in their souls.

This is indeed Hua Zili, and it is indeed Mu Yuxi.

From the beginning - they actually knew that Su Li even had feelings for him.

However, many causes and effects have become dusty and have not manifested themselves.

And now...

Su Li understood the true cause and effect of the colorful plum blossom eyes - they were the flowers of hope that only true love and happiness could condense.

Then——the meaning of such plum blossom eyes has become extraordinary.

It's like an oath to each other, like a declaration of true love.

Su Li withdrew his gaze, looked at the three old men, and suddenly said: There is no need to read the Void Ancient Scripture, because I cannot sacrifice their souls to light up the Tianshan Jade.

Of course, if it can be replaced, I can use the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills to evolve the moonlight, or I can evolve the source of hope myself to illuminate the Tianshan Jade Bi, so that everyone can meditate on the Ancient Void Sutra. How about this?

Yao Qi pondered for a moment and said, Perhaps we can imitate them using the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques?

Yaoxiu also said: This may be safer. After all, you are still a man, containing the attribute of Yang, and the simulation is just a simulation and not real.

Yao Xian said in the same way: Actually, burning souls may not necessarily lead to death. It is just a slight injury and does not have much impact.

Li Hexi also looked expectantly, wanting to take the initiative.

But they knew they couldn't say this.

They can't even do this.

Su Li said: Then I will directly evolve the bright moon. Using the source of hope to derive the bright moon is more orthodox than the moonlight. If the moonlight I evolve is not orthodox, then they may not be orthodox either.

Yao Qi said: Why not use them?

Yaoxiu said: Actually, they are also very willing.

Yao Xian said: And there's no big harm.

Su Li took a deep look at Yao Qi and the other three, and said: They have joined my ancient royal family, and they are my people. Moreover, they do have some karma with me. I will never treat them as pawns, no matter whether there is danger or not. Never.

It’s okay, I promise that I will manifest the Ancient Void Sutra!

You don't have to worry about this - of course, if it's really impossible, I'd rather give up.

Su Li's tone was very light.

But the words are very fiery.

That is absolutely unquestionable!

At this moment, Su Li's demeanor and courage were fully revealed.

This is the courage of the Emperor.

Yao Qi pondered for a while, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes.

Yaoxiu stared at Su Li repeatedly, as if she wanted to determine whether Su Li's words were true or false, or simply mean.

Yao Xian pondered for a moment and then said: It's okay if Su Renhuang wants to try it, but there is only one chance. If it fails, Tianshan Jade will be sealed on its own. It will be impossible to turn it on for a long time.”

Su Li said very naturally: It's okay. If there are no other questions, then just do as I said. If you have any questions, you can also ask them.

At this time, Yaoxiu glanced at Su Li again and said, Is Su Renhuang sincere? Does Su Renhuang know that being seduced by beauty like this is not a truly good human emperor? He does not consider the overall situation. of.

Perhaps the Su Renhuang could act on his own initiative, but behind the Su Renhuang were the entire Chinese ancestral land.

Is it really worth it to give up an excellent opportunity to repair injuries for just two women?

Yaoxiu still seems not to give up.

When she said this, the aura of blood filled her body, and she seemed to attach great importance to Su Li.

It seemed that she really cared about Su Li from the bottom of her heart.

However, Su Li did not blame Yaoxiu for anything, nor did he think there was a big problem with Yaoxiu's words. She acted very rationally when she said these words.

This kind of rationality is actually exactly the kind of rationality that most people in this world have.

Another word for rationality is indifference and ruthlessness.

As for why these people were like this, Su Li didn't think too deeply about it.

What Su Li wanted to do was to do two things - one was to read the Void Ancient Scripture if he could, and to give up if he couldn't.

He doesn't necessarily have to obtain such an inheritance, it's just that it would be better, and it's not a pity if he doesn't.

Another thing is - under the current circumstances, Lihe Creek must be protected no matter what.

This is a very critical thing, both Li and Xi are very important.

Li involves Hua Zili and Hua Ziyan, and reincarnation.

And Xi is involved in Mu Yuxi, and may even be involved in the system - how could Su Li forget the cause and effect of 'Yu Xi, Yu Xi Nai Ruo He'?

Of course, even if there was no such cause and effect, Su Li would still not use his woman as a tool!

Only by burning your soul can you illuminate the ancient scriptures and see the skills?

So wouldn't Su Li's conscience feel pain after seeing such a technique?

Is this kind of Su Li worthy of the love and trust of those beauties?

What I did to Su Meng was the best way to protect Su Meng when there was absolutely no way out.

But now, after having a lot of information, Su Li will never do similar things again.

No need to think about it, my attitude is very clear.

Su Li said, looked at Yaoxiu again, and said: Maybe you think I am irrational in doing this and ignore the overall situation, but I have always been like this. The overall situation is not important to me, what is really important is , still live in the present, and be aware of everything around you.”

Yaoxiu said: Then - Su Renhuang, please come with us.

Yaoxiu didn't ask any more questions, and immediately took Su Li to the land of Tianshan Jade Bi.

Tianshan Jade is a very mysterious cliff place.

And if there are cliffs, there must be mountains.

But that mountain... is actually a huge statue.

Only this time it's not a statue of a woman, but a statue of a man.

The man looked very much like Feng Yao. It could even be said that he was almost carved from the same mold as Feng Yao.

Such a statue turned into an extremely huge Tianshan Mountain.

The Tianshan Mountains as a whole look very ancient and mottled.

But the mountain jade is more like a part of his chest.

As for under the chest.

The bottom is gone.

It seemed as if he had been cut from the abdomen with a sharp sword.

When Su Li saw such a 'Tianshan Jade', he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Su Li then took a closer look, but did not sense the gray mist aura and gray silk threads coming from fate and other causes and effects.

At the same time, even if it contains animistic reactions, this Tianshan jade has no spirituality.

Should the moonlight illuminate such an area, or just such a Tianshan jade?

After Su Li watched for a moment, he asked.

Tianshan jade will do.

At this time, Yaoxiu spoke again.

Su Li nodded and immediately used the special light source method.

At this time, Li Hexi still came out and wanted to help.

There was pleading in their beautiful eyes.

Su Renhuang——

Obey, now that you have joined the prehistoric royal family, my basic order as the emperor is this. Don't take action! Otherwise, you will be disobeying the order!

Su Li directly interrupted what Li Hexi wanted to say, and his tone was particularly firm.

At this time, Yao Qi, Yao Xiu and Yao Xian just watched calmly and said nothing.

Su Li stared at the Tianshan Jade, but at this moment he meditated directly, turning on the Chaos of Heaven and the Exquisiteness of Heaven.

While meditating, Su Li evolved a bright moon.

The bright moon is not a bright moon, but a colorful bubble derived from the source of hope of the real colorful plum blossom, blooming with an incomparably beautiful spiritual glow.

This is also the most beautiful glow in the world.

Because this glow represents the hope in the eyes of the little girl Su Li once met in Lihe Village.

The purest and most direct hope, the yearning and hope for a better life and a better tomorrow.

This kind of glow is also the glow of hope that appeared in Li Hexi's eyes before. It is the true glow of happiness.

After such a glow gathered, it was directly manifested by Su Li using ingenious means, and flew out from between his eyebrows.

After a bright, seven-colored source of hope burning with hope flew out, it turned into a quiet and peaceful moonlight, shining on the Tianshan Jade Bi.

On the Tianshan jade, a divine light and an endless mysterious Taoist rhyme suddenly flowed out like a great avenue.

Only when this glow enveloped the Tianshan Jade Bi, all the restrictions on the Tianshan Jade Bi were dissolved in an instant.

Subsequently, an ancient mountain gate appeared on the Tianshan Jade. There was a powerful void atmosphere in the mountain gate.

After this scene appeared, the colorful light aura on Su Li's body went out on its own.

Su Li was slightly startled, and then had a vague understanding.

At this time, Yao Qi, Yao Xiu and Yao Xian bowed again.

Among them, Yaoxiu's attitude seemed to be much gentler, with an obvious smile on her old face.

Human Emperor Su, I have been offended many times before.

There is something special about Yaoxiu's words that ordinary people may not be able to understand at all.

But Su Li understood instead.

It should.

Su Li responded in a gentle tone.

Yaoxiu said with emotion: As for the test of Tianshan Jade, there are actually not many people in Kunpeng Tianshan who can pass it, and those who can pass it must be sincere people.

This kind of sincerity may be able to be condensed on its own, but it often cannot be tested by the Tianshan Jade Bi.

And only true sincerity and deep affection can open up the taboos in this.

This taboo blockade is actually a way of 'forgetting love'.

Yaoxiu's statement made Li and Xi slightly startled, and then they immediately understood what was going on, and their faces looked a little ashamed and a little excited.

The shameful thing is that if they take the initiative to pay, although they can also open the taboo of Tianshan Jade, they will definitely not be able to obtain any inheritance, let alone let Su Li see the Void Ancient Scripture.

Because of the presentation of the Void Ancient Scripture, one must personally open the Tianshan Jade Bi.

In other words, whoever opens the Tianshan Jade is qualified to read this Void Ancient Sutra.

And it’s okay if you don’t know about this matter. This way, your sincerity will be more real.

If he knew it, it would only be more difficult to open the Tianshan Jade.

In addition, it is obvious that Yaoqi Yaoxiu and Yaoxian are also a test of Su Li's humanity. If Su Li really uses Li Hexi to burn his soul and light up the Tianshan Jade - then Yaoqi Yaoxiu and Yaoxian will never be the same. Will agree to Li Hexi join the prehistoric royal family.


Because if Su Li uses Li Hexi to do this, then there will be no difference between Su Li and the upper levels of the big plane world of Babel Tower!

The truth is that simple.

Therefore, when the gate to the forbidden area of ​​​​Kunpeng Tianshan was opened, all the tests had actually begun.

First of all, the three elders clearly recognized Su Lisu's identity as the Human Emperor but did not come forward to greet him. This was rude.

To acknowledge but be rude is to look at Su Li's magnanimity.

Then after seeing Su Li, he saluted, and Su Li returned the salute. This shows that Su Li doesn't care about details.

Then they mentioned various ways to use Lihe River to achieve their goals and obtain great benefits, but Su Li decisively refused.

Now Su Li has passed the test of Tianshan Jade Bi.

Everything, almost nothing to fault.

If you really want to be picky, then Yaoxiu does have something to say - Su Renhuang, in fact, sometimes it's okay if you have the intention, but in reality you should still consider the pros and cons.

Of course, she would not say this, because she was extremely sure that Su Li would not consider the pros and cons - at least he would not sacrifice his own people to consider the pros and cons.

After listening to Yaoxiu's statement, Su Li felt a little sad and a little emotional.

In fact, he really has no intention of taking advantage of him.

This is another level of state of mind - standing on the wall and being strong without desire.

In other words, these eight words are actually the core reason why this Tianshan jade stone stands here.

Not everyone in the Dapeng Divine Land has such an ancient scripture of the void.

But those who possess the Void Ancient Scripture are definitely quite amazing and talented beings, as well as quite impressive beings.

From this point of view, Yao Qiye and Yao Jiu Shu may not be really bad, they are just corrupted by the Emperor Soul Mother Insect.

Su Li slightly clasped his fists towards Yaoxiu, but Yaoxiu immediately responded to the courtesy politely and said in fear: Human Emperor Su doesn't have to be like this, it will only hurt the old woman.

Although she said this, Yaoxiu was quite happy and honored.

A happy smile broke out on her wrinkled face.

From this aspect, Su Li suddenly felt that it was right that this ancestral land was not destroyed - in any case, this upper level was indeed quite good.

And with such upper-level existence, no matter how bad this ancestral land is, it is estimated to be much better than the average ancestral land.

In fact, there are many such ancestral lands in this world - such as the ancestral lands where Feng Xiyan, Long Shiyun, Wan Jianyun, Zhou Wudao and others are located. Most of the upper levels are indeed quite bright.

Mu Yusu, Meng Qianqiu, Ou Zaixuan and Xu Qin were trained in the ancestral land of these people, and almost everyone received the fairest treatment.

This may have something to do with their talents, but again - such an ancestral land itself should not be a big problem.

Otherwise, good talents may not necessarily be cultivated. It is more likely that the source of talents will be sucked away, and the people will be gone.

Su Renhuang, please come this way.

Yao Qi also laughed, and the smile on his old face bloomed like a chrysanthemum in full bloom.

When Su Li saw these three people in such a good mood, he immediately understood that these three people actually valued Li Hexi very much.

In other words, it is not just these three people, but many other beings in the Kunpeng Ancestral Land have this attitude. After all, the real rulers of the Kunpeng Ancestral Land and many elders have almost completely failed to show up.

Not coming forward is not disrespectful, but if too many people come forward for some things, it will indeed have a bad impact.

On the one hand, once the Emperor Soul Mother Insect is confronted, everyone will be finished.

On the other hand, if Kunpeng's ancestral land were upright, Su Li believed that the elders would jump out and accuse Su Li of massacring nearly five thousand geniuses.

But they didn't jump out, which just shows that they feel that they don't have the face to see others.

In addition, there may be another taboo and secret involving Kunpeng's ancestral land.

That seemed to be what Chao didn't want Su Li to find out the most.

Is it underground, or is there some secret little world here?

Su Li's heart moved and he couldn't help but think of such a possibility.

But soon, he put down many distracting thoughts.

Su Li followed Yao Qi into the Tianshan Jade.

This time, Li Hexi hesitated and did not follow.

But Su Li stopped, waved to the two of them and said, Come here.

Both Li and Xi showed a hint of surprise.

You two, come in too, it's okay.

Yaoxiu's tone was gentle, and her eyes were even kind.

Li Hexi felt warm in his heart, and immediately bowed and saluted, and then followed Su Li again.

Soon, after entering Tianshan Jade, Su Li saw an ancient road similar to the Netherworld Heavenly Road.

Lu Suli has actually seen this kind of thing many times.

But this time, the Netherworld Road looked very much like the road to light that he, Zhuge Qingchen and others had walked.

At the end of that road is an abyss.

And this time, it is also a similar road, but this road is also like the 'Heaven Veins', like the meridians and blood vessels in this person's body.

Of course, if the huge statue is really a person's upper body, then the Tianshan Jade Bibi is indeed a passage from the opponent's abdomen to the heart.

Su Li didn't think much about it.

Soon, he came to a huge void like an ancient tomb.

This place is more like a heart turned into a secret chamber.

But here, Su Li felt the breath of the vast void and the breath of some ancient scripture.

In this world, things that can be called 'sutras' are often very simple.

Su Li approached the huge 'heart', and then stopped at the place of the huge 'heart'.

There was still a ripple-like light source rippling under my feet.

The void in all directions is still filled with the extremely ancient breath of void.

The huge heart in front has stopped beating, but the breath of ancient scriptures is filled from time to time.

Su Li looked over calmly. This kind of looking was no longer looking with his eyes, but truly looking with his heart.

But when he looked carefully, what Su Li saw was not Feng Yao, but a series of Zhuge Qingchen's past.

But soon, these disappeared again.

Vaguely, Su Li seemed to see a sea of ​​blood. In the sea of ​​blood, Su Li saw Feng Yao in the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

And this sea of ​​blood seemed to turn into the sea of ​​Beiming.

In the Sea of ​​Beiming, Feng Yao transformed into Kunpeng and personally evolved the various evolutionary processes of the Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou movement technique.

At that moment, Su Li had a deep understanding - what is the so-called void?

The so-called void is actually a kind of emptiness.

From the emptiness of the heart.

It also comes from the emptiness of the soul.

Once you can understand such an emptiness, you can understand the method of emptiness.

This is almost exactly the same as Nahua Taichu's solitary artistic conception. Both of them integrate their own emotions into the avenue, and then lead to the corresponding attainment.

If you can't even feel empty in your own heart, how can you realize the emptiness of the law.

The so-called Great Void Technique is also a state of emptiness in the so-called Dao.

But the void is not really emptiness.

Because the road is ruthless.

But after deriving all things to be animistic, Su Li understood that this matter was not absolute.

So void is not empty, but - space.

Therefore, replacing emptiness with space is the real way of being helpless, without thoughts, and without traction.

The Great Space Technique is the name of the real space technique of the Three Thousand Avenues - at least the name is not so empty.

After Su Li realized this, when he looked at the heart again, red lines appeared on the heart.

Those red lines kept moving forward and flowing, forming a process like the shuttle of meridians and blood vessels.

This process requires a kind of void method to sense and 'see'.

But Su Li actually possesses the large space technique, at least it can be used in the authorized state.

If it can be used, it means that Su Li can still master it a little bit.

Such a small amount of ability is the best fit for such a scene at this time. Coupled with Su Li's perception of the void, this is actually enough.

In Su Li's eyes, the red rays of light seemed to have formed a network as they continued to change, forming a brand new void and a magical cause and effect.

I see.

Thank you for your hard work.

After Su Li pondered for a while, he raised his hand towards the void and suddenly touched it lightly. Suddenly, all the red lines disappeared.

Everyone, I understand what the Ancient Void Scripture is. Next - I have something to do. I hope you can allow it.

Su Li said.

Yao Qi, Yao Xiu and Yao Xian were startled, but then they both nodded and said, Su Renhuang, please speak.

Su Li said: I am going to go to this area and deal with one thing - the Void Ancient Scripture.

The three Yaoqi were slightly startled and said: This... this is just a place like the 'Secret Realm of the Heart' projected by the will of an ancient scripture, but it is not a secret realm.

Yaoxiu said: Could it be that Su Renhuang can enter such a 'death heart'?

Yao Xian also showed excitement: Could it be that this heart is still alive? Couldn't it be Emperor Kunpeng...

As he said that, Yaoxian gradually calmed down a bit.

It's impossible, Emperor Kunpeng can't still be alive.

If he was still alive, why would Kunpeng Tianshan end up like this this time?

Yaoxian is no longer excited, but there is still a look of lonely expectation in his eyes - maybe, what if there really is some cause and effect?

At this time, Su Li said: This heart is neither dead nor alive, but it is an entity derived from a totem, but it is actually just an illusory totem.

My entry is only a cause and effect related to me and has little to do with you.

But after this incident, you Kunpeng Tianshan should have a lot of benefits.

It’s hard to say what the specific benefits are, but both life energy and blessings will be strengthened.

Su Li's tone was very certain.

Hearing this, Yaoxiu sighed slightly and said, Su Renhuang, please.

Su Li cupped his fists and said, You're welcome, Elder Yaoxiu.

Su Li said, looking at Li Hexi again, and said, I'll take you with me this time. I'll open the memory restricted area and take you with me.

Hearing this, Li Hexi felt happy.

But Li was calmer and said softly: Human Emperor, will this have some impact? Or is it something bad?

Su Li said: Because you have led to some causes and effects here, if I don't take you with me, I'm afraid that there will be some unusual dangers. As a result, after I come out, you will no longer be you, or simply no longer here.

That would be very bad.

Hearing this, Yao Qi originally thought that among the three old men among us, who would dare to attack Li and Xi?

But the next moment, he seemed to think of something, and immediately stopped talking.

Not only him, but also Yaoxiu and Yaoxian seemed to have thought of something, and they all remained silent.

This is involuntary.

Normally, there is no one in the entire Kunpeng ancestral land who is stronger than the three of them together.

Not even the Colorful Emperor could easily severely injure Li Hexi from their hands, let alone persecute them.


The Colorful Emperor is not the ultimate existence in this world.

And even if it wasn't the Colorful Emperor, they couldn't handle special causes and effects like the Emperor Soul Mother Insect.

So they couldn't say anything about guaranteeing that Li and Xi would be safe...

Not only could I not speak out, I also felt extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable, as if my chest was blocked.

Well, Su Renhuang, you can take them with you. It was very difficult for them sisters to grow up, and they have indeed put in too much effort. What happened to Kunpeng's ancestral land this time will indeed put them in extreme danger. .”

The Su Emperor has thought carefully, but the three of us are confused.

Su Renhuang please.

Yao Qi, Yao Xiu and Yao Xian immediately spoke again.

Therefore, Su Li directly gathered the power of the void and swept towards Lihe River.

Li and Xi did not resist, and allowed Su Li to use the memory restricted area to take them in.

And the moment after they entered the restricted area of ​​memory, their 'memories' revived.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly, but there was even more excitement in their beautiful eyes.

Su Li actually had a causal setting - as long as they arrived at his dojo, they would return to 'normal'.

Once they leave his dojo, their relationship with Hua Zili and Mu Yuxi will be temporarily cut off by the Great Cause and Effect Technique.

It is already very easy for Su Li to do this.

Su Li said to Li and Xi in his heart: Okay, don't watch what happens outside. Just be obedient. I will handle it in a while.

Su Li said softly.

After Li and Xi heard Su Li's voice transmission, they both nodded obediently. Then the two of them directly exchanged past events without asking about the cause and effect.

Those are small anecdotes that don't involve any cause and effect, but they are interesting.

Of course, they may not be able to remember things involving big cause and effect.

It's like what happened on the first day in Luoxia Barren Mountain...

Both of them were confused.

Even——they didn’t know what happened in Luoxia Barren Mountain.

Because these two people came from 20,000 years ago in the fantasy world, or it can be said to be 20,000 years ago in this world. They lived in the next life after fighting and dying in the Soul-Suppressing Tomb.

At this time, after settling down in Lihe River, Su Li moved and entered the space of the heart.

At this time, Su Li truly came to the real forbidden place where Kunpeng Tianshan is located.

Here is a special time fault point jointly set up by Feng Yao and Zhuge Qingchen.

But this time gap does not come from the past or the present, but from the future.

This is where Zhuge Qingchen once had the ability to go to the time fault point three years later.

Existing within the 'Void Ancient Scripture', it is also the place to go to the future that the superhumans have been looking for.

They roughly figured out the place, but they could never find the exact location.

But Su Li found it this time.

Moreover, the core meaning of this place is not to go to the future, but that it is a gap, which cannot be opened.

Once this gap exists, it is impossible to truly erase the traces of the fantasy world.

If you want to erase the traces of the fantasy world, this gap must be erased.

According to the past development time experience in the fantasy world, Zhuge Qingchen will soon go to three years in the future.

But now there is no Zhuge Qingchen in this world, but Feng Yao is still there.

Feng Yao revived a method similar to the Source of Hope through the power of special bloodline - in other words, Feng Yao should be cultivated to become the Source of Hope.

If this is the case, what will happen next is that Feng Yao becomes the source of hope, and then is harvested and pushed out at the same time.

But Feng Yao used the Void Ancient Scripture and some terrifying means to open a time node in the future and sent 'Zhuge Qingchen' to the future.

So who is Zhuge Qingchen this time?

It was Hu Chen over there in the Chinese ancestral land.

But Hu Chen's fate was replaced by the former Su Wangchen.

Then the real person who may go to the future must be Hu Chen.

Hu Chen, son of Tianyan God.

Hu Chen was sent to the future by Feng Yao, and told Su Li three years later about the devastating disasters and causes and effects that had occurred in the past three years. He also told Su Li that Su Li had disappeared in the past three years and his whereabouts were unknown.

Normally, something similar to this would probably happen.

But now, Su Li had a glimpse of such cause and effect, and Su Li decided to erase this fault point.

The effect of this fault point is absolutely terrifying.

But this fault point must not exist.

Su Li pondered, and then walked step by step into the endless chaos of the void.

At this time, Su Li clearly felt that his Great Void Technique was condensing little by little, and this condensation was extremely fast and powerful.

In just a moment, Su Li's Great Void Technique, also known as the Great Space Technique, had reached the level of first glimpse from the entry level, and was activated directly.

After being activated, a large number of creation points surged in. Combined with the powerful aura of ancient void scriptures and Taoist charms absorbed here, the large space technique is accumulating progress at an extremely terrifying speed.

Su Li brought up the progress bar and found that it was like a download progress bar, moving forward very quickly.

This scene is really terrible.

What's even more frightening is that in less than ten breaths, the large space technique accumulated to 1/100 of the level of entering the room.

Then it stopped immediately after reaching this level.

Then, it couldn't wait to integrate into Su Li's other three thousand avenues of the Shifang Qiankun level, forming a more consistent whole.

It was at this moment that Su Li's Heavenly Meridian Eye of Listening started to operate on its own.

Then, a terrifying aura circulated in Su Li's mind.

At that moment, Su Li saw everything here very clearly.

This is a heart, a rotten and broken heart.

But this heart belongs to the mother of the Wind Clan, Feng Jinxiu!

Yes, Jinxiu Fairy Style Jinxiu!

This was the former queen mother of the Feng royal family, the ancient head of the Soul Zhen Palace, and the legendary head of the generation above Feng Chaoge.

Su Li already knew before that this person's reputation was quite good.

It was she who completely promoted the entire Feng Royal Family.

But Su Li never expected that he would see a rotten heart here - Feng Jinxiu's heart.

Sure enough, does this mean that good people must die a good death?

How ironic.

Su Li sighed, and the spirit of the Eight Trigrams and the aura of his own royal blood filled such a heart, and then tried to recite Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra and Dongxuan Lingbao's Wonderful Sutra of Saving Suffering.

Su Li recited softly, a moment of salvation.

Such a rotten heart suddenly underwent some changes, but not much better.

This is a heart that is completely rotten and broken. It is already close to weathering and it is impossible to save it.

Su Li's salvation was just to let her rest in peace.

Su Li walks with such a heart.

Its decayed cardiovascular system has turned into a patchwork and bumpy ancient road.

But at the end of such a road, Su Li saw a light blue vortex that had not been simple for a long time.

The vortex is also dead, but there is a person sealed in it.

This man was already a mummy.

But this mummy still clings to such a light blue vortex.

She appeared as a big character, sealed in such a vortex, locked in this light blue vortex.

And this person is none other than Feng Jinxiu.

Su Li silently looked at Feng Jinxiu's mummy, sighed sadly, and bowed to Feng Jinxiu.

There is Feng Jinxiu in the prehistoric mythical world, and it seems to be alive.

Then this one here should also come to an end.

Su Li retrieved the soul-suppressing tablet from the system and took out the soul-suppressing tablet that pulled the ancestor's bones.

The effect of this thing is extremely terrifying.

It is also because this thing is similar to the existence of the Demonic Blood Monument, which can draw time, and can be used to seal the town.

Once upon a time, Su Li used the soul-suppressing monument to bury Zhuge Qingchen's remains at the Naihe Bridge.

Now, Su Li has to use such a soul-suppressing tablet again.

A top-notch Soul-Calming Monument, an extremely valuable resource.

And - the effect is astonishing.

If this thing is released, you may not want to buy it at the bottom.

However, after being included in the system space, the soul-crushing monument, what qualifications does Chao have to buy at the bottom?

There are no qualifications.

Not only was he unqualified, Su Li had already used the Three Thousand Avenues to cleanse the soul-suppressing monument countless times.

It's time... Mei'er takes action.

Su Li actually didn't want to see Meier at this moment, let alone Meier appear in such a place.

But Mei'er is Nuwa's cause and effect.

And what is Nuwa best at?

It is mending the sky.

And the cause and effect of this so-called time gap is also the broken sky.

As long as Meier repairs this broken sky once, Meier's cause and effect will be more perfect, and the destruction and catastrophe in the past three years can be stopped.

This is the so-called cause and effect of returning to ruins in three years.

The three-year return to ruins will not happen three years later, but may have already happened from now on.

Only this time, Su Li accidentally killed the Emperor Soul Mother Insect, thus pushing back the cause and effect by thirty years.

The disaster point that will be the Guixu catastrophe has actually already been opened.

It's like an opened Pandora's box.

Su Li did not call Meier immediately.

Because with Meier's ability, she should actually know many things.

It’s not a problem that cannot be faced, but it is reality here.

Meier cannot appear in reality.

Once an abnormality occurs, they will be caught in one fell swoop!

But - if this point is not made up, it will affect the ruin of the entire world.

Not just this world, because this point also represents the question of whether Su Li's former fantasy world can be blocked.

This is a gap!

And once this gap is blocked, Su Meng's cause and effect will no longer exist.

Because it was through this gap that Su Meng returned to the fantasy world of his past.

So this pretty much reverses the past and the future.

This is an extremely huge cause and effect, and it is also the most critical core of the layout of super beings.

That's it. Is this point easy to kill?

Su Li stood here for a while.

Then, he silently called up the system and looked at all the current abilities.

Then, after Su Li pondered for a while, he suddenly opened the secret sign.

Because he can't take action easily.

Returning to the ruins is a trivial matter.

Although it is extremely important whether the cause and effect of the fantasy world is covered, it is not fatal.

But once Mei'er is lured out and something happens, it will be completely over.

This matter is no longer just a simple game at the lower level, but too high-level.

But this cause and effect is indeed something he can deal with normally.

That is to say, there is no danger in his judgment, because everything he has come through is just the cause and effect of the lower and middle levels, and it is impossible to suddenly become a top-level game here.

Not to mention, through his previous special vision, he had determined the defeat of Chao and Li Juan this time - plus Chao didn't know this point was here.

So the forbidden secrets here are never revealed.

So, does this have to be the case?

Su Li wasn't completely sure - so what if he was 100% confident?

He didn't dare to take action easily, because the ability of people like Li Juan and Chao to buy at the bottom was terrible.

After Su Li signed in, the system was stuck for a full ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, Immortal Light Blue and Light Blue Phantom both arrived.

Not only did these two come, but a white figure also appeared.

Su Li couldn't see it, but his first feeling was that he was seeing some kind of past where he had been ravaged.

Among the three phantoms, only the immortal light blue is absolutely real, and the other light blue phantom is already a phantom.

And the other white figure was even more like an afterimage - if it weren't for the ability to listen with the Heavenly Veins, Su Li wouldn't even be able to see her existence.

When Su Li looked at her, she seemed to respond with a look.

The tenderness in his eyes made Su Li's heart soften instantly, and his body also softened, as if he was about to melt.

Su Li tried his best to keep his mind calm and quiet, not daring to look or think any more.

No problem, this secret can be kept - Feng Jinxiu is really good. No wonder the world of ancient mythology led her destiny there.

The white figure softly conveyed some information.

The light blue figure said: It's good to be cautious, because if this is bought at the bottom, it will really be over. From this point of view, things are absolutely not absolute, so maybe we still have unknown taboos, but we don't know.

Immortal Qinglan said: Then let Mei'er mend the sky? The key is that now... can she?

Su Li was also very worried when he heard this.

The white figure said: You have to know how to do it even if you don't know how to do it. This is a good opportunity.

The light blue figure said: Then form an array?

Immortal Qinglan said: Well...if...it won't go wrong or anything, right?

The light blue figure said: It shouldn't happen, and everything is under control.

The white figure said: It can't be wrong. This was locked by Feng Jinxiu not long after it was condensed - I'm just curious, how could Feng Jinxiu lock this?

Immortal Qinglan said: I have also been investigating this aspect recently. What is certain is that the next life that Feng Jinxiu lives here is Feng Chan, and Feng Chan is Feng Yao's mother - and it is Feng Yao who died here. After Feng Yao was refined into the source of hope, it exploded for unknown reasons, forming a fault point. However, Feng Yao led the future, so this future was probably created by Hu Chen.

From this point of view, all this has not happened now, so Feng Jinxiu is actually Feng Yao's mother. It is extremely normal for the emperor's mother to give birth to a prince.

The son is the mother's heart. If she could see the future, she would be able to find the fault points, and she would fight to the death to lock the fault points.

The white figure said: I did the math and it's almost like this, so there is no danger here.

The light blue figure said: What I have found so far is that the cause and effect of Ksitigarbha's transformation over there is almost complete, so we have to do it as soon as possible.

The white figure said: They are all a bunch of clowns. In fact, don't worry about it. The real crisis lies in the cause and effect of the Machinery Clan, the Emperor Soul Clan and others outside the Heavenly Sacrifice Domain. The Mechanical Clan's mechanical puppets have already invaded, but now No one knows.”

The light blue figure said: Those puppet dead soldiers are all mechanical puppets.

Immortal Qinglan said: If they are all, then starting from Jingyang Village, those special geniuses are all such puppets.

The white figure said: Yes.

Immortal Qinglan was silent for a moment and said: Let's not talk about these for now.

Saying that, Immortal Qinglan looked at Su Li again and said, Summon Mei'er, and then directly present the corresponding cause and effect to her with the secret of heaven. Well, the secrets that should be kept must be kept. ——You know what the secret is, right?

Su Li nodded and said, That's for sure.

Of course Su Li knew what Immortal Qinglan mentioned - the secret of the system.

And whether it is the light blue elf, the immortal light blue, the light blue shadow or this white figure, they must be the core of the system.

If the system is divided into regions, Su Li has already determined it now.

The light blue elf corresponds to the 1st to 17th levels of life wisdom and enlightenment.

Immortal light blue corresponds to around layers 17-27.

The light blue shadow corresponds to around layers 27-33.

And that white figure definitely corresponds to the 33rd floor and above.

Are there no special existences after the 33rd floor?

Could it be those from the Emperor Soul Clan?

So this is the system's distinction between permissions and various levels.

Before that, in the fantasy world, Su Li discovered that he was so scumbag that he could not even truly condensate the immortal light blue, so he had hardly shaken any core secrets.

But this time, whether it was true or not, he shook the white figure out, which shows that he has basically copied the old bottom.

This should be the most correct and accurate way to grow.

When Su Li agreed, he immediately gathered his will to communicate with Mei'er in the Qing Emperor's Palace, and first passed on the corresponding secret information.

Except for the system and system-related information, which were not shown at all, Su Li also showed some of the abilities of the Three Thousand Avenues.

In fact, it's not just Mei'er, but Hua Ziyan is also in the same situation.

The secrets of the system are currently unknown.

Moreover, Su Li even suspected that this system might be what the Emperor Soul Clan and the Machinery Clan were searching for with all their strength, so neither he nor Su Wangchen ever mentioned this secret.

Even after being separated, and after Hu Chen and Su Wangchen chose to be independent, their memories of the system were very vague.

I vaguely know something, but once I really think about it, I can’t remember it.

Su Li is also very relieved about this - why?

Because both of them took a lot of Qianlong Dan.

Hidden Dragon Pill is good, but after taking it, the system will definitely lose core control.

Su Li himself is almost the same in this regard, but the difference is that he is at least the master of the system and can also command the system.

As for Hu Chen and Su Wangchen, after they chose to be independent, they lost the system forever.

Even if Su Wangchen has a 'subsystem', it is just a decoration.

After Su Li passed on the secret information, Meier's figure quickly condensed.

Mei'er who appeared here was even more beautiful and charming.

Or maybe it was because Su Li's Heavenly Meridian Listening ability was activated and he saw Meier's true charm.

In short, Su Li was really...excited.

However, in this situation, he could only try to keep his mind empty and not think wildly.

In such a situation where the 'system core' is all there, and they are all his peerless 'beauties', it would be too frustrating if he behaves badly.

Although they probably know what kind of character he is, they still want his old face, right?

Su Li didn't go to see Mei'er - Tianmai Di's 'really' ability was too abominable!

Su Li felt as if he was seeing Mei'er for the first time, and his heart was almost sucked to death.

This charm ability is so terrifying!

The key is that this is Meier's basic aura.

Normally, he didn't realize it, because on the one hand he was used to it, and on the other hand Meier had absorbed all the charming aura - otherwise Su Li estimated that it would be basically impossible for him to get out of bed, and he might even die on Meier's body and not be able to get out.

Su Li is still confident in his current abilities, but even with his current abilities, he cannot withstand such a charming ability.

So at this time, this Tianmai listening ability... is really annoying!

What are you doing looking so real?

Su Li meditated for a while on Specialized Qi to Tenderness, and his mood quickly returned to normal.

At this time, after Mei'er appeared, Su Li clearly felt that the void in all directions seemed to have solidified - not that there was any danger, but that Immortal Light Blue, light blue phantoms and white-clothed figures were all ready at this time.

Calling him a superman is a clown, but the white figure obviously takes it very seriously.

Obviously, the ability of Chao Li Juan and his ilk to buy bargains is definitely a bit abnormal, so much so that Immortal Qinglan and others despise others in words, but their actions are not ambiguous at all.

This is like facing a formidable enemy!

But this way, Su Li felt an unprecedented sense of security.

Later, Su Li also took the initiative to take out the soul-suppressing tablet.

The reason why Su Li was sure that this thing was effective was because of the words of the former Nuwa——

“This is the Immortal Bone—the Immortal Bone was made by a man who knelt on the Naihe Bridge for five thousand years.

Because it contains the Sky-Mending Stone.

And now, I will take out the immortal bones from this hell and refine them into a ‘Heaven-Building Pill’…”

This is a true saying once said by Nuwa, and of course it is true.

And who is the person who has been kneeling for five thousand years?

In fact, it is self-evident.

Now, after Su Li took out the soul-suppressing tablet, he looked at it repeatedly for a while using his Three Thousand Avenues and Tianmai Listening abilities.

After reading it, Su Li made sure that there was no problem, and then handed the thing to Immortal Qinglan: I checked it here...no problem.

After Immortal Light Blue scanned it carefully, he handed it to the light blue phantom and said, I checked it here, and there's nothing wrong with it.

The light blue shadow used mysterious means to detect it again, and also handed it to the white figure.

Finally, the white figure tested it again and again, but no problem was found either.

Then, she handed the thing back in reverse, and finally Immortal Qinglan handed it to Su Li.

Su Li, on the other hand, directly took the soul-suppressing tablet, which had shrunk to the size of a palm, and walked towards Mei'er.

At this time, Mei'er had just woken up from the state of Tianji Linglong.

The figure of Immortal Qinglan and others—Mei'er cannot be seen.

Therefore, Mei'er didn't know that there were other existences here.

Mei'er, here I discovered a fault point leading to the future, which contains extremely terrifying cause and effect. It just so happens that you have inherited Nuwa's inheritance. I summoned you here to let you repair this point. Can you Can you do it?”

Su Li spoke softly.

When he looked at Meier, he saw Meier's true appearance.

Covering the ages, she is like a true peerless fairy.

This is a beauty that cannot be described in words.

As a result, Su Li was stunned again.

Meier smiled softly, nodded lightly and said: Well, husband, don't worry, I have been repairing the way of heaven in the world in the Mountains and Rivers Society Map recently. This fault point of the timeline that has just been broken can be easily repaired.

Mei'er said, the seven-colored light gathered in her hand, and the soul-suppressing tablet melted instantly, turning into a ball of seven-colored mysterious light.

Then Mei'er pushed gently towards the void and raised her hand to wipe it.


The whole world seemed to suddenly explode with mysterious thunder.

Then, the world suddenly fell silent for a moment.

After a while, the void became quiet, and Meier just looked at the heart calmly.

Inexplicably, she sighed and said: This is really a great queen mother. Such a Wind Clan, no wonder it can be regarded as an orthodox royal family. This is truly a person who locked the broken timeline with her own heart and did not let it go. Such a disaster happens.

Meier seemed to understand the cause and effect of everything.

The so-called mending the sky is really easy in Mei'er's hands.

Because this has been completed.

Su Li thought he was going to make something earth-shattering or try to make things happen, but in the end...

The result is really as simple as Meier said.

Just three seconds from start to finish.

When Su Li calculated this time, he couldn't help but feel a little tired - everything in this world seemed to last longer than three seconds?

Husband, what are you worried about? There is no danger here. If such a forbidden secret could be dangerous, it would not be a forbidden secret.

In a place like this, the husband is probably the only one who has no greed and only wants to make up for it.

If it were any other force, their eyes would be red and their hearts would be darkened.

Meier said softly.

Su Li reached out and took Mei'er's hand, looked at it seriously, and said, What a pair of dexterous hands. Not only are they beautiful, they are also very easy to use.

Mei'er chuckled and said, Well, I can't stay here any longer. After I come out, my aura will definitely show up. It can't be sealed here.

Because I now contain part of the aura of Nuwa Empress, I will definitely be attracted by it and will attract a lot of attention.

This would bring greater trouble to my husband, so I went back first.

If your husband misses Meier, come to Qingdi Palace.

However, recently, because it is the cause and effect that pulls the world of A Chinese Girl, it is better not to go to the Qingdi Palace for the time being. It will lead to some bad causes and effects, and may even expose part of the atmosphere of the Qingdi Palace.

After waiting for A Chinese Story, Meier can spend time with her husband.

Meier said softly.

This kind of gentleness is truly extremely gentle.

Su Li suddenly discovered that it seemed that only when facing Meier could his heart be the most stable and at peace.

He once said that where there is Meier, there is home.

Nowadays, this is probably the feeling of home, the feeling of a good wife, a fairy wife.

Su Li nodded gently and said softly: Well, Mei'er, please go back.

Su Li said, before reaching out and hugging Mei'er, and then kissed her gently.

Su Li did not go any further, but let go after a brief contact, and then watched Meier disappear.

Everything is short-lived.

But Su Li was not reluctant to give up - in fact, it was normal for Meier to be charming.

The ability of Tianmai Listening to see the truth is extremely strong, so among the abilities of Tianmai Listening, Meier is the real peerless face.

This is an appearance that is enough to charm all living beings.

Normally, Mei'er didn't manifest these things, not because she didn't want to show them to Su Li, but because she was worried that Su Li would be too indulged in beauty and ignore other things.

And if she is too outstanding, it will make Su Li biased towards other beauties.

Therefore, Meier has actually achieved the ultimate in every detail.

Nowadays, it is not difficult for Su Li to hug Meier in person.

The hard thing is to let go freely after kissing and hugging!

After all, this kind of charm ability is actually extremely shocking to people's hearts.

But Su Li's eyes were quite clear and natural.

This is Su Li's true charm.

Immortal Qinglan and others all saw this scene.

But just after seeing it, he didn't feel that Su Li was inappropriate because of it. Instead, he valued Su Li even more.

Mei'er's ability is very strong, more powerful than I imagined, and her heart is extremely strong. You are really... blessed.

Immortal Light Blue felt a little emotional, and then praised him.

Su Li chuckled and said, Fortunately, there is nothing unusual in this scene. Otherwise, if someone were to buy the bottom, they wouldn't be able to save the situation even if they vomit blood.

Immortal Light Blue sighed: If you are caught at the bottom, you will lose directly - and there is no way out and no chance to come back. Now do you know what this fault point means?

[The first update of 16,000 words ~ I am asking for full subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommended tickets ~ coding is not easy, and breaking out is even more difficult. I hope everyone can support me~ I bow and thank you~ I am grateful~]

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