I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 867: Insight into Cause and Effect, Tianshan Jade

After Xuan left, Chao Cai's expression darkened again.


This time, Chao didn't get angry, but his whole body burned with extremely terrifying and blazing flames.

Among these flames, Ji Yanyan's flame origin seemed to be vaguely manifested.


Chao suddenly shouted angrily, and then his figure was like a peerless demon soul, suddenly rushing into the flames, grabbing the corresponding flame totem, and crushing it alive again.

Immediately, the aura quickly dissipated.

But at this time, Chao couldn't help but gradually fell silent.

Yanyan, don't worry, your father will definitely take whatever you like - isn't it Yanyan's? Soon - soon everything will belong to you!

Chao muttered.

At this time, Li Juan's figure condensed.

But she didn't say anything, but watched the scene silently, and then looked to the other side.

Chao actually doesn't have a daughter at all.

Because his stepdaughter Nini has been humiliated to death by him.

In order to prevent the bestiality from being discovered, a car accident was arranged - Nini's death was not an accident.

For Nini, who was only a few years old, it was just a kind of relief - a kind of relief from hell.

But why does Chao need to show the image of a great father again?

The reason for this is simply because he wants to create a perfect angel-like daughter and the character of a perfect, loving and great father.

As for what this persona is used for.

This is of course of great use.

Li Juan knows this - because she is in charge of this part of reincarnation authority, and then erases the cause and effect and all traces of it.

Because Su Li cannot let Su Li know this.

Otherwise, many of Brother Chao's important plans will be exposed.

Even Brother Chao himself doesn't know this.

He didn't know that even if Li Juan re-created the existence of a perfect angel daughter, after being taught by Brother Chao, this daughter fell in love with Yan Yan's flame origin, and was killed by Yan Yan directly after snatching her away.

Then Chao used special means to calculate Yan Yan and take away part of the origin of the flame.

After Yan Yan gave up part of the origin of the flame for Su Yan, he cut off this ray of flame origin, and then ended the cause and effect together with Su Yan and Mu Qingyan.

This is like stealing the origin of fire by sucking souls and life, achieving the super invincible status of fire.

Now Chao's strength is unfathomable, so Li Juan doesn't dare to show any knowledge of these secrets.

As for that 'Yanyan', he had already been killed by Yan Yanzhen.

However, in order to maintain his image, Chao mixed the memories of Yanyan and Nini, and always felt that Yanyan was Nini's next life.


But this matter will become a permanent secret.

Until one day, she, Li Juan, reached a new level...

Su Xia, I can now have seventy-two different kinds of men from San Gong and Six Houses - it's a pity that I can't sleep with you.

But - I'm sure I'll be able to sleep with Su Renhuang soon. Then, I'll see how you can survive.

Do you think you can cut off the cause and effect? ​​When the time comes, everything will look better for you! I will make you cut it off without stopping, and the reason will still be chaotic.

Li Juan murmured to herself.

what's on your mind?

At this time, Chao suddenly spoke and asked coldly.

Li Juan was suddenly woken up, but she didn't panic at all. Instead, she responded calmly: I'm thinking about how to deal with this kind of person.

Chaodao: Are you going to deal with me?

Li Juan said: Deal with you - the hateful person, otherwise who else could be there?

Chao said in a deep voice: Isn't it me?

Li Juan asked: Am I worthy?

Chaodao: You are indeed unworthy.

Li Juan said: Whether you are worthy or not, haven't I been helping you? And the benefits are real. Saying this makes people more reassured, right?

Chao nodded and said nothing more.

No wonder this person has been unable to be killed. This Su Yan can really reserve his skills! Hahaha, I used to laugh at Feng Zhishui for being so unbearable. As a high-level person, he was actually dead. Now it seems... it may not be him. Really incompetent.”

After Chao pondered for a while, he suddenly said.

Li Juan said: You have to understand that reincarnation authority is not that easy to get. This person can have 50% of the authority, and he got it without our knowledge. This proves that he is somewhat capable.

And he is not like Su Yan, who has a papaya-like elm-shaped head, but he is already able to adapt.

And he should be a person who can be regarded as a source of hope, but if he violates some of his bottom lines, he will definitely give up the job.

So don't provoke this kind of person.

Generally speaking, if we are not absolutely sure, it is better for us to plan and act later - I can only say that it is a pity that I tried my best to draw the cause and effect and derive the true and false, but I failed to derive the details of his scene.

Chaodao: Lin Xueyao's cause and effect has been drawn out, and it will definitely be drawn into the soul-in-soul method of the Emperor Soul Clan, and the cause and effect cannot be controlled.

When the time comes to really explode the reincarnation, it will be over, so no one can handle the cause and effect, so he was allowed to leave directly.

Otherwise, he would not be able to leave because of the karma of the Living Dragon Vein.

However, it was the existence from the mythical world that took action, and Nuwa also participated in repairing the way of heaven, so this matter was considered to have been revealed.

It's just that - for so long, my super has never lost so miserably. This is simply ridiculous.

Chao sneered, seeming to be mocking himself.

Obviously, what happened this time was an extremely heavy and huge blow to him.

It seems that the cause and effect of Kunpeng's ancestral land is cut off, but in fact it is not like this, because it is like a big net. After it is spread out, it is cut off from the place where the line is cast. This time, there is no net anymore. .

Is this still fishing?

Now the net can't even catch it - you know, if you can't catch fish, it's just a loss, but the net is still there.

Now that the net has been caught, I still can't find it back... This net is not an ordinary net. What is this if it's not a loss of blood?

In particular, this net was built at an incomparable cost, and it was the first time it was spread out, and the result was gone.

Thinking of this, Chao's mentality exploded.

I...fuck...trained these two bitches to be so good, they have the temperament of an immortal empress, I...fuck...fuck...

Chao shouted a few words in anger, but the flames on his body gradually extinguished and returned to normal.

When Li Juan saw this scene, she felt inexplicably happy in her heart, but her face showed worry and sadness.

Alas - since the reincarnation authority was lost, it is still difficult now. Now I just wait for this vast cause and effect to pass, and the 30% of the authority returns, and then my 20% authority can also be activated. Otherwise, it is really It’s uncomfortable.”

Li Juan sighed and could only change the topic.

Otherwise, she's afraid that she won't be able to hold back her excitement, which would be bad.

As for Su Li and Chao's struggle with each other - she enjoyed watching the show.

Chao pondered for a long time and said: This Chaos Destiny Sutra...how can I get this thing?

Li Juan said: It's unlikely. There's nothing we can do now, and there's no way we can do it in the short term. In addition, given the current situation, it's not possible to get the authority back in the short term.

Chao thought for a while and then said: Okay, let's stay silent for three months first. With his ability, I'm afraid he won't be able to restrain him after three months.

Li Juan said: I told you to send the bad luck away. Wasn't there Su Youwei, Su Youru or something before? Tianji Pavilion should also come in handy. And in A Chinese Girl World, it can actually be operated. I will personally come on stage when the time comes. ah.

Chaodao: What, you go thousands of miles to deliver grass?

Li Juan said: That's a matter of shadowing Zhuge Qianlan. It has nothing to do with me, and it's hard to say whether it can be sent to him. If he has the Chaos Destiny Sutra, I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle - but is this thing really good? Not necessarily.

It's impossible to notice it every time, right?

Chaodao: So it's still a matter of luck. With good luck, if this little chance triggers 100% every time, it would be disgusting. The key is that this thing cannot be imitated.

Li Juan said: He is probably aware of some situations, and he also specializes in using arbitrary methods to evolve his abilities. He does not even improve his own cultivation level. He relies on the various development of this kind of divine ability. This... This situation has already changed All research is stuck.

I sent a lot of them back, but they were all stumped. I had no choice but to give up, or they would be unable to evolve and update.

What's more - it was updated three times in advance, and now there have been strange changes like Chaos Destiny Sutra, so that all previous updates have been scrapped. If this is rolled back, many geniuses will explode directly.

If you don't retreat... you're going in the wrong direction... and it will become even harder to target him.

Chaodao: Can your reincarnation system help?

Li Juan said: If you can do something, you can definitely do something, but - I don't have the authority to say anything? Now I can't activate the reincarnation system, and I'm extremely disgusted.

Chao pondered: What about the Perfect World in Shushan? You occupy 100% of the reincarnation authority over there.

When Li Juan heard this, her expression changed slightly and she said: Don't move over there, otherwise Liu Cangqing's forces will never give up, and if they really move, their base will be gone.

If I open a time gap there...then my reincarnation authority will be permanently lost. This is a real violation of the law and cannot be concealed.

If others are talking about it, I can turn a blind eye if I don't participate. After all, it's just a small fuss and the whole thing can be covered up.

But I just conducted an inventory before, and if I do this again, then my trial will really be over.

This matter cannot withstand investigation.

After hearing this, Chao paced back and forth for a while, then tore his hair again, feeling very irritated.

Don't be anxious. In my opinion, there is still a lot of time, and it is only a temporary defeat.

After all, even the Emperor Soul Clan is afraid of the Chaos Destiny Sutra.

Li Juan comforted.

Chao murmured: It's not that I'm anxious, but Ji Xie definitely doesn't understand the cause and effect of the Chaos Destiny Sutra. It's impossible for Su Yan to know this stuff, so how can he teach the Chaos Destiny Sutra from his original source? ?

Li Juan said: Maybe it's not his, but he knew this thing was important, so he kept this chance? Forget it, these don't matter anymore. I always feel that this Chaos Destiny Sutra is a bit scary. It feels like It’s like being spied on.”

Chaodao: That's not the case, who here can peep into it?

As Chao spoke, he also released a ray of extreme flame origin that enveloped all directions, and formed a terrifying giant flame eye that looked around repeatedly, but found nothing unusual.

Don't worry, if I can be spied on, then let's not mess around, because it is bound to fail.

Chao's tone was very confident.

Li Juan nodded and did not think about it in this regard.

At this time, the two of them had temporarily put aside such karma.

Then, Chao started to give Li Juan a chance.

And Li Juan also showed her ability to be nervous.

When Su Li entered the gate of the Kunpeng Tianshan Forbidden Area in Dapeng God Land, his figure suddenly paused.

At this time, although Li Hexi was a little strange, he didn't ask.

Because for the Heavenly Master, abnormal causal reactions may occur at any time, so there may be pauses or dazes.

But this situation is not a loss of consciousness - if you think this is a good opportunity to attack, you are seeking death.

Master Tianji has always been the most terrifying among all practitioners, because this kind of person not only has the normal cultivation skills of a genius, but also has the mysterious way of Tianji.

The saying that one would rather offend the King of Hell than Master Tianji is never a joke.

And Su Li is the Tianji Saint Master among the Tianji masters...

With the ability of this Heavenly Master, most guardians would take a detour.

Therefore, opening up the upper limit of Tianji Saint Master to Su Li was probably a decision made only after his brain was filled with water.

But - if you don't open this, what other upper limit can you open? Open the upper limit of realm? Then Su Li can't improve his realm. Isn't Su Li an idiot?

So this is an unsolvable decision.

The lesser of the two harms, those who think that the upper limit of the 'Tianji Holy Master' is 'light', at least this time will be slapped in the face.

At this time, Su Li's sluggishness was not because he sensed some cause and effect, but for some reason. He sensed that a group of elves were actively contacting him.

As a result, Su Li was quite strange.

Therefore, Su Li followed the method taught by Immortal Qinglan and tried to contact these cute elves through telepathic communication.

Clusters of small, snow-white light clusters, like fur balls, are particularly strange.

And it has flickering light spots of various colors - the color is very light, mainly snow white, and the rest is mixed with a little bit of other colors.

When Su Li sensed it, he vaguely sensed the breath of the Chaos Destiny Sutra through his heart, and sensed that the eleven types of the three thousand avenues were gathered together.

Even the large space technique is compatible with it...

Su Li even sensed that the color of the large space technique had a hint of pink?

Good guy, this big space technique is still pink? What the hell is this?

Su Li felt ridiculous in his heart, and he even vaguely felt... Could it be that these little cuties were secretly led by the light blue baby to put on cute makeup? Otherwise, where did the pink come from?

This is probably the funniest joke ever, right?

Su Li was secretly suspicious, but still carefully sensed the mysterious light group of Three Thousand Avenues.

Then, Su Li seemed to be suddenly wrapped in a ball of hot springs.

Later, in that extremely chaotic and mysterious void, Su Li saw a scene that made him unbelievable!

Liao was killed by Chao Yi's palm and absorbed three billion immortal sources! ! !

Later, Chao was furious because of what happened to Li Hexi and asked for arbitration. Then... Three Thousand Avenues actually combined the Chaos Destiny Sutra to directly perform a reverse drama?

Derived his Taoist injuries and manifested the Chaos Destiny Sutra with just a trace of a hair?

These are truly born actors!

Isn't this... too smart?

Su Li was extremely shocked.

What’s even more frightening is that this is the first time he has peeked at these upper-level people in reverse, and he has not been contaminated by the cause and effect, so he will not be discovered!

Su Li's heart moved, and he called up the system panel and took a look.

At a glance, Su Li discovered that all three thousand avenues had been temporarily upgraded to the level of 'proficiency', and even the large space technique had reached this level on its own initiative.

The system provides a temporary creation point?

Or is it because of their own improvement potential that this scene has occurred?

Su Li judged in his heart, and then saw Brother Chao's complete defeat.

Not only that, Su Li thought this scene was complete.

As a result, Chao and Li Juan had another exchange, and what was even more terrifying was that Li Juan's inner monologue was seen by Sanqian Daodao.

This time, Su Li was really angry - so, all of Chao's fire abilities were to steal Yan Yan's original flame?

So by creating an image of a loving father, he actually wants me to relax my guard and feel that he actually has his own reasons?

This beast——

Still 'Yanyan'?

Su Li's good mood was suddenly ruined because of the innocence, liveliness and cuteness of the three thousand avenue elf babies.

However, Su Li's Xinxing was now very strong and he did not get angry immediately - because his anger would only frighten the babies of the Three Thousand Avenues, and then they would no longer be close to him.

The senses of these little elves are terrifying.

The moment Su Li's mentality was destroyed, the three thousand avenue elves were stunned for a moment.

Su Li immediately cared for the light blue baby, like a kind old father, imagining that it was like scorching heat, and then stabilized the scene.

If not, this would not be the credit of the three thousand avenue elves, but they would be scattered and scared away.

Too fragile and too sensitive.

Su Li felt a little emotional in his heart, but he still finished his induction seriously.

Among them, there is even a scene where Na Chao and Li Juan have another big fight...

I have to say, that Chao is pretty fierce.

Su Li had no interest in watching this, so he just stopped talking.

But even so, Su Li still felt a little unworthy of Su Xia.

This Li Juan has become a bus, right? There are really not enough people to help her.

Not only that, this person actually wanted to sleep with him, Su Li?

Su Li almost vomited. It was already so green that he didn't know how green it was. How could Su Li dare to get close to her?

If the shadow traps Zhuge Qianlan - no matter what, I have to find a way to kill him, otherwise it may be even more disgusting than the previous scene.

Zhuge Qinglan itself is very similar to Immortal Qinglan. It's really exciting and I quite like it.

But it would be a kind of blasphemy to be ensnared by the dirty things like Ying.

Don't let me enter the world of A Chinese Girl, or I'll be the first to kill you.

After Su Li exited the mysterious chaotic area, he thought about it.

But at the same time, he immediately let the light blue elf show her characteristics and gave the three thousand avenue elves the ultimate care.

Not only that, Su Li also directly produced two super good animated movies - which are also the favorites of the light blue baby.

Bear Infested Fantasy Space and Noza's Devil Boy Saves the World are here to reward this group of babies.

Sure enough, after receiving Su Li's care, pampering and this great reward, the group of babies were overjoyed - although in the system space, Su Li could only see a light blue elf who was beaming with joy and was particularly high-profile. The scene was also very strange, but Su Li also felt inexplicably at ease.

And Su Li called up the system panel again and took a look - all three thousand avenues were at 1/100 level of entering the room.

In the past, it seemed that their own development potential was just improving on their own, which was in line with the cause and effect of the Chaos Destiny Sutra.

This intelligence is a bit strong. It really improved on its own...

Su Li called up the records on the system panel and took a look, his face suddenly darkened slightly.

This time, this time...

Sure enough, a lot of creation points were burned.

One million fortune points were temporarily raised.

Then after retreating, there were only about 800,000 creation points left, and 300,000 creation points were simply gone.

This movie is a waste of rewards...

I can't afford to burn me like this. This is...

Eleven kinds of three thousand avenues, this time cause and effect, a loss of 3.3 million points of creation...

Su Li almost vomited blood.

Fortunately, this time the system has accumulated enough, and it has not been upgraded yet.

Otherwise, this kind of cause and effect will definitely be pulled by their intelligence.

But if it is pulled forward, the system will directly go into debt or Immortal Light Blue will have to kill itself to save money.

You must know that all he gained before was only more than nine million creation points, and although there were some additional gains, there was still a loss in total.

In this case...this is indeed a huge loss.

Moreover, the more than 3.3 million lost this time directly deducted all of Su Li's creation points - Su Li himself only had tens of thousands of creation points on the system panel, which was accumulated from the massacre of many geniuses this time. of.

The rest is all generated by the system.

Fortunately, part of the secret value was also consumed and deducted some of it, otherwise Su Li would have been tempted to vomit blood.

The only thing that makes him depressed is that this time, the immortality value has not been lost much, and it has nearly 100,000. The immortality value of nearly 100,000 is supposed to be equivalent to tens of millions of creation points. Unfortunately, it is completely useless and can only be used. Used to create the world in the Shanhe Sheji Tu.

It wasn't that Su Li felt it wasn't worth it - just such a cause and effect, including dealing with the review by the Goddess of Time and others, was extremely worthwhile.

It's just this kind of loss - Su Li really can't bear it after a few visits.

Su Li, who originally thought he was already quite wealthy, immediately sensed the economic crisis in advance - he had to find a way to make a big fortune again, otherwise this would definitely not work.

In terms of his character, it is certain to plan for a rainy day.

Therefore, you must accumulate tens of millions of creation points and be able to withstand at least two waves before you have the confidence and sense of security.

Otherwise, you will feel extremely poor and miserable.

Su Li pondered for a while, but still did not disturb the happiness of the little elf babies.

Forget it, let’s take a loss, isn’t it just an extra animated movie as a reward...

After Su Li closed the system panel, he walked towards the gate of the forbidden area.

The door is smooth and the entire door is a cold cyan color.

The cyan glow was dense, and it reflected Su Li's appearance and the beautiful faces of Li Hexi beside him.

The time that Su Li sensed the cause and effect of the Three Thousand Avenues was not long, only two or three breaths, so nothing unusual happened when he came back to his senses.

The cyan gate is almost five meters high and three meters wide.

When Su Li walked to the door, an old voice came from inside the door.

Su Renhuang, please come in. Due to some reasons, it is not convenient for the old man to set out to greet us. I also ask Su Renhuang not to blame the three old men for their rudeness.

The old voice was quite gentle, and his attitude was still very sincere.

But Su Li will no longer give any definition in advance.

What Chao and Li Juan did did really make Su Li quite afraid.

Therefore, in many matters, Su Li could not kill him at will.

It may be easy to say in terms of other causes and effects, but if you attack your own system, you feel that you can poke holes in it at once.

Others don't know Su Li's true strength - how could Su Li not know it himself?

To be honest, he would be scared if he fought with himself.

To be more specific, it is the real deal - a monster!

At this time, Su Li also felt like he had experienced Su Li's 'invincible' mentality.

The old man is a monster.

The old woman is charming.

The old man is showing off.

Greetings to the Su Renhuang. The Human Emperor is here, and he has come to welcome you from afar.

After Su Li entered the inner area of ​​the Tianshan Forbidden Land, three old rays of light gathered in the sky, and then turned into three figures of old men, descended from the void, and then bowed to Su Li.

And in terms of attitude, it is indeed very good.


These three names were quite satisfactory. Although they corresponded to the meaning of demonstration and danger, Su Li didn't care about them.

Compared with names like Wukong and Wujing, these three names are too normal.

Otherwise, if another name like that comes, Su Li will really be stunned.

It made Su Renhuang laugh.

The three old men were slightly ashamed and laughed.

Su Li cupped his fists slightly and saluted in response.

This was the three people's response to the respect for the Human Emperor. This was a matter of etiquette, and Su Li could not be rude.

When the other party said this, it showed that he agreed with Su Li's Human-Emperor orthodoxy.

From this aspect, the three people currently have no big problem.

You don't have to be polite, three elders. To make a long story short, the three of you should know Su's purpose of coming here.

Su left the door and said straight to the point.

Well, we already know that Su Renhuang invited us - the Ancient Void Scripture is on the cliff in the secret room of the forbidden area. The cliff is called 'Tianshan Jade Bi'. Whenever the moonlight shines on it, it will appear. The Ancient Scripture of Transforming the Void.”

And the moonlight...

While the three old men were talking, their eyes naturally looked at Li Hexi.

The look in it showed a bit of complexity.

[The fourth update today ~ 39,000 words have been updated today ~ I am asking for full subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets ~ I bow and thank you ~]

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