I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 858: The Secret Realm of the Waning Moon, the Elegy of the Great Emperor

The land of Demonic Blood Domain is filled with the breath of endless life source.

The blood sea cage and ghostly demonic energy that once existed have now been completely purified, becoming clear and bright.

This is also a vast force, containing the breath of the great road.

Su Li walked towards Yue Wang and Mu Yuxi.

At this time, the two of them also made some adjustments and seemed to be in pretty good shape.

Especially the Moon King, whose crescent moon was shattered and covered in blood, was actually in a very embarrassed state.

But looking at it now, it was also radiant - Su Li couldn't help but think that women still love beauty at all times, especially in front of the people they like.

Su Li reluctantly acted as the person they fell in love with.

After all, he has always been a handsome young man, a killer of girls, and the dream of a billion strange women.

Are you OK?

The Moon King immediately came closer and asked softly.

The aura has become much weaker. It must have caused Dao injuries.

Mu Yuxi pursed her lips slightly, and the worry in her beautiful eyes was particularly obvious.

Su Li smiled and said: It's okay, the situation is smoother than I thought. In the final analysis, they are just a group of dark things that cannot see the real light.

Moon King said: That is because your light is pure. If there is any impureness, it will be the result of eternal disaster - especially since you have shown some negative states before.

Su Li said unfazed: I actually mentioned it a long time ago. The reason why the Human Emperor is the Human Emperor is that the human emperor is in front and the emperor is in the back. Therefore, the Human Emperor is also a human being and will also have emotions. If we reach a dead end, , rather than sinking in the darkness, it is better to burn completely and leave a piece of innocence in the world.

This means that it is better to be in pieces than in pieces.

This is not my will or personal decision, but on the big issues of right and wrong, I can lead the people of the Chinese ancestral land to make this decision.

You think, I have achieved the ultimate, right?

There may be some flaws, but who else can go further?

Maybe there are only a few, and most of them are actually not as good as me.

Since I can't even struggle out, there is no need to exist at all.

Walk upright and stand firm, do not do evil things, and do not fear the ghost knocking on your door.

I firmly believe that there is righteousness in the world - with such a bright and pure heart, facing this filthy darkness, I think that if the real Ancestral Dragon exists, it will be from my perspective and not from his perspective.

And you want to get a demon soul to enslave my legitimate imperial power and want to reverse the cause and effect?

I really think too much!

If I am defeated by such darkness - is there any hope for this world?

Su Li's words were shocking, but they also made the Moon King understand deeply.

Mu Yuxi didn't pay attention to this, but was worried about Su Li's injuries.

Those that don't matter will be resolved soon.

Su Li responded and hugged Mu Yuxi again.

Later, Su Li accompanied Yue Wang and Mu Yuxi to talk about their situation.

Mu Yuxi's concept of time was already very vague, which also let Su Li know that Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul might have been suppressed long ago.

But now, Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul cannot kill himself at will - this pull will expose part of Mu Yuxi's cause and effect from the Shanhe Sheji Tu.

At the same time, it will also be drawn to Mu Yusu.

Perhaps self-destruction can provide immediate relief, but many abilities will be abolished.

This is not like Hu Chen - because many of Hu Chen's karma actually lies with Su Li, but now Su Li is not involved in the karma, and Hu Chen and Su Wangchen have also benefited greatly.

Mu Yuxi is different.

Just like it is also inconvenient for the Moon King to kill himself at this time, it is very taboo and dangerous.

The method of self-destruction is the last way and the last resort.

Now, this Demonic Blood Territory area has been wiped out. It is like a brand new small secret world. As long as it is handled well, it will be safe here.

Because there is a small 'Crescent Moon Secret Realm' hidden here that even Chao and Ji Xie don't know about, and there are some mysterious inheritances in this secret realm of Waning Moon.

Among them, it is also related to the Juehun Ancient Forbidden and the Three Souls and Seven Souls mutation.

All this can be left to Yue Wang and Mu Yuxi to learn.

After some exchanges, Su Li secretly conveyed this message through causal means such as Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterflies.

After hearing this, Yue Wang and Mu Yuxi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately happily agreed to Su Li's request.

Because the way here is through the passage, Su Li needs to return along the original path.

And this special Netherworld Ancient Road belongs to the 'Heavenly Veins' of an abyssal place like Zulongyuan. Yue Wang and Mu Yuxi could not leave in this way, so Su Li did not take them away by force.

Therefore, after Su Li canceled the Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly technique, he immediately released the special Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique to evolve the void in all directions, covering this vast area, and then activated the Waning Moon Secret Realm.

After the Waning Moon Secret Realm is opened, it is like an extremely mysterious ancient world.

It was very lonely and desolate.

But there was an overwhelming aura of immense grandeur.

When Su Li felt that kind of aura, he couldn't help but feel the urge to worship him - this was a very powerful aura impact.

Ancient and vast, majestic and mottled, it shocks people's hearts and shakes their souls.

This... this seems to be an ancient moon palace?

Suddenly, the Moon King was a little surprised, and a lightning-like picture flashed in his mind, as if he remembered many causes and effects.

Moon Palace? Ancient Moon Palace?

Su Li was a little surprised.

The Moon King nodded lightly and said: When I sensed such an ancient and vast aura, a picture appeared in my mind - it was a picture of the ancient heaven being shattered.

Among them, the Moon Palace was shattered and was driven into the Space-Time Soul Locking Tower.

At that time, the Moon Palace turned into a blood-stained waning moon.

And this secret realm is the ruins of the Moon Palace that have been searched for.

Moon King said, and then thought deeply: It just seems like it, not necessarily it is.

Su Li nodded and said: Yes, I understand. Is there someone from the Moon Palace who has been secretly searching for related cause and effect?

While Su Li was speaking, he activated the ability of Tianmai Listening - this ability still has no loss in such an environment, but Su Li can clearly sense that the energy in such an environment has obviously become more volatile. .


It seems like something unusual happened.

At this time, the Moon King frowned and looked around warily.

The huge energy turbulence indeed caused a slight change in the environment.

Su Li knew that this was caused by the ability of Tianmai Listening, so he used Tianmai Listening to observe the Waning Moon Secret Realm, and then carefully judged it, and confirmed that there was indeed no danger in this place, and he felt relieved.

Later, Su Li used the method of Xuanshu Psychic to make a divination, and made calculations for the Moon King and Mu Yuxi, and the results obtained were quite good.

Only then did Su Li feel at ease.

It's okay. I just performed a divination on this secret realm and then deduced your situation. You are no longer in serious trouble.

Well, I will use some secret methods on you later to cut off some complicated causal pulls, leaving some causal factors that do not affect the overall situation and you can solve it yourself.

Su Li said softly.

Only then did the Moon King feel at ease.

Mu Yuxi looked very touched.

The two women showed a different kind of charm, which made Su Li extremely satisfied.

He was actually very reluctant to let go, and even wanted to use the memory restricted area to take the two of them away - but Su Li knew that this was the area belonging to the Demonic Gate of Hell, and even the Crescent Moon Secret Realm had not escaped from here, so he would take them with him. Don't leave them.

Moreover, if he does this, he will violate some other rules, such as a series of taboos of the Hell Demon Sect - this place exists to suppress Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul.

The Moon Palace has always existed. What I know so far is probably Princess Yunji's group of people. Those actually belong to the Moon Palace. However, many causes and effects in the past have been buried in the dust of history. .”

That all happened between 60,000 and 20,000 years ago.

Moon King thought for a while and provided some information.

This is actually very top-secret information, and the Moon King has led some of the causes and effects of the Hongmeng Research Base, so he knows a lot of secrets.

Some memories may resonate at any time and anywhere, and she would not hide them and told Su Li everything.

If the beings such as the Ghosts of Sanqing at the Hongmeng Research Base knew about this, their necks would probably be broken and their mouths would be crooked with anger.

Well, I know that Princess Yunji and others are from the Taiyin Dynasty.

Su Li thought for a moment and said.

The Moon King nodded and said: Yes, they are from this world - the Taiyin Dynasty is a world, second only to the Babel Tower, and is under the jurisdiction of the Babel Tower. And based on their origins - if you add What is the word 'month'?

Su Li said: Taiyin Yue Dynasty...Yin Yue Dynasty?

The Moon King said: Yes, actually the moon is removed - because the Moon Palace is gone, isn't it?

Su Li said: There is such a cause and effect.

Moon King said: There are many, many, but what I know is really just the tip of the iceberg, a drop in the ocean - the more I suddenly resonate with part of the cause and effect scene, the more I feel... unfathomable, terrifying and untouchable.

Su Li pondered for a while and said: Then don't touch it - this place is called the Waning Moon Secret Realm, which is very suitable for practice and contains the method of mutation of three souls and seven souls.

I know a little bit about this stuff, but it's just an introduction, and it's a way that can't be passed down, so you need to understand it yourself.

If you can realize success, you can get out of trouble on your own - because I can't undo your special blockade now.

But if your three souls and seven souls mutate successfully, you can leave on your own.

Of course - it's possible to forcefully break part of the lockdown, but that would only be bad, so I haven't thought about rescuing you now.

Moon King said: I won't allow you to take action now, because the scenes I saw were terrifying, extreme, and powerful. Now that we have this secret realm of the waning moon, it is indeed an excellent opportunity.

Mu Yuxi said softly: You are suffering from Dao injuries now, and this time you obtained the Ancestral Dragon Karma, but you fed it back. You didn't get any benefits at all, and even caused your own Dao injuries to increase. It’s too heavy…how can we let you continue to fight?”

Moon King said: Yes, we are not children after all. If you think about us, we will also think about you.

So this is an opportunity for us as well.

Leave the cause and effect of the Waning Moon Secret Realm to me.

Su Li nodded and said: One of them is the Juehun Ancient Forbidden inheritance originated from Su Yan. This inheritance is also involved in the mutation of the Three Souls and Seven Souls. If you can learn it, then learn it. If you can't learn it, it doesn't matter.

As for the rest, you don’t need to pay too much attention.

After that, I will use the Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique, which is the Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique that contains the ancient forbidden soul, to seal the secret realm of the waning moon. If you understand it, you can solve it on your own. If not, wait until I come to solve it next time and then take you out in an open and honest manner.

Mu Yuxi agreed obediently.

The Moon King naturally had no objection.

What happened next was not complicated. Su Li sent the two of them into the Secret Realm of the Waning Moon.

At the same time, Su Li also personally entered it and sensed it.

This is an extremely dazzling and mysterious place.

There is even an extremely ancient and vast breath of life in it.

This is enough to show that this place was once a real ancient land of life.

It's a pity that now, there are no living creatures here - everything is in a state of silence.

It was sealed inside by the Demonic Gate of Hell, and it was in a state where the pearl was covered in dust.

And because the demonic energy of hell escapes in all directions, sealing off the spirituality within it, there is no real life in it.

But the breath of life and ancient connotations can still make people feel the ultimate glory of the past here.

The aura of pure rules and origins containing the aura of Taoism wanders between such a world.

In addition, there are Dao marks of various orders mixed in the void, and there are even some immortal Dao charms permeating the air.

There are golden origins of various laws, dark green life soul energy, and various blending and changes of Dao marks.

And these, combined with the bloody flames on the periphery of the Hell Demon Gate, reflected wisps of bloody light, coupled with the damage to the Secret Realm of the Waning Moon itself, all of this formed a real bloody Waning Moon.

Such breaths are intertwined together, and from time to time they will present a chilling atmosphere.

And such a moon palace, you can imagine how powerful it would be when it was not broken!

What kind of being could shatter this moon palace with one blow?

Was it the collision between the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower and the Moon Palace that caused such a world to collapse?

Su Li was also a little shocked.

He stood here silently, while Yue Wang and Mu Yuxi beside him were also extremely shocked.

After Su Li sensed it for a moment, he felt that his immortal soul foundation had naturally transformed and grown a lot, and his soul seemed to have been sublimated and transformed.

At the same time, his body and mind became completely peaceful inexplicably.

Quietly, Su Li seemed to hear the sad whispers of the Waning Moon Secret Realm through his own Great Destiny Technique.

The emperor is dead, the heaven has collapsed; thousands of immortals have been robbed, and thousands of Buddhas have perished.

The road to heaven is cut off, the soul dies...the moon palace...collapses...

Su Li felt a thrill in his heart, and he sobered up a little.

Such a sound seems to come from seeing the future, but also seems not to exist.

But in Su Li's heart, there seemed to be a thunderous voice that was always there.

Su Li looked at the causality value and immortality value on the system panel, but there was no change in either of them.

The cause and effect is always 0, and it is still a gray 0 point, which is equivalent to locking this attribute option.

This is the kind of car where the doors are really welded shut, making it impossible to get in even if you want to get in - this system is also awesome.

Su Li grinned.

Then Su Li looked at the immortal value again.

Immortality is worth nothing more and nothing less.

Su Li was silent for a moment and looked at Yue Wang and Mu Yuxi.

The aftertaste of that sound still existed in Su Li's heart, making him shudder again.

But Su Li knew that this palpitating breath was not danger, but the lament of the strong man left in the Moon Palace.

Did you hear that?

Su Li pondered for a moment, then saw the Moon King come back to his senses and asked softly.

The Moon King shook his head.

Even though she was powerful, she still did not hear such lamentations.

Mu Yuxi said softly: This should be the emperor's sorrow. I feel it, but it's not real. It has completely faded over the years, and only that unwillingness remains.

So this may not be the first place where such a collapse has occurred.

Of course it may not be the last one.

All in all...very...difficult.

Mu Yuxi sighed again.

Su Li was silent.

Such a collapse represents the prosperity and decline of the Ten Thousand Immortals and Ten Thousand Buddhas in the past - judging from this cause and effect, did the Ten Thousand Immortals and Ten Thousand Buddhas really never take action against the strong?

Did you really not fight for the Tower of Babel?

What Su Li thought about was not that the Prehistoric Mythical World did not take action, but that when the Prehistoric Mythical World took action, the Babel Tower was behind the action against the Ten Thousand Immortals and Ten Thousand Buddhas of the Prehistoric Mythical World.

If this is the case, the inside should be in harmony with the outside...

The result can only be a tragedy.

The Great Plane World of Babel Tower is really good at this kind of thing.

Which one of Hua Taichu and Su Yan was not forced to death in this way?

Moreover, this is only what Su Li knows - there are many, many people who contain light and hope that Su Li doesn't know. Could it be that they were persecuted to death in this way?

Su Li didn't say anything more, but said: There is no danger here. The great emperor here may be Su Yan, or it may be some strange woman in the Moon Palace - so you guys stay here for now, I won't stay any longer. .

After I leave, I will leave the Babel Tower, maybe to participate in the trial, maybe to attract another cause and effect.

Su Li pondered, and then said: I'm leaving, wait for me, I will be back soon and take you away.

Su Li said, turned around and hesitated for a moment.

Mu Yuxi hugged her from behind, crying and feeling very reluctant to let go.

The Moon King watched silently, his eyes heavy.

There are some issues that no one actually talks about, but everyone knows about them.

On the one hand, the Moon King's situation is very unstable and even dangerous.

On the other hand, Mu Yuxi's Heavenly Soul's certain soul-dao-restricting shackles were not opened.

So maybe this departure is the farewell between the two women and Su Li forever.

Perhaps, cutting oneself into reincarnation is a new life.

But are the new girls still the same?

An incomplete existence, but also a sentimental and righteous existence.

But once it is complete, sometimes it may not still exist as before.

Yue Wang understands this, Mu Yuxi understands it, and Su Li understands it even more.

Don't worry, it will get better - you will know when the time comes.

I must leave now, otherwise Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Art will not be able to lock such a powerful secret realm atmosphere.

And if such a secret atmosphere is exposed in the Demonic Gate of Hell, you will only be more unsafe, and the secrets here will be discovered.

Su Li turned around and hugged Mu Yuxi for a while - Mu Yuxi at this time should be the Heavenly Soul of Mu Yuxi who came down from Luoxia Desolate Mountain.

Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul, which he saved with 100 heavenly chance points.

From that moment on, this Mu Yuxi became the Mu Yuxi she was then.


After Mu Yuxi's cause and effect was resolved, the memories were no longer synchronized, so this Mu Yuxi Tianhun already had many memories that no longer existed.

[Fifth update~The 40,000-word update is completed today~I am asking for full subscription, monthly tickets and recommended tickets~Bow down and thank you~I am grateful~]

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