I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 857: Big Space Technique, Four Dragon Girls

When Su Li heard Immortal Qinglan's words, he chuckled and took the initiative to get closer.

Then, he directly reached out and hugged Immortal Light Blue into his arms.

Immortal Light Blue didn't stop him this time - this was what she promised.

Once Su Li succeeds and convinces her, she will definitely give Su Li such a reward.

Immortal Light Blue knew very well what Su Li liked the most, so he naturally followed suit.

She was even prepared for Su Li's misbehavior - but Su Li didn't do that.

Instead, he just held her quietly and didn't go any further.

I know what you promised me, and it's also an encouragement to me, so I won't take advantage of others. However, you still have to stay close.

Su Li hugged Immortal Qinglan a little tighter, and then kissed her beautiful face.

After a long time.

Are you okay? Isn't this why you don't take advantage of others' danger?

Immortal Qinglan pushed Su Li's mischievous hand away, and then said something angry.

Su Li chuckled and reluctantly let go of the sacred violation of Immortal Light Blue.

This cause and effect is over for the time being, and the world of A Chinese Story should be normal now.

Su Li asked softly.

Immortal Qinglan said: Well, it's almost the same, but after all, it's better to be more cautious.

Su Li said: Then shall I sign in again now?

Immortal Qian Lan panicked and said, Wait a moment.

Then, Immortal Light Blue's pretty face blushed slightly, and she gave Su Li a blank look. Then she straightened her gauze skirt a little, and then adjusted her breath - well, she turned into the sacred and inviolable, beautiful Immortal Light Blue again.

After Su Li signed in to the system, he received the corresponding reward again this time.

[Ding—The sign-in is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Great Origin Technique of Three Thousand Avenues. 】

[Ding—The Great Origin Technique has transformed to the level of entering the palace and can be acquired permanently. 】

[Ding - Congratulations to the host for accumulating eight of the top ten three thousand avenues and the first twenty two kinds of three thousand avenues, for a total of ten types of three thousand avenues. Trigger reward - Imperial Path inheritance Juehun Ancient Forbidden. 】

[Ding—Congratulations to the host for obtaining the system transformation level Juehun Ancient Forbidden, transforming Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique to the level where the five aggregates of divinity are all empty. 】

[Ding - Congratulations to the host for obtaining the top ten top three thousand avenues, breaking the limit of the 'Nine Forbiddens', and obtaining the passive special ability 'Heavenly Meridian Listening'. 】

In that instant, the system did reward him.

But now it seems that this reward is really his accumulated wealth, and the system is equivalent to a kind of notarization.

Or rather, it has always been like this.

However, when there are no abilities such as Three Thousand Avenues, these are all sorted out by the system, and then transformed into Su Li's special abilities.

And with the Chaos Destiny Sutra and the ability to listen to the nine-turn reincarnation of the Three Thousand Avenues, Su Li can also obtain all these by himself.

However, the abilities that have been blessed by the system will be more powerful and unparalleled in all aspects.

Su Li brought up the system panel and took a look.

Possess three thousand spells (awakened the reincarnation vision of the ten directions of the universe): Great Destiny Spell (Enter the Hall) (1/100); Great Reincarnation Spell (Enter the Hall) (1/100); Great Time Spell (Enter the Hall) (1/100) ; Great Cause and Effect (Enter the Hall) (1/100); Great Vision (Enter the Hall) (1/100); Great Fortune (Enter the Hall) (1/100); Great Catastrophe (Enter the Hall) (1/100); Soul Technique (Enter the Hall) (1/100); Great Merit Technique (Enter the Hall) (1/100); Great Origin Art (Enter the Hall) (1/100).

Su Li looked at the system's special abilities again.

Possessing system special abilities: Tianmai Listening (Chaos Emperor Dao) (seeing that the five aggregates of divinity are all empty); Chaos Destiny Sutra (Emperor Sutra) (first glimpse of the door); Juehun Ancient Forbidden ( Emperor's Way) (first glimpse into the door); Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Art (seeing that the five aggregates of divinity are all empty); Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Array (Yuanci Divine Realm) (proficient in the past); Royal Thunder God Chapter (entering the hall); Nine Palaces Spiritual Source Formation Path (reaching the peak); Nine Palaces Spiritual Source Alchemy Path (reaching the peak); Xuanshu Channeling (seeing the perfection of the five aggregates of divinity that are all empty); Heaven Pulse Fighting Soul (Gong Shen Yin) (Gong Shen Yin).

The functions of the system have not been increased, there are still only seven.

Among them, the ‘Tianmai Listening’ function in the system function was completely in a dark sealed state at this time.

The ability to listen to the heavenly pulse has been transformed into the system's special ability.

The advantage of this is that Su Li can use it as his own skills and talents, and it will not destroy the seven-star balance of the system.

This is obviously a wonderful thing.

Not only that, the system's ultimate transformation method made the ability of Tianmai Listening become Su Li's special vision, which can be turned on all the time - but when the system made such adjustments, Su Li discovered that this His ability is defined as the 'Chaos Emperor'.

This means that if Su Li uses this kind of ability in the future, the system cannot guarantee the loss of its own heritage...

This may be more ferocious than burning the Great Destiny.

Therefore, such an ability is not convenient for multiple uses.

This is not a limitation, but because it was previously under the cause and effect of the immortal value, such an ability would naturally have little impact.

However, there are no enemy 'traps' in the outside world. If Su Li uses this ability, some changes will occur.

Su Li understands this very well.

The bottom line is - this ability is beyond limits, just like a trump card. If you use it too much, it will be difficult for many changes to occur in such a world.

This is the tenth level of the three thousand avenues, so good! Moreover, Tianmai Listening has reached the level of seeing the emptiness of the five aggregates of divinity. This is the true perfection of the heavenly eye. Even if it does not evolve the vision of reincarnation of the universe in the ten directions, in Normally when I use the method of Mysterious Psychic Channeling and turn on the Eye of Heavenly Secret, the effect will be extremely powerful, almost comparable to the ability of the Blood Eye in the past.

Su Li sighed.

Immortal Qinglan sighed: Yes, it's rare that you have grown to such a level, which was unimaginable before.

But as you grow up, you may not be able to suppress it for long.

Now you can almost kill white-robed geniuses with ease.

The Guardian class can't do anything to you anymore.

In reality, their real-time updates are also stuck. As a result, there may be some changes after this time.

You have to be ready to level up at any time.

Su Li thought for a while and said, As for the Dao injury, will they find a way to deal with it?

Immortal Qinglan said: That's not necessarily the case - I guess it's more about finding a way for you to live a peaceful life, and then just like King Lei Yan looking for Mu Qingyan, give birth to a powerful descendant of blood and continue to harvest.

Su Li: ...

Immortal Qinglan said: If the cause and effect of thirty years is stable, then after three years of gestation and bloodline, after the child grows up, it can be harvested from 18 to 27. You see, you also went to Luoxia Barren Mountain just after you turned eighteen, right? ?

Su Li: ...

Su Li said: Then what if I show some value?

Immortal Qinglan said: Let's take a look first. I guess you still have some final assessments this time. Because the 18th floor of the Babel Tower has just passed. Analogous to the Luoxia World, isn't there a special assessment in the Shushan World? It won't be that this time, but it should be a fight.

It's the kind of life-and-death battle, but there shouldn't be any big restrictions.

Immortal Qinglan pondered, and then said: Currently, the information above cannot be transmitted, and it is restricted. So you have to deal with everything next. In addition - if Mu Yuxi and Yue Wang are not willing to kill themselves, Let them seal themselves and deal with it later.

When you deal with things, you can use the Great Cause and Effect Technique to cut off some causes and effects, but don't cut them empty, otherwise it will be bad.

Immortal Light Blue warned.

Su Li listened carefully in his heart.

These are things he doesn't understand but must pay attention to.

Many details have been thought out by Immortal Light Blue.

Because many of these things involve the level and aspect of immortality, Su Li is unable to deal with them.

I understand. Now that there are ten layers of three thousand avenues, many problems can be solved. It's just that this injury - it's fun to act and comfortable to calculate, but now that I have this thing, it's not easy to deal with.

Su Li pondered.

Immortal Qinglan said: Perhaps we can consider other aspects - I can't say much about the specifics. But it would be better if what you and 'her' said can be done.

If the next focus is on the inheritance of the prehistoric royal family in the Chinese ancestral land, it will indeed be a good thing.

Su Li said: I am considering rebuilding a heart of thousands to lead more small worlds. This is the prototype of all the heavens and worlds.

Immortal Qinglan said: If that's the case, we have to incorporate at least ten special worlds. But so far, there is only one A Chinese Girl world, and it is not complete yet - because you have not finished the A Chinese Girl world.

Su Li sighed: Yeah, it's not that I don't want to finish the journey, but... it's too much trouble. In the fantasy world, A Chinese Story World was all tried and tested, but now it has started, and as a result, I Stop outside the Tower of Babel.

Immortal Qinglan said: The first time is often very difficult. Once you take the first step, the rest will be much easier - now think about how difficult it is for you to obtain the Great Cause and Effect Technique? In fact, the Great Cause and Effect Technique is actually more difficult. It is the first of the three thousand avenues that you can activate, but in fact, you have obtained the Great Destiny Technique and other three thousand avenues - that is to say, you have taken the second and third steps in advance, and you have taken the first step. It's hard to get out.

This is also true now.

If A Chinese Story World is successfully incorporated and A Chinese Story Karma comes to an end, it will be much easier to handle.

Just like now, the ten three thousand avenues contain the power of the universe in the ten directions. It will be much easier for you to obtain the three thousand avenues.

Now, whatever you specify, you can almost directly form a traction force and cause cause and effect.

And if you get more, you won't need to be pulled by then, and there will be three thousand avenues taking the initiative to invest.

This is - if you bloom, the breeze will come.

Su Li deeply believed that this was actually a very real problem.

Su Li pondered: I am not strong in speed - and speed often means space.

In terms of space, it also leads to the cause and effect of the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower.

The Great Space Technique and the Great Five Elements Technique are the seventh and eighth among the top ten of the Three Thousand Avenues.

And I haven't obtained either of these two, so now I - directional locking of large space, can I do it?

Immortal Qinglan said: You don't have to ask if you can, the first six of the three thousand avenues are in your hands, and the six reincarnations they form can open up the six reincarnation horizons. Now it has formed the power of the universe in ten directions - this has become a reality.

This time is like the icing on the cake - if you call them, they will definitely lead to a cause and effect and give you a chance.

If you are very poor and do not have a Three Thousand Great Way, you will call and determine cause and effect again and again, and they will definitely not pay attention to you even if they say they will ignore you.

So at this time, you should confidently use the Great Cause and Effect Technique and the Great Destiny Technique to lock in the Large Space Technique, and try to pull it around.

If the immortality value collapses at this time, and the value is reduced by more than 10 points in an instant, give up decisively.

Because this is a causal existence that you cannot touch.

If it is less than 3 points but more than or equal to 1 point, you can try to make contact.

If a little is too much or if it increases...

Then go straight to it.

When Su Li heard this, his heart surged and he said, Then how to lock it?

Immortal Qinglan said: You can evolve the Great Cause and Effect Technique, and then patiently tell it that you want to find a companion for it. Its companion's name will be 'Great Space Technique'. Then don't be greedy, and don't summon too many at once. , because these are just the levels of entering a room. In the final analysis, it is an existence that has just gained some consciousness, and is very fragile.

At this time, if you ask them to introduce other friends, they will often be kidnapped by other friends.

That's when you should cry.

When Su Li heard this, his face suddenly darkened: Can you still be abducted?

Immortal Qinglan said: Do you think that since all things have animism, they must be loyal? That's your fate. We will never leave you. If you change Li Juan to follow you, I will sell you out ten or eight times. ?”

When Su Li heard this, the expression on his face suddenly became wonderful.

Su Li was helpless: Can you not talk about Li Juan? This weird thing really casts a shadow on people.

Immortal Qinglan said: Not only her, in fact many women in the world of Babel Tower are very realistic, but you haven't had much contact with them. So now you think about the past, such as Hua Ziyan and Yun Qingxuan, etc. Their existence and their characters are not accidental.”

Su Li said: I think you are reflecting something.

Immortal Qinglan said: If there is a marriage, this kind of thing will probably happen.

Su Li: Marriage? Netherworld Sea?

Immortal Qinglan said: Maybe it's the real dragon clan, the dragon girl Ao Qin, or it's Ao Feng, Ao Yue and Ao Ying.

Su Li: ...

Su Li said: Didn't Ao Qin like Hua Taichu?

Immortal Qinglan said: That Ao Qin has died for love a long time ago. After Hua Taichu died, she went to seek revenge from Jiang Taiyi. After being severely injured, she died to protect her innocence. Today's Ao Qin is the next life she will live. , and Hua Taichu's cause and effect ended and she died completely. Not many people remember Hua Taichu anymore, so it should be possible for her to marry you.

If there is a marriage, the upper level will use the dragon crystal of the dragon clan to repair your Tao damage.

Dragon Crystal, also known as the Heart of the Dragon King.

You are qualified to manifest the five-clawed golden dragon's orthodox Dragon Emperor's destiny this time.

This is the way to preserve the source of hope.

At present, in terms of the general direction, the upper levels are actually not bad, otherwise the world would not be able to continue to grow.

And if this request is made - you stand in the direction of humanity and righteousness, you cannot refuse.

Su Li pondered and said, Is this your guess?

Immortal Qinglan said: Your abilities are partly in common with the system - the system only presents one type of your abilities, and I am... so the conclusion I can draw is almost impossible to make mistakes.

Su Li took it seriously and said, If that's the case, then we have no choice but to accept it.

Immortal Qinglan said: Well, this is the pattern, so whether this is the case depends on the specific situation - of course you are willing, but others may not be willing, because now the higher-ups know that you won't live long.

According to the method of training the next generation, dragon blood is the strongest and most suitable.

So it's probably on the Dragon Girl.

The best among the dragon girls, and those who have never been born, are these four dragon girls.

No one wants to marry a short-lived being - no matter how talented that being is.

No one wants their children to be the source of hope for the next generation.

Because his fate is so tragic...

Su Li was silent for a while and said: I understand, then I will try to summon the large space technique first. Master the space, and you will not be so passive. These few times, many crises are actually due to the lack of grasp of the space ability.

Immortal Qinglan said: It's not just space, in fact the three thousand avenues complement each other, especially the first ten, or the first thirty-six.

Each one is very special and important, and the lack of any one will form a fatal shortcoming - of course, the so-called shortcomings are only caused by the other advantages being too good.

Su Li nodded, agreeing with this statement.

Afterwards, Su Li began to meditate and sense the little snowball elves.

Soon Su Li locked onto a small light ball snowball elf, which was the Great Cause and Effect Technique.

Baby Karma, I see that although you are having fun, you don't seem to have many friends. Why don't we find you another little friend? Well, it's the little space baby who has a particularly good relationship with you. What do you think? ?”

Su Li tried to convey this meaning with a very gentle heart.

Of course it can't be so direct, nor can it be so abrupt, but a tentative mention.

This way there will be no conflict, and it will not lead to the nascent three thousand avenues of resistance or the feeling that the owner does not like it and likes other babies.

In short, this is more tiring than coaxing a child.

Perhaps it was because Su Li had been very strict before, or perhaps it was the light blue baby who had done a great job. As soon as he heard this, the elf immediately responded happily.

Then they gathered together and seemed to rub against Su Li's mental projection, and responded with a '嘤嘤嘤'.

That probably means that I agree and am happy to do such a thing.

Su Li felt a little strange, and then he woke up the sleeping light blue elf and asked about it.

Then Su Li discovered that the light blue elf had already arranged this kind of thing. As long as he invited one, he would be rewarded with ten episodes of Bear Haunting!

Moreover, it doesn’t matter if the bear comes out, it will never be shared and played, it just depends on who can attract the most!


Su Li discovered that his Great Origin Technique, Great Soul Technique, and Great Merit Technique really all had causes and effects.

At this time, Su Li took the initiative and pointed at the Great Space Technique. Did the little baby of the Great Cause and Effect Technique finally have enough energy to win over him?

Just when Su Li was thinking this, a reminder suddenly came from the system.

[Ding—The Big Space Magic mission has been triggered. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Big Space Magic authorization and gaining entry-level experience. The experience lasts for three days. 】

[Re-stimulating Kunpeng's bloodline can activate the large space technique and enter the entry-level process. 】

[Within seven days, if you can step into the First Peeping Path process level, you can stabilize the large space technique and retain it. 】

[Task details: omitted. 】

On the system panel, the word 'shortly' appeared, which stunned Su Li on the spot.

Hey guys, can system tasks be ‘skipped’?

Su Li looked at the light blue elf suspiciously.

The light blue baby looked at Su Li with watery and aggrieved eyes, saying that he didn't understand either.

Su Li was also speechless - what does she know?

She just loves to eat and is lazy to do anything. She watches TV and binge-watches dramas all day long, and occasionally teaches babies how to box.

This is undoubtedly the otaku among otakus.

Forget it, go to bed.

Su Li was helpless, but still rubbed the light blue elf's head. Well, it was still very cute.

Just pamper her, no big deal.


The light blue baby said happily, then rubbed his sleepy eyes, hugged Su Li and kissed her a few times, and then happily went to sleep in the area on the other side of the system panel. .

Su Li watched the light blue elf leave, and then looked at Immortal Light Blue suspiciously.

When you were a kid——

It's not like this!!!

Immortal Qian Lan directly interrupted Su Li's words and gave Su Li a warning look.

It seems like this is taboo.

Su Li felt a little ashamed - he probably didn't run away like this.

Su Li complained in his heart.

what's on your mind?

Immortal Qianlan asked softly, with a smile and gentle words, but it made Su Li shudder.

Ahem, it's nothing. Why was the mission skipped?

Su Li asked curiously.

You are almost eighteen, don't you think for yourself?

Immortal Qinglan said speechlessly.

Su Li said: Yes, I have always been eighteen, every year.

Immortal Qinglan said: I talked about the level of life enlightenment, not age!

Su Li said: I didn't say my age either!

Immortal Light Blue: ...

Immortal Qinglan said: Use your own brain.

Su Li said: Well, it turns out that the cause and effect hasn't been triggered yet. It's just given a chance. It may be pulled out automatically by then, and then the corresponding matters will be solved. Most likely the big space magic will come.

Immortal Qinglan said: Don't you know this?

Su Li said: Well, I understand, how about a hug? Then I'm going to see Yuxi and the others. They are waiting for my favor from Yulu.

Immortal Qinglan chuckled: Really? You are in the demon gate of hell, try it and see what the result will be.

Su Li said: ...

Although Immortal Light Blue was very stubborn, she still gave her a farewell hug - because Immortal Light Blue was also leaving.

There are many things to deal with next. At the same time, the upper-level game has come to an end for the time being, but the trial of the Eight Immortals of China is about to begin.

There are also various traitors and the larger cause and effect of the Emperor Soul Clan that need to be dealt with.

Therefore, Immortal Qinglan hugged Su Li goodbye.

Su Li knew the reason, and after telling Immortal Qinglan to protect himself, he aroused the contempt of Immortal Qinglan.

Of course, Su Li didn't care either. After leaving the system space, Su Li reappeared in the Demon Blood Territory and saw the Moon King and Mu Yuxi Tianhun who had been waiting silently.

At this time, the Nirvana flame on Su Li's body was gradually extinguished. Although he seemed to be full of energy, he was also quite exhausted because the source of his merits had been repaid completely.

[Fourth update~ Today I have updated 35,000 words. I am asking for all subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~ It is not easy to code words. I hope you can support me~ I bow and thank you~ I am grateful~]

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