I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 843: Life Simulation, Son of Soul Slave God

The big plane world of Babel Tower, deep in the void of the thirty-third heaven.

The Lord of Tongtian Realm silently watched everything that happened in the ancient temple, and then raised his hand to erase the image of destruction projected in it.

The scene was completely silent.

There were more than thirty various projections present, but none of them spoke at this time.

Because the scene that happened in the Taikoo Temple was really unbelievable and weird.

After a while, Lord Tongtian finally spoke.

The means to evolve the source of hope has been exhausted.

Lord Tongtian made this judgment with a satisfied smile on his face.

Chao pondered for a long time before speaking: So it is judged that he must have used up all his resources and used all the sources of merit - this time he should have burned all the sources of merit and lost merit.

A dark gray figure muttered: But now that he can no longer possess the ability of causal merit, how can he accumulate merit?

Chao said calmly: He can't do it, but others can. Doesn't he still have some tribesmen or disciples? Wouldn't it be enough to let his disciples preach in various ways? Or he can preach according to his Taoist tradition and give merit, and the merit will naturally be It will be returned to him.

Furthermore, regardless of whether the merits and deeds derived from Su Yan or other beings, in the absence of a real successor, wouldn't it also fall on him according to the principle of proximity?

Isn't this the benefit that comes from heaven?

At this time, Yamina said: So he should have no upper limit, right? Then this is a good time to take action.

A dark blue shadow spoke: Normally, no matter what kind of existence it is, Yao Qiye or Bai Changyi, everyone knows that this is already the peak combat power of the white robe. If those special attributes are included, Already comparable to the purple robe, right? Under such rules, he can actually suppress it?

This is obviously unreasonable.

Chao responded: I talked about the burning merits and the power of his ultimate secret, as well as the mysterious destiny-defying technique. This is an ability that can be as powerful as seizing a body. It is very powerful.

The Master of Tongtian Realm said: Not only these, but also the power of his royal family's orthodoxy, which is the aura of the emperor. He used the royal family's orthodoxy to manifest the majesty of the emperor's way, and used a power similar to the heavenly book.

The heavenly veins have also been activated, the blood is burning, and the merits are also burning.

Therefore, this attack uses the source of hope to directly suppress the darkness through light and crush it from the general direction law. It is normal for Bai Changyi to be defeated.

After all, the bet on the source of hope... itself is just a means of testing restraint.

Otherwise, why would others bet against us?

Who are we?

Are you eligible?

The words of Lord Tongtian caused silence on the scene.

Chaodao: Now is indeed the time to buy at the bottom - hehe, his Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills has been completely broken, tsk tsk tsk, the one hundred and eight layers of light sources were directly shattered, and his entire armor was also shattered. .

The last Taoist guardians that appeared were already unstable and were actually of no use.

It's a pity that if there is another existence similar to Bai Changyi, he will be able to drink his hatred.

After all, now that we have failed, we actually still have some small victories, and we can still get one or two places.

But if we continue, we will definitely fail, and there will be no benefit at all.

But you can't die now, but you can put some pressure on it and try to extend the timeline a little bit and see if you can accumulate more contributions, so that you can honor those existences when the time comes.

After Tongtian Realm Master's words were spoken, the scene fell silent again.

It can only be said that the Chinese ancestral land still did nothing after all and was unwilling to hand over the core factor of Su Li's struggle. If the core cause and effect can be controlled, why does it need a light blue world to constantly explore and explore?

If we all have this ability, why do we need to be so humble?

Yamina said solemnly.

Chao should have some say in this matter.

The Lord of Tongtian Realm said calmly.

He really should reflect on it.

The dark gray figure spoke in a deep voice.

The dark blue figure glanced at Chao coldly and said: Don't think about always buying the bottom. If you can't even stabilize the moment, where will the bottom come from for you to copy?

Upon hearing this, Chao's face became a little colder, but he still said: Can I say that I don't know about this matter? I really don't know. The Hongmeng Research Base is also complicated, not as simple as you think.

In addition, there are indeed some causes and effects that I cannot figure out.

For this matter, we have to rely on Li Juan.

However - this time he has exhausted all his cards. As long as my two subordinates take action again, there will definitely be a result.

Regardless of whether this result is appropriate, at least it will not be a hopeless outcome.

And as long as you can get a clue or grasp a little bit of cause and effect, it is definitely a good thing.

Maybe we can turn over.

Chao's words were full of confidence.

The dark blue shadow muttered: Are you sure?

Chao pondered: I'm not sure, but this is the best chance to test it out - at this time, what else does Su Li have left?

It has now entered the Demon Gate of Hell, and is still in an almost sluggish state. It must be that the damage is too serious.

I don't need to plot against him at this time, let's take a look first.

It just so happens that this is also the place where Mu Yuxi Tianhun is suppressed, and maybe it can lead to some more wonderful causes and effects.

And if we can find out the cause and effect of the lost day before his death in the ancient temple, we will probably find the answer.

In this regard, Mu Yuxi can't get any information, but Su Li should be able to get it.

Chao said two paragraphs in a row, and each paragraph seemed to be very confident.

This kind of assurance also allowed his words to be valued by everyone present.

There are actually some special beings in the upper level now - but I hope that nothing that happens here will be spread. Therefore, from now on until the end of cause and effect, no existence is allowed to leave.

At this time, the Lord of Tongtian Realm suddenly spoke.

As he spoke, countless mysterious barriers appeared in the void in all directions.

This kind of barrier contains clusters of Emperor Soul runes, which is very mysterious and weird.

Also very... brutal.

When such runes appeared, the faces of many beings present could not help but change slightly - because at this time, all information could no longer be transmitted, and even their own actions were restricted, as if they were being completely monitored.

But no one said anything.

The scene fell into silence again.

In the land of the Demon Gate of Hell, Su Li's clone was still in a state of confusion.

But because of the state of the Source of Hope, there was no invasion of demonic energy.

The clone is like this, not because Su Li doesn't pay attention to everything outside.

But his body and all his mind are in the system space.

At this time, Su Li's judgment had already made clear the changes in the eight major and three thousand avenues.

The Eight Three Thousand Avenues have shown a more balanced trend. For Su Li, this is indeed a good thing.

The balance of the avenue has obviously adjusted itself.

At the same time, this time the Eight Great Three Thousand Avenues also fully played their corresponding roles, otherwise the Emperor Soul Mother Insect would not have been able to win like this.

After Su Li adjusted his mentality, he gradually felt relieved and got rid of the strong dark causal influence.

Then, he closed the system panel and came to the depths of the system space.

Here, Su Li saw the light blue elf and the immortal light blue.

The light blue elf is flying next to Immortal Light Blue, seeming to be saying something, very happy and innocent.

It's like a little girl acting coquettishly towards her big sister.

When Su Li came over, the light blue elf noticed something, glanced at Su Li, and immediately flew over very affectionately, shouting sweetly: Master, you are here, the baby misses you.

As she said that, she flew to Su Li's side and rubbed against him.

If she were still about 50 to 60 centimeters tall, she would probably be very cute if she rubbed her against her like this.

But - the light blue baby is no longer a baby, he is already almost 1.7 meters tall, and Su Li's height is also close to 1.9 meters, so with this rubbing, the picture becomes a bit strange.

Su Li had no choice but to reach out and stroke the light blue elf's head, holding down her various thrusts...

Then, Su Li said dotingly: Okay, I'll play with you for a while, and you can go and take the babies to watch cartoons first. They worked very hard this time, so they need to be rewarded.

The light blue elf smiled and said, Okay, they are so cute.

The light blue elf said, and immediately jumped away happily.

Then Su Li noticed that the light blue baby had indeed gone to watch a cartoon. What he was watching was Peppa Pig. He was talking to himself there and seemed to be discussing with many friends from time to time. He was talking about something, and from time to time he would burst into laughter like silver bells.

No matter how you look at this scene, it's weird - because in Su Li's eyes, it's just the light blue baby who is yelling all by himself.

That scene was like a supernatural scene.

Su Li looked at it for a while, but couldn't help but sigh. For a moment, he felt an indescribable feeling of relief.

After a while, Su Li raised his head and looked at Immortal Qinglan.

At this time, Immortal Qinglan just looked at Su Li quietly.

see it?

Immortal Light Blue said softly.

Su Li was silent for a long time, nodded, and said, I saw it.

Immortal Qinglan said: The key to what you mean by running away is where else can this world go? Including the prehistoric mythical world system, they all live in the cracks, and they all belong to the Sacrificial Heaven Realm.

If all the large plane worlds are regarded as a whole, then the name of this whole is the Heavenly Sacrifice Domain.

So you think... we can escape?

Su Li sighed: I also know that I can't escape. Those words are really just a sigh. In fact, I have also thought about it - the source of hope has never been my personal source of hope, nor is it the hope of this world. The source of life is just a pursuit of hope and a pursuit of happiness in the heart.

It's even a luxury.

But if you don't even have such extravagant hopes, then what is the meaning of all existence in this world?

Immortal Qinglan said: Actually, we all know this fact, including many of the higher-ups, but they all remain silent.

The accumulation of ruins from generation to generation will always leave something behind, and it will never be reopened all the time.

When Su Li heard Immortal Qinglan's words, he felt as if he had suddenly touched an extremely terrifying cause and effect.

He spoke almost instinctively: Is it possible to retain attributes every time the life simulator is restarted?

Immortal Qinglan was startled when he heard this and said, What did you say? What kind of life simulator?

Su Li was stunned, then smiled and said: I once used the system to split a subsystem, and used the Great Cause and Effect Technique and other three thousand avenues to cut off all cause and effect, and this subsystem was exiled to the endless small world of the heavens by me. deep.

Or is it also summoned to a certain space-time gap in the future?

I don't know, but the cause and effect is complicated.

In this, I used a special change rule - simulating reality, and created a system similar to a life simulator.

As for this system and its corresponding existence, as long as you die once, you will get a special talent and attribute ability bonus on your body.

In this way, if death is regarded as a return to ruins, then such returns will accumulate from generation to generation.

In this way, various benefits will be infinitely expanded.

Just like Foolish Old Man moving mountains, it seems really stupid, but this kind of growth will soon accumulate and reach an extreme level.

According to this way of returning to the ruins, after accumulating several generations of returning to the ruins, the foundation will be built up.

In the era of King Lei Yan, it was actually possible to suppress the Immortal Domains of the Emperor Soul Clan outside of the Heavenly Sacrifice Domain.

It's just that the internal strife was too serious, so there was such a failure.


In fact, there is already hope, right?

Su Li thought for a while and presented the cause and effect he suddenly sensed.

He previously built a life simulator, authorized the authority of the Three Thousand Avenues that contained the six reincarnation systems at that time, and also used the Great Cause and Effect technique to become independent, and even gave it an intelligent system and an independent growth system.

If this were in the small world of the heavens, its growth ability would be amazing.

The owner of this simulator is Su Yan.

The core setting of Su Li is that every time it is restarted, a special talent and ability will be accumulated, but the development trend of the world, or the system's mission mode, is absolutely hell-level difficulty.

Under this difficulty, as long as this Su Yan can grow up, he will be absolutely invincible.

And all the causes and effects of Su Yan are on Su Li - that is to say, if this existence can grow up, it is very likely...

It is very possible to be truly invincible.

Before Su Li finished speaking, or while he was still thinking, Immortal Qinglan sighed and said, Who do you think Su Yan is?

Su Li was startled.

Immortal Qinglan said: Su Yan.

Su Li was stunned.

Immortal Qinglan said: So the past has been interrupted, and the timeline has also collapsed before. Therefore, the past and the future are intertwined, but the cause and effect is more complicated.

But now that Su Yan's cause and effect has been interrupted, he doesn't need to pay attention to it.

However, if the timeline can be repaired or completely controlled, such a cause and effect can be repaired and Su Yan's existence can be completely eliminated.

In this way, the cause and effect of the Space-Time Soul Locking Tower will be completely resolved.

Got it right from the root cause.

In this way, Su Yan has a chance to be Su Yan instead of Su Yan.

But these things have nothing to do with you, because that is not the present, whether it is the past or the future, it is not the present.

The most important meaning of the present is to do everything well in the present, for example - you now, me now, and 'her' now.

Can you understand this?

Immortal Light Blue's voice was gentle, but her tone was still a bit solemn.

Su Li still understood many of the meanings she presented - there were some things that he shouldn't have touched, but because Three Thousand Avenues was too strong, all the causes and effects were taken over.

Is this a good thing?

This is obviously not a good thing - but after being severely reprimanded by Su Li, these little guys didn't understand. They only knew how to take credit and then work harder to claim the cause and effect.

As for whether there is any problem with cause and effect, since they can take over, then they think there is no problem.

It's just that this no problem refers to the fact that there is no problem with the system, that there is no problem with beings such as Immortal Light Blue, but it is precisely when Su Li contacts and responds that there is a problem.

So after this time, the little guys who sensed something was wrong took the initiative to retreat, and their level dropped slightly.

This is the truth.

But to Su Li, such a thing was simply outrageous and made him dumbfounded.

What kind of terrifying cause and effect does this lead to?

Su Li nodded and said thoughtfully: I don't know these things very well, but now that you tell me, I know it. What I regret this time is just this kind of game, and I haven't thought about giving up.

I was actually very pleased to see such a scene with the light blue baby.

So this source of hope is indeed as you said, not the source of hope for the world, but just a manifestation of inner happiness.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world.

Su Li spoke softly.

Immortal Light Blue pondered: Yes, what else can we do? Just now, there was a targeted situation because of your cause and effect, but the upper level has already implemented a blockade.

At present, as long as you don't respond to many causes and effects and follow your own path, at least your life will not be in danger.

But as long as you are alive, everything is actually okay.

And in their opinion, all your foundation should have been exhausted, so it will be very easy to find the bottom at this time.

So what to do, I guess you already have the answer in your mind, so there is no need to say more.

To put it simply, all subsequent causes and effects will become relatively simple.

If something complicated appears, you can just use the Great Cause and Effect Technique to cut it off and then record it.

Just a method similar to that of making a thousand pounds with four ounces.

Su Li listened carefully.

Things at the upper level are already like this, and that's all we can do - even if we want to escape, we must at least have the strength to escape first. Only when we reach the level of the ancient mythical world can we have the opportunity to escape. , but that's just an opportunity.

Just think, if something really happened, would you be able to escape?

There are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned - if this is really the case, then the position of the Great Emperor will be up for grabs.

What is this method?

It's nothing more than taking advantage of the situation.

Just imagine, if you can really get the spot of the Great Emperor, it will not be that simple to open the upper limit - do the existences of the Emperor Soul Clan think they are the chess players?

Not necessarily.

Will the Emperor Soul Clan have no enemies?

Will there really be no foreign friends in the Heavenly Sacrifice Territory?

Even if it is use, even if it is all kinds of means to drive away tigers and swallow wolves, someone will definitely do it in desperate situations.

Therefore, after Wugui Ruixi has accumulated foundation, once he has the status of a great emperor who looks like a humble slave, it will be completely different at that time.

Sometimes, even the life and death of a large domain will often be in the hands of a real emperor.

Since some beings like to play with more exciting causes and effects, they will eventually be burned by such causes and effects, and end up in an extremely miserable end.

Immortal Light Blue vaguely mentions some cause and effect.

Su Li's mind trembled, and he seemed to understand what the game was about.

On the one hand, it may be about taking advantage of the situation, and on the other hand, it is the preparation after failure-the quota of the Great Emperor.

This quota may be a quota for cheap slaves. It seems ridiculous to fight for this, doesn't it?

But no.

Because this... has actually been pointed out, all I have to do is point at Su Li and tell him, Su Li, you have to compete for this spot.

Because, in that fantasy world, Su Li was called a 'little slave' many times.


What is the core of the Soul Slave Son of God plan?

It's the treatment that looks like a soul slave, but is actually a son of God!

It may seem like an extremely miserable experience, but it is precisely a special way of training.

All the answers can be found in the fantasy world of the past.


When the alien race appears, the plan of the Soul Slave Son of God is revealed.

At this time, this 'Soul Slave Son of God' plan mirrors the 'Great Emperor's quota' plan.

All these causes and effects will explode in reality, because reality cannot be controlled.

But in the fantasy world of the past, it was completely manageable. Why? Because everything in the map of mountains and rivers has been refined into reality and has become imaginary.

That is an illusory experience that no longer exists.

Su Li pondered, and then a very terrifying thought of cause and effect vaguely flashed in his mind.

The moment the idea of ​​cause and effect came up, Su Li's blood surged and he suppressed it immediately.

At the same time, he cut off such causal thoughts without hesitation.

Because this idea of ​​cause and effect has been connected with all the causes and effects of meeting Mu Yuxi on the first day.

Su Li almost knew what happened on the first day.

Too close.

But he is far from reaching that height now.

Immortal Light Blue, let Three Thousand Avenues retreat. It's too strong.

Su Li said suddenly.

Immortal Qinglan couldn't help but be startled by this sudden and inexplicable statement.

Because Immortal Light Blue didn't even follow Su Li's judgment.

However, Immortal Qinglan still listened to Su Li's words and immediately passed on an instruction.

Later, Su Li added: Add some creation points to upgrade the Great Soul Technique to the level of entering a room (1/100).

Immortal Light Blue immediately followed suit.

At this moment, Su Li's eight great and three thousand avenues were all at the level of entering the palace (1/100).

For the other six major three thousand avenues, they have all fallen back from 100/100 to the 1/100 area.

But this did not make Su Li weaker. On the contrary, it made all aspects of Su Li's background more consistent because of the greater balance.

Just like a pair of shoes, the one that fits your foot is the most suitable, not bigger is better - shoes that are too big are often unwearable, while shoes that are too small will chafe your feet and may even be impossible to wear.

At this moment, Su Li also truly understood the true meaning of the system's 'seven-star balance'.

Absolute balance, on the contrary, is absolute invincibility.

Because it is impeccable, achieving ultimate completeness amidst the incomplete rules of heaven and earth, this is the level that is flawless and flawless.

[The first update is here~ I am asking for full subscription, monthly tickets and recommended tickets~ I bow and thank you~ I am grateful~]

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