I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 842: Slaughter the Emperor’s Soul, the Emperor’s Rule of Ages

The ancient temple has collapsed.

The broken void exploded into dark turbulence from time to time, just like the sound of water-filled fireworks exploding.

The void around the temple has turned into ruins.

The cyan glow has long since disappeared.

The entire scene was filled with dead silence.

At this time, Bai Changyi had disappeared. Even if Su Li focused his eyes on the source of hope, he still couldn't see any trace of Bai Changyi.

It is certainly impossible for such a being to leave willingly.

Similarly, after Su Li had glimpsed the cause and effect earlier, he was also unwilling to continue to be a source of hope like a plaything.

This kind of darkness - or rather a mess that even the prehistoric mythical world was unwilling to take over, Su Li was also not willing to take over at all.

Even if this source of hope is just a name.

Even though he was called to take over, he actually never took over - because he only established his own way.

But even so, Su Li was still extremely embarrassed.

This is as dark as it gets - let me ask, if the upper levels are so rotten, then what is the meaning of this so-called big plane world of Babel?

We do not deny that there is still a yearning for light in it, nor do we deny the sacrifice of Immortal Light Blue and its corresponding existence.

But right now - Su Li is really disgusted.

He has no objection to Immortal Light Blue, nor does he have any objection to the system - this is absolutely impossible.

After Su Li asked Immortal Qinglan, he rarely heard Immortal Qinglan's answer.

Su Li also did not gather his consciousness to enter the system panel space.

It was as if there was some inexplicable cause and effect at this moment.

Su Li put aside many worries and suppressed the matter for the time being.

If he enters the system space at this time, whether he enters with his spiritual consciousness or directly enters with his body and disappears on the spot, he will definitely be guarded by Bai Changyi and give him a fatal blow.

Su Li calmed down the distracting thoughts in his heart and tried to keep his heart empty, but unfortunately it was still difficult to do so.

Therefore, he used his memory to retrieve a part of his past causal experiences and look back at them.

In the fantasy world of the past, in such a period of time, the soul race and the so-called alien karma did appear.

Even people in this world seem to be particularly repulsive to foreign races.

They even think that Meier and other beings are aliens.

Now, what does it mean to be an alien?

The Emperor Soul Clan is the largest alien race.

In other words, outside the Sacrifice Heaven Territory, everyone is a foreign race.

Even the so-called Sacrifice to Heaven in the so-called Sacrifice to Heaven is mostly named after aliens, and is used to raise sacrificial livestock-like existences.

Su Li's thoughts flashed through his mind, but he still felt very heavy.

The cause and effect is related to the fantasy world of the past.

There is nothing new under the sun.

The fantasy world that once existed no longer exists.

All causes and effects in it have ended.

But the ‘truth’ contained in it is a beacon for our journey today.

Even in that fantasy world, he, who was the source of hope, still failed according to the upper echelons of the Emperor Soul Clan.

So Guixu finally arrived.

Su Li sighed inexplicably, and then used the Great Cause and Effect Technique without hesitation to put an end to these thoughts.

After a while, he finally calmed down completely and dissipated all these distracting thoughts.

What to think about?

There is no need to think about it.

For now, let's kill Bai Changyi first.

While Su Li was deep in thought, when he passed by a land of twisted green light, suddenly, a green light suddenly bloomed from the land of green light.

That blow directly reached a terrifying level of disregard for the rules, causing Su Li to lose guard.

It’s not that we don’t take precautions.

But really can't beat it.

This is the imperial soul aura contained in the mother worm itself. It does not follow the cause and effect of the Babel Tower, but there is no clear identification or denial.

His attack was based on the rules and methods in the Tower of Babel, but his combat power reached the extreme.


Su Li only had time to evolve one clone, and then create endless clones.

The three clones of Shangqing, Yuqing and Taiqing were all covered with one layer.

But still unable to resist.

The three clones were killed instantly.

The three clones exploded in an instant and turned into a bloody mist.

Among them, the external incarnation that was just derived exploded with its immortal soul, creating a bloody light.

Blood splattered everywhere, extremely tragic.

Su Li distorted his figure, evolved the Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou movement technique and the Great Time Technique, traveled through the void at extreme speed, and even used the Heavenly Vein War Spirit to superimpose the Xuanji War Spirit as a last resort, and evolved the Void Heavenly Killing Soul Suppressing Way to increase speed.

Even so, Su Li only barely avoided such a fatal blow.

Bai Changyibai is the peerless soul son of the Soul Clan, and is also the upper echelon of the Soul Clan. He has unparalleled combat power. His strength in a white robe has already reached the limit of the white robe. It is even very possible that he came from the lower realm of the blue robe. .

Now its body contains the majesty of the Emperor Soul Mother Insect, which is very powerful and invincible.

With such an existence, Su Li fell into a great dilemma.

At this moment, Su Li opened his colorful plum blossom eyes again.

Colorful plum blossom eyes are the source of hope.

The source of hope can lock onto Bai Changyi's figure in an instant.

At the moment of locking, Su Li immediately used Tianji to defy fate and forcibly cut Bai Changyi.



Bai Changyi was shocked, and blood spurted out from his seven orifices.

But at this moment, Bai Changyi's eyes suddenly turned dark and mutated.

The Emperor Soul Mother Insect in his body suddenly became restless, manifested into a black shadow, and roared towards Su Li.


Su Li was shocked, his soul felt like it was exploding, and his whole body was shaken violently.

At that moment, Su Li truly sensed the extremely terrifying murderous intention.

His Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique evolved on its own in an instant, and a total of seventy-two rays of golden light gathered together, forming seventy-two earthly evil transformations.

At the same time, he confidently operates and manifests thirty-six rays of purple energy.

After the thirty-six purple qi gathered, thirty-six changes in the sky were formed.

A full one hundred and eight strands of life energy gathered in front of Su Li.

But it is still not an enemy of Yihe.

With a spray of the black shadow gathered by the Emperor Soul Mother Insect, the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique was instantly killed.

One hundred and eight rays of golden life energy all collapsed.

The void was instantly penetrated.


Su Li spat out blood, and the blood rushed up dozens of feet.

His immortal body was broken all over, hoping that the soul poison feather coat and the spirit lotus green lotus armor were all shattered.

This scene is shocking, but even more bloody.

Su Li's body was bathed in blood, and his body was burning with blazing karma fire.

At that moment, Su Li activated the system and activated the eight major and three thousand avenues to the limit.

Then, he activated all the weapon spirits and locked the terrifying female insect with colorful plum blossom eyes again.

Then, Su Li mobilized the ability of Three Thousand Avenues and set his sights on a piece of data in his system.

Merit value: 3, 1017, 5271.

In addition to merit values, there are also destiny values ​​and good luck points.

The causality value is now always 0, and there is no causality.

At this time, Su Li did not raise the upper limit, but after gathering these abilities, he activated an innate ability that had never been used before!

Possess the talent of System Chaos Creation: Tianmai·Huangji (Gong Shen Creation).

Tianmai - Huangji!

At that moment, Su Li manifested Huang Ji's talent for creating chaos, and in his mortal state, he directly transformed himself into chaos, covering all directions in an instant.

Like a terrifying timeline appearing, the source of hope that gave rise to thousands of hearts turned into a ball of light in an instant.

The extremely bright ball of light manifested seven-colored mysterious light, and suddenly rushed out like a beautiful colorful bubble.

In this moment, a total of 300 million merit sources were directly ignited by Su Li using the Three Thousand Avenues.

Among them, there is even Su Li's understanding of all merits, as well as various experiences of transcendence, and various sincere causes and effects of giving.

When all of this burned, when such a realm appeared, Su Li evolved the skill Huangji Jingshi, which took part in the creation-level Huangji Jingshi ability. With the blessing of the three thousand avenues of the extreme, Su Li Li suddenly formed a new evolution.

At the same time, the system also started.

The light blue elf flew out on its own and turned into light blue transparent wings, appearing as a shadow behind Su Li.

At the same time, the light blue glow circulated around Su Li's body, as if Su Li was wearing an extremely magical and powerful armor.

At that moment, Su Liru, the peerless Immortal King, was born, carrying an extremely terrifying power of light.

Great Wish Technique!

Great Soul Technique!

Great Destiny Technique!

Great Time Technique!

At that moment, Su Li evolved the authority of reincarnation, activated his innate magical power, evolved the Ji Dao Immortal Soul and Immortal Body, used his own Heavenly Vein as the Heavenly Vein, and evolved the ultimate killing blow of the Emperor's Classic.

This blow contained all of Su Li's combat power increases, and he used himself as the Heavenly Vein, Thunder, Imperial Way, Great Dao and other Heavenly Punishment Orthodoxy to kill the real Heavenly Meridian Judgment!

This time, all the ashrams were unified and evolved into an existence like the Conferred Gods ashram.

Tianmai Judgment!

Heaven's secret goes against fate!

At this moment, all the means are completed in the Great Time Technique, locked in the Great Willing Technique combined with the Colorful Plum Blossom Eyes, destiny is fixed in the Great Destiny Technique, cause and effect are cut off in the Great Cause and Effect Technique, and in the Great Catastrophe Technique, all the means are completed. It breeds destruction, disaster and catastrophe...

Such a ray of light instantly shattered the ancient temple and all the void where it was located. It even instantly shattered the barriers of the Tower of Babel and shattered the hidden seal of this ancient hell.

And after Bai Changyi was locked by such a light source, he seemed to be frozen, unable to break free at all.


When such a colorful light source hit him like a comet hitting the earth, he let out a shocking scream, with an unbelievable and incredible look in his eyes.

It seemed that he saw something.

But he had no way to convey such information - before such eyes conveyed the information, the information had already been shattered by the Great Cause and Effect Technique.

But the mysterious Emperor Soul Mother Insect showed a ferocious and ugly face at this time, and there was a hint of Li Juan's appearance in it.

call out--

The Emperor Soul Mother Insect rushed out in the opposite direction, pierced the colorful light source, rushed into it, and let out an excited and excited chirp scream.

It was an extremely excited, triumphant scream.

But the sound quickly disappeared after appearing.

After the light source gradually dissipated, Su Li returned to normal.

The void had shattered and collapsed, and under the sweeping light of destruction, Su Li was sucked into the depths of the mysterious turbulence of the void by a black light, and then led into a dark place filled with evil energy.

At this time, an ancient gate suddenly opened in this place filled with demonic aura, and patches of blue and green light, cold and gray, suddenly swept in, directly sucking Su Li into it.

At that moment, Su Li clearly knew that this place was the Demon Gate of Hell in the depths of the ancient hell.

Su Li was not familiar with the Demon Gate of Hell - but when he entered the Tower of Babel, he saw the scene in the future, and it was this scene.

But Su Li didn't say anything.

He is in a state of light source, so naturally he is not afraid of these demonic energies.

Even if the demonic energy swept him into such a place, the demonic energy was burned to pieces by the light source.

So at this time, Su Li was quiet for a while.

Su Li didn't pay attention to the changes around him. After leaving a clone here, the figure moved into the system space.

In the system space, the light blue elves gathered together, still wearing a light blue gauze skirt, but a little tired.

There are eight kinds of three thousand avenues, two of which have advanced inexplicably.

For example, the Catastrophe Technique among them has reached the level of 63/100, and it has also reached the point of entering the palace.

And it has been activated stably.

The Great Soul Technique has also reached the level of 63/100, surpassing the entry level, reaching the point of 'first glimpse of the door', and is also stably activated.

These two things have improved, but the remaining three thousand avenues have fallen into a state of decline, from the state of proficiency (1/100) to the level of being a master (100/100).

Su Li took a look at the properties of Three Thousand Avenues:

Possess three thousand spells (awakened to the reincarnation vision of the Six Paths of Reincarnation): Great Destiny Spell (Entering the Hall and Entering the House) (100/100); Great Reincarnation Spell (Entering the Hall and Entering the House) (100/100); Great Time Spell (Entering the Hall and Entering the House) (100/100); Great Karma (Enter the Hall) (100/100); Great Will (Enter the Hall) (100/100); Great Fortune (Enter the Hall) (100/100); Great Catastrophe (Enter the Hall) (63/100); Great Soul Technique (first glimpse into the door) (63/100).

Immediately, Su Li looked at the female insect's information again.

The moment the female insect rushed into the aperture of the Source of Hope, she was already suppressed by Immortal Light Blue.

And it's not just immortal light blue, there's also a faint light blue shadow.

That was a very powerful woman. She grabbed and pinched her.

The female insect dies.

After death, it turned into the endless source of creation, all of which were fabricated.

Therefore, the so-called excitement of the female insect is nothing more than the pervasive pull of the aura simulated by the system, which is a huge trap.

If he didn't take the initiative to rush in and forcefully try to cannibalize or even seize Suli's body, then there would be no such thing as being killed instantly, and he would still have a chance to escape.

But it is a pity that when Bai Changyi was killed by Su Li's Source of Hope, the female insect must be looking for parasites.

Otherwise, the survivability of the female insect will become lower and lower in the void state. Although it can escape, it will be difficult to survive without a carrier!

Parasitism is an ability - but if you can't parasitize, you can only wait for death.

As for the so-called source of hope - the cause and effect of seeing the future, Su Li has already judged it.

Why can the colorful plum blossom eyes lock Bai Changyi to carry out the secret of destiny?

It is because the Source of Hope can restrain the Emperor Soul of the Emperor Soul Clan.

Eyes like the colorful pupils can completely see through the Emperor Soul Clan and even lock onto the Emperor Soul Clan!

How could such a huge cause and effect be presented in the fantasy world of the past?

So Su Li couldn't understand the cause and effect of the colorful plum blossom eyes at that time, and this is the core reason.

But now, Bai Changyi is dead, and the fortune points he killed are all over one million.

But overall, Su Li lost more than 300 million merits.

If there is no merit in one's body, there is no virtue.

In other words - starting to be immoral.

Su Li is not in a hurry about Wu De.

Because there will be someone more anxious than him.

[The update of 36,000 words has been completed today, and a total of 1.08 million words have been updated this month~ I rest for four or five hours every day, and spend all the rest of my time coding... The new January is here, and I beg you for the guaranteed monthly tickets in your hands, and the explosion will continue during the day ~I hope everyone can support subscription and monthly tickets, thank you~】

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