I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 279 Sinyue Ghost, 89 Xuan Gong

Su Li pondered for a moment, meditating on the Huangji Jingshi Shu, and actually had an urge to respond to the other party.

But he didn't respond.

In fact, he had experienced this scene before, but at that time, the scene he experienced was not this kind of vision, but a very blurred vision.

At that time, his vision was based on divination.

At this time, the scene Su Li saw changed again.

Under the ancient stone tablet, the lid of the coffin turned from crystal color to black at this moment, and the black coffin lid actually stood up.

A glow appeared on the coffin lid, and the glow sprayed onto the ground, and a three or four-year-old boy was projected on the ground.

The little boy had a look of deep hatred and stubbornness on his face.

He stared at the man who came out of the ray of light with such eyes.

The man's appearance was very vague, but he didn't look like Su Xinghe.

In other words, that man was not like the Su Xinghe in Su Li's impression.

After the man walked out of the ancient stone monument, his eyes were completely fixed on the little boy.

Kill me if you can!

The little boy's eyes were filled with blood, and the hatred in them seemed to be crazy.

Evil, impenitent thing!

After the man finished speaking, a pitch black dagger appeared in his hand. The sword looked somewhat like Su Ye's exclusive sword Sinyue Ghost Sword that Su Li had once used.

The moment the sword was taken out, the little boy's face showed an extremely cold and ferocious look, and his body even arched like a leopard going crazy.

At this time, the little girl raised her head, blinked her big, bright black eyes, and said coquettishly with intimacy and pleading: Daddy, don't kill my brother, okay? My brother will definitely get better. Yes, you will definitely be obedient.

As she spoke, she approached the man, hugged his thigh and rocked him gently, coquettishly.

He He, get out of the way, your brother is useless! Next time, daddy will give you a brother.

The man's words were a little gentler, but his words were still very sharp.

The little girl Su Ho immediately shook her head and said stubbornly: If I don't get out of the way, I won't get out of the way. I know that daddy wants to kill his brother to prevent him from turning into a demon.

After little Su He finished speaking, he burst into tears and begged: Dad, my brother will definitely not turn into the Zulong Demon. He will not. My brother is so cute! He He will definitely not let his brother turn into the Zulong Demon. The dragon demon’s!

By the way, Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu will also help stop it!

Daddy, just agree! Promise not to let your brother suffer anymore.

The man took a deep look at little Su Ho and said calmly: He He, you don't understand. When you grow up, you will understand.

The man said and locked his gaze on the little boy again.

Then, he raised the dagger in his hand.

Want to kill me? I won't let you succeed! Destroy this dark world! All of you, go to hell!

The little boy roared, and his eyes suddenly flashed. The next moment, he roared, and the blood all over his body exploded, forming an extremely strange fire.

He stared at the middle-aged man with extremely cold eyes, and his body was directly transformed into a demon at this moment.

It was an Ancestral Dragon Demon about the size of a normal adult and about two meters tall.

But this Ancestral Dragon Demon is more powerful than ever.

It stared at the middle-aged man and did not dodge. He also stared at it with a cold and indifferent expression.


Suddenly, the Ancestral Dragon Demon spit out a mouthful of demonic flames towards the middle-aged man.


The moment the magic flame manifested, it completely distorted the void.

What's even more frightening is that when this magic flame is ejected, wherever it passes, the void is directly burned into a black hole.

In the black hole, the terrifying void turbulence cuts in all directions, and the breath of destruction is like a ferocious purgatory, making people shudder.

This mouthful of demonic flames, carrying a trail like a black hole, hit the middle-aged man fiercely.

The middle-aged man's chest was directly shattered and penetrated, and blood flowed all over the floor.

Blood stained the ground red, and the afterimages on the man's body exploded one after another.


Su Ho screamed miserably.

Beside Su Ho, Mu Yusu also fell into a completely sluggish state.

At this time, the little boy who turned into the Ancestral Dragon Demon seemed to be stunned for a moment.

You think I'll stop if you pretend to be dead? You deserve to die!

The little boy once again destroyed the demonic flames with great force, but did not spit them out.

The man sighed sadly and said: Your mother is gone, what's the point of my life? Now, He He has... and you have taken such a step.

This is all because I, as a father, failed to do my duty and failed to educate you well.

I bother

The Ancestral Dragon Demon spit out a mouthful of demon blood and ignited a piece of demon flame.

Go to hell!

The Ancestral Dragon Demon fiercely gathered a more ferocious demonic flame and charged directly towards the man.

But this time, when the magic flame was about to hit the man, it was suddenly blocked by Zhuge Wuwei who suddenly appeared.


After Zhuge Wuwei was hit by this magic flame, he immediately fell into an extremely painful state, but he still held on.


When the man saw Zhuge Wuwei like this, he frowned slightly, with a trace of unbearable expression on his face.

Brother Xinghe, what I owe you this time has finally been repaid. Wuwei's life was originally owed to you and to your Su family. Now that I have repaid it, I have settled some worries.

Zhuge Wuwei murmured.

The man Su Xinghe sighed: Your life has always been your own, and it is not owed to me.

Zhuge Wuwei said: She is not dead yet, her clone is still there, so you don't have to do this.

Su Xinghe said: I raised my child like this, I can't even see her.

Zhuge Wuwei said: It will get better. One day he will truly understand.

Su Xinghe said: I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that day.

After Su Xinghe finished speaking, he coughed up blood and sighed: Brother, if you take this blow now, your situation will only get worse. There are many things that you still need to do.

Zhuge Wuwei said: But you can't do it now.

But at this moment, the Ancestral Dragon Demon said: Are you still acting? Don't be humble. Let's die together!

Su Xinghe raised the sword in his hand, pointed it at the little boy, and said: You don't need to do it, I just do it, so that you won't be blamed for killing your father and tarnish your reputation.

After Su Xinghe finished speaking, he raised the sword and stabbed it directly between his eyebrows.

Little Su Ho was stunned, completely frozen in place.

Zhuge Wuwei sighed.

Su Xinghe's sword completely pierced his own forehead, and then he pulled it out again.


Su Xinghe raised his hand and threw the sword to the ground, with ghostly aura flowing out of it.

Those ghostly auras were broken bit by bit and disappeared quickly.

Su Xinghe stood up straight, his eyes cold and calm.

Then he just stood there and died.

He did not lower his head, but tears of blood and regret flowed from his eyes.

The Ancestral Dragon Demon gradually transformed into the little boy again.

There was a look of incomparable hatred in the little boy's eyes. He stared at Zhuge Wuwei: You can save him, why didn't you save him so soon? Why?!

Aren't you best friends? Why did you plot against him and betray him? !

Why? Why? !

Zhuge Wuwei said: I saved him once, but his origin was almost shattered by your blow, and I couldn't save him. But since he is bent on seeking death, he just wants to use his death to wake you up.

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But from this point of view, Xinghe's death was in vain after all.

In my current situation, if you want to take action, you can do it at any time.

Zhuge Wuwei glanced at Su He and Mu Yusu, and as soon as he raised his hand, a mural appeared on his palm.


The mural burned, sweeping towards the two of them in Su Ho's sad and painful eyes.

In an instant, the two of them disappeared, and the burning painting formed streaks of fire and ashes, scattering down.

But at this time, these fallen pieces of paper and ashes gathered into Zhuge Wuwei's hands.

The next moment, he took out another painting.

That painting is a blank painting.

There seems to be an extra mountain in the painting, an ancient and mysterious barren mountain.

In the distance beyond the barren mountain, two girls appeared.

It's just that this painting is very blurry, and it's far from finished. It's like a rough draft, with only some simple lines on it that can make people identify what it is.

Other than that, it's pretty much useless.

But after seeing this, Zhuge Wuwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Zhuge Wuwei looked at the open door of the stone tablet, then walked to the side of Su Xinghe's standing body, and raised his hand to wipe his eyes that were still open.

Su Xinghe's open eyes closed.

Zhuge Wuwei directly took out a Tianji Sacred Jade, took Su Xinghe inside, and walked into the stone tablet.

After he did all this, the little boy never made a move.

The door to the stone tablet has not been closed, and is still shining brightly.

The little boy watched for a moment and then followed suit.

What are you doing here? This is a soul-suppressing tomb. You shouldn't be here. Go back.

Zhuge Wuwei glanced at the little boy lightly and said.

You don't have to worry about it! Who do you think you are!

the little boy yelled angrily.

Zhuge Wuwei kept moving forward. This road looked like an alley, with a large amount of broken ashes flying around.

After traveling for a long time, Zhuge Wuwei came to an ancient stone tablet.

It is obvious that this stone tablet is a tomb.

Here you come? Then pay your respects, she is your mother.

Zhuge Wuwei said calmly.

The little boy stopped, spat, turned around and left.

Zhuge Wuwei said calmly: You will eventually have a relationship, and you will eventually understand what is right and what is wrong.

The little boy did not look back, but sneered: So what? Does it have anything to do with you, an old bastard?

Zhuge Wuwei said: Ten years, at most ten years, you will be back by then.

The little boy said calmly: Unfortunately, you are wrong! I will never come back! Moreover, I will not have any feelings!

The little boy said, turned around and said calmly: From now on, all of you and I will cut off any cause and effect!

The little boy said, grabbed the sword, and cut off all his flesh and blood bit by bit.

I peel off the flesh and bones and give them back to you! What you took from me is cause and effect!

So, from now on, I will be independent from the world. I have no flesh and bones, so I will not have any emotions!

The little boy cut off his body completely, leaving only his soul.

The sword is still the same sword.

But it's no longer dark.

The sword at this time was stained with the demonic blood containing the Ancestral Dragon Demon.

The little boy is gone.

But his body was piled up into a hill of flesh and bones.

Time is distorted and fleeting.

Ten years later.

Qingming Festival.

The rain during the Qingming Festival always falls one after another.

The environment at this time was still cold and cold.

It’s still this lonely grave place, and it’s still such a light rain.

But here, there was no whining wind, but the pitiful howling of jackdaws crossed the sky.

The little boy ten years later is no longer young, and looks almost forty years old instead of fourteen.

Because the ten years in this world contain some small worlds, in which time will pass faster.

But ten years, after all, is only ten years.

After that lonely figure appeared, he was dressed in black robes, with tears of blood flowing from his eyes.

He knelt silently in front of the ruined monument of the solitary tomb and bumped his head against the ruined monument, but he could no longer open the door to space on the ruined monument.

He began to recall the past, recalling the scene when Su Ho begged him ten years ago.

At that time, Su Ho was still begging for mercy for him, hoping that his father would not kill him.

And now...


He screamed in pain, and tears flowed down along with the blood.

Outside, dark clouds were pressing down on the sky, and layers of vicious murderous intent spread across the sky.

This is another fatal crisis.

Ten years of life and death are uncertain. If you don't think about it, you will never forget it.

A lonely grave thousands of miles away, no place to speak of desolation.

It hasn't been ten years yet, but I'm back.

But where are you?

I am indeed a sinner in this world, and I am indeed the greatest source of evil in this world.

The man choked with grief.

Finally, he stood up and a black sword appeared in his hand.

With one stroke of his sword, he cut off the stone tablet and erected a new one.

This stone monument is not just a stone monument, but a huge soul-crushing monument!

This soul-suppressing monument is completely black, and exudes a very terrifying aura of ghosts, ghosts, and demonic souls. It seems that it has gathered all the negative energy and aura in the world, and is the biggest source of evil in the world!

More importantly, although ordinary soul-crushing monuments are large, this soul-crushing monument is at least a hundred times larger than ordinary soul-crushing monuments!

But after this soul-calming monument was erected, it quickly became ordinary again.

But the severed Canggu stone tablet was directly transformed into the dark soul-suppressing tablet by the man's concentrated magical power.

Want to take my Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques? Take it! I will engrave this technique into the passage transformed by the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques. If you have the ability, go and study it!

The man smiled ferociously, raised his hand and turned the dark stone tablet in his hand into a stream of light, shooting it towards the sky.

You bunch of bastards, just wait, our Emperor will definitely come back!

After the man finished speaking, his figure instantly twisted and burned.

This is a purple-gold book page that looks like a maple leaf. After the page appears, the man's figure is directly imprinted on the page and disappears in an instant.

And that page disappeared quickly after appearing.

At this time, in the land of nothingness, a figure appeared and drew a few strokes in the void, manifesting into a painting.

In the painting, it is exactly the scene he experienced before.

After a moment, the figure solidified, it was none other than Zhuge Wuwei.

He sighed, and then included the painting into a yellowed ancient scroll.

On the scroll, there are ancient Chinese characters vaguely appearing, and at the same time they quickly disappear. Those characters are Shanhe Sheji.

However, this scene is very twisted.

Zhuge Wuwei, after pondering for a long time, did not change anything, and his figure quickly disappeared.

Su Li saw some of Zhuge Wuwei's past experiences.

But he looked a little confused.

Because these experiences seem to have happened in the past, now, and they seem to happen in the future.

Su Li discovered for the first time that he could not judge the existence of time.

But now, Zhuge Wuwei no longer exists.

He wanted to search and continue to find out the news, but he couldn't find it.

Su Li tried it twice, but the result was like this.

Moreover, because the system became more intelligent after watching it once, the information obtained after the two subsequent attempts became increasingly scarce.

Su Li knew that he had basically finished investigating everything he could.

In other words, some current information about Zhuge Wuwei has been basically dug out.

However, Su Li was at a loss as to his relationship with Su Xinghe, his relationship with Mu Qingya, and what he had undertaken.

It was a good thing that the system had transformed, but Su Li couldn't tell what Mu Yuxi would be like after the transformation.

But at this moment, Su Lidu still recorded this information on the page of the system panel.

At the same time, he tried to summon the clone.

This time, whether it was the technique of One Qi, Three Purities, the ability of External Incarnation, or the ability to stand in for a paper man, there was no serious problem at all.

In fact, nine of the ten paper substitutes could be summoned again.

In other words, nine of the ten paper substitutes in the dark abyss at the time fault point on the tenth level of his restricted memory area are gone.

Su Li already knew this.

The nature of this time is different, it is not completely a virtual archive world, because it is also mixed with the art of the Great Dream Qianqiu.

At the same time, because Su Li's place of existence is the 'now', so out of the ten paper substitutes, he killed eight by himself and one by Su Wangchen.

Now, after everything returned to normal, Su Li calmly summoned all the clones again and placed them on the ninth floor of the memory restricted area instead of the tenth floor.

On the ninth level, the time scale is very long.

But it doesn't matter, the more than a hundred clones inside began to think over all the doubtful points again, and at the same time called the Huangji Sutra to meditate.

In this way, Su Li felt more at ease.

Zhuge Wuwei suddenly disappeared. Although Zhuge Jiufeng didn't say much, he was in a slightly bad mood.

But she didn't get angry.

After Su Li glanced at her, his eyes fell on Meng Qianqiu who was further away.

Do you want to get out, or do you want me to do it?

Su Li stared at Meng Qianqiu and scolded in a deep voice.

Meng Qianqiu walked out step by step, and after reaching the area ten meters in front of Su Li, he slightly clasped his fists and said, The Emperor is really so majestic.

Su Li said: Three cuts of the soul, does it feel good?

Meng Qianqiu said: Am I not dead yet? I am not dead, but I have also clearly understood the ultimate meaning of the Nine Transformations of Nirvana from the dream, and even the ultimate level of immortality, the innate saint level? This is the royal family's Top level strength?

Now that you know this, of course it’s great!

Su Li said: Since it feels so good, I'll let you feel even better!

As soon as Su Li's Creation Pen was mentioned, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation would be activated immediately.

Of course, he was just pretending to suppress Meng Qianqiu.

Prince, wait a moment.

Zhuge Jiufeng suddenly stood up.

Su Li said: What, you want to plead for him?

Zhuge Jiufeng said: It's not that he begged for mercy, but that he was actually forced this time, not to mention the former emperor of your royal family...the emperor who was deprived of his throne is really notorious.

Su Li said: How do you say this?

Zhuge Yunni said: Master, let's forget it this time.

Su Li was a little surprised and said, You actually came forward to plead for mercy?

Su Li turned back and glanced at Mu Yuxi. Instead, he felt that since the system had been partially repaired, Mu Yuxi's condition didn't seem to be particularly good?

Zhuge Yunni said: Young Master, there is no need to worry. We just have some understanding this time, so it will take some time for us to understand. It is not a bad thing.

Su Li nodded and said, That's good.

Although he was not sure what the situation was, Su Li had already paid attention.

Meng Qianqiu said: I just cut off a soul, and I still got some benefits. You don't have to worry about Prince Huaitian, you can rest assured that my participation in this matter is also to maintain stability in the overall situation.

It's not as bad as you think, and it's certainly not great either.

But I don’t like being threatened, especially those from the royal family. For example, the prince from yesterday, or maybe the prince at the moment.

Su Li sensed Hou Yi's Dao Mark and found that the Dao Mark still existed.

Su Wangchen triggered it once, but didn't really use it.

Therefore, Su Li directly targeted Meng Qianqiu and said, If you say yes, that's fine, so, how do you like it?

Also, you were the first person who wanted to grab the Tianji Soul Stone just now.

Meng Qianqiu said: How am I doing? Won't you find out after entering the Tomb of the Great Emperor? Of course you want to try it now, that's fine too!

I really don’t believe that your sword array can still be used to pay you a huge debt. Even if this treasure is really real, can you move it?

Prince of Heaven?

When you start to have thoughts about the Tianji Soul Stone, it proves that your true identity has been exposed.

So, the black-robed skeleton who travels through one hundred thousand years in this world has always been you, right?

You still dare to show yourself in front of Nie Xiaoqian that you are the man in the black robe and skull mask.

Combined with the scene where you manifested the skull mask in front of Su Ye and Zhuge Qianyun, who are you if you are not him?

Su Li was thoughtful and glanced at Mei'er.

Meier's face turned a little pale, but she still shook her head with firm eyes.

Su Li shook his head instead and said: Mei'er, don't worry, I'm not blaming you, but I want to know, are you even affected by yourself now? So, Yan Ji is also here? Li Shi Ni is also right, right? ?”

Meier remained silent and did not speak.

Mu Yuxi looked at everyone present with a calm expression and began to think about something at the same time.

Su Li said: When I inquired about Yu Xi's situation, you tested me. Coupled with inquiries like Lieyang Xinan, I actually already knew.

But it doesn't matter, it will be solved in a while.

Su Li said, and then added: It doesn't matter whether I am him or not. What is important is that I am Su Li. Su is the resurrection of all things, and Li is the separation of joys and sorrows.

As Su Li said, he also glanced at Meng Qianqiu and said, I don't care what you think, but if you want to force me to use heaven's secret to create my original life energy, I will be burdened with karma?

I think you really think too much.

Moreover, I, Su Li, killed you Meng Qianqiu, and now I have given up some of my background, it is just like killing a dog!

A soul?

All three of your souls have been cut to death, and your strength has been stripped away forever. You are only a half-step guardian at best. Are you still pretending, thinking that just how strong you are can show that you are still strong?

Hahahahaha, in my dream, what you think of as 'cutting off my three souls' is nothing more than victory in the dream!

Including the environment we are in now, do you know what is a dream and what is reality?

Who can realize the big dream first? Who can know it in life?

Do you think you are in reality, do you think you know that my obsession is to find an eternal kingdom where I can sleep peacefully and create the supreme magic of Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterflies?

In fact, I have already created this supreme magic!

Who will wake up first from the big dream? I know myself all my life!

Prince Tian, ​​you are still in my Great Dream Qianqiu Divine Art, you say you have defeated me?

Sorry, I've learned all your secrets!

Prince of Heaven, Su Li, you are Su Wangchen!

Your guardian, Immortal Light Blue, has completely lost because of your infinite gamble on cause and effect!

Let me tell you, I am a participant in everything. This is a pig-killing plate, and you, Su Wangchen, are the pig!

Now, you can hardly fly!

When Su Li heard this, he applauded directly and said: Wonderful, really wonderful.

Meng Qianqiu said: Why, you don't know yet? Do you think your Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills are so powerful and have unparalleled transformations that you can really confuse the fake with the real one?

Su Li said: What you call a dream is just because, in fact, we are not on the Nether Sea now, but we have actually entered the Tomb of the Great Emperor, right? This is the reason why we are in the Tomb of the Great Emperor, right?

Meng Qianqiu said: Yes, it seems that you are not completely conceited, and you still know this.

Su Li said: Then, when did we enter the Tomb of the Great Emperor?

Meng Qianqiu said: This is the magic of Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterfly. When you were about to enter, Su Taiqing stopped you, right? But then you still went in. However, no matter whether 'Guixu: A Chinese Girl Era' is successful or not, you can't come out from it. , isn’t it in the tomb of the Great Emperor?”

Su Li said: None of your goals can be achieved. But my goal can be achieved.

Su Li took a look at the system mall and after the system was repaired, he had one more chance to refresh. But it was refreshed five times before, but there were actually two opportunities for the system to post it backwards.

In fact, what is really used is three refresh opportunities.

One more time this time.

And it can be refreshed with 100,000 Tianji points.

Su Li directly refreshed Tianji Mall.

He didn't have any idea of ​​directional refresh and he put all his trust in the system.

Later, after some refreshing, in Su Li's eyes, a strange object appeared in Tianji Mall.

(PS: The second update of 7,000 words is here ~ I am asking for full subscription and monthly pass ~ I am also very grateful to the ‘book friend 20200108160228538’ for the 1500 starting coin reward support ~ I am very grateful to the book friend ‘Sanzhumu’ for the 500 starting coin reward support ~)

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