I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 278 System Repair, Huayue Cause and Effect

Su Li walked towards Mu Yuxi. Mu Yuxi took the initiative to approach Su Li and gently threw herself into Su Li's arms.

Both attachment and nostalgia.

Su Li gently held Mu Yuxi and caressed her back for a while without saying anything.

Mu Yuxi now looks more like Zhuge Yunni, the Taoist God of Heaven, but besides that, he also has several identities.

But what is the meaning of the existence of these identities?

Su Li could feel that this splitting method would definitely cause damage, and it was unknown whether they could be fused after splitting.

What's more important is that even Mu Yuxi actually doesn't know anything related to the system.

The 'characters' cut out or divided by the system are all 'indigenous' characters in this world. They follow the rules of this world, but at the same time they are somewhat different.

What secrets are hidden in this? Why does the system split into Mu Yuxi? Why does the system split into an extra stunning girl every time it rises to a star?

Even including the first time he and Mu Yuxi met two months ago, did Mu Yuxi appear out of thin air, or did she really appear from Wanli Holy Land?

So, was Mu Yuxi really Hua Ziyan's maid at the beginning, or was Mu Yuxi actually replacing Li Muxue at the beginning, so that Li Muxue disappeared?

It wasn't until Mu Yuxi almost disappeared that Li Muxue came back?

In the same way, Mu Yusu has become Su Ho's maid again, so what is the relationship between Su Ho and Hua Ziyan?

The third one is Zhuge Yunni, the Taoist God of Heaven. Zhuge Yunni is almost the number one confidant around Zhuge Jiufeng, so Zhuge Yunni follows Zhuge Jiufeng!

What is the relationship between Zhuge Jiufeng and Su He and Hua Ziyan?

If this relationship is true, then who is Su Yumu, who did not appear this time, following?

According to the deduced information, Su Yumu is the leader of the City Without Tears this time. She is not following anyone, but others are following her.

If she had to say who she followed and whom she valued, there was only one person, Ning Caijian.

This person was originally the actor who played Nie Xiaoqian, but later Que Xinyan gave up the role, so Su Li deduced that this person was the fifth clone created by Qing Lan.

It just so happened that Ning Caijian had a very good relationship with Nie Siru...

So, what do these mean together? Whoever follows the being cut out by the system will have great opportunities and good fortune!

Not only that, these existences will also be the core key at a certain point in time.

In other words, these people clearly possess some key elements of the resurrection system.

In this way, every time the system becomes stronger, it will actively look for lost things, and a corresponding 'clone' will appear and 'stare' in person.

It is even possible that it is not staring at it, but it is completely 'clamped'. As the system becomes stronger, it has to split off some of its 'abilities', otherwise the system will have problems.

Is this a hostage similar to the nobles such as princes or princes sent to the enemy or other countries in ancient times? Is the system sending hostages on behalf of the 'royal family'?

I hope they are not hostages, but just that the people following these system clones have some good fortune, or have items needed for the system's resurrection, and I need to recover them.

So...if you want the system to become stronger, you must resolve these five identities and let them truly return.

At that time, the system should undergo a fundamental transformation.

While Su Li was deep in thought, he looked at Mei'er next to Mu Yuxi.

At this time, Mu Yuxi obediently broke away from Su Li's arms and gave up her position to Mei'er.

When Su Li looked at Mei'er, Mei'er was obviously thinking about some issues.

But at this time, Mei'er was obviously not sure about some of Su Li's thoughts, so although her eyes when she looked at Su Li were equally affectionate, there was also a hint of hidden doubt.

He was puzzled, naturally, as to why he suddenly couldn't connect with Su Li.

Mei'er, don't worry, you will get better soon.

Su Li had a gentle voice and a smile in his eyes.

Mei'er nodded lightly, walked over, and gave Su Li a gentle hug.

At this time, she said: Su Li, is there something unexpected in Qingyun Tomb? Or will we do something unimaginable in it?

Su Li said: No, the Qingyun Tomb shrouded the outside of the Great Emperor's tomb, forming a layer of killing. It's just that I made some mistakes before. But now that I have figured it out, it will be fine.

Although Su Li's words were very casual, they gave people a great convincing effect.

Mei'er thought for a while and said: If this is the case, then this Qingyun Tomb may have at least seven levels of killing rounds. Maybe it has already reached the top.

Su Li's heart moved. Sure enough, after Meier found that she could not synchronize with his thoughts, she obviously silently improved her intelligence.

So, at this time, Meier took the initiative to 'synchronize' again.

Su Li thought thoughtfully and said: Yes, the nine-level killing bureau is a certain limit of intelligence.

Meier pondered for a moment and suddenly said: Su Li, do you remember the night we were together? What did we do that night, do you remember?

When Su Li heard this, he couldn't help but be a little stunned, but he soon understood.

At this time, he couldn't help but laugh. He had become stronger, but Mei'er suspected that he had been swapped, or that he thought his 'clone' had returned and took away his true body.

However, does Meier's behavior mean that Mu Yuxi is not as smart as her?

Or did she know very early on that Zhuge Chunqiu was really his Su Li's 'original body'? The kind of ‘body’ without recovery?

Is Su Li the 'clone' now?

But now, the clone has revived, so Su Li is no longer the Su Li she loves the most?

Su Li didn't pay attention to the gods waiting outside Qingyun Tomb. He walked closer to Mei'er, looked at her with a smile, and said, Isn't that an evening? Didn't nothing happen?

Meier added: The scorching sun that day was a bit southerly, so the light at that time was very dark, like night.

Su Li said: You don't need to care whether the sun is leaning south or west, and you don't need to look at my face.

Upon hearing this, Mei'er's beautiful eyes suddenly brightened, her smile suddenly spread, and she said: You won't...really practice Meng Qianqiu's Da Meng Qianqiu technique, right?

Su Li said: So, Mei'er, you are my gospel.

Meier smiled and said, It's good news for your body.

Su Li said: That doesn't matter. Be good, don't test me. Your man is not a stick. At least one side is enlightened.

Mei'er's beautiful eyes were smiling, and she indicated with her eyes: Are you really enlightened? Is it the upper side or the lower side? Do you want Mei'er to check it?

Su Li said: What I like the most is that you clearly saw it and deliberately pretended not to know.

Meier responded with her eyes: Seeing that you have grown up rapidly again, Meier is inevitably excited. This moment does not allow you to experience the majesty of a man, but can only give you a sense of intellectual accomplishment.

And doesn’t a man’s sense of accomplishment overwhelm a smart woman?

Su Li said: That's true. Although I know you're just pretending, I still feel a sense of accomplishment. Little goblin, after this matter is settled, you should be able to turn into a fox. Don't worry, I'll let you know when the time comes. Crying with happiness.”

Mei'er said: Well, Mei'er will be waiting to beg for mercy from you, Su Li.

Su Li said: Mei'er, please analyze it for me. When Yu Xi first followed Hua Ziyan, what did I ignore about Hua Ziyan? Then when Mu Yusu followed Su He and first appeared in Huayue Valley, What did I ignore at that time?

Mei'er said: Su Li, you can actually ask Yu Xi about this matter. Even if she doesn't know, she will have an instinctive reaction.

Su Li said: Ignoring Yu Xi for now, what do you think?

Meier said: If Mu Yuxi is following Hua Ziyan, then Hua Ziyan is actually involved in several very important aspects. According to Meier's judgment, there are at least very critical aspects that Su Li, you have indeed ignored. ”

Su Li said: How can I say this?

Mei'er said: Regardless of what happened with Mu Yusu following Su He in the Flower Moon Valley, just looking at Mu Yuxi following Hua Ziyan, there is one person who cannot be ignored. That person is Zhuge Wuwei. In fact, the original Wanli Holy Land Can exist, Mu Yuxi can exist, and even Hua Ziyan and me Meier can exist, the key person has never been Zhuge Chunqiu, but Zhuge Wuwei.

Su Li pondered: Zhuge Wuwei?

Meier nodded slightly, staring deeply at Su Li with her beautiful eyes, conveying the corresponding message: Yes, Zhuge Wuwei. Su Li, in fact, there are many things that Meier doesn't want to say, and can't say, but you have to understand one thing Who are your closest relatives or people you can completely trust? Who are they getting close to and who are they following?

As long as you think this way, basically there will be no big mistakes.

Perhaps the real wise man is the wise man, and the weak like us are just like children after all.

Children can be very stupid and stupid, but children are the best at identifying people's good intentions and malicious intentions.

You are kind and full of the source of hope, so even if you are evil, you are not evil enough, so even those children who have never seen you will like you at a glance.

But if you are vicious, no matter how handsome you are, no matter how beautiful you are, no matter how bright your smile is, those strange children will be afraid of you.

Therefore, no matter how complex the problem is, no matter how dangerous the killing situation is, there must be an initial starting point and one or several final ending points.

Even if we can't grasp the end point, we can just lock the starting point.

Just like how I attacked you at the beginning, I don't need to plan anything, so I can exchange my sincerity for true love.

I suffered part of the cause and effect and participated in some situations that I had no control over, just like the self-righteous Master An Ruoxuan who couldn't help it. But when I faced you, I regarded myself as a child, and you are That big brother with the warmth of the sun, that’s fine.

A game with a purpose is a game. A game without a purpose is a game with deep roots, flirting and flirting, and you are attached to me.

Su Li stared into Mei'er's eyes and suddenly understood what Mei'er meant.

At that moment, Su Li, who had the heart of the world, could not only understand Meier's meaning through his eyes, but also hear Meier's true sincerity and infatuation.

In fact, similar to the situation in the system, many times, it was Su Li who noticed Meier's efforts and could synchronize his mind and feelings with Meier, but more often than not, he could not synchronize.

Because it was impossible for Meier to lower her intelligence, which was at the level of almost nine Hidden Dragon Pills, down to the level of three, four, or five pills all the time. In that case, she would not be able to truly protect Su Li.

So this will definitely lead to many times when he doesn't understand Meier's painstaking efforts.

Now that the 'Heart of the World' existed, Su Li had already understood this, and was very touched in his heart.

Su Li reached out and held Mei'er's hand.

The moment he held the gentle and slightly cold hand, Su Li felt as if he was holding the whole world.

Meier's delicate body trembled slightly, a trace of mist appeared in her beautiful eyes, but she avoided Su Li's emotional gaze.

Su Li, let's deal with some things first. There are some special powerful people this time.

Meier lowered her voice and conveyed.

She didn't dare to look into Su Li's eyes, fearing that his final stubbornness and strength would be seen through by Su Li.

Su Li hugged Meier gently, and then nodded towards Yun Qingxuan, Maura and others beside Meier.

As for Hua Ziyan, although Hua Ziyan behaved very piously, Su Li disliked her more and more.

Su Li turned around and looked at the densely packed gods and geniuses on the Nether Sea around Qingyun Tomb, and then looked at Tianji Pavilion.

Over at Tianji Pavilion, there were many people here at this time, including Su Taiqing who had not left yet.

There are four people headed by Tianji Pavilion, namely Zhuge Jiufeng, Zhuge Yunni, Su Taiqing, and Su Musheng.

Beside them were Zhuge Qiming, Zhuge Wuwei, Zhuge Jiayun, Zhuge Jiayi, Zhuge Yunmeng, Zhuge Muxue, and Zhuge Ranyue.

When Su Li looked over, Zhuge Qiming's expression was indifferent, neither sad nor happy.

Zhuge Wuwei had no expression at all, as if he was a transparent person. Su Li knew in his heart that he wanted to pay special attention to this person, but at a glance, he instinctively ignored him.

Zhuge Yunmeng, also known as Qi Yunmeng, gestured towards Su Li with a gentle smile.

Zhuge Muxue looks like a lady, and she looks like Yun Qingxuan and Hua Ziyan as always.

Zhuge Ranyue, on the other hand, was always a little ashamed of Su Li. When Su Li looked at her, she lowered her head in panic, and the black hair on her head hung down, making her look very cowardly.

Su Li withdrew his gaze and fell on Zhuge Wuwei again.

Zhuge Wuwei, he indeed ignored it, but this person was the first to play with murals.

During this period, some of his operations once made Su Li's scalp numb. Later, he used the file copy function to copy Feng Yao. After being caught and gored to death by Zhuge Chunqiu, and shattered by the soul-crushing monument, he did not appear for a long time.

During that period of time, Su Li thought that Zhuge Wuwei was really dead.

Now it seems that Zhuge Wuwei is not dead, but started to avoid him, Su Li, and Zhuge Chunqiu after being tricked by Zhuge Chunqiu.

If it weren't for the exchange in the mural that made Su Li realize that this person was very awesome, I'm afraid this person would still have jumped out of his sight.

But Mu Yuxi trusted this person very much.

Is it just the reasons Mu Yuxi mentioned before?

Why did Zhuge Wuwei send Mu Yuxi to Wanli Holy Land again and let Mu Yuxi grow up next to Hua Ziyan?

Not to mention these.

This time, when Su Li went to Qingyun Tomb, he did not find Zhuge Wuwei's presence.

But no matter what the meaning of the name Zhuge Wuwei is, the meaning of Zhuge Wuwei's existence in the Qingyun Tomb of The Era of a Chinese Girl in Return to Ruins is somewhat special.

In the original story of A Chinese Ghost Story, Zhuge Wuwei is Zhuge Liuyun's half-brother. Perhaps the meaning of Wuwei's existence is just to have someone who can tell Zhuge Liuyun his life experience.

Seven-year-old Zhuge Wuwei watched his parents being forced to death, but he never wanted to take revenge without resentment.

He even lived peacefully in Panlong Valley with the Blue Devil who transformed into a fire dragon for twenty years.

As the 'Seventh Generation Karma', he has never been overly obsessed with his identity, and he even sacrificed himself in order to fulfill Zhuge Liuyun.

Looking at it this way, it doesn't matter, but it would be interesting if Hua Liuyun, the actor who plays Zhuge Liuyun, was replaced by 'Zhuge Chunqiu'.

Among them, Zhuge Qingchen was once told by Maura that he was Zhuge Qingtian, the biological father of Zhuge Liuyun and Zhuge Wuwei!

In the original story of A Chinese Ghost Story, everyone has desires.

Jin Guang wants Xuanxin Zhengzong, Zhuge Liuyun wants Hongye's love, Qiye protects Xiaoqian wholeheartedly, and Ning Caichen and Xiaoqian are greedy and want to be together at all costs, even people like Jing Wuyuan , will also care about his status.

Only Zhuge Wuwei has the least desire.

He only hopes that everyone will be well, and he treats Xiaolan as a relative, even though the Blue Devil is also one of the creators of the tragedy in his life.

At the same time, he also hopes that Zhuge Liuyun can truly grow.

Even when he decided to give up on himself in the end, it was still for others.

Maybe, by that moment, he no longer considered everything so important.

Black hair and red leaves, white hair and red leaves. Whether he has loved or not, none of this matters to him, because whether the seven lifetimes of destiny is really the most beautiful destiny.

This is the ‘Zhuge Wuwei’ in the original story, but it is also very likely a portrayal of Zhuge Wuwei in ‘reality’.

Perhaps, when Zhuge Chunqiu challenged Zhuge Wuwei to death, Zhuge Wuwei could have avoided it, but he did not dodge.

Su Li meditated on the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu, and after thinking quietly for a moment, he already figured out the cause and effect.

Therefore, he went directly to Zhuge Wuwei.

Zhuge Wuwei showed a look of thought, and then his eyes calmed down.

Su Li said: The Great Dream Qianqiu Divine Art was activated previously, but the interpretation of A Chinese Girl in the Return of Ruins was not successful. Why didn't you participate?

Zhuge Wuwei said: Since we know it is a dream, why do we need to participate. For beautiful dreams to come true, they must be based on reality after all.

Furthermore, with the participation of the Emperor's Prince, whether it is a black-haired Momiji or a white-haired Momiji, it will all become Liuyun's Momiji, right?

Su Li said: What if Liuyun is not Liuyun?

Zhuge Wuwei said: If the flowing clouds are not flowing clouds, then the red leaves are not red leaves, it doesn't matter.

Su Li said: It seems you know a lot.

Zhuge Wuwei said: The name Zhuge Wuwei is not only about inaction, but also about inaction under the blue sky.

Su Li said: It seems that you miss your father.

Zhuge Wuwei said: Sometimes, when people grow old, they become like children, and children always feel that they have grown up and like to point fingers, right?

Su Li said: Yes.

Su Li said: Did the City of Tears split apart?

Zhuge Wuwei said: Prince Tian, ​​the City without Tears is real. This means that it has actually been erected in the ruins. It's just that the layer of fog has not been lifted yet. But the current time is wrong. So it’s just that we can’t lift that veil yet.

Under such circumstances, I will not end up personally.

How many people are really going to die this time?

The order Feng Yao received in the past was just to 'trial the Qingyun Tomb'. It was a trial, just a trial.

Prince Tian, ​​you must have seen the relevant information from the Demonic Blood Monument No. 99, right? Why can't I understand it?

Or, have you figured it out and don’t want to expose any information?

In fact, no, the Emperor doesn't need to care at all, because now, no strong person will do anything to the Emperor.

At least there's nothing wrong with it on the surface.

Su Li said: You are right, test the 'Qingyun Tomb' and inspect the tomb of the great emperor. It is indeed my lack of consideration.

Zhuge Wuwei said: The trial at Qingyun Tomb is almost completed now, right? It seems that this time everyone has benefited a lot, but your reaction was too intense.

Su Li said: I think this kind of thing should be more intense to make it more interesting.

Zhuge Wuwei pondered for a moment and said, Why did the Emperor come here?

Su Li said: I'm asking for something from you.

Zhuge Wuwei said: Prince Tian, ​​you finally know what you are missing, and you know you have to find it.

Su Li said: Is the Tianji Soul Stone still in your hand?

Zhuge Wuwei said: Still there.

Su Li said: What are the conditions?

Zhuge Wuwei said: There are no conditions, but I still have to add one condition.

Su Li said: You say.

Zhuge Wuwei said: If there is a day in the future, remember to reveal the truth about the City Without Tears, and don't let existences like me live between truth and fiction. Life is worse than death, okay?

Su Li said: As smart as you are, you are obsessed with this matter.

Zhuge Wuwei said: As smart as I am, I can't withstand the passage of time. Existence or non-existence is never based on our own will.

Su Li said: The city without tears will one day be completely unveiled. In addition, if I still have a future, then I will fulfill your request.

Zhuge Wuwei said: I thought that I still couldn't give this thing to you this time. Now, I finally fulfilled my wish and gave it to you at a more suitable opportunity.

Su Li said: It seems that you are under a lot of pressure.

Zhuge Wuwei said: Treat her well. You have to know that I am her spiritual uncle.

When Su Li heard this, he sighed softly and glanced at Zhuge Wuwei silently.

At this time, in his eyes, Zhuge Wuwei turned into a ray of light, swept out a heavenly soul stone with a colorful halo, and flew towards Su Li.

However, at this moment, gusts of dark wind suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, and at the same time, many mysterious powers emerged.

However, Su Li just focused his gaze, and the memory restricted area opened, and the two restricted areas on the first and second levels manifested into the Void Gate.

In the door, four swords were quietly stuck on the ground, and the terrifying and mysterious sword intentions in gray, blood, cyan and black were raging like crazy.

The memory restricted area is filled with sinister winds and murderous intent.


Let's see who grabs it!

Do you want to re-enact the pain of having three souls removed in reality?

Su Li spoke calmly, his eyes extremely fierce.

Here is reality.

In reality, his memory restricted area can be called up at any time.

Of course, these four swords are really just a showpiece in reality at this time.


What about flower stands?

Just ask, do you dare to rob?

Sure enough, the moment the two Void Gates in the Memory Forbidden Zone manifested and the four swords manifested, the scene suddenly became quiet.

The originally noisy, manic, and impatient gods and geniuses all immediately became more honest.

Not far away, Que De, Xia Xinning and others couldn't help but have admiration in their eyes. At the same time, they were also full of fanatical admiration and deep fear for the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in Su Li's memory restricted area.


The manifestation speed of the Tianji Soul Stone was not very fast, but it still flew into Su Li's hand very smoothly, and gradually condensed in his palm.

At this time, Zhuge Wuwei gradually dissipated and no longer existed as if he had transformed into a Tao.

Not far away, Zhuge Qingchen watched calmly, but was not too surprised.

It was as if he already knew about this scene.

In fact, even Feng Cangqiong and others seemed to have known this scene for a long time.

Su Li was sensitive to all this scene.

It was through this feeling that Su Li realized that none of these people were really efficient. Everyone knew far more than him, and their intelligence was also very evil.

However, everyone seemed to know nothing or very little in front of him.

Su Li couldn't help but think of Su Wangchen's words. I, Su Wangchen, did underestimate those natives, but you underestimated them even more.

Su Li felt that Su Wangchen's words contained heavy weight.

This time in the 'Archives World', it was Su Wangchen's Archives World who made a meritorious deed. He, Su Li, took the opportunity to earn a large amount of Secret Values ​​and Causality Values, and basically paid off all his debts.

In terms of Tianji value, he also made more than 1.2 billion.

The causal value has been repaid until only 7 points are left.

It's truly a win-win.

However, this also illustrates a problem. This time, Su Wangchen took advantage of him, and he also took advantage of Su Wangchen. This can be regarded as the end of cause and effect.

But what about next time?

First of all, without Su Wangchen's system file world, it would be impossible for him to meditate on being a saint without collapse with such a layout. This is equivalent to saying that Su Wangchen is so crazy about debts that he has pushed the system's upper limit to an absurdly high level.

Just like a credit card, the net worth is actually the same, but one can overdraft 70 billion, and the upper limit may be 10 billion or even lower. If it exceeds, it will collapse.

Therefore, by helping Su Wangchen work in Su Wangchen's fish pond, he can grow up quickly and be able to walk sideways in this world for a while.

But once you get used to it, your system will form a kind of 'attachment', and this system will become Su Wangchen's before you know it.

But if you don't use it, many big kills will not be able to be activated and the enemy will not be able to be suppressed.

It's okay once or twice, but once it's done too many times, your background will be revealed.

Therefore, this matter must be faced now.

However, Su Li's idea is very simple.

Because in his heart, Qinglan's safety always comes first.

Overdraft may feel good for a while, but in the end it will be a disaster.

Moreover, the price of this overdraft is to let Qianlan sell blood, let his wife or daughter sell blood, and live happily by drinking and drinking?

Su Wangchen could do such a thing, but Su Li would never do it.

At this time, this seven-color Tianji Soul Stone was obtained, and Su Li almost immediately sensed something like a mysterious 'Tianshu Crystal' in it.

It was like a crystal heart, he could sense it.

Therefore, he put the Tianji Soul Stone in the palm of his hand, closed his eyes, meditated on the Emperor's Sutra, and turned on the system at the same time.


At that moment, Su Li suddenly heard a sound like a clear wind chime that suddenly sounded in his mind.

This reminder sound is somewhat like the prompt sound of a text message.

Su Li's mind froze slightly, and he immediately saw a message appear on the system panel.

[Ding: Obtain the Tianji Soul Stone, and the system repair level is slightly improved. 】

[Increase the number of refreshes of Tianji Mall by 1 time. 】

[Increase system space stability. 】

[The system functions are enhanced ten times based on the original ones. This enhancement targets system functions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7.]

[Added system function 8 ‘Tian Ji Xing Chang’. 】

[Tianji Star Transformation: Star rating is improved, functions are transformed, and you can choose to actively evolve the corresponding system functions. A single system function cannot exceed the system star rating. 】

[Increase the system potential index, increase the system upper limit, repair the error that function 1 will give priority to detecting the mural information of life forms, repair the fatal error of function 1 to see who is dead, and slightly reduce the probability of reverse peeping by the object being viewed in system function 1. 】

Information about the system's transformation suddenly appeared.

Moreover, this time the system panel is no longer just a colorful panel.

That kind of virtually transparent, water-flowing, mysterious and immortal panel is both extremely mysterious and high-end, and full of an indescribable sense of technology.

This kind of system panel gave Su Li the same feeling as the arcade character data screen ten years ago and the character panel interface of today's large-scale games. There was a huge difference.

“This system is really fixable!”

At this moment, Su Li had a sudden enlightenment, and at the same time he realized the real reason why the system split into 'clones'.

This situation is simply unimaginable, but it is also sad.

Su Li took back the system and felt much better immediately.

As for the disappearance of Zhuge Wuwei's transformation, Su Li thought about it and deduced it on the spot. The target of the deduction was naturally Zhuge Wuwei.

Now that the system's functions have been enhanced, he no longer needs Zhuge Wuwei to be around if he wants to deduce Zhuge Wuwei.

As long as he has been in contact with Zhuge Wuwei, then presenting the memories of his previous experiences in Huangji Jingshi is equivalent to going back to the past in Huangji Jingshi and standing with Zhuge Wuwei again. Together.

Su Li locked on Zhuge Wuwei at that time, then opened the current life file system, and checked the life file information of 'Zhuge Wuwei'.

This time, what Su Li saw in the file information was no longer a large piece of dense and messy information.

It's the information he needs to see.

Obviously, after the functions are enhanced, its ‘intelligence’ is also very scary.

A very magical scene appeared in Su Li's mind.

That scene happened in the deep area of ​​Dragon Vein in Huayue Valley.

In an area deep in the dragon's veins, the void suddenly became distorted, and then a grass grew rapidly, and soon gave birth to a budding flower.

At this time, there seemed to be an unknown purple energy flowing and manifesting between heaven and earth, as if it had inherited the ultimate heavenly aura of this world.

Soon, this breath came together and merged into the budding flower bone.

In this way, the flower bone immediately began to bloom and turned into a small flower.

Among the flowers, the petals show seven colors.

After the buds bloomed, among them, a little girl wearing a purple gauze skirt began to grow up quietly.

And this little girl, in just a breath, has grown up to seventeen or eighteen years old.

Yusu, you have finally grown up, haha, it's not easy.

A ripple opened in the void in the distance. Among them, a girl in a white gauze skirt came over and came to the flower, with joy in her beautiful eyes.

Miss, Yu Su is back.

I know, yes, very good. This growth is very huge. It has been upgraded to five levels of life origin.

Is uncle the spiritual master still there?

Him? He is no longer here. He has transformed into a Taoist being.

Ah...he...why didn't he wait for Yusu to come back?

Let's go, I'll take you to pay homage to him, it's another soul-crushing tomb.


The two of them talked softly, and the girl in white gauze held Mu Yusu's hand, walked towards the distant area where the Great Emperor's Tomb was, and walked directly in.

The tomb is not dark, nor is it magical.

Moreover, that place was obviously not the Tomb of the Great Emperor.

The environment there was indeed like that of Jingyang Village, and there was indeed a mass grave in it. However, after arriving at the mass grave, the girl in white dress and gauze skirt still brought Mu Yusu to the place of Canggu Stone Stele.

Then, the girl glanced at Mu Yusu and said, We are still too big, we need to become smaller.

Mu Yusu said: Miss, is it true that you are getting smaller, or is it just that your body is getting smaller?

The girl in white gauze skirt said: Just change back to your childhood. By the way, use the magic of transformation.

Mu Yusu said: Is that the magical power of transformation beyond the way of heaven?

The girl in white gauze skirt said: Yes.

As she spoke, the girl in white gauze turned her body, and after a flash of white light, she turned into a little girl wearing a light green dress that looked like a princess.

The little girl smiled a little happily. She was just about to say something to Mu Yusu, who had also transformed into a little girl next to her, but she tilted her head as if she was aware of it, showing a close and sincere expectant smile, and shouted sweetly Said: Dad, you are here.

By the way, the novel app I’m using recently, [ app ], is supported by both Android and Apple phones!

(PS: The first update of 9,000 words is here~ I am asking for full subscriptions and monthly tickets, thank you dear friends~ Also, I am very grateful to the book friend Drunk to Watch Red Leaves for the 2800 book coins reward support ~ I am very grateful to the book friend Qianhen 1 1000 starting point coins reward support~, thank you very much to book friend 'Jiuhan TUT' for 588 book coins reward support~ Thank you very much' book friend 20170205120547908' 100 starting point coins reward support~)

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