I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 258: Creation of the dead paper, killing the immortal!

Su Li directly asked Mei'er, Mu Yuxi, Yun Qingxuan, Zhuge Qingchen and others to wait on the Netherworld Sea for a while.

He considered the possibility of this being a 'spend'.

But similarly, after arriving outside, Zhuge Jiufeng, Su Taiqing and even Su Ye were all there.

Under such circumstances, it would be unrealistic to attack in secret.

In addition, Mu Yufei was indeed tricked, but she shouldn't mess around in the Netherworld Sea area. If she really wanted to mess around, it would be in the Tomb of the Great Emperor.

After all, the Emperor's Tomb has not yet been opened, and the crisis between Mu Yuxi and Mei'er will not arise yet, otherwise the Emperor's Tomb would not have been opened.

Mu Yufei's lineage came here this time to seek changes in the underworld, but of course they also had other purposes.

At the same time, it is impossible for Xia Xinning to evolve her skills without thinking about this.

After some thought, Su Li pushed Feng Yao away at the same time - he did have a fight with Feng Yao, but it was also not the right time.

Su Li, Yu Xi and I will go out first.

Meier showed a sweet smile.

Su Li responded with a gentle and doting look.

Mu Yuxi also told Su Li to take care of himself, and then they, together with Yun Qingxuanhua, Ziyan, Mora and others, all began to leave the third level area.

Next, Gu Tianyin, Mu Yufei and others left the place one after another.

At this moment, the Huayue Valley is basically empty.

Xia Xinning's figure moved at this time, suddenly turned into a stream of light, and suddenly disappeared into the sky.

call out--

The next moment, he suddenly appeared again.

That speed was beyond imagination.

The scope is not very large. In the more distant places, it seems that there is still black and white chaos? You haven't even dealt with the third level. How can this form an independent small world? Do you want to move the Netherworld Sea in?

Xia Xinning asked.

The tone of his words seemed sincere.

I do have this idea. Netherworld Sea will get 20% of the benefits.

Xia Xinning said: It's too much.

Su Li said: It is the entire power of Netherworld Sea, not Quede or you who have gained so much.

Xia Xinning said: It's too much, I can't eat it.

Su Li: ???

So far, he is still the first person to hear others criticizing someone for giving too much.

Xia Xinning said: That's a lot. If we, Netherworld Sea, are in charge of reincarnation in this world, this in itself is a huge power of life and death. If we also take 20% of the cause and effect, the rules of heaven and earth will easily become unbalanced.

Su Li said: When the time comes, I will give you 10% of the income and 50% of your Wangchenhuan's power as a dowry, and marry your sister to me. Isn't it even?

Xia Xinning said: Don't bear the karma of the entire royal family, you can't afford it.

Su Li said: Don't bear the karma of the entire Netherworld Sea. You can't afford it.

Xia Xinning said: Yes, the progress is not small - let's not talk about this, do you know how to clear the memory restricted area?

Su Li said: Formatting?

Xia Xinning: ???

Xia Xinning was really confused this time and couldn't understand it at all.

But he still said patiently: When there are no other living beings and corresponding laws in the memory forbidden area, the memory forbidden area is your own domain world, and you can present your own ultimate laws.

So you can use this method to cover the entire memory restricted area and take a look at it.

Just like the existence of Flower Moon Valley, it is a pure whole. Once strange things are mixed in, they can actually be distinguished very clearly.

In this way, you can easily erase the 'flaws' or some abnormal 'imprints' that have been mixed into the memory forbidden area.

In this way, you won’t be ‘surveilled’.

Su Li said: Is it to bring your will to the entire memory restricted area and transform into the 'Creator' to patrol your territory?

Xia Xinning said: Yes. Because when the memory restricted area is not made public, it is actually an independent space to condense one's own memories. It is one's own realm of heaven, not the real world for the public.

Su Li said: I understand. Do you want to try it now?

Xia Xinning said: If you want to test me, I have to go out first.

Su Li said: That's okay.

Su Li listened to Xia Xinning's words this time - Xia Xinning did not set up a cage this time, because he was not worried about Su Li being plotted, but worried that someone else would monitor him while he was performing his exercises, which would be more costly than gain.

Su Li opened a door to the void, and Xia Xinning also left first.

The method provided by Xia Xinning is feasible.

This is a ‘service outage update’, which fixes problems and eliminates cheats at the same time.

At the same time, this mode is like turning on ‘safe mode’ for anti-virus, which is indeed a good way.

Su Li sat down cross-legged from the first level of the memory restricted area, started meditation, and then gathered all his relevant memories into the Huangji Jingshi Book and carefully organized and analyzed them.

At the same time, a secret that governs the laws of heaven and earth and the laws of nature pervades the entire world.

Under such circumstances, Su Li carefully scanned the first level of the memory restricted area, but did not notice anything unusual.

In order to make sure that he had not made any mistakes, Su Li condensed ten clones, each of which was in a different memory restricted area, and then performed the same meditation, and at the same time started to 'scan' the first layer.

After such careful cleaning, Su Li noticed three abnormal points.

One point is an afterimage trace left by Meier's invasion.

One dot is a trace of purple energy left by Hua Ziyan at some point.

One point is the aura of returned butterfly left by Yun Qingxuan's mother, Gongcheng Qingdie, when she once invaded.

After noticing three points, Su Li was speechless!

What’s even more speechless is that these three points were actually ‘checked out’ by the clone on the fourth floor and the clones after the fourth floor!

The clones on the first to third floors were unable to detect such hidden traces.

Su Li stared at those three points, considering whether to 'kill' him or not.

After pondering for a moment, Su Li called up the system panel and looked at it. The causal value was 0.

After Su Li pondered for a moment, an external incarnation on the tenth level of the memory restricted area looked directly at Yun Qingxuan, Hua Ziyan and Mei'er on the Netherworld Sea through the memory restricted area. At the same time, the person on the first level of the memory restricted area looked at Su Li directly erased all three points.

After erasing it, Su Li felt that his whole body was inexplicably relaxed, as if a meridian had been opened.

Su Li noticed that except for Hua Ziyan, who was slightly unnatural for a moment, Yun Qingxuan was still the same as she should be, a little heartless.

Mei'er and Mu Yuxi talked from time to time, and their relationship seemed to be progressing very well.

Elsewhere, Xia Xinyan came not far from Kame Mako and Que De.

Que Xinyan and Que Xinyan were talking about something and seemed to be arguing a few words.

Kame Mako seemed a little reluctant to face Xia Xinyan, pretending not to see it and hiding behind Que De.

Que Deze faced Xia Xinyan with a carefree smile, and smiled coquettishly from time to time, like a twitching horse bug.

After Xia Xinyan asked a few questions, she seemed to be unable to get the result, and her face looked a little regretful.

Deep in the memory forbidden area, looking at the outside world is like a slow-motion picture scroll, with a strong sense of delay and a strange pause.

However, Su Li has long been accustomed to all this.

This time, no matter it was a good 'point' or a bad 'point', Su Li was ready to take action directly and kill them all.

In order to prevent Xia Xinning from using this method, Su Li always used it after washing it by meditating on the Emperor's Classic.

Moreover, the method mentioned by Xia Xinning is a general direction, not a complete method.

This is equivalent to giving Su Li a direction of 'anti-virus', and then Su Li wrote the code to create anti-virus software to kill viruses, so this anti-virus software cannot have its own backdoors or Trojans.

Not to mention, even if there is a problem, Huangji Jingshi Shu itself is equivalent to an extremely complete virtual system that can directly eliminate all hidden dangers.

Under such circumstances, with Su Li having such a system and the Emperor's Classic of Worlds covering everything, he is not afraid.

After scanning the first layer, Su Li scanned the second layer!

Good guy, on the second floor, he wiped out another purple dot from Hua Ziyan and the dot left by Gongcheng Qingdie.

On the second floor, Su Li couldn't scan the little bit left by Mei'er.

Judging from this, Meier really had no intention of invading again after she suffered a certain amount of backlash when she first 'eroded the restricted area of ​​memory'.

On the contrary, when did Hua Ziyan and Gongcheng Qingdie plant the wooden horse?

This is also awesome!

Su Li thought of the Destiny's Return technique, which was the ultimate Zhuang Zhou Mengdie technique, and vaguely had an answer in his mind.

As for the public bus Qingdie, this one is more powerful. When he was in the archive world, the public bus Qingdie directly penetrated the second level of his memory restricted area, and after peeking at some scenes about high-rise buildings and cars flowing like water, he Killed instantly by the system.

Most likely, this taboo point was left over from that time.

Su Li continued to kill some points - it was actually very simple to kill the presence of these existences.

After discovering it, just use the power of the laws of heaven and earth to erase it.

Su Li not only directly erased it, but also meditated on the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and 'destroyed' a wave in the forbidden area of ​​​​memory.

At the beginning, didn't Master Tongtian wipe the third layer of the memory restricted area once and clean the third layer of the memory restricted area?

After thinking over and over again, Su Li chose to use the same method to do this!

Therefore, Su Li used the same method - manifesting the super clear clone, transforming into 'Tongtian', and directly erasing the restricted memory area!

And after erasing it, Su Li simply went wild!

He took out the Creation Pen on the spot, and was not afraid of losing the Heavenly Secret Value or owing Karma. He directly used the stand-in paper figure to turn it into the paper talisman, and drew a Zhuxian Sword, which was combined with an ancient Zhuxian Killing Formation, and directly evolved into the third sword. In the memory restricted area on the first floor.

Creation Pen and Netherworld Paper!

The killing array of the Zhuxian Sword!

Previously, Master Tongtian had manifested the Zhuxian Sword Formation and presented the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

Su Li's memory is very terrifying.

Now he directly used the creation pen to combine with the ghost paper of the paper man, and first drew the first sword of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian - Zhu Xian Sword!

Then, the Zhuxian Sword was mainly used to depict the Zhuxian Sword, and the Seven Star Tiangang Formation, Bagua Qiankun Formation, and Nine Palaces Killing Formation were combined into the Killing Formation to create the entire offensive and defensive system.

Later, Su Li carved the Immortal Killing Sword and used the same combination of killing formations to form another offensive and defensive killing formation system, forming a back-and-forth combination.

As a result, the formation revived, and the first layer of the memory restricted area suddenly transformed.


It was as if the heavens and the earth had just opened, spiritual springs were gushing out of the earth, and streams of monstrous divine power were escaping from the heavens and the earth, killing everyone.

But seeing the rising yellow mist, the gorgeous golden light kills!

The rising yellow mist makes the inside of the Zhuxian Formation look like clouds; the bright golden light looks like a shroud in front of the Bagua stage!

The swords, halberds, spears and swords are like iron barrels; the east, west, north and south are like copper walls!

After arranging the first level, Su Li meditated on the Emperor's Book of Classics to check for any gaps. After careful review and finding that there were no abnormalities, Su Li began to arrange the second level of the memory restricted area.

On the second level of the memory restricted area, Su Li used the same method, combining various ancient formations with creation pens and ghost paper to draw the Immortal Trap Sword and the Immortal Absolute Sword.

At the same time, combined with the formation to deal with it, Su Li also created the second level of the memory restricted area into a killing field, with an iron wall and an iron wall!

Looking at the first and second floors alone, they seem to be very powerful and terrifying.

But what was even more terrifying was that after the first and second floors were completed, Su Li discovered that the first and second floors had formed a brand new union.

It was as if the real Zhuxian Sword Formation had been completely revealed.

As a result, gray, bloody, cyan and black atmospheres of destruction, killing, evil, terror and other atmospheres filled the air, modifying the entire memory forbidden area into an inexplicable forbidden place.

Su Li projected a clone and wandered around for a while before running out in fear and panic.

The key is that the first and second floors of the memory restricted area are like this, and the third floor is directly connected to an iron wall, and a special iron plate is formed almost instantly.

So, what is the situation of these three levels of memory restricted areas now?

It's done - the clock of good fortune is beautiful, the yin and yang are divided into the dusk!

This formed the iron barrel formation, and then it was completely independent from his memory restricted area!

Good guy - Xia Xinning's idea is to make my memory forbidden area into an iron bucket, and then others can peel it off and use it directly as a small world!

Although it eliminates my hidden dangers, it also completely allows me to be harvested more perfectly!

This is to make me a more perfect temptation, use me as bait to fight out!

Only at this moment did Su Li understand what this brother-in-law was thinking - this thing was simply inappropriate!

Let me tell you, why are so many people in the Qingyun Tomb of the Great Emperor so crazy this time... The male monks want to kill me, and the female monks also want to kill me...

Come on, rely on...

Su Li was also unable to complain.

But this is indeed a good thing - because Mount Tai is pressing on the Tianchi Blood River.

There is a change of yin and yang cutting off dusk on Mount Taishan.

This cut does not mean cutting, but cutting the space passage between the third and fourth floors.

The so-called ‘stable as Mount Tai’ means really stable.

Therefore, if the first and second floors of the Memory Forbidden Zone form a basic Zhuxian Sword Formation, and use the Creation Pen to give it the power of creation, it will have the power of protection.

The third level of Mount Tai connected with Su Li's fourth level of memory restricted area, forming a complete whole.

But others didn't know it, so they thought that the first three layers of Su Li's memory restricted area could be peeled off perfectly.

So, the fruit is ripe!

What did Xia Xinning do?

Just ripening.

It's not a big deal to watch the excitement, but it's not a big deal!

Although it helped Su Li solve the final trouble, it also left Su Li to face the covetousness of all the gods, dark demons, etc. by himself.

Fortunately, the royal family had killed a group of them before and suppressed their restlessness, otherwise they would have been eaten alive this time.

As for the Zhuxian Sword Formation, it is really fierce!

There is a saying in the poem: The evil formation for killing immortals is lined up with four gates, yellow mist, strong wind, thunder and fire; when the yellow crown is robbed, it is robbed, and all the Taoist priests who fall into the hall are buried. The light of the sword only swallows the bones of the gods, and the talisman spits out black haze in vain; even if there is the supreme law that reaches the sky, how good will I be when I meet the Holy Lord!

This is not an exaggeration, but - it is difficult to describe its one-tenth-thousandth degree of ferocious power.

This memory forbidden area was created, and Su Li didn't want to go to the first or second floor now.

This is just like the owner of a haunted house who doesn't play in his own haunted house - isn't it scary enough so he doesn't play in it?

No, it’s because I was scared to death when I discovered real ghosts while playing in the haunted house.

Although Su Li didn't see the real guy, he was indeed shocked by this terrifying killing array.

Therefore, he was reluctant to touch the third floor of the memory restricted area.

As for who wants to leave traces inside or put them in a cage in the future...

Su Li just wanted to say: Welcome, welcome, warm welcome...

Then I murmured in my heart: Amitabha, I wish you many blessings - so I will give you a piece of black coffin-carrying music.

Su Li took back the Tongtian clone, feeling sad in his heart.

It seems that everything is starting to take shape.

When the time comes, if the first and second layers of the memory restricted area are peeled off and smashed into the outside world, will it be the Immortal Killing Sword Formation?

Su Li looked at the creation pen in his hand.

This thing is so awesome.

Su Li glanced at the Tianji Points again and twitched the corner of his mouth - Good guy, just painted two paintings and ended up burning 200 million Tianji Points?

However, because of helping Long Lindao to deduce, and because gods continued to go to the Netherworld Sea area to participate in the 'Tomb of the Great Emperor' trial, and because news of the Tianchi Blood River spread, more and more gods and geniuses began to pay attention. Generate interest, and be harvested for 'believing'...

All in all, all in all, Su Li's secret value is not about to bottom out, but the ideal value in his heart - more than 53 million secret value.

More than 50 million fortune points and 0 points of causality.

What a great start.

But why are I so panicked?

It seems that you are not at ease even if you don’t have a few hundred million?

Su Li stared at the data on the system panel——

Tianji value: 539638235.

Causal value: 0

He was silent for a long time.

Afterwards, Su Li continued scanning.

Su Li scanned the third floor, but found nothing.

No gods or geniuses will cause trouble on the third level.

On the fourth floor, Su Li scanned and swept out a wisp of black light left by Mu Yufei.

Su Li directly manifested the Tongtian clone method and forcibly erased it.

In order to avoid accidents, Su Li directly manifested the Xuanxin Purple Fire of Xuanxin Secret Art to completely burn it out!

After cleaning, a dark abyss suddenly appeared between Su Li's third and fourth levels of memory restricted areas.

It's like a yin-yang meridian, directly separating the third and fourth floors perfectly.

At that moment, Su Li suddenly had a very strange feeling - in the previous archive world, he could not enter the third level of the memory restricted area!

Therefore, at that time, the fourth level of the memory restricted area became the first level of the memory restricted area!

Su Li was thoughtful, his mind focused on the dark abyss, and with a thought, the darkness immediately enveloped the forbidden area of ​​​​memory.

Suddenly, the first three floors of the memory restricted area suddenly disappeared, as if they had fallen into the dark abyss forever.

Lost Realm?

Su Li felt awe-struck in his heart. In an instant, he felt that his life level had suddenly dropped by three levels!

However, when this feeling emerged, he also gained an indescribable power of heaven to make up for this loss.

At that moment, an indescribable understanding arose in my heart - the way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking...

At that moment, Su Li seemed to understand what it means to be in charge of destiny and what it means to be arbitrary!

It turns out that the level of life's foundation can really start from the negative. Mount Tai is divided into yin and yang. Previously, I only had yang, but the first three levels of this memory restricted area can be yin. If it is yang, it is the positive side; if it is yin, it is the negative side.

So, the girl is afraid of the sun, so she turns into the sun and blocks the shade.

So Feng Yao got a female body of Feng Caiwei, so Que Xinyan got a male body of Que Xinyan...

So, those geniuses who don't have extreme yang to generate yin and extreme yin to generate yang, most of them have memory restricted areas to determine yin and yang?

With a thought, Su Li took back the dark yin-yang meridian.

Suddenly, the forbidden area of ​​​​memory returned.

Later, Su Li discovered that because of this epiphany, his life level had inexplicably risen to three levels in a row!

This time, the improvement was somewhat inexplicable.

Is this an improvement? Isn't it right?

And the sudden realization came in a strange way.

Su Li repeatedly recalled the sudden increase in the level of life foundation, and then realized that there was a time gap point on the third level of the memory restricted area.

And when he destroyed Yin and Yang, that point was covered.

But when he reopened Yin and Yang, that point was still there, still shining.

But now, he has already determined that point.

When I cover it like this, does it mean that I have reached the 'future' of the past that I have experienced at that point? It is equivalent to determining a certain outcome in advance!

It seems that if Feng Yao goes back to the past and fights me, the outcome will not be changed, because I have determined the outcome first.

No matter what plan he has, I am invincible.

Su Li understood.

Under normal circumstances, he would not go behind the 'future' or 'past' represented by that point in time.

But because of the 'split yin and yang' coverage, he achieved a cool operation - 'locking' a certain outcome in the future.

In this way, Feng Yao was probably completely fooled.

Sure enough, I beat the old master to death with random punches!

Ha, now I directly bear the biggest benefit and result of Feng Yao's battle. If Feng Yao doesn't have a purpose, it's okay. If he has a purpose, I don't know if he will vomit three liters of blood.

Su Li felt refreshed.

He sensed the system and found that the system had not been upgraded yet.

However, he is already on the 14th floor of the memory restricted area!

Opening three floors in a row, this feeling is indescribable.

Su Li strengthened the protection of the fourth level.

The fourth floor is already protected by the Gate of Yin and Yang. In addition, so many forbidden formations have been arranged in the past. Now that Su Li has arranged and revised it again, it is naturally even more tightly guarded.

Therefore, in the future, unless he brings others in and others plant a 'Trojan horse' inside, he will not be 'poisoned'.

Of course - if it's a super strong person, it's a different matter.

After that, Su Li didn't make any modifications from the fifth to the fourteenth floor.

Because it's all a dark area.

The memory restricted area reached the fourteenth floor, and Su Li sensed it layer by layer.

The time fault point on the tenth level, etc., remains unchanged.

But at the tenth level, Su Li no longer lost any Tianji points.

The eleventh to thirteenth floors are also quite stable.

The fourteenth floor showed a twisted shape, as if filled with the void turbulence of destruction. Although it was open, it was obviously unstable at all, and it would collapse at any moment.

Therefore, what is really available now is the thirteenth floor.

But - this is a 'yang attribute' state.

In the Yin attribute state, that is, after covering the first three levels of the memory restricted area with darkness, his memory restricted area will return to normal, and the whole person will be weaker. Although it is also the eleventh level of the restricted area, it is much weaker than it is now.

Su Li speculated that this ability should be related to picking the fruits of victory against others - peeling off his memory restricted area.

After checking all the way, Su Li found that under normal circumstances, Su Li scanned the thirteenth floor of the memory restricted area and the tenth floor several times, but did not find any flaws or taboos.

At this time, he had completed the test of himself.

A total of six cages were detected.

It's like saying that he was put into a six-layer cage!

Now, it's all done.

After doing this, Su Li felt a little tired.

It's not easy to survive in this kind of world!

If anyone says that time travelers are easy to mess with in the future, I will blow their heads off!

Su Li thought angrily.

At the same time, he returned to the third floor of the memory restricted area, Huayue Valley.

Then he restrained all his aura, and after returning to normal, he directly released the stand-in paper mannequin that Mu Yufei had used to capture the dark demon spirit from the Qiankun ring, and then released the Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique and Xuanxin on it. Mysterious Secret Art talisman shackles, and manifested Xuanxin Secret Art on the spot to completely refine it.

After the wisp of dark demon spirit condensed, it formed a ball of bright black glass.

Su Li tried all kinds of flames, talismans, and even the mysterious fire derived from the Tiangang Creation Hunyuan Qi, but none of them could burn out the black glass.

The toughness of this thing is amazing, and as long as there is a trace of it, it can immediately devour all kinds of things, grow and grow, and restore its original strength.

However, when Su Li condensed the thunderous purple flames in The Mysterious Secret of Mysterious Heart to manifest the means of unifying all methods, the dark colored glaze was refined into nothingness on the spot.

The intensity of the world on the third level of the entire memory restricted area has increased extremely significantly.

Just such a group was so impressive, and Su Li was extremely shocked.

Moreover, after killing such a group of dark demon spirits, Su Li's fortune value skyrocketed to 10 million!

Such a gain made Su Li extremely frightened - at the same time, he realized that in this third level, this dark demon spirit would definitely not dare to resist!

Otherwise, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to kill it easily.

Now, there is really no big problem in the first three floors of the memory restricted area. It's rare to have a quiet place.

And this place...

What the hell, Five Thousand Years on the Bridge - this Xia Xinning is really sick, and what kind of things are she talking about.

But... this seems to be something I can do.

As for 'My heart is too confused', I am the only one who can use the lyrics as poetry and mood to chat with beauties...

These are indeed the stupid things I would have done if I had a bad temper in the past.

However - regardless of the present, past or future, the answers to the core 'verification codes' such as 'odd to even remain unchanged' cannot be spread out.

Otherwise, we won't be able to tell whether it's Li Kui or Li Gui.

Su Li conducted another deep self-reflection.

In this kind of world, it is impossible to examine yourself three times a day.

You have to reflect three hundred times a day to survive like this...

After a long time, Su Li opened the third level of the memory restricted area, and a line of mysterious energy formed a big hand, directly grabbing Xia Xinning, who was a gentleman and gentle as jade outside.

Xia Xinning didn't resist.

After coming in, when he saw Su Li closing the Void Gate, his figure immediately moved, and his body exploded with a 'boom'.

At that moment, Xia Xinning's whole body shone with golden luster, and her whole body directly rose to nineteen meters!

This is the standard body shape of a god.

As soon as Su Li's figure moved, he also transformed into a nineteen-meter-tall figure on the spot. His energy and blood expanded, and his whole body manifested the powerful Kunpeng bloodline aura and wisps of royal bloodline aura originating from his own body.

Xia Xinning said: This is the basic form now. Next, I will transform.

Su Li said: Transform into Agumon?

Xia Xinning took a deep breath and said, I am your uncle, are you scolding yourself like this?

Su Li knew that when it came to talking nonsense, he, an old troll from Zu An for seven years, was no match for the other party.

Xia Xinning's energy and blood shook all over, and there was a real sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring, which was very shocking.

As soon as this sound manifested, Su Li discovered that his bloodline was almost agitated.

Good guy!

Su Li secretly mobilized the Emperor's Book of Classics, and at the same time, Yuqing's clone was caught on the spot, thus suppressing the restlessness of the bloodline aura.

Even so, Xia Xinning still had a faint awareness.

However, because the traces he noticed were very light and subtle, Xia Xinning took this as Su Li's thin bloodline, and showed a hint of disappointment without concealing it.

The bloodline is indeed a bit poor, but your transformation journey has not been long and you are already very good. We can still afford to wait. Five thousand years is enough for Daxia to rise.

According to the ancient Hua clan's method of washing the bones of ancestors, it will be five thousand years of Chinese history.

Xia Xinning's words were almost like a thunderous sound, causing Su Li's mentality to almost collapse.

Good guy - this guy is so fierce, he even said 'China'.

This is simply inappropriate!

This is a headshot bombing. Any information that is blown up is a bloody gain!

Are you treating me like a cash machine and blasting it?

Su Li glanced at Xia Xinning and urged directly: Use whatever means you have! Just this time, it won't be the same next time!

Xia Xinning said: With your stingy temper, I'm sure you'll be in pain to the point of having a shadow. Why don't you do it next time? I'll laugh next time, so this time, hehe, let's be a little cruel!

Xia Xinning said: Are you ready?

Su Li said: Ready! Let's evolve the Taoism!

Xia Xinning said: Hey, then you - how about you hide yourself in the fourth-level memory restricted area and leave the weakest clone here? Otherwise, I will use my means to kill you.

Su Li said: Don't talk nonsense! What I am using now is a paper substitute! Do you think I will use my body to be crushed by you here? Take advantage?

Xia Xinning said: You're so smart, you're pretty good.

Su Li: ???

Su Li: You are not a human being when you are riding a horse, right? Believe it or not, I will kick you out immediately and take away your authority?

Xia Xinning said: I forgot, I have 20% authority over Netherworld Sea! Que Zhishang is still my subordinate! I agree to the discussion between you and Que De. If you have 20% authority, you really can't kick me out at will while I'm here.

Su Li said: I have 80% of the permissions to erase your permissions at will. Do you want to try?

Xia Xinning said: I won't try anymore. Now I really believe that what you are telling is the truth, even though you often tell the truth with fake paintings.

Su Li: ...

Xia Xinning's daily routine of not being a wife is already a piece of cake.

Su Li gradually got used to it.

Because this person often throws bombs, which is a super sure kill.

Xia Xinning reminded Su Li to be careful again without being too verbose.

Su Li was a little annoyed - you are so sick, if you want to take action, just take action, mother-in-law -


Just when Su Li was irritable, letting down his guard, and cursing in his heart, Xia Xinning took action.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and endless dragon roars manifested throughout the Flower Moon Valley.

The golden five-clawed golden dragon that covers the sky soars into the sky!

The shadow of the ancient divine dragon, as huge as an eternal behemoth, appeared behind Xia Xinning.

That was the real dragon that looked like the totem of the Chinese dragon. The moment the shadow turned into reality, Su Li's mind froze.

In an instant, the power of the endless divine dragon, dragon soul, divine soul, and Xia Xinning's own bloodline all evolved together.


The dragon soul roared.

Roaring sky.

The heaven and earth shook.

The void trembled violently like annihilation.

Emperor Qi turns into a dragon and swallows the sky divine technique!

At the same time, Xia Xinning manifested the extreme devouring magic. In an instant, the giant dragon opened its bloody mouth and fiercely swallowed a whale in the Tianchi Blood River.


The sky and the earth change color.

The sun and moon have no light.

Su Li felt as if the entire Huayue Valley had exploded, and his mind went blank.

What's even more terrifying is that with this mouthful of whale swallowing, Xia Xinning directly swallowed nearly 80% of the Tianchi Blood River's foundation!

This means that this time, the divine origin and many other benefits that were condensed through the trials of countless gods were swallowed up by him!

Su Li saw this scene in person and wanted to vomit blood on the spot.

Damn it!

It’s too dark!

This is the wool being plucked out, leaving the smooth sheepskin on the body!

Su Li looked at this scene and felt so painful that he couldn't breathe.

What's even more sinister is that the divine energy of transforming the emperor's energy into a dragon and swallowing the sky swept across the world, even swallowing up the divine aura on Mount Tai.

Not only that, even the essence and soul of Su Li, the paper-double clone, was sucked away by it in one fell swoop.

Su Li's substitute paper man turned into a paper man on the spot and stood there, as if he was about to fly into the sky.

Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique!


At that moment, Xia Xinning transformed the endless energy into a murderous intention and killed it with the Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique.

And when that sword came out, it was the real sword intention like a dragon.

Su Li's eyes narrowed as he turned into a paper substitute.

Suddenly, the killing method of 'Heaven Breaking the Sky and Destroying the Way' appeared in his brain like lightning.


Su Li silently withdrew his eyes and calmly compared the killing moves between the two.

Then, he was basically certain that after the ultimate magic technique of Tian Xie Breaking the Heaven and Nirvana Dao was degraded a billion times, it would almost be the Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique.

That was Xia Xinning's killing move at this time.

Xia Xinning's move almost directly penetrated the Tianchi Blood River - of course it didn't really penetrate, but directly penetrated the area of ​​10,000 miles!

This is the real sword of Guanghan Nineteen Continents!

This is really fierce!

If such a sword...

Su Li felt that Gu Fanque would have been killed long ago and turned into ashes!

But obviously, Xia Xinning can't really be that strong.

Therefore - Xia Xinning's murderous intention was derived from the energy in the blood river, as well as the energy devoured by the previous Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Swallowing Heaven Technique.

Devouring a massive amount of energy, he then used the Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique to kill him directly!

This directly forms a devastating reincarnation killing move!

If this is on the battlefield, one sucks and one kills, fighting to support fighting!

When Su Li looked at Xia Xinning, there was a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

This is Xia Xinning teaching him inheritance.

Therefore, Xia Xinning's previous statement that she wanted him to practice the Emperor's Qi Transformation into a Dragon and Swallowing Heaven and Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique was indeed sincere.

Moreover, the reason why the other party wanted to confirm whether he knew the Tianji Galaxy Blood Fiend Soul Refining Technique was because he hoped that he would actually go to the battlefield and learn how to support war with war.

In this way, at least you won't be in danger of being endlessly consumed.

After Xia Xinning left behind this ancient and dazzling sword, Su Li replaced the paper substitute with a clone, and then the main body shrouded it, absorbing the paper substitute that was almost sucked to death, and looked at Xia Xinning, Somewhat complicated meaning.

No matter how inappropriate this person is, his heart is indeed good.

Whether you learn it or not, you should keep this direction in mind. In addition, whether it is in the past, present or future, Su Li, listen, it's not that I don't agree with you being with my sister, it's not that I'm cruel to break you up. , but you are not qualified enough.

Reluctantly staying together will not lead to happiness, only pain.

Now, I point out this direction to you, just like I point out the flaws in the forbidden area of ​​​​memory. After you listen and act, you will be in greater danger, but you will also make up for your own shortcomings.

Whether this defect is intentional or unintentional, it is best to make up for it.

Now, I have used this move to absorb almost 80% of the origin of your memory forbidden area, but the combat power released is only 50%.

Under the condition of energy balance, this memory forbidden area will then restore 50% on its own.

Of the remaining 40%, I take away the 10% I deserve - this is also considered the cost of teaching, so that we do not owe cause and effect.

As for whether you want to learn or not, it’s up to you to decide.

I'll give you the remaining 20%!

Xia Xinning glanced at Su Li, and then stabbed her eyebrows with a sword intent.


A thunder exploded in the void.

Immediately, a terrifying purple energy suddenly fell from the sky, landed on the top of Su Li's head, and sank into it.

In an instant, Su Li discovered that his secret value had increased by 600 million in an instant!

Su Li: ...

(PS: The second update contains 10,000 words ~ I will continue to cry for full subscriptions and monthly passes ~ I hope you can support me, and I bow and thank you again ~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend Yue Zao Zao for the 4000 starting point coin reward for support ~)


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