I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 257: In front of Leifeng Pagoda, on Naihe Bridge

When Su Li heard this, his expression became a little complicated, and at the same time, he silently formed a more powerful Yuqing clone to deal with unknown risks.

Before, he used External Incarnation not to condense Pangu's bloodline, because although Pangu's bloodline was powerful and invincible, it was too awesome!

The weak blood aura he condensed rushed towards the eyebrows and eyes of the 'paper substitute', so this aura was the aura of 'Kunpeng blood'.

To the Daxia royal family, this kind of aura is like rubbish among rubbish!

However, it was just right to deal with Xia Xinning's various temptations.

Xia Xinning's remarks and actions contained at least ten layers of traps. Of course, he seemed to be trying to prove something, true or false, false or true.

But these are only what Su Li can sense.

There must be something in this that he cannot sense, and these are probably even more complicated.

God Xia Xinning, I'm still a child! Is this really okay with you? Doesn't your conscience hurt?

Su Li gave Xia Xinning a helpless look - if Xia Xinning wasn't Xia Xinyan's biological brother, and if Xia Xinyan hadn't been determined by the system to be Que Xinyan, Su Li would have turned against her long ago.

But, no matter what, he is the brother-in-law, and it is still difficult to offend him at the moment.

Moreover, although the other party had many speech traps, the other party locked this space with ancient sealing techniques. This shows that he is aware of the seriousness of the matter and does not want the news to spread to third parties.

In addition, although he has many cages, he does not have strong murderous intentions - if such bad murderous intentions really exist, they will definitely not be able to escape Su Li's 'Heavenly Secret Listening' ability.

This time, the three super powers of Emperor's Book of the World, One Qi and Three Purities, and External Incarnation have been enhanced at the same time. On the one hand, they have completely made up for the turbulence caused by the original directional refresh. The great disaster, on the one hand, also invisibly enhanced the ability of 'Heaven's Secret Listening'.

Although this ability has not yet been activated, Su Li can already tell that it is equivalent to a bottle of water half filled.

This is commonly known as 'swinging with half a bottle of water'. In this way, sometimes the water in the half bottle of water can overflow from the mouth of the bottle, as long as it is enough to be swaying.

This is the status of Su Li's 'Tianji Listening' ability at this time.

Because of this, Su Li could only talk to Xia Xinning in a helpless tone - there was no way, this man was proficient in Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique and Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Devouring Heaven Divine Technique!

The name of this technique is the name of the technique after Su Li completely translated it through the context of this world, and it is almost word for word, so these two techniques have such awesome names .

No matter how awesome the name is, the Great Xia royal family, Ancestral Dragon inheritance, etc. are also awesome.

The key point is - the Daxia Royal Family and the Taiyuan Royal Family themselves seem to have some relationship with Su Li.

How can he deal with this?

The most important thing is - he can't beat him!

This Xia Xinning is a being second only to Gu Tianyin among the gods. At that time, before he manifested his status as the Heavenly Prince and the powerful abilities of the royal family, Xia Xinyan and Xia Xinning were the only ones who responded very friendly to his gestures. One force.

It was also the force that stood firmly on the side of the royal family after the god Gu Fanque jumped out.

This is friendly forces.

But, as an ally, you forcefully dig out the truth about me, won’t your conscience hurt?

Xia Xinning sighed and lamented: How can you talk about conscience when you live to my age? People who talk about conscience often have no conscience! Anyway, when I make friends, I never look at whether others have a conscience. Anyway, they don't have it better than me. conscience.

Xia Xinning said, patted Su Li's shoulder gently and said, Good brother-in-law, yes, he is better than I thought.

Su Li said: How strong and tough do you think I am?

The muscles in the corner of Xia Xinning's mouth twitched and she said: I haven't tried it, but my sister should still know about it, but I, the elder brother, can't ask about this kind of thing.

However, it’s my first time too, so we can try it. Should you try me or should I try you?

Su Li was startled and said in horror: You can't be that fat and round person like Que Xinyan, right?

Xia Xinning asked in confusion: What are you talking about?

Su Li said: What are you talking about?

Xia Xinning said: I asked you if you want to try the Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique. This special skill does not seem to belong to this world. It is definitely difficult to test outside, and I don't dare to use it. .

So the real purpose of me looking for you this time is to let you have a fight with me.

But it’s best to be on the third level. Your restricted memory area on the fourth level is just black and white, like the underworld in my royal family’s ancestral home. It’s eerie and scary, making people panic.

Su Li was speechless and said: You're really enough, why don't you talk properly? There are more than ten traps in one sentence. If you talk like this, I'm really going to fall out!

Xia Xinning said: You used to fall out with me often, but you can't stop me from being shameless or even shameless. Besides, where are the ten-level traps? There are seven or eight levels at most, and it won't break nine. This is a taboo.

Su Li said: I didn't expect that your majestic and upright face has such a dirty soul.

Xia Xinning said: It's almost a divine soul, but it doesn't matter. It will be a divine soul sooner or later anyway. But what you said is quite right. I didn't expect that there is such a pure soul under your dirty face.

Su Li was helpless. He found that Xia Xinning was different from all the practitioners he had come into contact with - this person was like a salted duck egg. On the surface, he was a gentleman, clean and smooth, but inside he was filled with butter.

Unlike Su Li, it is like a crispy duck. It looks yellow and oily on the outside, but it is extremely simple, tender and delicious on the inside.

Su Li said: Communicating with you is really more complicated than practicing the Great Yin Yang and Combining Demon Technique.

Xia Xinning said: That's of course. After all, with your ability and strength, you haven't even comprehended the origin of the world and the avenue of creation. If you practice the Great Yin and Yang and the Combination of Demons, wouldn't it be done in just one or two breaths? Can this be called complicated?”

Su Li said: Be a human being!

Xia Xinning said: Let me introduce you - Xia Xinning, the god of Daxia, the humble and steady god. As long as they see me and hear my name, the hearts of all living beings will be at peace. What a good name.

Su Li felt that the smile on his face had stiffened. He found that facing this person, he was really helpless.

He can even suppress Que De, but he can't even get the slightest advantage in this guy's hands.

And this guy didn't care whether Su Li was willing or not, he would forcefully roll up his sleeves!

This is simply unworthy of a man!

Su Li said: Huh? Huh? What are you talking about? My eyes don't work well, I can't hear clearly. My ears don't work well, I can't see.

When Xia Xinning heard this, she trembled all over, and then she immediately felt much more normal.

Xia Xinning said: Haven't you heard of the underworld? Are you on the fourth level of the memory restricted area? Are you going to transform into the underworld at this level, which is also the underworld?

Su Li said: Huh? Huh? What are you talking about? My eyes don't work well, I can't hear clearly. My ears don't work well, I can't see.

Xia Xinning said: In the third floor, how about driving them all out later, and then letting me develop the skills Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique and Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Devouring Heaven Divine Technique?

Help me judge, is the Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Devouring Heaven Divine Technique the same as Su Ye's Tianji Galaxy Blood Fiend Soul Refining Technique?

Su Li said: Huh? Ah? What did you say, my eyes -

Xia Xinning said: Help me solve this problem, and I will help you protect Mu Yuxi.

Su Li took a deep breath, his expression immediately became serious, and he said in a deep voice: Do you know what you are talking about?

Xia Xinning said: Six days! Calculated according to the time in the painting, at most six days, something will happen to Mu Yuxi, and you can't solve it!

Su Li took a deep look at Xia Xinning and said, You succeeded, we can have a good talk now.

Xia Xinning said: I have wanted to have a good talk with you from the beginning, but you are too vigilant. There are so many cages in my words. If you step on one of them, we can talk directly.

What's there to mind? Now that my sister has identified you, it doesn't matter whether you were a peerless strongman before or you are a complete waste now.

Su Li said: Look at you, there are a lot of traps in one sentence.

Xia Xinning said: Sometimes telling the truth sounds more like a trap because it involves too much cause and effect. When you don't understand, you are wary, but when you understand, you are left with nothing but helplessness.

Su Li said: Yes, it is a rogue, a capital rogue.

Xia Xinning said: You know Su Ye's Tianji Galaxy Blood Demon Soul Refining Technique, right? That's why you have grown so horribly after this blood river trial.

Su Li said: Why is it so scary?

Xia Xinning said: Even Mu Yuxi, Mei'er and Gu Tianyin should not have noticed some changes before, but I noticed it - I came in and didn't leave, just waiting for you to transform, to make sure that you would be able to Tianji Xinghe Blood Soul Refining Technique.

Su Li said: What do you mean?

Xia Xinning said: Don't be afraid, you can trust me completely and speak out all your doubts and ask what you want to ask without any scruples.

Su Li said: How can I completely trust you? The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and there is still a slight leeway in the Great Dao.

Xia Xinning said: It's really great that you can say this. In this way, with this sentence, I will first correct a fatal mistake of yours, which is also a fatal mistake that will cause a serious crisis this time!

Su Li looked solemn, cupped his fists and saluted, and said, Please speak.

The reason why he was so solemn was because Xia Xinning's words suddenly activated his 'Heavenly Secret Listening' ability, and then Su Li vaguely sensed that a black hole had appeared in himself, swallowing him up instantly.

The unusual scene at this moment made Su Li realize that Xia Xinning's words were true - at least the 'fatal mistake' he mentioned must exist!

A person who can help him, Su Li, point out his fatal mistake, no matter what the purpose, is a huge favor!

Not to mention, this person is Xia Xinyan’s brother!

Xia Xinning said: You believe in Que De very much - what gives you the illusion that his words must be trustworthy? Is it the interest relationship between you? Or the so-called marriage?

Su Li's heart trembled, his eyelids twitched, and he asked, What do you mean?

Xia Xinning said: I said you can trust me completely. You mentioned that there is still a slight leeway for the great road. So do you think Que De doesn't understand this truth? Not only does he understand it, he understands it better than anyone else, so he cut off a part of himself , so he has become unscrupulous.

When Su Li heard this, his heart thumped.

Xia Xinning said: From the sudden pause in your breathing for a moment, I judged that you already know. Yes, Que De has cut off 'De', so it is 'Wide'. A being who doesn't even have basic 'De', you believe him If so, prepare to be tricked to death.

Su Li said: So, Que Xinyan cut off the 'eyes of the mind', which is the 'mind', right? So Que Zhishang cut off the 'IQ', right? Then, is there anyone named 'Que Ji' in the Netherworld Sea? people?

Xia Xinning said: This joke is not funny at all, and it is very vulgar, but I like it because I can tolerate all personalities.


Because the so-called 'que' actually means 'que', and the real surname is actually 'Xia'.

However, the Netherworld Sea has taken two paths. One is to prove the lack of perfection by using 'absence', and the second is to prove the lack of existence by using 'absence'.

Therefore, you will find that both Xia Xinyan and I seem to be perfect people.

In such an existence, there are various variables - I can be whatever character you want to see me be.

Therefore, it is difficult for you, the flawed you, to face the flawless me!

This is why you will be at a disadvantage when confronting me in all aspects, because I can adjust myself to your situation at all times.

Therefore, the Taiyuan Royal Family has always been ranked seventh among the hundreds of Tianhe tribes, seven high and eight low, but not ninth or top three. There are reasons for this.

Now the top three are cut by the royal family, and the Taiyuan royal family is in fourth, but it will continue to drop to seventh soon.

At that time, the strong ones in the royal family will die and continue to be moderate.

In this way, the three ancient stars behind us will be happy, and the ancient stars who are far inferior to us will not dare to do anything to us - after all, we are the ancient royal family, and a skinny camel is bigger than a horse...

Su Li fell into silence.

I have to say that Xia Xinning like this is indeed terrifying.

So, among the hundreds of tribes in Tianhe and even all the tribes in the heavens, the ones at the top are not really awesome, but the ones in the middle are the ones who are awesome?

Good guy, what a fatal detail.

Su Li sighed: Mei'er told me that I can only listen to one percent of her words, and one percent means I can believe one out of a hundred words! Mu Yuxi said that I can trust her completely, and Que De said that he It represents the Netherworld Sea, the Palace of Reincarnation, and the world of forgetfulness. Everything you say must bear the burden of cause and effect and reincarnation. You must believe it without a doubt - now you tell me, you can't believe Que De's words?

Doesn't this mean that all the deduced information I have established has been overthrown from the bottom up?

Xia Xinning shook her head and said: Confused, Prince Tian, ​​you have a small plan - Dao Fifty, Tian Yan forty-nine, the escaped One. What you want to make sure is not that Que De cannot be trusted, but the escaped 'One' It is fixed!

In other words, in every communication between Quede and you, one sentence must be false, while all the rest are true!

do you understand?

This is the key to the fatal mistake!

Likewise, whether it's Xia Xinyan or Que Xinyan, I believe you should understand, right? Que Xinyan lacks scheming, a girl without scheming, what are you waiting for? Why don’t you want something so perfect?

This feeling can be recalled later, but it was already at a loss at that time!

Don’t say that the mysterious rune language on the broken bridge was not written by you - you just circulated your qi and blood, and I can sense it very clearly, and the qi, blood and breath are in sync.

When Su Li heard this, his breath froze: How many prisons have you been in?

Xia Xinning said: As long as it works, otherwise I won't be able to defeat you.

Su Li said: This is the most ridiculous compliment I have ever heard. It has obviously crushed me.

Xia Xinning said: What I see is always the layer you want me to see. No matter how many parties check the royal family's information, they can't find the peerless supreme being named 'Light Blue'. And Zhuge Qian Lan, Zhuge Qianyun, Zhuge Qiyan, Zhuge Ranyue, those...

Whenever you see a being with colorful plum blossom eyes, you have to pay attention. This is a special being who is trying to replicate 'light blue'.

Su Li said: What is light blue? What are you talking about?

Xia Xinning said: My sister and I, and even the entire Taiyuan royal family, are actually another part of the rulers of Wangchenhuan. We have perfect certificates, so - do you think I will lie? All my words are true, It's just that I reversed the order of some words, so the combination is not so true, but the truth is always okay.

Su Li said: You say your purpose is this for a while, and that for a while, so are you really serious?

Xia Xinning said: There can be many goals, and achieving a few is the result. It doesn't matter if you have many goals, but achieving many is success, right? So I still say what I said, believe me, because I also represent Wangchenhuan.

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Su Li said: I believe you, you damn old man is very bad!

Xia Xinning said: Strictly speaking, I am not only a ghost, but also the leader of ghosts. And I am indeed old enough, thirty or forty thousand years older than Zhuge Qingchen.

Su Li: ...

Of course Su Li knew how old Zhuge Qingchen was - Zhuge Qingchen was 66666 years old, which was an incredible age.

But listen to Xia Xinning's words - this guy is really old enough.

But for such an old guy, he kept saying that Su Li was his ‘brother-in-law’?

Su Li said: After your combination of punches, I was completely stunned. I was passive and unable to parry.

Xia Xinning said: Why do you have to fight? Can't you just enjoy it?

Su Li:? ? ?

Su Li has truly seen it now.

The world is indeed full of wonders. The first impression Xia Xinning gave him was that he was quiet and taciturn, like a quiet and beautiful man.

It turned out that this person was really first-rate.

Xia Xinning said: Let's talk about Qinglan, every time you perform the Destined Place technique, all your experiences are actually in the eyes of the gods.

And every time you are killed, Qian Lan will appear, saying that he will protect you for the rest of his life. Who is this Qian Lan?

Is it my sister Xia Xinyan? Or the light blue star’s way of heaven? Tianji Taoist Zhuge Yunni? Meier?

Or is it Yao Mo from Tianyu Star, or Mu Yuxi? Mu Yusu? Plain rain curtain?

Then there are the second-rate Yun Qingxuan and Zhuge Qiyan? Zhuge Ranyue?

At present, these are the only people who have a good relationship with you and are even willing to give to you to this extent, right?

I really can't think of anyone else who will truly accompany you throughout your life.

Su Li said: Are you asking this directly in person now? Without even a little foreplay?

Xia Xinning said: I told you to talk openly and honestly.

Su Li said: You are trying to offend me. I dare to tell you this information, but do you dare to listen?

When Xia Xinning heard this, her gaze froze for a moment as she stared at Su Li.

Su Li did not avoid it this time.

Xia Xinning said: It seems that Qinglan does exist, and should it be the head of the royal family - the Empress Nuwa? If it is Nuwa, then aren't you the Human Emperor?

But I've already determined your Qi and blood, and it's completely different.

Then...there is only Concubine Mi, the daughter of the Human Emperor, who is also the Goddess of Luo.

Su Li's heart suddenly moved, and he was suddenly confused and wanted to ask, but he didn't want to be led into the cage, so he didn't ask.

But Xia Xinning said: When you and my sister were together, you mentioned Luo Shen Fu and said a few words, 'its shape is as graceful as a startling giant, as graceful as a swimming dragon...'.

My sister liked it very much and asked about its origin.

Then you say that this was written by a strong man who missed Mi Fei, the daughter of the Human Emperor, because Mi Fei died in the Luoshui River. Because of her beauty and immortality, she became the god of Luoshui.

When Su Li heard this, he knew that Xia Xinning had even said these words. If he didn't answer, there would be no way to continue the conversation.

He doesn't want to talk.

But Xia Xinning obviously caught Kuang Lu, so she couldn't talk about it.

Su Li said helplessly: These are all fake.

Xia Xinning said: I know what you mean. Tell the truth and lie.

Su Li said: What I said is all the truth!

Xia Xinning said: Yes, put the illusion into the painting through the strokes of creation, and then tell the content of the painting, the lie will become the truth, more true than anything else.

Then you can still say it with all your heart - I am talking about fake paintings, but I am telling the truth. I dare to swear this on my soul!

Just use your method - run rampant and kill everyone!

When Su Li heard this, he had the urge to vomit blood: You are really hopeless and hopeless!

Xia Xinning said: Thank you for the compliment. This is the biggest compliment I have ever heard on my way to the 'perfect' enlightenment. Perfect, of course, there is no cure.

Su Li: ...

Su Li said: In fact, light blue does not exist at all. I am just talking nonsense.

Xia Xinning said: I understand, we are all talking nonsense, we are all talking nonsense, and we will forget it after a while.

Su Li said: You know...

Xia Xinning said: Forget it, it looks like the light blue layer, I still can't be sure if she is my sister. But - I think I may prevent my sister from doing any help to you.

Su Li said: Thank you!

Xia Xinning said: My sister is perfect now. If she proves to be defective by being 'perfect', I'm afraid something will happen to her this time, and - if something happens to Mu Yuxi, she will probably be doomed as well.

What we are in charge of is forgetting the world, but it is by no means immortal.

But this time, the trip to Qingyun Tomb, the tomb of the Great Emperor, must be dealt with.

So, please be merciful this time, I will help you use the Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique to secretly cut off part of Zhuge Yunni's origin.

In this way, Mu Yuxi will not be killed.

Su Li said: Should I show mercy? You would actually say such a thing?

Xia Xinning said lightly: When I came here, I encountered a dark abyss...

What Xia Xinning talked about next was similar to what Mu Yufei talked about. The only difference was that the dark demon poison was killed by Xia Xinning on the spot.

But he still saw a certain scene in the future - that is, Su Li went on a killing spree and killed Xia Xinyan?

Xia Xinning was not sure, but she still came to give a reminder.

If this situation only happened to Mu Yufei, Su Li would just think that Mu Yufei was full of calculations.

But Xia Xinning also said the same...

Good guy, this is really full of all kinds of schemes!

Obviously, even Xia Xinning was tricked!

And Xia Xinning's ability...is so awesome that he has been tricked!

Therefore, Su Li thought, forget it, he doesn't have to struggle anymore - it won't be wrong if he doesn't do it, and even if it may be wrong, it won't be outrageous!

But if you do it, I’m afraid something will go wrong!

This is really too difficult!

Su Li didn't respond for a while.

Really can't do it.

He felt that his intelligence was not enough again.

These people are so awesome.

No, they are not humans, they are all a group of scary old monsters!

In this way, there is a mysterious existence behind Tianji Pavilion.

There are even more powerful bosses behind the gods.

Even demons like Jiuyao Demon Lord have big bosses behind them.

You can't even come out!

Su Li felt his scalp numb again.

Another of Xia Xinning's goals was achieved - to warn him.

Therefore, in this round of dialogue, Xia Xinning touched on thirty cages and their corresponding purposes.

Scary, right?

The key is that Xia Xinning has achieved at least ten goals.

And where is Su Li's only chance of winning?

The light blue is not exposed.

No one knows who Qing Lan is, what he is doing, and why he exists!

Therefore, if the light blue does not come out, he will basically be fine!

Moreover, light blue - in the eyes of a real boss, is powerful and mysterious, and has a strong ability to transform.

Should they continue to be stocked, or should they be completely eradicated?

No one knows, but they are all investigating closely!

If the royal family hadn't been born and killed a group of people this time, it is estimated that this method would have been even more ruthless.

So, they think that I was trained to be the future 'Human Emperor', and Qianlan was trained to be the future 'Nuwa'?

Do they not want the royal family to have a leader again? Or do they want to usurp the positions of the 'Human Emperor' and 'Nuwa'?

Or is it a more complicated purpose?

Su Li meditated on the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu and thought carefully.

With his current ability improved so much, even though more than a hundred clones meditated and thought at the same time, they could not expect the result.

And if more than a hundred clones hadn't thought at the same time to deal with Xia Xinning's verbal confrontation, Su Li felt that he would have been completely defeated.

Because every word Xia Xinning said was a bomb that shook the sky and the earth. Just a response or an abnormal emotional reaction was equivalent to a response.

But this time, Yuqing's clone was incredibly strong.

This kind of power is so strong that no matter how subtle changes Su Li has in his emotions, they will be infinitely reduced!

Coupled with Half a Bucket of Water's 'Heavenly Listening' ability that sloshed up and down, Su Li knew that his response was actually quite good.

Therefore, most of the time, Xia Xinning actually returned without success.

After Xia Xinning finished speaking, she looked at Su Li with a sad look and said: It's almost done. Now you can manifest your previous bloodline aura again and let me sense it. Don't panic, it's not a bad thing.

Su Li was really at his wits end this time - because he had used it once before.

Although it was a faint hint of Kunpeng's bloodline, Xia Xinning had already remembered it.

Even if he doesn't use it, Xia Xinning can still recall the induction.

Su Li once again used the weak aura of Kunpeng's bloodline.

Xia Xinning said: Okay, I'm basically sure that your Tianji Galaxy Blood Fiend Soul Refining Technique is almost at the level of 'reaching the pinnacle' and 'gongshenjuan', which is much stronger than Su Ye's 'entering the room' level. .

You secretly learned it when you rebelled against his fate, and then the royal family helped you derive such a technique and taught it to you again, so that you are constantly refining the fallen essence and soul of the gods, and are constantly refining it. growth, right?

This time, Senior Tongtian immediately killed all the gods and geniuses of the Dapeng God Clan, and then separated their divinity and heritage, peeling off the 'Jinpeng Bloodline', allowing you to transform. ?

Su Li said: You can see this.

Xia Xinning said: It's more obvious, but with this bloodline aura, you also have the terrifying movement technique of the Dapeng clan, 'Dapeng Pianqiao', right?

Su Li said: I named it the 'Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou' body technique.

Xia Xinning said: Try it later?

Su Li said: I didn't promise you to clear the third floor for you to use your skills.

Xia Xinning said: I tacitly agree that you agreed. I said I would help you solve Mu Yuxi's hidden dangers. This is true.

Su Li said: I can solve her hidden dangers, you don't have to interfere.

Xia Xinning said: What about Meier's hidden dangers?

Su Li said: Mei'er has no hidden dangers.

Xia Xinning said: Really? Is it true? You know that Mei'er is Mei'er, and she also knows that she is her, but she also knows that she is not her, and she has other 'tasks'.

Su Li said: How to solve it?

Xia Xinning said: Let Mu Yuxi die, I will protect her origin from death.

Su Li said: I won't leave everything about them to you to find out.

Xia Xinning said: You have to hand it over, otherwise, why would the royal family take out the Naihe Bridge?

Su Li said: What is Naihe Bridge?

Xia Xinning said: You have said that we are sincere, but you are not sincere - there are a few words in my sister's painting - leave an oath in front of Leifeng Pagoda, and there will be one hundred thousand years on the Naihe Bridge. Whoever lives ninety-five thousand, I have been waiting for you for five thousand years.

Su Li said: My heart is too chaotic and I need some blank space.

Xia Xinning said: I'm right about this - if you understand, let me leave temporarily; my heart is too messed up and I don't dare to be greedy for more love. I want to cry, but I can't cry no matter how hard I cry.

Su Li: ...

Su Li: You are so beautiful, you show me off so well that I'm even bald.

Xia Xinning: ...

Su Li said: How did they meet?

Xia Xinning said: You told my sister.

Su Li said: Is your sister also telling you this?

Xia Xinning said: I eavesdropped.

Su Li's face turned dark when he heard this! Eavesdropping? The eavesdropper still spoke so openly?

Xia Xinning said: It's a very good ability. My sister also taught you, so except for some love words at the beginning, I couldn't hear anything later - I couldn't hear what I wanted to hear. It's a pity.

Su Li said with a dark face: Can't you hear what you want to hear? What weird stuff do you want to hear?

Xia Xinning said: In addition to the Xuanyuan Dragon Controlling Immortal Sword Technique and the Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Swallowing Heaven Divine Technique, there is also a special ability called the 'Heart of the World'.

Why do you think Quede and the others know so much? Is it just to take charge of Wangchenhuan?

Of course not, it’s this special inheritance ‘Heart of the World’.

I also have this ability, and I'm more orthodox than Quede - so I usually know what others think.

Except for you, because my sister taught you the method of defense, and you have cultivated the method of defense into instinct, so others cannot deduce it from you.

Su Li said: So, you peeked into a lot of secrets?

Xia Xinning said: Look, you have already admitted that you have many secrets with my sister. Do you want to see that painting?

Su Li said: Don't I acquiesce and let you keep playing tricks? Since we are sincere, just admit it. Anyway, I have fallen into the trap of Kame Mako's marriage. Sooner or later, he will be your sister's man. It's the same now - by the way. Does sister know?

Xia Xinning said: I don't know - since I want to protect her, do you think I will let her know?

Su Li said: You are amazing.

Xia Xinning said: You can't interrupt me this time. Keep talking - Leifeng Pagoda and Naihe Bridge have both appeared! Leifeng Pagoda is the Jiuhuang Pagoda or you haven't taken it out yet, but it has already appeared! Naihe Bridge is your other side. bridge!

Therefore, you must believe me. I am in charge of Wangchenhuan, so I won’t deceive you, right?

You are just like those big bird tribe, you think too highly of yourself.

Be sober, you are still...at the level of an ant.

Su Li said: I do have the same great bird heritage as the big bird clan. However, what you said is wrong - ants with the blood of gods can bite mortals to death.

Xia Xinning was stunned and said speechlessly: That's right. Don't interfere this time and let Mu Yuxi die. I will do it next. This way, if you keep your hand in the tomb of the Great Emperor, we will have a happy cooperation.

Su Li said: You and Que De are sworn enemies? Isn't your father Kame Mako?

Xia Xinning said: They are not rivals, not even competition, so there is no conflict. Let me remind you that every time he says something to you, it must be both a lie and the truth. What else do you doubt?

Su Li said: It's nothing, but I always only believe in myself, and no one else believes it - but you reminded me very well, I did take everything Que De said seriously, this is taboo.

As for this time, I will judge in my own way.

Xia Xinning said: Do you want to use the True Void Heavenly Forbidden to deduce the future of the Great Emperor's Tomb? Don't do it! Once you do it, it will be over! This situation must have this kind of consideration in mind! And you cast the 'True Void Heavenly Forbidden City' Heavenly Forbidden's methods often cause abnormal changes in the heaven and earth, leading to time and space fault points, leaving huge hidden dangers!

This is extremely deadly!

Su Li said: I will consider it, but if - if I can deduce it, I will definitely deduce it.

Su Li spoke firmly, then glanced at Xia Xinning and said, If you want to be sure of this, then you can be sure of it.

Xia Xinning said: The news will not be spread outside.

Su Li said: You have been poisoned by the dark demon spirit. Do you really think the news will not spread? When you are extremely confident, that is when you are tricked.

Xia Xinning said: I'm not confident either, but has the poison of your dark demon spirit been cured? The Kunpeng bloodline shouldn't be able to resist it, right?

Su Li said: I still have royal bloodline, and the Tianji Galaxy Blood Fiend Soul Refining Technique you mentioned, just refine it.

Xia Xinning said: During this period, as long as you don't use Xuanxin's magical powers, it will be fine.

Su Li said: Okay, I understand.

Next, Xia Xinning didn't talk too much, nor did she mention the truth. After a fairly 'friendly' exchange, Xia Xinning also left the area.

After Xia Xinning left, Su Li took away the Yuqing clone. At the same time, glistening sweat began to appear on his originally smooth forehead, and bursts of white mist formed on the top of his head.

I don't have enough brains.

It's really not enough.

If the level of the gods all has this kind of intelligence, there will be no way to play.

Su Li exhaled a breath of turbid air, thinking of the 'Heavenly Secret Listening' ability that was about to be activated, and for a while, his mood gradually calmed down.

I am afraid that only ‘Tianji Listening’ can deal with this terrifying crisis.

Can you believe Xia Xinning's words?

Of course it cannot be believed.

But his words are indeed true. Each sentence must be taken apart and listened to separately, so that it is all true.

But you must not believe it all - because when some truths are put together, it becomes a fatal trap.

Wangchenhuan also wants to be independent and follow his own path?

Don't put your hope in anyone anymore?

Que De and Kame Mako were willing to get married, so Que Xinyan was born.

But the other forces in the Nether Sea were unwilling, so with Xia Xinyan - they all split?

Every time Quede and I talk, there must be a lie. Not only that, if a sentence contains a lot of information, there must be some lies in it!

So among the people he made me fear and befriend, in the list, four out of five were true and one was false.

Zhuge Qianlan is trying to imitate the existence of 'Qianlan' behind me?

Su Li sorted out the information exchanged this time, and when he recalled it, his scalp felt numb and his breathing became a little short.

What’s even more terrifying is that—in fact, when he walked into the Black Water River from Huayue Valley for the first time, Que Xinyan clearly said that it was the Wangchuan River.

Therefore, people like Que De and Xia Xinning probably knew about the Huangquan Road, the Wangchuan River, the Naihe Bridge and even the Yama Hall for a long time.

It seems that it's not just the royal family who want to be born.

The underworld also wants to come out.

The demon tribe also wants to come out.

Even all the tribes in the world... want to get a share of the pie, promote the return of Guixu, and evolve the prehistoric world?

This time, I wonder if I can achieve true virtual enlightenment.

How about using obsession to realize the truth?

Forget it, this is probably as big a sinkhole as the directional refresh, maybe even scarier than the directional refresh!

It depends on the situation. If the function turns on, then I'll turn it on! I won't panic if I have the system in place!

“If the feature is dark, it’s off.”

While Su Li was pondering, on the third floor, Xia Xinning glanced at Xia Xinyan with a smile, then nodded and signaled to everyone before standing aside.

Su Li's body followed closely and came to the third floor.

Next, Su Li used Tianshu Ancient Town to simply block his perception, and helped Long Lindao deduce the file information for the next seven days.

As a result, the results are indeed hard to describe.

Lived for six days.

Similar to Mu Yuxi's fate - what's even more frightening is that Long Lindao transformed into the Ancestral Dragon Demon, and it was a real Ancestral Dragon Demon, skinned and cramped.

A dragon bone was stripped of its divinity, inserted into the body of a baby of a certain race, and the mysterious operation of 'washing the ancestral bones' was performed.

Long Lindao's dragon tendons were pulled out and made into a replica of the soul-suppressing secret treasure - Zhentian Bow (Sun-shooting Divine Bow).

The eyes were refined into glass beads.

The blood was condensed into dragon blood to try to cultivate inheritance.

These information pictures are very blurry.

But this is still Long Lindao's fate, so Su Li can see part of it clearly.

Su Li collected the 'Looking at the Future' technique, and after pondering for a moment, he used the meditation modification method of Tianji Linglong and Huangji Jingshi Shu.

Why not just use the chaos method to give the derivation results to Long Lindao?

First of all, if Long Lindao came here to prove his ability to deduce the future, if he was too detailed, you can imagine how bad the results would be.

It is impossible for deduction to reach such a limit.

And what kind of existence is Long Lindao?

He is a genius at the level of gods. You can still deduce it in such detail. Did you read it directly with the Book of the Future?

So what is light blue?

Is it the complete destiny soul of the heavenly book?

Based on these thoughts, Su Li was no longer so reckless.

He was silent for a while, then took a deep look at Long Lindao and said, You are very strong, so my deduction is just the closest to the truth among the many possibilities in the future.

Long Lin said: I know.

Su Li said: Let go of the guard and I'll let you take a look.

Long Lindao also released his soul guard very piously.

Su Li gathered together the secrets and changed Long Lindao's fate into that of 'Mu Yufei'. As for the experience of being skinned and cramped, all of them have been deleted.

After this kind of experience and through the means of Huangji Jingshi Shu, Long Lindao became the strong man who gained the most, but he also encountered several risks during the period.

Several risks, which would normally be the risk of Long Lin Dao's death, were modified by Tianji Linglongli, and it became a coincidence that Long Lin Dao avoided the risk.

In this way, after Long Lindao obtained such a 'future', his expression was still full of deep shock and sigh.

Thank you, Prince Tian!

Long Lindao bowed deeply, with a pious attitude, and said: If it weren't for Master Su, in these dangerous places, with Lindao's ability, he would definitely die. Once he died, it would be no less than being skinned and cramped——

Su Li said: No, you have a strong destiny, full of vitality, and extremely high destiny. Don't worry too much.

Long Lindao said: No matter what, Lindao will definitely keep it in mind for his great kindness and virtue.

Su Li nodded and said: Okay, you all go out. I have some things to deal with with Xia Xinning. Meier, Yuxi, I will go outside to find you later.

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