I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,139 Kunlun Immortal Mirror, bloody battle with Feng Yu

In the eyes of Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, Su Li's practice can completely achieve the unity of knowledge and action, and even the unity of heaven and Tao above the unity of heaven and man.

This is a terrible state.

People who don't understand will never know how stringent this state is for a practitioner.

Moreover, with the improvement of strength and ability, a series of changes will occur in the various aspects of the practitioner's personality. Things that can be easily accomplished at the low level will become difficult when the high level is accompanied by high requirements. done.

Each realm has different requirements for the unity of nature and man.

Ordinary people, as long as their hearts are clear and free of distracting thoughts, they can actually achieve a state of emptiness and unity between man and nature for a short period of time.

It's easy.

However, the requirements of practitioners in this regard are to conform to the rhythm of the Tao, to be in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the Tao and the mysteries, and to unite the heaven and the heart. Only in this way can heaven and man be unified.

On top of the unity of heaven and man, there is also the more stringent unity of heaven and law.

If Su Li was just a manifestation of the unity of nature and man, Qi Fengyu would certainly take it seriously, but he still wouldn't care much about it.

But on top of this, for nearly a year, the state of unity of knowledge and action, unity of nature and man, and even the unity of heaven and earth has been maintained at all times. This is no longer a pretense and can be judged.

Hua Qiudao was completely unaware of this matter and instead criticized him like this. This was the key to Qi Fengyu's unhappiness.

During this year, Su Li had no problems in any other aspect except using this practice environment to practice.

Even when the four heavenly fairies, Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong, sometimes went out of their way to get close to and flirt with each other, he never broke away from the state of unity of heaven and earth, just like walking on the great road.

In this aspect, Su Li's attainments have even surpassed Hua Qiudao!

Is such an existence an inferior existence?

Will he be that despicable and shameless person?

So if not, why should Su Li's purpose of coming here be made clear or even shown?

Could it be that Su Li was actually unwilling, but had to do it because he inherited Emperor Pangu's will and some of the causes and effects of the Human Emperor?

But by doing this, he deliberately made Qi Fengyu disgusted and alienated?

In order to achieve the explanation that can be given to Emperor Pangu and Emperor Fuxi?

In the beginning, he was provoking, even trying to bully me, and was arrogant. He seemed to want to force me to take action. Once I was cruel and the conflict broke out, wouldn't it be...

Did I directly help him complete his karma? After all, it's not that he didn't help, but that I took the initiative to cut off the karma?

Later, he indeed asked me to give an oath to cut off the cause and effect related to him.

As the Lord of Heaven, I, Qi Feng, am far less able to recognize people than the upper-level beings on the other side of the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower. Those beings have extremely terrifying thoughts. This is also the case. That's why we here are very concerned about that side. of fear.

Is this Su Li playing hard to get again? Or is he not willing to help at all, just looking for a reason for himself to not contribute? Just because I made such a fuss, he got a high-sounding reason?

Brother Akimichi is also from there, who should I trust?

At this time, Qi Fengyu began to think carefully in her own secret cultivation realm.

Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu, Yun Dong.

My subordinate is here.

In the past year, you have been paying attention to the performance of Emperor Su Lisu. Put aside your personal dislikes and preferences and look at this person from a neutral perspective. Is this person really like the rumors?

Qi Fengyu asked the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong.

Hearing this, Qin Chun's beautiful face showed a look of deep thought.

And Ning Xia said without hesitation: Your Majesty, in Ning Xia's view, this Su Renhuang is by no means a person with a false reputation. In fact, in addition to some bad rumors, there are other remarks that have always been made by us. Can't hear it from here.

And these remarks have a positive purpose.

But these are blocked so that we cannot obtain this information.

Yuan Qiu also immediately said: Yes, Your Majesty, so after that, our four sisters also investigated and finally obtained some other information.

At this time, Qin Chun, who had been deep in thought, also gave a corresponding report.

Yun Dong gathered the information that had been compiled long ago through a special jade slip and handed it to Qi Fengyu respectfully.

Qi Fengyu thought for a moment, then took the jade slip and felt it carefully.

After a long time, Qi Fengyu's expression was quite complicated, and there was a bit of a strange color in her beautiful eyes.

Is the cause and effect of the mountain village world real?

Qi Fengyu asked instinctively.

After asking, she smiled to herself again.

The four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong heard this and nodded seriously.

Qin Chun even said directly: Your Majesty, in addition to this, there are many causes and effects that show that this Human Emperor is very powerful, and is also the real source of merit, the source of hope for walking, and the true ancestral land of China. The Human Emperor even suppressed hell for three thousand years and saved all sentient beings.

Qin Chun even recounted Su Li's past merits, how the Luoshui world fed back countless sentient beings, various merits fed back to the Chinese ancestral land, and how he had endured torture in hell for three thousand years and bestowed love and peace on the world.

This information comes from the treasures in heaven.

Qi Fengyu thought of something and said, Does this information come from the Kunlun Mirror?

Qin Chun nodded, with a look of shame on his pretty face, and said: This scene is the information that was just presented the day before yesterday. When I saw the king this time, I didn't have time to report it.

And such information

The subordinates were hesitant before because they were worried that the king would be rebellious and felt that the subordinates were being influenced or being led by mind-attacking evil spirits.

Qin Chun mentioned another situation.

Qi Feng was silent for a long time.

After a while, she said: What else is there? Is there any movement in the Kunlun Mirror? Can I lead the cause and effect?

Qin Chun hesitated, and then became hesitant.

Say it.

Qi Feng said.

Qin Chun then said: The king's name still does not appear in the Kunlun Mirror for the time being.

Qi Feng said: Not yet? It seems that I am still not qualified. Could it be that I have completely misunderstood the Su Renhuang?

At this time, Qi Fengyu had already changed his attitude on his own.

She is indeed a very strong woman, but she is still a woman.

No matter how strong a woman is, she will always have an extremely weak side, but in many cases this weak side will not show up.

At this time, the calmness of nearly a year, and the scene of her father dying without a look in his eyes for a year, were constantly impacting her mind, so how could she not change?

In other words, if Qi Fengyu's father, Qi Zhenwu, hadn't scolded him severely, even if Qi Fengyu realized that Su Li had been misunderstood by her, she still wouldn't take it seriously.

So what?

So what if it’s not?

Just ants.

Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs.

It's just the natural law of the jungle.

How could she, Qi Fengyu, care about the cause and effect of a mere golden immortal?

This was her nature, but with Qi Zhenwu's scolding without blinking an eye, she completely calmed down.

At this time, with the blessing and promotion of these factors, Qi Fengyu's inner barrier finally collapsed.

On the one hand, Hua Qiudao's continued poor performance and his ulterior motives are obvious.

On the one hand, Su Li came out of the world naturally, transcended the world, returned to his original nature, and was naturally inactive.

From the beginning of the invisible confrontation between the two sides, Hua Qiudao had actually lost.

Qi Fengyu sighed, and his psychological defenses collapsed.

And the moment this psychological defense collapsed, the moment her disgust towards Su Li dissipated, she felt as if a mysterious thunder exploded in her mind.

There was a boom.

Qi Fengyu felt her scalp numb, and at the same time, a mirror suddenly appeared in her mind.

She, who had never had the authority to mobilize the Kunlun Mirror, suddenly had the authority to mobilize the Kunlun Mirror!

If Qi Fengyu was not sure what fate was before.

Now she has completely understood that this is fate!

The destiny and guidance of Heaven itself meant that she should never be hostile or disgusted with Su Li. Instead, she should accept and treat Su Li kindly.

Will there really be a catastrophe in heaven?

The mysterious catastrophe of annihilation?

Is it still inevitable to return to the ruins of this mortal world?

Qi Fengyu was stunned for a long time, and suddenly had a strong illusion of defeat.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that even though she had worked hard for half her life, she was still not as important as an ordinary golden immortal.

Not convinced?




That kind of complicated mood is difficult to describe in a word.

After a while, Qi Fengyu gradually felt relieved.

Then, she silently adjusted the Kunlun Mirror.

However, at this time, the Kunlun Mirror sprayed out a white light the moment it was activated.

The white light turned into a vast snowfield, directly covering Qi Fengyu.

Qi Fengyu, who was in the vast snowy field, had completely lost some of his will and was a little confused.

At the same time, Su Li, who was in Tianxuan Courtyard, was comprehending the state of the unity of heaven and earth. Suddenly, his great destiny magic gathered and manifested itself, forming a destiny disk, which actively sucked Su Li in.

Su Li still wanted to struggle, but the power of the Destiny Wheel in such a world was far beyond imagination.

Su Li was helpless and didn't say anything. He was also illuminated by the light and shadow of the destiny wheel, and all his emotions seemed to be ignited.

what's the situation?

The Great Destiny Technique, the Great Space Technique, and the Great Causality Technique secretly teamed up to get me?

No, does this also lead to the time and space dilemma of the great time spell?

When Su Li felt a shiver in his heart, he was already involved in a snowy field.

Afterwards, his seven emotions were completely ignited.

At the same time, at this moment he saw the woman in white dress and gauze skirt above the snowfield

Qi Fengyu.

Lord of heaven.

At this moment, it was as if the flame of the seven emotions had been ignited.

The snowfield is very cold.

But Su Li and Qi Fengyu, who were burning with the flame of Qi Qing, seemed to have ignited the fire in their hearts.

Because Qi Fengyu has a strong realm and possesses a special Kunlun Mirror magic weapon, he has a certain degree of resistance and can remain calm appropriately, but this kind of rationality is not much anymore.

Su Li was completely fooled by the Three Thousand Avenues team up, or maybe his over-the-top performance finally aroused the dissatisfaction of the elves of the Three Thousand Avenues, or maybe it was that

It is very likely that Immortal Light Blue or the light blue elf is secretly adding fuel to the fire.

When Su Li thought about this possibility, he suddenly felt as big as an ox.

Really are

It’s so heartbreaking!

How could this be?

Once it really comes together in this way, etc.

With Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, hating him so much, she would definitely try her best to hunt him down and even kill him.

Su Li didn't think that he was currently capable of benefiting from the full pursuit of the Lord of Heaven. What was more terrifying was the eternal blockade and suppression rather than hunting.

Immortal light blue? Little light blue baby? Is this a good thing you did? In fact, if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to force it.

Furthermore, as long as Heavenly Court does not fall into Hua Qiudao's hands, it actually doesn't matter, and Hua Qiudao cannot succeed in a short time.

In addition, Hua Qiudao has Li Juan to restrain and pull him. Relatively speaking, Li Juan has backup, so there is no need to worry.

Qi Fengyu is a strong and headstrong woman. Good words can't persuade her to die. How could she know about the catastrophe in heaven without suffering a severe beating?

As for the catastrophe, I definitely have a way to deal with it.

Su Li tried to use meditation to communicate with the immortal light blue or the light blue elf, but he could not be completely isolated by the three thousand avenues.

At this time, Su Li was even thinking that if he was cheated and fed to death by Qi Fengyu here, the outside world might not know.

Thinking of this, when Su Li looked at Qi Fengyu again, his heart couldn't help but tremble slightly. Qi Fengyu lost control.

Su Li felt a little numb. This was definitely not a good thing. At least Qi Fengyu couldn't take the initiative, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

There is no need to say more about how ferocious and terrifying such a powerful woman will be once she goes crazy.

Su Li just thought of this, and was about to try to use the state of meditation, and at the same time mobilize the blood such as Pangu's blood, and the Burning Heart of the Seven Emotions of Hell, but at this time, the rules of this world were completely covered.

Su Li's head buzzed, and his consciousness was almost completely covered by the flames of the seven emotions.

It's over this time

This is the last bit of sanity Su Li can maintain.

The battle finally began.

In such a snowfield.

The battle on the snowfield was very fierce and even lasted for seventy-seven forty-nine days.

On that last day, both of them were completely numb.

By this day, Qi Fengyu was completely awake.

Su Li also woke up.

However, when the two of them were honest with each other, they were both extremely silent. In fact, Su Li woke up dozens of breaths earlier than Qi Fengyu, and after waking up, he fought instinctively.

Of course, this is just inertia, after all, he is almost reaching perfection.

But at this time, Qi Fengyu also woke up, and she saw Su Li's extremely clear eyes and the enjoyment in them.

Therefore, in Qi Fengyu's view, all this was Su Li's method after all!

Su Li controlled the Kunlun Mirror through a special method, and set up a killing bureau to collect supplies through the Kunlun Mirror.

After Qi Fengyu's eyes became clear, they became cold again.

She didn't speak or cry.

After she silently put on her brand new gauze skirt, her eyes were extremely sad. For an ancient woman, it was self-evident what it meant to lose her innocence!

This is true for ordinary women, not to mention being the Lord of Heaven.

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