I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1138: Heaven and earth unite, Feng Yu changes her mind

Tianxuan Courtyard.

The attitudes of the four heavenly fairies, Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong, were naturally not very good.

These four heavenly saints are the real immortal kings. Each of them is famous in the sky, and they are called the real immortal kings of stunning beauty.

In the entire heaven, in addition to Qi Fengyu, these four female fairy kings are also particularly famous for their enchantment and beauty.

But now, these four fairies have been arranged by Qi Fengyu to become Su Li's maids, and they still need to take care of their food and daily life. Needless to say, the meaning of this means.

Qi Fengyu's sudden change of attitude made Hua Qiudao feel a little relieved, but also felt inexplicably envious and jealous.

Especially before this, he even regarded the four fairies in heaven as forbidden concubines, who would be his maids or even maids in the future.

But now? ? ?

What's the logic behind being directly intercepted by Su Li?

Hua Qiudao wanted to stop it, but he still couldn't interfere at this time. What other methods could he use?

To deal with a being like Su Li who could explode at the slightest moment, who was always ready to blow his trump card and fight for his life, he was a little helpless!

Especially, every time he wanted to make a desperate move and use some trump cards to deal a fatal blow to Su Li, the feeling of anxiety and uneasiness would even engulf him.

This feeling is really too bad.

Hua Qidao followed Qi Fengyu and left with a cold expression.

In Tianxuan Courtyard, the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong have formed a special tacit understanding with each other.

On the one hand, he would not give Su Li enough respect, but on the surface, he would also care about the Human Emperor's face appropriately and not be too deliberate.

On the one hand, I will also protect my own innocence to avoid being defiled by this vicious and dirty thief.

Su Li was aware of this, but didn't take it seriously.

Not to mention that the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong are somewhat different from the clear water fairy Qi Fengyu. Even though they are as outstanding as Qi Fengyu, they are no less impressive than the Hua Yun Meng and others that Su Li has seen before. Yu Qifeng said a lot.

It can only be said that spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums are each good at winning.

But compared with Meier, these existences are lacking.

Not to mention, whether it is Mu Yuxi, Immortal Light Blue, or even Zhuge Light Blue, they are all more beautiful.

Although Qi Fengyu is more in line with the aesthetics of the Chinese system, this is by no means the reason why Su Li needs to lick it.

You know, even Zhuge Qianlan, Zhuge Qianyun, Zhuge Qiyan, and Su Li may not be very tempted. These four heavenly fairies, Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong, are really too self-righteous.

In fact, not only these four heavenly fairies, but also other heavenly beings have a more or less arrogant and self-respecting mentality.

This special power comes from the arrogance in the bones, from the blood and even the brand in the soul. Although it makes Su Li more familiar and has a taste of hometown, it is also more disgusting!

In Tianxuan Courtyard, Su Li just had a normal diet and daily life.

First of all, he was not in a hurry to act. Fairy Bishui knew his purpose, and with Hua Qiudao watching eagerly from the side, he would not have any chance.

Su Li's core purpose is still to explore the truth, and at the same time, he is also trying his best to further settle the realm of the Golden Immortal.

As for the rest, he will just try his best, but will not guarantee that he will achieve it.

Su Li has always had this attitude towards Emperor Pangu or the Human Emperor Fuxi.

Therefore, Su Li did not take the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong seriously in his daily life. The four of them were happy and at ease, and Su Li was also happy without restraint.

Practicing in the courtyard is indeed twice the result with half the effort, and the effect is excellent.

Su Li calmed down and was not anxious at all. In a place like this, he began to understand the rules and foundation of the immortal way.

With the Three Thousand Great Dao in his body, his understanding in all aspects is extremely astonishing.

Su Li still didn't use the secret method. Although he could indeed use this method to deduce the secret of the Blue Water Fairy and the key to breaking the situation this time, Su Li still held back.

He instinctively felt that the timing was not yet optimal.

While practicing this way, Su Li vaguely triggered some incomplete memories.

These memories belong to memories that once did not exist, as well as some memories that have been stripped away.

Now that I am practicing here and free from certain causal influences, these incomplete memories have begun to recover.

This incomplete memory was something I was born with, and I had always had it, but it was cut off by a special path.

Now, at the pinnacle level of Daluo Jinxian, Su Li has vaguely touched the long river of time and realized the mystery of time.

Coupled with the existence of the Great Time Technique, Great Cause and Effect Technique, and the Great Destiny Technique among the terrifying Three Thousand Avenues, Su Li suddenly had a deeper understanding of time and space.

And in this enlightenment, Su Li discovered that he had indeed revived some memories.

It’s just that these memories cannot be read, but they can be understood.

Su Li tried to understand this information, and this information naturally touched the three places of Tianji Ancient City, Netherworld Ancient City and Elf Territory Sea.

The rest is completely covered by the shadow of the unknown, forming a very strange shackles.

Su Li tried to open the shackles, but the moment he tried, the shackles showed an extremely terrifying power that contained the aura of sin.

When this force struck out, the mysterious memory shrouded in shadow all collapsed and disappeared.

It was as if Su Li's incomplete memory that was about to be revived was directly shattered.

Su Li felt a little regretful, and at the same time felt inexplicably lost.

But his ability to divine fortune told him that this loss was still just a chance, not a real dissipation.

Just because the memory engraved deep in the soul cannot be truly destroyed.

If it appears once, it will definitely appear again at the next appropriate time.

With the foundation of Three Thousand Great Dao, there is no need to be confused about the future.

I can't peep now, just because my ability and timing are not up to standard yet.

When Su Li had an epiphany and understanding, he was also separated from the scene where his memory collapsed, and then he focused wholeheartedly on the other Mohu realization that had not dissipated.

It was a memory that was sealed off. Although I couldn't see the content, I could feel it.

Su Li was immersed in it, and after silently sensing it, he vaguely had a very special experience.

It is a kind of burial, a kind of self-imposed isolation, and a special state of desolation in which all thoughts are lost.

It's hard to describe what that state is like.

But Su Li was immersed in such a state, unable to extricate himself. At this time, Su Li truly understood what kind of mentality Hua Taichu had in completing his sword control.

A similar special mentality.

A state of mind similar to the state of meditation.

However, the state of meditation is stillness.

But now this state of mind is silence.

Sad, desolate, lonely, desolate.

In such a special state, Su Li's thinking scope is wider, and his feelings about people's livelihood and the essence of life are more profound.

In this way, he further understood the meaning of Human Emperor.

During Su Li's epiphany, the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong also noticed it.

At the beginning, the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong were still very disdainful. At the same time, they informed Qi Fengyu of Su Li's pretentious performance from a prejudiced perspective, which naturally attracted Qi Fengyu. of cynicism.

Qi Fengyu even mentioned that this must be Su Li's pretense to arouse the favor of the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong. Once they have been in contact for a long time, Su Li will definitely reveal his true colors. Showing a ferocious side.

However, when nearly three months passed, and Su Li was still so focused and immersed in the unity of heaven and earth, Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, finally realized that she was a little biased.

While thinking about it, and taking into account some of the causes and effects of his father Qi Zhenwu, Qi Fengyu finally made a decision after hesitating to let the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong get closer to Su Li. , maintain a more respectful and passionate relationship.

Maybe this is a temptation, maybe it's unwillingness, or maybe it's an attempt to get closer and understand?

However, Qi Fengyu's decision made the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong have concerns.

The four of them have always been cognitively biased towards Su Li, so they have always been very guarded and defensive, with very cold, distant, and even bad attitudes.

Now being asked like this by Qi Fengyu, if Su Li hadn't been in the state of enlightenment and been in the state of unity of heaven and earth for several months, like a stone withering, they would have suspected that Su Li was retreating in order to advance, playing hard to get!

But this time, the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong really understood that Su Li did not do anything overbearing or disrespectful. On the contrary, each of them Very unqualified.

After weighing the matter, and considering that Qi Fengyu was the Lord of Heaven and was both their teacher and friend, the four Heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong finally reluctantly agreed.

Afterwards, the four heavenly fairies, Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong, did restrain themselves a bit, and put aside some of their prejudices towards Su Li. They were not so cold, but they were not at all enthusiastic.

Su Li was aware of this process, but didn't care at all, let alone the mentality or behavior of the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong, which would affect his own growth.

Soon, Su Li realized some cause and effect, and finally, his body and mind improved.

At this time, he was also a little bit sad and took a long breath to cover his tears, lamenting the hardships of the people's livelihood.

Probably, this is the cause and effect of the current Chinese ancestral land and the current world.

His feelings for his family and his country at this moment eventually led to changes in the rules.

Therefore, the compassion, feelings of family and country, and high moral respect that Su Li showed for a moment were very shocking to people's hearts.

Then there is Su Li's profound temperament and the supreme origin of the imperial way, rolling like a torrent and endless source of merit, which have touched the hearts of the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong.

Gradually, the attitudes of these four heavenly fairies finally changed.

Is a noble man with such a broad mind and orthodox imperial power really a despicable and shameless person?

If true, can this kind of existence really be valued by Emperor Pangu and respected by Emperor Fuxi?

Are there really so many fools in this world? Would you let a filthy idiot with no talent or virtue become the human emperor of your ancestral land?

At this time, the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong couldn't help but have such thoughts.

However, they did not express these thoughts, but these thoughts eventually took root.

At first, they would suspect that Su Li was still putting on a show, but gradually, Su Li's free and indifferent attitude, his focus on enlightenment, as well as his style and charm really changed the views of Qinchun, Ningxia and Yuan. The attitudes of the four heavenly fairies in Qiu and Yundong.

But, just as Su Li thought, what does this have to do with him?

He doesn't care if the other person hates or despises them.

He also doesn't care if the other person is curious or respectful.

Moreover, after this epiphany, Su Li felt more relieved about his attitude towards Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water.

Just because the Blue Water Fairy is beyond imagination, and such a powerful woman is definitely not really easy to win.

If Su Li lives here, Qi Fengyu will be anxious and irritable!

Under this situation, Hua Qidao was even more stressed, and naturally wanted to capture Qi Fengyu faster!

Therefore, the more Hua Qiudao wants to speed up the process, the more the process will be delayed!

Even when Hua Qiudao has a purpose and ulterior motives, he can no longer maintain a state of inaction. On the contrary, it will be counterproductive and completely affect Qi Fengyu's good impression of him.

Once this goodwill is consumed, it will be very fatal!

Because it is difficult to cultivate a good impression, but it is very easy to consume it!

Coupled with Su Li's previous series of tricks, Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Clear Water, was dissatisfied with Hua Qiudao three times. Although they were covered up later, who is Qi Fengyu?

She will still analyze it independently afterward.

Based on this analysis, Hua Qiudao's favorability will definitely drop like an avalanche.

Therefore, after Su Li figured this out, he became even less anxious.

If he is not in a hurry, heaven will be stable.

Once Heavenly Court is stabilized, it cannot be captured by Hua Qiudao, and Hua Qiudao will become even more anxious.

Su Li lives here, and Hua Qiudao suffers every day.

For Su Li, this was a very comfortable thing.

In addition, the immortal power in Tianxuan Courtyard is majestic and pure, and the benefits of practice are simply indescribable.

With such an opportunity, instead of using all his strength to improve, Su Li would hide it or delay it?

Therefore, for the next nearly half a year, Su Li continued to practice hard every day and gain enlightenment every day.

Whether it is heaven, humans, or heaven, Su Li can enter the state of compassion, selflessness, and nothingness at all times.

Therefore, during the past six months, Su Li completely ignored the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong.

Su Li also has no defense against these four fairies. As long as they take action, Su Li can be killed by them at any time.

Because, to Su Li, it would be good to die and go back, he didn't care at all.

This freedom and ease, this naturalness, this randomness, this uninhibitedness, are completely revealed with the passage of time.

This situation was gradually secretly passed on to the Bishui Fairy by the four heavenly fairies Qin Chun, Ning Xia, Yuan Qiu and Yun Dong.

At the beginning, Fairy Bishui didn't take it seriously.

But when some situations occurred later, such as the orthodox imperial aura, imperial destiny, reincarnation authority, and the foundation of the innate imperial path, Qi Fengyu was gradually touched.

There are some things that she knows better than anyone else, such as royal aura, and cannot be faked.

The more deliberate it is, the more false it is, the more false it is, and the more vulnerable it is.

As for Su Li's pure and innocent royal aura, it was still the subtle presentation and escape of Taoism. He didn't even know it, so it was naturally more orthodox.

Even Qi Fengyu himself didn't have such purity. In comparison, Su Li's imperial aura was several levels purer than hers!

Therefore, Qi Fengyu was confused and slightly confused.

The confusion was not the purpose of harvesting her as mentioned by Su Li, but the cause and effect caused by her father, Emperor Qi Zhenwu.

Her father's unblinking eyes, as well as his scolding and disappointment at her previous actions, those eyes deeply hurt her heart.

Therefore, for nearly a year, Su Li was naturally free and easy, but she was suffering!

During this period, Hua Qiudao invited her to watch the wind and the moon every three days.

Because his heart could not be settled, Qi Fengyu completely lost his thoughts, so he agreed a few times in the first place, but then declined politely.

But in this case, Hua Qidao felt that Su Li was trying to attack his heart, and he was afraid that Su Li would get there first, so he started to throw dirty water on Su Li.

But all Su Li's actions fell into Qi Fengyu's eyes, and he could see them clearly. Therefore, Qi Fengyu gradually felt that something was not quite right with Hua Qiudao.

She had begun to feel some disgust in her heart, but she did not show it directly.

In this regard, Hua Qidao was a little eager for success and did not carefully understand Qi Fengyu's thoughts, so he was completely unaware.

Therefore, he felt that he had not done a good job in some aspects, so he acted more diligently.

However, for a woman, once there is a hint of disgust in her heart, if a man acts more licking and attentive at this time, it will only further deepen the disgust.

This is never a good thing.

Hua Qiudao is great at everything, but his emotional skills are average. He can even be said to be a complete newbie.

Therefore, this is exactly the disadvantage.

Hua Qiudao didn't even have the slightest bit of self-awareness about this.

Moreover, unlike Hua Qiudao, Su Li had actually foreseen this change.

He didn't attack her heart, nor would he lick her, but he knew that for a strong woman, as long as you crush her in all aspects, you will soon be able to suppress her! At this time, subduing his heart won't be so difficult!

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