I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,128: Mythical Heaven, Confrontation with Qiudao

Appearing in such a mysterious and extremely powerful world, Su Li's feelings were extremely profound and real.

The feeling is like returning to the ancient world of immortals and warriors in the real Chinese ancestral land.

In fact, this feeling is thousands of times stronger than the feeling he had when he went to the world of Shushan Xianxia before.

The foundation and power of this world have even surpassed that of the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower!

Such a powerful background, but you still avoid it?

Su Li was suddenly speechless.

In terms of foundation, the prehistoric mythical world has become a big world, and has even grown to the current level. In fact, it is completely capable of accepting and even supporting the Chinese ancestral land.

But here, it has been stubborn.

Although there are indeed certain risks if you accept and support it, continuing to develop like this is by no means the real kingly way.

Once some of the internal disputes in the world of Babel's Great Plane of Heaven's Rules are resolved, and at that time, the Great Plane of Babel's World of Heaven's Rules has completed its own arrangement, the first one to deal with is obviously the prehistoric mythical world!

There will never be any problem with this.

So, what is the point of being so complacent and not choosing to fight?

Are you waiting for a special opportunity?

Su Li's mood was also a bit complicated.

Even a little sad for his misfortune and angry for his inability to argue.

Such a powerful mythical world has enough foundation to stand up to the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel, but it chooses peace.

However, in the concept of the Chinese ancestral land, there is one thing that is actually the experience and lessons of thousands of years of blood and tears - seeking peace through compromise will lead to no peace.

And if we seek peace through war, then peace can exist.

Even in that fantasy world, even though I was so bad at the time, I still fought hard several times before I got the chance to exist and grow.

If you don't work hard at all, the peaceful environment formed like this will eventually be eroded!

Today's Brother Hua Qiu Daohua has invaded Heaven, which is already a very important erosion.

After Su Li appeared in a spiritual hilly land, combined with the current environment and the strength of the rules of heaven and earth, he immediately had a very deep understanding of the world.

The same is true. He actually has a lot of things he wants to complain about.

The anger was even beyond words.

In this aspect, it indeed deeply reflects the mentality of Everyone sweeps his own door and does not care about the frost on other people's tiles.

If you keep doing this, if the danger really threatens the upper echelons, no one will be able to stand up.

This time, he, Su Li, can step out and take responsibility and help solve the cause and effect, but what about the future?

In other words, what if Su Li failed to stop Hua Qiudao this time?

So the heaven will be completely destroyed?

Su Li's expression was a little uncertain, but in the end it turned into a helpless sigh.

The rules of this world have grown to such a level. When my clone comes in, it has directly reached the top level of the Immortal. Even the combat power can be infinitely superimposed, but that's just it.

As far as my ability is concerned, in this ancient mythical world, I am not strong. What is strong is only the bloodline of Pangu and the totem of the twelve ancestral witches, and the special status of 'Human Emperor'.

Su Li meditated in his heart, and in the soul sea, the immortal light blue projection clone also appeared.

However, Su Li discovered that this immortal light blue projection clone was more like a light blue elf.

Therefore, after Su Li said these two words, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised, and then said: Baby light blue? Isn't it the clone of the immortal light blue?

The small 'Immortal Light Blue' smiled and said sweetly: Yes, Master, it's the light blue baby.

Su Li: ...

In such an important ancient mythical world, Immortal Light Blue actually sent the light blue elf here, but left the main body to guard the outside world...

Su Li felt a little tired.

There is something slightly wrong with this situation.

The light blue elf has obviously caught up with Su Li's background and rhythm now, and is quite matched in all aspects. He immediately became aware of Su Li's concerns.

Therefore, she smiled slightly and said affectionately: Master, don't worry. In fact, the master is fine in the world of ancient myths. Even if he dies, it is just that some kind of transformation in Wangchenhuan did not go smoothly, thus forming a problem. A certain amount of backlash, just traumatized by this.

Little impact.

On the contrary, if there is a problem on Wangchenhuan's side, all the cause and effect here will become very unstable, which is not good.

Relatively speaking, although the prehistoric mythical world is important, it is not important to us.

When Su Li heard this, his heart moved, and then he felt relieved.

However, the words of the light blue elf still made Su Li a little uncomfortable after all - not that he was dissatisfied, but that the world of ancient mythology almost contained the core foundation of the entire ancient mythology system. How could this aspect be said to be unimportant? Woolen cloth?

Although many aspects of the prehistoric mythical world do appear to be very insincere, and some aspects have even been standing idly by. What's more, they may have some thoughts of encroaching on his Chinese ancestral land and taking away his Suli orthodoxy - these are just some of Su Li's conjectures. , but there won’t be much deviation.

Under such circumstances, the reason why Su Li feels that the world of prehistoric mythology is important is because this world cannot be integrated with the world of heavenly rules of the Great Plane of Babel, or it can be integrated in the opposite direction.

Otherwise, it will be an unsolvable ending.

What's more important is that no matter how bad the prehistoric mythical world is, the Luoshui world, and even the human emperor Nuwa in the prehistoric mythical world, are completely worthy of Su Li.

Not only is there no regret, but there is also great kindness.

This is a deeper kindness than Hua Qiudao’s!

The Human Emperor Fuxi is Su Li's true master and a master-like existence.

What is a master?

He is a teacher and a father!

In the Chinese system, the king of heaven and earth, the master, the master, is truly the most important existence.

In addition, in the fantasy world of the past, if the Human Emperor and Nuwa had not come forward to help him, and even reminded him many times to participate in the cause and effect, they would not have ended up in such a tragic end.

As the emperor of a race and a world, if he can do this for him, and if he can contribute to this level for the human race and the Chinese ancestral land, what else can be said?

Unfortunately, the power is weak and the internal discord has led to the prehistoric mythical world itself becoming what it is today.

Su Li pondered for a long time and did not refute the light blue elf.

From a system perspective, anything that is not used is not important.

Moreover, because of the many causes and consequences and calculations in the past, the system itself obviously cannot believe in the prehistoric mythical world and other small worlds in the world.

Whatever you want to do, the system's first solution is always to use pure original energy to build it yourself.

Even if it is absorbed, it will be refining and returned to the ruins before being built, rather than completely choosing to fuse.

Just like the system's own A Chinese Girl World, it is completely self-created, without absorbing or integrating the A Chinese Girl World or Shushan Perfect World at all.

You can learn from it, or even be similar in some rules and settings, but you will never misappropriate or harvest it, but do it yourself.

Only in this way can the system feel at ease.

Su Li understood this situation very well.

Baby light blue, this time, has Brother Hua Qiudao invaded Heaven?

Su Li no longer struggled with some of his disappointment in the world of ancient mythology, and regained the stability of his mind.

Perhaps, as a consideration for the upper levels, the more important thing is to maintain the stability of the entire prehistoric mythical world, rather than really starting a war.

Su Li could only think like this.

The light blue elf nodded slightly and said: Based on the derivation of the basic system, combined with some of the information provided by Pangu's will, this time Hua Qiudao is very powerful, Master.

When Su Li heard this, he was silent for a long time, and then showed a wry smile.

How could he not know how powerful Hua Qiudao was?

More importantly, when Li Juan was buying the bottom, Hua Qiudao went to support the cause and effect. Moreover, Hua Qiudao had been suppressed by Li Juan for countless years, and a lot of his background and methods had definitely been dug out.

Coupled with Hua Qiudao's bloodline, soul energy, and destiny, these things are combined to clone a clone with bloodline as the core, just like using a person's skin cells to clone an identical person.

This kind of Hua Qiudao is almost a complete Hua Qiudao, and cannot be regarded as a copy.

There is Hua Qiudao's orthodoxy, and there is Hua Qiudao's lifelong 'memory' - in terms of memory, it is completely possible to reproduce a Chinese world, and to replicate Hua Qiudao's experience is nothing more than recreating all other existences as actors. Just accompany him to interpret life.

What is the difference between the Hua Qiudao copied in this way and the original Hua Qiudao?

In many aspects, they are almost 90% similar.

The remaining 10% is a matter of character.

The true Hua Qiu Tao follows nature.

And this Hua Qiudao can be regarded as the demon soul Hua Qiudao, or it can be said to be similar to the cause and effect between Su Li and Su Wangchen.

If the real Hua Qiudao corresponds to Su Li.

Then, the Hua Qiudao who is occupying Heaven now corresponds to Su Wangchen.

So, fighting against such a being...

Su Li really didn't have much confidence.

more importantly!

When Pangu Will provided the information, Hua Qiudao here had successfully won the heart of Qi Fengyu, the Lord of Heaven, the Fairy Bishui!

The two of them are almost in love!

This made him, Su Li, go and wreak havoc...

How should Su Li complain?

If only he could start this kind of consciousness transmission earlier and pass on the information earlier to give him a chance to deal with it, he wouldn't be so rushed!

He is almost 'terminal', so how can he win over Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water?

While Su Li was thinking, the light blue elf also further passed the information obtained by the system to Su Li.

Likewise, Su Li was even more powerless to complain and speechless.

This is no longer a 'start from hell', this is a super peak match, and he started as a civilian with nothing!

After all, Hua Qiudao was already in love with Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water. It was just around the corner for him to become the Lord of Heaven, acquire the entire Heaven, and live together with Qi Fengyu!

Maybe, when Su Li rushes over and enters the Heavenly Court, Hua Qiudao and Qi Fengyu will already be in harmony.

Qi Fengyu and Hua Qiudao haven't merged yet, right? If they did, it would be completely out of the question.

After all, in Chinese tradition, once a woman submits to a man, she is really done with it, and it is almost impossible to change.

Hua Qiudao couldn't be that stupid and give me a chance to reverse the cause and effect.

Su Li felt complicated, and then asked the light blue elf.

For now, it should be...well, probably not yet.

The light blue elf stuttered a bit when he spoke.


Su Li was speechless.

Forget it, let's do some fortune telling first.

Su Li did not use the art of divine deduction or the ability of divine calculation.

This ability, Immortal Light Blue mentioned before, should not be used lightly, otherwise it will lead to unknown risks.

In addition, the core of everything nowadays is to 'explore cause and effect'. In this regard, Su Li can not use his trump card, so naturally he will not use it.

After a hexagram is divined, the hexagram image is a landscape hexagram.

This is a very speechless and dark hexagram.

But for now, not too bad...

All I can say is that it’s okay, but there is a glimmer of hope.

Forget it, the way to change your mind is also complicated. It depends on human beings - just do it.

It's precisely because this world values ​​chastity. If I can't, I can only force myself first and then talk about it. I'll talk about the rest of the cause and effect later.

Su Li pondered for a moment, preparing to do it directly.

Because there are not many opportunities, and there is not much time - at least he will not have too much time to transform in Wangchenhuan.

Even if the time in this world is not synchronized with the time in that world, there is no proportion between them.

This world can even develop for a long time without much movement in that world.

But Su Li didn't want to delay, nor did he want to attack his heart slowly - if this happened, Hua Qiudao would definitely use force, and he would use the same coercive means that Su Li would use.

After Hua Qiudao has won the heart of Fairy Bishui, if he wants to accomplish this, he can just set up a game and do it perfectly!

Baby light blue, I'm going to go directly to heaven. Next, you can't hide for the time being. I will communicate with you spiritually when necessary.

Su Li said in a message.

This time, Su Li planned to change his way of doing things.

At the same time, he does not plan to have too much contact with the system for the time being - in this world, he is just the human emperor's agent, and he is not considered the human emperor in this world.

But in this world, there are Sanqing, Pangu, and even more powerful special beings.

And these, for now, can still suppress him, and even peek into some of his secrets.

Although this kind of peek doesn't exist yet, these old coins...

Who can guarantee their thoughts and character?

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