I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,127 The Heart of Qiudao, the Mythical World

Pangu's will made Su Li think about it for a moment.

When his Pangu bloodline revived, Su Li had actually thought about this situation - that is, there would definitely be some action in the ancient mythical world.

But he didn't expect this action to happen so quickly.

In particular, when the twelve ancestral witch totems formed chaos, the cause and effect in the ancient mythical world was directly revealed.

For Su Li, this is a good thing.

Because the process of exploring cause and effect itself requires starting some new processes.

If there is no new process, then even if he wants to involve many causes and effects, he will not be able to shake the entire world.

In other words, if the water is not muddied, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to explore cause and effect on a large scale.

Some things, once he is too proactive, will definitely have a great impact. Not only the gain outweighs the loss, his own behavior and purpose will be easily exposed.

For these real upper-level or even top-level people, even if their intelligence has been reduced after the restoration of the timeline, they must still be above eighteen.

After exceeding the eighteenth level of life wisdom enlightenment, every existence is by no means a stupid person, nor is it an easy person to deal with.

If this kind of existence still has the intention of contempt or the intention of underestimating the enemy, then failure is inevitable.

At this time, Su Li only hesitated for a moment and then felt relieved.

He pondered slightly and said, Do we need to suppress Hua Qiudao? As Panhuang's will, every cause and effect cannot be careless.

Pangu Zhizhi nodded slightly, and his tone was very sincere and solemn: It is indeed him, and the reason why is like this is because he is related to the current ruler of Heaven.

The current person in power in the heaven is a truly peerless fairy named ‘Qi Fengyu’, also known as the ‘Blue Water Fairy’.

Qi Fengyu is a pure and sincere fairy, but because she has the core authority of the entire heaven, as long as Hua Qiudao captures her, Hua Qiudao will become the real master of heaven.

But Hua Qiudao is no longer as simple as Hua Qiudao.

In other words, Hua Qiudao is always Hua Qiudao, but it is no longer the same Hua Qiudao.

When a god's original intention has changed, he is no longer himself.

For now, that's how it is.

Su Li was silent for a moment without speaking.

In fact, he had an answer for this matter.

Su Li knew about Hua Qiudao's life and death, but he would not show it or mention the cause and effect.

At this time, Pangu's will mentioned Hua Qiudao, and even said that today's Hua Qiudao is no longer a simple Hua Qiudao.

This answer is true and speaks from the bottom of my heart.

At this point, Su Li could already tell that Pangu's will was really sincere in this matter and there was no hypocrisy.

In other words, only after Su Li's Pangu bloodline metamorphosed to the level of proficiency could he be qualified to contact Pangu's will and the foundation of the prehistoric mythical world.

Before this, Su Li was even judged by the prehistoric mythical world as not qualified to contact it.

In the final analysis, even if the previous strength and ability were not up to standard, they were not valued by the group of beings over there.

But now, with this transformation, Su Li has unleashed his potential and shown part of his combat power. Coupled with the vision of blood transformation and the special form of the twelve ancestral witch totems, Su Li has finally made it possible for the prehistoric mythical world to Bian recognized Su Li's current status and abilities.

Su Renhuang, I also know that you have some concerns, but if you want to establish a true prehistoric world, it is indeed necessary to have contact with our prehistoric mythical world system.

The foundation of the world, true and false, false and true.

In terms of foundation, it has actually been built, and then it will be nothing more than a matter of ‘turning into a regular person’.

The information manifested by Pangu's will is very natural, very much in line with the style of modern vernacular, rather than the form of ancient Chinese.

Su Li understood the purpose of doing this - it was just that when the other party wanted to communicate with him, his experience would be a little better.

Su Li pondered: The existence of Hua Qiudao has taught me, almost like a master. Anyone in this world may betray, but he will never be such an existence.

You said that he went to the prehistoric mythical world. I will not deny this. He is indeed capable of going there and even holds a high position.

But he will not seize heaven.

Even if it is really a preemption, it is probably for a greater ambition and a better starting point.

In this regard, if there is no other cause and effect, I will even support him.

Su Li knew the truth, but still said such words.

Sometimes, agreeing too easily may not be appropriate.

Pangu Zhizhi sighed softly and said: If it were Hua Qiudao, of course he would not do this. Even if he did, it would really make us feel at ease.

But the key point is that Hua Qiu Dao is not Hua Qiu Dao, it is just called Hua Qiu Dao.

This is the existence of reversal of cause and effect, the existence of Tao that can be Tao but not Tao.

Can Su Renhuang understand this?

When Su Li heard this, his eyes fell on the projection of Pangu's will.

Pangu's will did not avoid Su Li's gaze. That ray of will was very, very pure, without any trace of dirt.

The entire projection of his will is as clear as crystal and flawless.

After a moment, Su Li nodded and said: Is this a state of being without form, or does it exist?

Pangu Will said: You can say that, but it should be more similar to the anatomy of good and evil. If the previous Hua Qiudao represented merit and hope, then the current Hua Qiudao represents sin and despair. It is a real reversal. Cause and effect exists like an evil spirit.

After hearing this, Su Li was silent for a long time again.

Pangu’s will did not urge him.

Things like this, whether true or false, may not be believed.

After a while, Su Li spoke again and said, What about this transformation?

Pangu Zhi said: Although things have priorities, we can also let nature take its course. In this regard, as long as Su Renhuang is willing to take action, everything else will have its own solution.

Su Li said: In other words, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

Pangu Zhi nodded slightly, obviously having a certain judgment on how to decipher this cause and effect.

And this only requires Su Li to agree first.

If Su Li doesn't agree, then naturally there's no way to stop it.

Su Li nodded lightly and said, Okay, if Hua Qiudao really has ulterior motives, I won't stand idly by.

Hearing this, Pangu Zhizhi finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, With Su Renhuang's words, then everything won't be a problem.

After Pangu's will finished speaking, it quickly dissipated from the totem of the twelve ancestral witches.

Afterwards, the twelve ancestral witch totems quickly began to gather.

Next, Su Li was still transforming, and the various visions became more chaotic and terrifying.

But these are only part of it.

In Su Li's own field, Su Li's entire mind has actually been devoted to the transformation of the Three Thousand Avenues.

After the Three Thousand Avenues completely transformed, the remaining Great Onmyoji began to transform again.

It was the first glimpse of the door before, but this time, after the other abilities were improved, the Great Onmyoji finally reached the level of entering the palace.

After reaching this level, a special mysterious Taoist secret appears directly in the Great Onmyoji.

This ray of Taoist secrets was actually carried by the Great Yin Yang Technique and came from Feng Qianwei's secrets.

In other words, Feng Qianwei not only gave the Great Onmyang Technique, but also gifted Su Li with a special secret through the Great Onmyang Technique - only after the Great Onmyang Technique reaches the level of entering the palace, can she Unlock this special heritage.

Before that, it obviously couldn't be turned on.

At this time, when this ray of information was revealed, Su Li had no change in his mood.

He naturally absorbed such a foundation.

After absorbing this information, Su Li naturally had an extremely deep understanding of the core of this information.

This is an ability called 'Yin-Yang Meridian'.

What exactly is this ability?

It is the special curve that divides yin and yang, similar to the Pisces curve in the center of the Tai Chi diagram.

The yin-yang meridian itself is a substantial manifestation of Tao, but this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is - the real gift in this special yin-yang meridian is not the great yin-yang technique, nor even the yin-yang meridian, but the ray of time contained in this meridian!

Yes, Feng Qianwei actually gathered a ray of the origin of the timeline in this yin and yang meridian.

The ability to bring this thing together is beyond imagination, but what is more important is to condense it into substance.

This is extremely scary!

While Su Li was shocked, he also felt a little complicated.

But he didn't hide it, nor did he feel guilty or keep it for use. Instead, he directly took it out and absorbed it.

When this ray of timeline origin was absorbed by Su Li, Su Li immediately sensed the underlying cause and effect of the time and space.

Although it wasn't much, he did feel something.

In this reaction, Su Li finally understood that this time, he had indeed gone to Xingkong to deal with Hua Qiudao.

Hua Qiudao has already transformed into the timeline, and the timeline given by Feng Qianwei this time is just enough for Su Li to be implicated in the main timeline.

Once implicated, he would even have the ability to reunite Hua Qiudao's will from the timeline and give Hua Qiudao a chance to be reborn.

Just this time, such a cause and effect appeared in the world of ancient mythology...

The direction of all this is actually very clear.

Su Li opened his eyes and looked silently at the outside world - the visions in the outside world still existed, were still deafening, still earth-shattering, and shocking to the world.

But Su Li's place was as peaceful as ever.

While pondering, Su Li communicated with Immortal Light Blue in his heart.

I'm going to go to the ancient world and explore a series of causes and effects.

Su Li spoke.

Immortal Qinglan said: Your current body's existence form is very perfect, and you can completely go there using the method of avatar.

Su Li thought for a while and said: In this way, I will leave a clone here to continue the transformation. The upper limit of the clone is the upper limit of the strength and combat power shown this time. This clone is actually a common existence, similar to Guixu. The existence form of shadow.

There had been such a split before, but now it would have no impact.

And my true body must go to the ancient mythical world this time.

Immortal Qinglan said: There will be certain risks for the main body to go to the world of ancient myths, but it is indeed more convenient and more reasonable to deal with cause and effect.

Su Li said: Danger is not a problem. After all, exploring cause and effect requires risks. But in reality, I am not in danger in the short term. Even if there is, it will not be a problem for the time being.

Not to mention, this time going to the world of ancient mythology...

Although the time in that place is long, it is not synchronized with the time here, and it is not even related at all.

In addition, I have a timeline that is enough to open the door of time and space several times at critical moments and travel back here through time.

Immortal Qinglan said: Since you have made up your mind, then go ahead and do it.

In addition, what Pangu will say is true. If possible, try to capture Qi Fengyu, the Blue Water Fairy. Her existence is very valuable.

Furthermore, if possible, suppress Hua Qiudao and investigate the whereabouts of the three women among the Eight Immortals of China.

Most likely, they went there.

Su Li said: Where is Li Juan suppressing?

Immortal Qinglan said: What Li Juan suppressed was only the clone or part of the body, not the whole body.

Su Li suddenly understood, and then talked to Immortal Qinglan about the cause and effect of the Three Thousand Avenues and other aspects. Immortal Qinglan didn't say much, but just mentioned that Su Li should pay proper attention to the cause and effect of the ancient mythical world, so as not to fall into the trap. , at critical moments, you can mobilize Sanqianda to conduct certain cause-and-effect investigations, and mobilize the ability of divine calculations, but do not use it multiple times.

Su Li certainly knew this in his heart.

Since Immortal Light Blue has repeatedly emphasized it, Su Li will naturally not use some special abilities many times unless it is a critical moment.

After discussing with Immortal Qinglan, Su Li directly created a clone to continue his transformation on his behalf - in fact, he had already completed his transformation.

Su Li activated the remaining body of the timeline without hesitation, and communicated with the special totem of the twelve ancestral witch totems.

In this Dharma, at the place where Pangu's will disappeared, there is indeed a special ghost-like door.

This door is a bit like the door of creation.

After it appeared, Su Li wore it without hesitation.

The next moment, Su Li felt his eyes suddenly light up, the whole world was filled with spiritual energy, and the immortal energy was boiling.

The huge world, the blue sky, the vast avenues of heaven and earth...

At that moment, Su Li even felt an indescribable terrifying impact!

This is the world of ancient mythology!

It is a terrifying world that has never been hidden, but has extraordinary strength, and can even compete with the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower!

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