I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,121 Three corpses and three lives, strong beating

Because she thought she had control and secret protection, and thought she had made a great contribution, Li Juan felt that she was very grateful to Su Li!

Putting aside her various purposes, Su Li's attitude itself is unacceptable!

Not at all gentlemanly!

Moreover, all the authority in Wangchenhuan now belongs to her, Li Juan!

What does Su Li's attitude mean?

Who gave him the courage to speak like this to the Lord of the Earth?

Moreover, when the other party came to her territory, didn’t he come to beg her? Why are you still being a guest and speaking so aggressively?

Even threatened her?

Li Juan almost laughed angrily.

Sure enough, this bitch deserves to die, he just needs all kinds of beatings, and he doesn't know what is good or bad!

Li Juan's breathing was slightly rapid, and the expression on her beautiful face was ferocious for a moment.

But soon, she regained her composure again.

Although this Su Li is extremely hateful, but... this person is currently too valuable and has a very good background - especially the Three Thousand Avenues...

Thinking about it, Li Juan felt a little hot all over, and she wanted to pounce on him immediately and take all the food from the opponent.

As for the method of taking supplements?

For Li Juan, any method is acceptable as long as the goal can be achieved.

Li Juan has seen these things clearly and thought things through very clearly.

Therefore, considering that the Three Thousand Avenues had not yet been obtained and the real savings had not yet been completed, Li Juan still endured it.

She stared at Su Li coldly and sneered: Disgusting? No matter how disgusting it is, can it be as disgusting as you? Do you think you are very good? If you are very good, you will have the same karma as before?

You know what I'm talking about!

What happened to your own daughter?

What happened to your own wife?

Everyone in this world can insult and humiliate me, but that has nothing to do with me. Only you, Su Li, are not qualified!

Although you are the Emperor of the Soviet Union, don't use double standards so vividly, it is also very disgusting!

Li Juan's counterattack was equally fierce.

Su Li sneered and said nothing more.

Obviously, a strong woman, a crazy and hysterical woman, can say anything and do any disgusting things.

At this point, what he said before was actually enough for Li Juan to break her guard.

As long as she breaks through the defense, it is actually enough for Su Li.

If there is any further argument, it will just turn into a farce similar to a shrew's scolding.

What, you stopped talking? Did you talk about your pain?

Li Juan sneered again, her tone even more aggressive.

Su Li glanced at her calmly and indifferently, and said: I know Su Xia's cause and effect, but it's not my cause and effect, my template? Why, even one of my models can't sleep, and there is no honest person to take over. , is your psychology already distorted?

Hearing this, Li Juan's blood pressure suddenly soared again - Damn it, this person is poisonous, why does he have such an attitude in every word?

Li Juan took a deep breath, suppressed all the anger and the blood that almost burst into anger, and said in a deep voice: Su Li! You have to understand, where is this place? This is what you, the Su Renhuang, should say. ?You don’t even have any face anymore?!”

Su Li smiled disdainfully and said: You want face? What kind of face do you want? What's the use of asking for face? All I want is for the world to return to its heart, and for the world to be unified.

As for face, you don't have to, you can even trample on it at will. If I still treat you like a humble gentleman, won't I let you continue to cut my flesh with a dull knife, one after another endlessly?

And if the result of being a gentleman and a source of hope is to be endlessly harvested and humiliated, what do you think is the meaning of it?

Not to mention, even if he is a gentleman, if his reputation is all over the world, he will definitely be famous and infamous all over the world.

No matter how many people praise you, there will also be many different people who criticize you.

I guess you have seen this more clearly than I do, so you are still demanding me as a gentleman and yourself as a villain?

To put it very directly, I am the one with the key, are you the one with the key? Do you deserve it? How many do you want? !


Li Juan couldn't control her suppressed blood and spurted it out.

Su Li raised his hand and clapped it, and a ball of mirror formed a shield, which directly reflected the blood back.

At the same time, Su Li's face showed obvious disgust - it seemed that Li Juan's blood was filled with an unpleasant stench.


Li Juan's mentality collapsed again.

It's not that she has a bad conscience, or that she's in a bad mood, it's that Su Li has incorporated that kind of disgust and disgusting behavior into his words and deeds. Every word, every move, and even his breathing, shows his hatred. Her ultimate disgust.

This is unacceptable and intolerable to any woman.

But Li Juan thought of the ultimate benefits of Three Thousand Avenues and endured it.

Su Renhuang, you are very good. Just these words, do you believe it or not, if I expose them, your image will completely collapse. That kind of majestic and upright image is nothing but a joke!

After Li Juan calmed down from her anger, she actually targeted Su Li in this way.

When Su Li heard this, the look of disdain in his eyes became stronger: That's it? I welcome you to expose everything here. After all, in terms of your three major foundations, Li Juan is the main one, so of course you can dominate you. A doppelgänger of everything else.

In the final analysis, it is just a trap of three lifetimes and three corpses.

When Li Juan heard this, she felt like she was hit by thunder in the face, her whole body trembled, and her face suddenly turned pale!

How did she know the cause and effect of her 'three lives' and 'three corpses'?

Her heart tightened for a moment, but the next moment, she immediately calmed down - Su Li didn't know that Su Li's judgment was just a judgment!

In fact, it is just speculation and inference, not the truth at all!

Even if it was, at least Su Li couldn't be sure, although it was indeed her cause and effect.

Li Juan realized that the moment she was confused, Su Li attacked her with the truth cage method!

And she was almost trapped in it!

This is the method of using the truth to find out the truth, and it is also a method that Su Li is extremely good at.

It's like a person who doesn't know that someone is following him, but suddenly says, I've been following him for so long and he still hasn't come out. If someone really follows him and is fooled, and jumps out on his own initiative, then he is really fooled.

Under normal circumstances, how could Li Juan fall for such a despicable method?

But she lost her mind in anger, and then she didn't consider that Su Li would use such low-level methods, so her mood changed in an instant, and her face turned a little pale.

In this way, she was obviously somewhat exposed.

How did she know that she was not only exposed, but also exposed long ago.

For Su Li, this information was not deceived now, but was already obtained when the Moonlight Treasure Box was stripped off by him and the system was de-virused.

Saying this at this time is nothing more than to make Li Juan feel disgusted and to scare others away from her.

Why, you're afraid that your true identity will be exposed, so you just tell nonsense and want to threaten me?

Li Juan sneered again and again, seeming to be very disdainful of Su Li's approach.

Su Li disapproved and said calmly: Forget about this place, I won't come back even if they ask me to come here in eight sedans.

Now that I have come to this kind of place, do you think I still care about what others think?

What you want to do and how you want to do it, it all depends on your preference. As for exposure, you can do it anytime, anywhere, I don't care.

Su Li said with an even calmer expression.

But Li Juan couldn't remain calm.

She did hear Su Li's state of mind - or in other words, when Su Li and Hu Chen had a conflict before, she actually had some understanding.

At this time, Su Li had indeed lost all his charm.

Li Juan was very disapproving before, but now after experiencing it for herself, she realized that Hu Chen's defense breaking was not at all due to Hu Chen's incompetence, but due to Su Li's changes.

Only then did Li Juan really pay attention.

You know, breaking away from vulgarity is a secular change!

This is the real washing away of the lead. Whether it is on the Chinese side or here, once such a transformation occurs, that person will become extremely terrifying!

Lead, used for makeup in ancient times; Hua, gorgeous on the outside.

To wash away all the brilliance, on the Chinese side, it manifests itself in washing away the pretense of secularity!

Life is no longer about the first time we meet, we can wash away all our glory and be calm, we have great ambitions when we are young, and we can be heroic even in an ordinary life!

This is the transformation of human nature in China and the sublimation of character and will.

In a world like this, this kind of change would be terrifying.

This kind of existence is extremely troublesome to deal with!

Li Juan was even a little lucky at this time - lucky that she had completed the bargain hunting and obtained Su Li's biggest secret before Su Li had washed away all his glory.

If not, it would be extremely difficult to deal with Su Li now.

Even because he didn't know the existence of the top avenues among Su Li's three thousand avenues, he continued to suffer losses and fell into the opponent's control.

Li Juan took a deep breath, calmed down and said, Don't worry, I won't do this.

Su Li disagreed and said: It doesn't matter if you do it. You have done a lot of disgusting things anyway, so what does it matter now that you have done it? It's nothing.

Li Juan said: Are you still upset?

Su Li said lightly: The greatest growth for a person is to become self-aware, but it's a pity that you don't have it yet.

Li Juan said: If you want to talk about self-knowledge, then I do have something to say - at least for now, the authority here is mine. Do I allow you to come here to transform the Ten Thousand Dragon Crystals?

Su Li said: If you want to say that, then you have to talk about the cause and effect of the Tianchi Blood River - the Tianchi Blood River is the key to achieving Wangchenhuan, and the birth of the Tianchi Blood River originated from my restricted memory area. You and I'm talking about authority? Do you mean to question the legitimacy of the bloodline of the son who was sold?

Li Ran: ...

Su Li said: China has the theory of inheritance and DNA identification. If a child is not raised by you, then you must be his parents. The definition of parents also includes biological and non-biological terms.

Not to mention, strictly speaking, your behavior can be regarded as trafficking - I don't care, that's all. If we really want to talk about authority, again, are you worthy?

Li Juan took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

Although Su Li's every word and even every tone of his voice had a special attitude that made her happy.

But she knew that she couldn't force it at this time.

Su Li was originally a tough guy, but now he was in a hysterical mad dog mode, so naturally he would bite anyone he caught.

For the Three Thousand Avenues...

Li Juan temporarily suppressed her strength and unruliness.

Just like those women who are willing to marry an 80-year-old man at the age of 18 in order to obtain the property of the dying rich.

She can self-hypnotize herself which is married to love.

Li Juan also had a mentality of 'sacrifice for the sake of the great road' at this time.

So she gradually stopped breaking defenses.

But when her no longer breaking defense attitude appeared, Su Li felt a little more comfortable.

This is the pull of inertia - this is the trampling of the bottom line.

The same means, the same extravagance.

After being suppressed and humiliated again and again without resisting, Li Juan's bottom line will be trampled on again and again.

In the end, she will retreat again and again, and there will be no retreat.

At that time...

Her end will be extremely miserable.

Su Li said in a deep voice: No matter what, now, I am the master of this world.

Su Li said calmly: The blood river of Tianchi was born from the restricted area of ​​my memory. I am the parent of the mortal world! In China, my parents are great. I came here to see my son. You want to stop me? Are you worthy of stopping me?

Li Juan said: Su Renhuang, are you being unreasonable?

Su Li said: I am not a barbarian, but an emperor. As for reason? What is reason? Reason is rules, and rules are rooted in the ground. Wangchenhuan is indeed yours now, but its roots are with me. You can let go It’s hard to kill a donkey, but don’t take it for granted!”

Li Juan: ...

Li Juan felt a little short of words, so she even wanted to use Hu Chen's mind and other means to deal with it.

Because they have many eyes, they naturally have exquisite and clear thoughts.

But she thought about it and still didn't do it.

Once this is done, it is possible that Hu Chen's cause and effect will be involved. At that time, Su Li will probably become even more crazy.

Moreover, it is possible for Hu Chen to notice that she, Li Juan, has secretly controlled part of his background, which would result in more losses than gains.

But without using the mind's eye method, Li Juan found that she could not suppress Su Li in terms of speech.

And taking action - taking action is impossible.

Without absolute certainty in seizing the Three Thousand Avenues, there is really no room for recovery.

Once Su Li takes the initiative to use the foundation of Three Thousand Avenues in a rage, Su Li's secret will be exposed. With the greed of this world, Su Li will definitely be harvested.

As for Su Li's identity as the Master of Heavenly Dao, Li Juan didn't believe it - this was probably caused by the wrong direction formed by the Three Thousand Dao such as the Great Destiny Technique.

Of course, even if it is true, Li Juan doesn't care - this can only show that Su Li, the Chinese Emperor Soul, has been completely replaced by Su Li, the native of this world.

For Li Juan, she had nothing to lose.

In fact, in this way, it will be smoother and easier for her to seize the foundation.

Li Juan muttered: You are refining Ten Thousand Dragon Crystals here, and leave immediately after refining. Don't interfere with the operation of Wangchenhuan, let alone attract any merits! Otherwise, even if you are the Human Emperor of the prehistoric royal family, you will not be able to change it. If you mess around with cause and effect, you will bear the consequences!

Su Li said: It doesn't work here. This is still in the outer layer. I want to go to the core origin area to refine. You, a caretaker, dare to talk like this to me, the 'Father of the Earthly World'?

When Li Juan heard this, her face became a little colder and she said, Don't be so shameless! This is it, do you want love or not?

Su Li said lightly: Then I don't want it anymore, I'm leaving! However, if I leave, you will bear all the consequences of this incident!

Su Li snorted coldly, turned around, and prepared to leave Wangchenhuan.

He really wants to leave.

And once he leaves, he will no longer refine the Ten Thousand Dragon Crystals.

If Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Crystals are not refined, the Dao injuries will continue to worsen, so he will not participate in the Emperor Soul Realm.

If he does not participate in the opening of the Emperor Soul Realm, the so-called 'commitment' will not be official.

Therefore, even if the Emperor Soul Realm can be opened, it cannot be done openly and justly - after all, the Lord of Heaven is not involved, right?

So, who is the most urgent about this matter?

In the end, they will still be the real top layers of the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of the Tower of Babel.

The culprit who caused Su Li to fail to complete this series of causes and effects was naturally Li Juan, who had interfered with Su Li at this time.

Su Li took the initiative to come, but was driven away - or forced to leave. No wonder Su Li didn't approve or cooperate.

At that time, the upper echelons of the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel will take the initiative to invite them.

It's easy to send him away, but it's not that easy to invite him back!

After all, as the Human Emperor and the Lord of Heaven, doesn't he, Su Li, have no need to save face?

In the general direction and on the bright side, it is impossible to compromise in any case!

Before, Su Li accepted the Wandao Dragon Crystal and chose Wangchenhuan, which was equivalent to giving face to the other party, and at the same time he agreed to the opening of the Emperor Soul Realm.

As a result, when I came here now, the person carrying the sedan chair was not served respectfully, but instead gave me a look and an attitude?

This is where Su Li's confidence lies.

Of course, he did this on purpose.

Deliberately irritating Li Juan, and at the same time causing a gap between the upper levels of the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower.

Anyway, when he came to Wangchenhuan, he really wanted to find a reason to leave first, and then let others beg him for benefits.

It is certainly a good thing that Li Juan is so cooperative.


Li Juan probably realized something at this time, and her face suddenly became even more ugly.

I'm afraid, even after her parents passed away, her face never looked so sad.

Su Li ignored her and took one step directly to get out of Wangchenhuan's range.

Li Juan directly used her reincarnation authority to forcefully stop Su Li.

Su Li raised his hand, gathered the phantom palms, and slapped Li Juan.

Li Juan wanted to stop her, but saw Su Li's sarcastic sneer——

At this time, Li Juan realized that as long as she resisted or fought back, Su Li would definitely strike hard.

When the time comes, as long as there is a fight, no matter how polite she is and how she occupies the right time, place and people, she will eventually be rude.

At that time, as long as Su Li complained in reverse and criticized the hospitality of the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower, then Li Juan would be left with nothing to eat!

Su Li's method was the same as dealing with Hu Chen!

He took the initiative, but seemed to be very reasonable.

And once the other party fights back, Su Li will be ruthless, forcing him step by step, and eventually there will be no retreat!

Su Li obviously wanted to kill her, Li Juan, and it was very possible that he wanted to cut her into pieces because of the matter of Su Meng.

At this time, if she takes action, she will be directly defeated by the other party!

damn it!

He instantly realized some of Su Li's thoughts, and then thought of some cause and effect - Su Li didn't know that he was the Lord of Heaven, but the world of Heaven's Rules in the Great Plane of Babel thought that Su Li was!

That's why he gave in again and again.

And Su Li believed that the cause and effect of the timeline had caused huge losses to him, and the world was currently experiencing both prosperity and loss, and he still needed his cooperation to open the Emperor Soul Realm...

In this way, he wanted to take advantage of her rudeness and make things worse!

This person has such a vicious mind. Does he want to support a few people even before he dies? Does he want to drag me into the water and let the world of Heavenly Law and Rules in the Great Plane of the Tower of Babel target me?!

After Li Juan realized it, she immediately restrained all her murderous intentions, and then let Su Li slap her hard on the face with great humiliation.


This slap made Li Juan's eyes flash with stars - if it weren't for her strong defense ability and rich foundation, her head would have been slapped away by the other party!

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