I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,120 Confrontation with Li Juan in the world of mortals

Shadow Hu Chen's face became even more ugly.

He wanted to take action several times - obviously, he couldn't bear it anymore.

However, every time he makes a change, it will cause special fluctuations in his mind.

This special fluctuation is a taboo and a warning.

When this situation occurred, Shadow Hu Chen felt extremely fearful.

When this situation happened one after another, Shadow Hu Chen already understood that Su Li might really be in a very bad state now, or even a dead end state.

This kind of existence is probably eager to offend someone so that it can drag others along.

This is the kind of existence that has to pull a few pillows on its back before dying so that it can have smoother thoughts.

Shadow Hu Chen has actually encountered a lot of people like this. Once he falls into misfortune, he will make others or people who don't like him suffer the same misfortune no matter what, otherwise he may even die in peace.

This kind of person is a pervert and a lunatic.

Shadow Hu Chen never thought that Su Li would become such a person!

This man who has been honest all his life has now become a powder keg, ready to explode.

Shadow Hu Chen cursed in his heart, but still left decisively.

If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would be so angry that he would vomit blood—as for being unable to resist taking action?

It is impossible to take action.

Before every action, once that special 'early warning' appears, Shadow Hu Chen will never take action.

His mind's eye is very accurate in terms of early warning, and the same is true. Regarding this ability, Shadow Hu Chen has formed an instinctive trust, and has even formed an inertia.

Trash, I thought you were so capable, but you didn't take any action even though I gave you so many opportunities?!

Su Li sensed that Shadow Hu Chen was leaving, and then sneered again and spoke directly to ridicule.

Shadow Hu Chen's shadow was frozen for a moment, but it quickly dissipated.

Shadow Hu Chen left extremely decisively.

Su Li once again developed the divine calculation ability and sensed it. This time, he could no longer sense the figure of Shadow Hu Chen.

This guy is really gone.

Su Li held the Pangu Ax in his hand, and with a movement of his figure, he naturally walked out of the mysterious realm and appeared in the Land of Forgetting the World.

Wangchenhuan is a very quiet place, dark, and at the same time very eerie.

Moreover, such a place contains too much darkness and sin.

And among these darkness and sinful atmospheres, there is also a bloody smell of blood, and a very pure atmosphere of merit.

This kind of mixed atmosphere is generally not noticeable, but if it appears here, it will be uncomfortable. If it lasts for a long time, you will feel bored and want to vomit.

But Su Li could see through the environment here with just one glance.

After he took a few steps, the Pangu ax in his hand naturally disappeared.

The energy and blood aura on his body quickly calmed down, and there was no trace of hostility or murderous intent in his entire body.

His mind is already very calm, and a calm mind will not cause abnormal energy fluctuations or abnormal rule changes here.

The area of ​​Wangchenhuan is large, but also very small.

The area that everyone enters is an independent area.

In this dark area, the light and shadow will gradually shrink, and finally it will become a narrow passage.

This kind of passage is a bit like the alley of a solitary courtyard in a scary environment.

At this time, Su Li had passed through the previously wide area and appeared in an extremely long, narrow and dark alley.

The alley was dark and there was no light.

The gloomy and dead environment would make the average practitioner's hair stand on end.

But Su Li had no fear at all.

Not to mention the ability of divine calculations, even his source of hope, the blood of Panhuang, can also make him truly invulnerable to evil.

Of course, the evil here is not ordinary evil, but something similar to evil spirits, dark emperor souls, and souls.

The alley is very long, and in front of it is pitch black with no end in sight.

As Su Li moved forward step by step, some distortions appeared on the walls on all sides of the alley.

Then, some strange murals began to appear on these twisted walls.

These murals were very blurry at first, but gradually became very realistic.

There are various kinds of monsters and monsters in the murals, and each of them has a strange cold light in its eyes, all of them are staring at Su Li, as if they want to rush out and choose people to devour.

In this kind of environment, even some talented practitioners will definitely feel pressure.

Moreover, this kind of alley keeps moving forward without an end, coupled with changes in the environment and the invasion of that weird aura.

Once time goes by, it will definitely have a great impact on the practitioner's six senses.

Here, it obviously has nothing to do with one's own cultivation.

Even if the real emperor comes, he will still be affected if he should be.

Su Li completely ignored all this.

But, gradually, this chaotic and even crazy scene became more real, even like that special virtual reality, the murals and the real world have formed an entanglement of time and space, as if to Trap Su Li inside.

Su Li stopped moving forward.

From time to time, all kinds of shrill and terrifying screams and neighs could be heard around him, as if they were coming from the depths of hell.

But Su Li just clasped his hands together, looked calmly, and murmured softly: All conditioned dharmas are like bubbles in a dream, like dew or lightning, and should be viewed as such.

After saying that, the surrounding abnormally distorted environment and the distorted time and space immediately became somewhat fragmented, as if they were directly shattered by a huge force.

But the next moment, this distortion became even more severe, and they were combined again.

Su Li frowned slightly.

How could these alone shake his mind now?

Su Li spoke again, but no longer followed his words.

The three karma bodies in it are like the bubbles in a dream. They are like dew and lightning. They have no real appearance. These objects are all like them to all sentient beings. Because they blame all existences, they will arise and disappear. Now I am not concerned with all existences. Arise the view of empty flowers, universal aspiration to be the same as everything, and always observe like this.

With that said, Su Li clasped his hands together again.

But this time, a mysterious dharma appeared directly behind him - this dharma was no longer the huge golden body of the Buddha like the heaven and earth dharma like Su Ye, but the giant Pangu!

The Pangu totem manifested again, with a golden divine flower and bright golden light.

Not only that, the totem Pangu held the Pangu ax and suddenly struck the void with an axe.


The sky and the earth exploded.

The terrifying Pangu Ax directly hit countless distorted time and space.


Countless distorted time and space all exploded, and the endless evil souls and ghosts in them were all reduced to ashes, and they immediately drank in hatred on the spot.

“You don’t know where love starts from, but love becomes deep once you go there.”

My love for you has no end, so I can't bear to see you suffering here and coming to me to cry.

So, I will simply give you a relief this time and send you to the Western Heaven to experience it. Although I have not determined the Tao and Dharma of the Western Heaven now, what should be there will eventually be there.

Su Li spoke calmly.

Then, the huge Pangu Totem behind him disappeared again.

At this time, the originally scary alley had already disappeared.

In front of him was a huge old castle, dark and mysterious.

This is a place similar to the 'Netherworld Castle', and it is actually the base camp of Wangchenhuan.

When Su Li arrived here, a large number of golden bat-like beasts immediately flew out from around the castle.

These things, like frightened birds, immediately flew away after Su Li's aura filled the air, and their frightened state was fully expressed.

Su Li glanced at it lightly, but completely ignored it as if he hadn't seen it.

Whatever these things were, they had nothing to do with him at this time.

Of course, even if it was really related, Su Li didn't care.

The purpose of his coming here is simple - to refine the Ten Thousand Soul Crystals.

In the fantasy world of the past, Hongmeng Research Base and Wangchenhuan, combined with Tianshu crystals, etc., formed part of the system's foundation.

It was also from this, combined with the Moonlight Treasure Box, that some functions of the system were restored.

What are you going to do now when you are refining Tianshu crystal here?

The actual cause and effect is to cause and effect coverage of the core of the system's former energy hub.

The system once used these things, but now that the system is perfect, the causes and effects of these things need to be replaced.

The Moonlight Treasure Box has been replaced.

What are the specific origins of other things?

Su Li has never personally handled those origins, so there are still some minor flaws.

All Su Li has to do now is to erase all these small flaws bit by bit.

It can even be replaced by means of refining the real thing.

Once these inappropriate details are replaced, the system will be flawless.

Although the current system is also impeccable, some of the 'building materials' are still not completely stable.

In the overall situation, it will definitely not have any impact. After all, the core Moonlight Box has been killed.

But Su Li didn't think so.

A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest.

He also understands this truth.

Not to mention, when doing these things now, you can also explore various causes and effects, so why not?

Everything you do now is to deal with the third cause and effect in the future.

The third time will truly start with invincibility.

Su Li walked towards Netherworld Castle step by step.


Soon, when Su Li appeared at the gate of Netherworld Castle, the dark and heavy gate of the castle suddenly opened automatically.

The surroundings of the castle suddenly became brighter as the gate of the castle opened.

Inside the castle, it is like an independent and radiant world, very gorgeous.

Inside the castle, you can see countless distortions of time and space.

Every moment is like a burning torch, constantly burning and floating in the void.

Such a scene is very, very shocking.

But Su Li didn't show any emotional changes.

He stepped into such an area step by step.


At this moment, a woman's figure gradually condensed out of the burning flames.

Then, the woman's figure solidified and transformed into a very beautiful green gauze skirt.

This green is the kind of emerald green that is the color of imperial green or emerald, with a bit of the freshness of spinach, and the jade quality of the top ice species.

Fresh, fresh and tender.

Such a color will make people fall in love with it at just one glance, as if they feel the artistic conception of spring when all things are resurrected.

At this time, this woman was wearing a green gauze skirt like this.

Spiritual and extremely pure, it makes people almost instinctively feel that they cannot bear to blaspheme.

This kind of temperament is far inferior to the peerless fairies in the Shushan fairy world such as Guan Qiushui and Huayunmeng.


Apart from her temperament, she is also stunningly beautiful.


Su Li possesses the ability of divine calculation, allowing him to see the essence through phenomena immediately.

So, what is the nature of this woman?

It's Li Juan.

Yes, this woman is Li Juan.

However, she does not exist with Li Juan's appearance.

In other words, her appearance was perfectly optimized based on Li Juan's.

Even body shape and all aspects...

What's more, Su Li didn't need to pry into anything to know that her body at this time must be pure and unparalleled in beauty.

Including some special places, they are very deep and charming enough to be endlessly memorable.

But the more this happened, the more disgusting Su Li felt.

Su Li suppressed the disgusting feeling in his heart and looked at the woman calmly.

Su Renhuang, you have overstepped your bounds. This is Wangchen Realm, a place where merit is traded, and it is also the core hub of reincarnation authority in the Netherworld Sea.

You shouldn't be here.

The woman spoke calmly, with an obvious distant tone in her tone.

Of course, there is a stronger sense of warning and dissatisfaction.

Are you talking about permissions with me? Are you worthy? Are you Li Juan, the film's partner, or Ying Huang's partner?

Su Li spoke calmly, and then said: Don't make yourself like this, it will only make me more disgusted with you! In addition, I know very well which aspect of you is more powerful, so don't use some methods on me anymore. It’s better to keep things secret in front of you.”

Hearing this, Li Juan suddenly smiled coquettishly and said: Haha, Su Renhuang is really aloof. When you have a few women, don't you feel disgusted? Why do you feel disgusted when I have a few men? I let you Did you do it?

Also, is it possible that you are not attracted to the woman I created, or even want to be together?

You are pretending to be your mother in front of me!

Li Juan's defense was immediately broken by Su Li's words - knowing her true identity and true background.

In other words, Su Li's words attacked some of her negative instincts and taboos, so she spit out the fragrance directly!

Su Li sneered and said: Look, you are a bitch and a bitch. No matter how you genetically transform or how your life evolves, you can't change your disgusting attitude!

As soon as Li Juan heard this, she almost fell head over heels.

This has nothing to do with intelligence!

In fact, she was really disgusted to be targeted like this by Su Li - you know, she was the one who forced Shadow Hu Chen to leave because of secret threats before. This Su Li is so fucking shameless, he really thinks that he is very Awesome?

This little bastard just lacks training and beatings!

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