I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,112: The kind-hearted Emperor conquers others with virtue

The two had a fatal conversation, and Ao Ying and Ao Yun seemed to have decided on the future of Ao Qin and Ao Mo.

However, how could the future of the two of them really be as bad as they thought, and how could these two dragon girls let them do whatever they wanted?

Ao Ying, Ao Ting is your brother after all, and you have a good relationship with him. Why has he suffered such a big loss, and it was you who instigated him? Why don't you come forward to find some position for him?

After Ao Yun and Ao Ying finished their exchange, they immediately laughed.

She actually knew very well what happened between Ao Ying and Ao Ting.

However, for her, she doesn't care at all - that's the nature of dragons.

Moreover, even if the relationship between the two parties is very close, it is actually nothing like harmony.

When the Dragon Clan acts, why should they care about the opinions of other inferior races?

Hearing this, Ao Ying didn't take it seriously and said: He? It doesn't matter if he is polished or polished, he will grow up faster this way. I usually mentioned it many times, but he wouldn't take it seriously, but now after being beaten, he will gradually grow up. Understood.

As for me inciting him, it actually doesn't matter. Let him think what he wants. I don't really care.

Even if you really care, seeing his current performance is indeed very disappointing.

Therefore, there is no interest.

However, if you want to give it a try, or feel a little distressed, you can also seek justice for him.

From what I know about you, you still want to measure his length, don't you?

Hearing this, Ao Yun spat lightly and said with a smile: Look at you, this is your business, but you have to blame me.

Ao Ying smiled and said: How about we go meet and see how powerful this Su Renhuang is? Before he took action, although he was strong, some of his abilities were not very understandable.

Ao Yun said: That's not bad. In this case, at least your little dragon won't completely lose heart to you because of this. You usually dote on him the most, but now if you don't care about him, how important he must be.

Ao Ying sneered: You keep saying you can't live without him. It seems like you really want to give it a try? But for now, he's really not good at it. He's too young.

Hearing this, Ao Yun thought thoughtfully and said with some regret, Then we can only wait until he grows up.

Ao Ying chuckled and said: Okay, I will train him well then, and then let you, an old witch, have a good time.

Ao Yun was not ashamed, but proud, and said: Then I will have a good experience of the power of this big guy you have trained.

While the two were talking, their figures quickly disappeared.

And all of this did happen in just one breath, and it was completed very quickly.

As a result, as soon as Ao Ting left and Su Li's side fell into a state of calm, Ao Ying and Ao Yun had already appeared from the place where Ao Ting disappeared.

At this time, the two people appeared, and Ao Ting was aware of it even after they left.

Just because he was too embarrassed before and because he was extremely embarrassed, he did not appear in front of Ao Ying and Ao Yun after hesitation.

Sister, Ating has embarrassed you and won't stay here now. Two dragon girls, you don't need to trouble the Su Renhuang. It was Ating who overestimated his capabilities and brought humiliation upon himself.

From now on, Ating should work harder to practice. Sooner or later, he will be able to trample Su Renhuang under his feet in an upright and fair manner!

Ao Ting still said something very ambitious, and then his figure moved and disappeared quickly.

Originally, he had already left, but he was still sad and disappointed in his heart. After all, Ao Ying, his sister, encouraged him to provoke him, and he also fought to the death, but his sister ignored him...

Fortunately, Ao Ying appeared at this time. Since she appeared, the resentment and resentment in his heart immediately disappeared.

At the same time, there was still a little bit of self-condemnation in his heart - maybe my sister didn't show up in time, but something delayed her, or maybe she hoped that this incident would temper me.

Moreover, although Su Renhuang is strong and domineering, he is also kind-hearted - due to the cause and effect of the marriage, there is a high probability that he will not kill him.

Thinking of this, Ao Ting gradually felt relieved.

That little bit of self-condemnation only deepened it - after all, I was still too petty. How could I guess my beloved sister like that?

Ao Ting left such words and left here completely.

Here, he has no face to stay.

Moreover, he also knew very well that with the strength of his sister Ao Ying and Dragon Girl Ao Yun, even a random person would not be much worse than the Su Renhuang in combat power.

It might even be stronger than the Su Renhuang.

Not to mention, the two of them had a good understanding of each other, and their strength increased countless times when they joined forces. They could definitely overwhelm Su Li, the Emperor of the Soviet Union.

Therefore, Ao Ting was not worried about any danger to the two of them.

After Ao Ting left, Ao Ying walked through the air immediately, bringing with her a refreshing fragrance and appeared in front of Su Li.

Su Renhuang, he is really good at what he does, and Ao Ying is quite impressed.

Ao Yingyan smiled, her voice was gentle and charming, with a special charm.

Su Renhuang, Dragon Girl Ao Yun, you are so polite.

Ao Yun also walked over delicately, her voice filled with sugar.

When the two came over, their attitude was quite gentle and friendly.

Su Li's first impression of these two dragon girls was not bad, so he just nodded slightly and responded to the salute calmly.

Afterwards, Su Li almost instinctively called on the ability of divine calculations, and glanced at the two dragon girls with the eyes of divine secrets.

The only thing is that some of the previous thoughts of the two dragon girls were all revealed in the information foundation of Heaven's Secret and Divine Calculation.

Su Li's breathing froze slightly for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal.

Afterwards, Su Li almost instinctively avoided the two dragon girls.

Among the Dragon Clan, the names of the four great dragon girls were well known to Su Li.

Whether in the simulator life or in reality, he has actually heard of it.

However, in the simulator life, the two dragon girls Ao Ying and Ao Yun are downplayed.

Among them, Ao Qin and Ao Mo occupy a huge causal weight.

At this time, Su Li was a little speechless after learning a series of causes and effects of these two dragon girls from the divine calculation.

Boy, this is really...

If this were married to two such dragon girls, it would really be greener than the Hulk.

Just these two, return the Dragon Girl?

So ignorant of self-love?

Isn't this completely fucked up?

Regarding this kind of thing, Su Li doesn't have anything too biased. After all, every existence has its own way of living.

But being so messy, even cultivating various relatives around him...

Even though Su Li was well-informed, he couldn't help but feel admired.

Su Li was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and returned to normal.

Ao Ying and Ao Yun looked at each other and smiled, thinking that the so-called charm they exuded attracted Su Li's mind, so much so that Su Li wanted to marry them.

The two of them became more confident in their own charm.

That smile...

Su Li was unable to complain again - these two dragon girls are so ordinary, why can they be so confident?

Who gave them courage?

Su Renhuang.

Ao Ying spoke softly, and while smiling, her voice became more gentle and charming: Ao Ting is my younger brother. I hope the Su Renhuang will forgive him for his rudeness before.

Ao Yun said slightly angrily: Su Renhuang, although you are kind-hearted, you have gone too far when facing brother Ao Ting. In this way, it does seem too domineering.

Moreover, let alone those ordinary geniuses of the Dragon Clan, brother Ao Ting is the son of the Dragon Clan. If you make him kneel down and kowtow to apologize like this, you really don’t take the Dragon Clan in your eyes at all. Give face to the Dragon Clan.

Ao Ying rolled her eyes at Ao Yun and scolded softly: Yunyun, don't talk nonsense. It was my brother who was rude first.

Su Li smiled - this simple way of making white faces and black faces...

It's actually a bit ridiculously naive.

Moreover, these two women said they disliked him and were not interested in him, but after getting close to him and sensing a little bit of his Pangu bloodline and Zulong bloodline, their bodies immediately boiled with dragon blood, and they were already a little confused. Yes.

If it weren't for Su Li's outstanding fighting prowess and his status as Su Renhuang, these two women would have snatched him away and exploited him for ten days and eight nights.

That's it?

Are you still feeling all kinds of disgust and ridicule in your heart before?

Su Li almost felt sick and vomited.

He silently opened some distance so that the 'fragrant' breath of the two dragon girls, which contained Taoist charm and covered some of the 'turbid yang energy', would not pollute his body and mind.

Then, Su Li said calmly: Two dragon girls, since you know about this kind of thing, you should come out and stop it as soon as possible. However, if you don't stop it, the Dragon King of Ten Thousand Daos of the Dragon Clan has already put an end to all this. Look again...

If this is the case, then these dragon geniuses really need to be taught a lesson.

Of course, I also understand that once the Wandao Dragon Emperor wants to approve the marriage of the other two dragon girls, he will probably need to verify part of my strength, and at the same time, he will also need to see whether the value of Su Lisu, the Human Emperor, is worth it.

The key to this is whether I have the courage and responsibility and at the same time am not truly hypocritical or foolish.

The second key is whether I, as a human emperor, have the majesty of a human emperor.

The third key point is that I also hope that through this matter, I can show my combat power, and at the same time promote the ability of our Su Renhuang, suppress the Dragon Clan's geniuses, give them a little color, and let them understand that they are not qualified and have no My abilities don’t recognize me—I, Human Emperor Su Lisu, am indeed much stronger than them.

Su Li casually listed three reasons.

Suddenly, these three reasons left Ao Yun and Ao Ying speechless.

Because this seems to be some of the thoughts of the Wandao Dragon King?

Yes or no, they have neither the ability nor the courage to verify it.

Su Li breathed out a breath and said calmly again: To be honest - in fact, these three reasons are just what I said casually. Maybe the Wandao Dragon King really doesn't have any ideas, or even doesn't know what is happening here at all.

But for me, there is only one reason for doing this, and that is for their own good.

When Ao Yun and Ao Ying heard this, their breaths froze - is this guy so direct? Not even covering it up?

He actually said it was for the sake of the Dragon Clan’s geniuses?

For the sake of Ao Ting Longzi?

Are these words so high-sounding and shameless?

At this time, both Ao Ying and Ao Ting were obviously more interested in Su Li, the Su Human Emperor - although this man was about to die, his soul seemed quite interesting?

After all, good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are hard to find.

Su Li nodded lightly and said in a calm tone: Of course it's for their own good - in my opinion, they are really going too far. It doesn't matter if they go too far. After all, I, the Su Renhuang, have always convinced people with virtue and will not really fight with them. I don't care, so I won't kill them.

But it is obviously wrong for them to be so domineering and arrogant.

In this way, if in the future we meet beings like the Emperor Su Wangchen, or if we meet beings like Su Pangu, Su Hongjun, or even Ba Feng... well, Jiu Feng, they will most likely not only be beaten to death, but also penetrated. The soul will still be suppressed in the latrine of the Netherworld Sea, unable to survive or die.

Instead of them being so miserable in the future, suffering such losses that they will regret it and be unable to save themselves, it is better for me to teach them a lesson now and let them know that the sky is the limit.

Look, am I not really kind and kind?

Look at Ao Ting Longzi again. He was so arrogant and domineering before, with his eyes above his head. Now he was taught a lesson by me casually and convinced people with virtue. His current state of mind immediately improved greatly, as if he had encountered a peerless person. adventure.

In this way, am I not his noble person?

The help given to him is help that affects his life and is the sublimation and transformation of his soul.

Just kneel down and kowtow to express your gratitude. Isn't this normal?

Moreover, as the Emperor of the Su people, he is a junior, and if he offends me, he kneels down and kowtows to admit his mistake. This is rotten wood that cannot be carved - no, this is a child that can be taught.

Just like after you were disrespectful to your ancestors, you suddenly realized it and kowtowed in front of your ancestors to admit your mistake. This is like a prodigal son who can never pay for his return.

From this, I have gained a lot of merit.

Isn't this for their own good?

As Su Li spoke, he also gathered a series of sources of merit.

The origin of this merit really comes from Ao Ting.


This was beaten out alive by Su Li and harvested by the divine fortune.

It is not the real gain after ‘conquering people with virtue’.

Of course, if it is counted in the cause and effect of conquering people with virtue, it is still very appropriate.

Ao Ying and Ao Yun were stunned when they heard this - this, this, this, how can this be explained?

The two of them looked at each other in silence, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, unable to say a word - this Su Renhuang seemed to be a little shameless and a little bit interesting?

If this man is not going to die, maybe he is a little smaller and can I let him test my depth?

At this time, Ao Ying suddenly became even more excited.

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