I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,111 Extraordinary enlightenment, Dragon Girl’s scheming mind

In the distance, there was a huge commotion here, so many practitioners came over.

Under normal circumstances, there would not be many practitioners watching the excitement. After all, in a cruel world, the practitioners who could survive would definitely not be those who like to gossip - except Ba Feng.

But this time, after getting involved with Su Renhuang, the situation was completely different.

There are more and more onlookers.

And with the complete end of A Chinese Story and the repair of the faults in the timeline, most of the practitioners who came out one after another gathered here.

This group of practitioners also restrained their aura at this time, distanced themselves a bit, and then all looked around thoughtfully.

On the one hand, I want to know the status and combat power of the Su Renhuang. On the other hand, I also want to see if the Su Renhuang is kind-hearted or decisive in killing - whether he is benevolent to the point of weakness, or he is still extremely capable. Principled kindness.

Also, when facing the issue of life and death, will you compromise, or even deliberately attack people's hearts and grovel?

Currently, only the Heart of the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Emperor—that is, the Dragon Crystal of the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Emperor—can perfectly repair Dao injuries.

And this requires giving something, marriage, or even dual cultivation of Taoism, is just one of the foundations.

Obviously, the people of the Dragon Clan would never sacrifice like this for the long-term development of the Dragon Clan - at least, in the eyes of many geniuses, although the Su Renhuang is good, it is not worth it.

In other aspects, the Dragon Clan is more generous and it doesn't matter if they provide some help.

But the possibility of the Dragon King-level dragon crystal... and the loss of at least two peerless dragon girls, and the most top-notch dragon girls, is extremely slim.

In this way, Su Li will inevitably need to be more humble to please and pay a certain price, maybe this is possible.

In this form, the provocations of these dragon clan geniuses may be just provocations, or they may be purely disgusting, and may even force Su Li to give up on his own initiative, break off the engagement, etc., so that the dragon clan can gain a good reputation - not my dragon clan Not willing, but Su Renhuang was arrogant and self-righteous and gave up on his own initiative.

Anyway, no one knows whether this is the case.

But this does not prevent some geniuses from thinking this way.

And these geniuses are obviously geniuses with extraordinary strength.

In fact, the geniuses who can survive the world of A Chinese Girl will definitely not be some bad geniuses.

However, Su Li's performance at this time naturally made these talented people completely stunned.

You know, if they are just ordinary talented men and women of the Dragon Clan, they will be beaten if they are beaten. It is true that they are disrespectful and provocative.

This does make sense.

But at this time, Ao Ting is the real son of the dragon and the biological brother of the dragon girl Ao Ying!

This Su Renhuang not only took action with cruel and cruel methods, he even humiliated Ao Ting and made Ao Ting kneel down three times and kowtow nine times to atone for his sins? !

This is simply unreasonable!

Is the Su Renhuang giving up on the marriage?

Dragon Girl Ao Ying really cares about her younger brother!

I heard that the relationship between their siblings is very good. They spend almost every day together. Ao Yinglong girl didn't come this time?

Maybe he's here, but it's just not convenient to show up.

Why are you tired of being together every day? What nonsense are you talking about?

Haha, there is a more exciting story in this.

Be careful, Yun Tianjiao, it's better not to be tainted by the karma of the dragon son and dragon girl.

Haha, how can I, Yun Xiaoyan, be afraid of the mere dragon girl Longzi? Why can't I say that they did such a thing? But... there is indeed no specific cause and effect, so I won't talk nonsense.

There was a lot of discussion at the scene.

But many geniuses are actually quite speechless and don't know what to say.

Although Su Renhuang was happy to do this, he had completely forced himself into a very bad position.

This is equivalent to not showing any face to the Dragon Clan!

After all, the Su Renhuang at this time can be regarded as asking for help from the Dragon Clan.

Furthermore, no matter what, considering the relationship between Ao Ting and Ao Ying Longnu, this face must be given anyway, but Su Renhuang did not give this face.

It was like this before, but now he even makes Ao Tingsan kneel down and kowtow for nine times. This is even an insult to the dragon clan's face.

Let me kneel down for you, three times and nine times! Can you bear it?! Have you ever thought about the consequences?!

Ao Ting was completely suppressed and was unable to resist. He also noticed Su Li's fierce murderous intention. He was already panicking inside. However, because of his good face, he could only speak harshly but inwardly.


Su Li did not hesitate, and slapped Ao Ting hard on the face with a big ear-scratcher, which made him dizzy and made stars appear in his eyes.

I want to know now what the result you are talking about is. I even think that these methods to deal with you are not humiliating, let alone humiliating. It should be more cruel.

Su Li spoke calmly, and in that tone, it was obvious that he didn't take Ao Ting seriously at all.

And in fact, it is indeed the case.

In the final analysis, the meaning of Su Li's existence now is to accumulate the system's foundation and complete a special reopening.

The other aspects are naturally not as important as he thought.

After seeing this clearly, it is actually very trivial to judge these things.

Moreover, Su Li understood one thing very well - no matter whether he was the Su Renhuang or not, just because of his identity as the 'Lord of Heaven', the ancestor of the Dragon Clan's Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Emperor would never act recklessly.

Not to mention, the identity of the human emperor of the prehistoric royal family is actually more important to the ancestor of the Wandao Dragon Emperor.

In the final analysis, the Dragon Clan can become a Dragon Clan because it has more or less benefited from the prehistoric mythological world system. If it cannot be recognized by Su Li, it will still be unable to get ahead in the future.

If he grasped this point well, let alone a mere dragon son or dragon girl, even if the Dragon Clan Ancestor himself sent it to Su Li to kill ten or eight times, he would have to take the initiative to send it to Su Li if he wanted to.

This is the big picture.

Before the intelligence of these juniors deteriorated, they couldn't understand it. Now that their intelligence has deteriorated, they naturally don't understand it even more.

They don't understand, but there are some dragons who understand.

As for Ao Ting?

Ao Ting has always been a very domineering person, but now there is someone who is even more domineering than him, let alone someone who wants something from his dragon clan. Naturally, it is very difficult for him to accept it.

However, after being slapped hard on the face by such a big-hearted guy, Ao Ying, the dragon girl sister who had originally mentioned that she would share the same hatred with him, did not stand up at this time.

Not only did he not stand up, but even the special 'telepathy' between the two parties was immediately cut off when Su Li's aura of calmness and self-power broke out.

Ao Ting is stupid, but not stupid enough.

If at this point he still doesn't know that he was abandoned by his sister Ao Ying, then he is really a loser.

Long Zi is domineering and a little stupid, but he is not a waste.

Sister Yingying actually...

Ao Ting's face looked as if it was about to split, but he quickly fell silent.

He lowered his head, then raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and knelt down in front of Su Li with a 'pop'.

Bang bang bang——

Kneeling three times and knocking nine times!

After kneeling down with great piety and seriousness, the etiquette standards were in place.

Senior Su Renhuang, please forgive Ao Ting for being ignorant and rude.

Every time he kowtowed, Ao Ting knelt down and saluted. This embarrassing thing, such as kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times, was actually done by him in a sacred and solemn way.

The scene was completely silent.

Immediately, a group of practitioners were even more stunned and confused.

Everyone gasped instinctively, dumbfounded and at the same time, the incredible look in their eyes was unimaginable.

Su Li glanced at Ao Ting in surprise. Instead of getting better, his mood became slightly blocked. If Ao Ting was still domineering, he wouldn't really kill him, because in the end they were all ants.

But he will throw him half-dead and throw him back into the Dragon Clan Dragon Palace area without caring about it.

But he never expected that under such circumstances, Ao Ting would wake up.

On the surface, he, Su Li, is now in glory, his majesty has been restored, and he has gained face.

But the meaning behind this is extraordinary.

The meaning behind this illustrates a very clear problem - no matter what level these geniuses have been raised to, no matter how imperfect their background is at this time, no matter how low their current intelligence is, they will wake up. , will awaken at critical moments, and even transform and progress rapidly.

We are not afraid of them being domineering, but if we can gain wisdom and continue to transform and progress, this is often the most terrifying thing.

After the timeline has been repaired, their transformation speed has changed, their own enlightenment ability has been strengthened, and their strength has transformed more smoothly. After removing the benefit of 'real-time update', they no longer rely on external objects to grow, but on themselves An inner awakening.”

“A glimpse of one spot reveals the whole leopard.”

The lower level is like this, but the upper level... the potential has become unfathomable.

Su Li was silent for a long time, then nodded slightly and said, You can teach a child. With such an awareness, the future is limitless.

As Su Li spoke, he raised his hand to gather the power of immortality and unlocked the ancient ban on souls and other restrictions.

He did not use the power of the source of hope to help the other party recover from his injuries, but only unlocked the other party's shackles.

Afterwards, Su Li didn't speak anymore.

On the contrary, after being unblocked, Ao Ting clasped his fists and saluted again. He did not say any harsh words, but took a few steps back respectfully before calmly controlling his soul power and flying away.

As for the buzz around him, he no longer paid attention.

On the other side, Ao Ying and Ao Yun, who were watching this scene from a distance, looked at each other and said nothing.

This Su Renhuang is quite domineering. He also has a good heart.

Ao Ying commented lightly, but still didn't take Su Li to heart.

It seems that his desire for marriage is not necessarily strong. He probably knows that there is no hope for the ancestor.

Ao Yun sneered and said: So, he is somewhat self-aware.

Ao Ying disagreed and said: No, this man is scheming, not as simple as you think - if he really didn't have anything, he would have been eaten to the bone long ago, how could he survive until now? After all, He could survive the trip to the Elf Realm and Sea, how could it be easy?

By doing this, he gave people the illusion that he was unwilling to marry. This was retreat in order to advance.

Furthermore, with the character of the Dragon King Patriarch, he couldn't do anything to actively refuse.

In addition, this marriage is the intention of the higher-ups...

This move not only saves face, but also shows courage, and also shows his combat power and value - even if he is on the verge of death, he is still invincible at the same level.

This is what he has in mind.

Hearing this, Ao Yun pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: This person is really amazing at playing with his mind. Indeed, when you say this, many things suddenly become clear.

If so, this person does have some skills. Could it be that Yingying has no idea at all?

Ao Ying said: Since you know the result, there is no need to bury yourself - besides, you should know more or less about some of the things at the top. So, he is indeed not going to grow up.

Now, what is needed is a series of stability. After this stable period...

As far as his existence is concerned, he may be given a decent death and a glorious ending.

The rest, the rest is nothing.

In this case, do you still want to send yourself up there?

Of course, if you want to try his ability, you can try it. After all, this special existence has the ability to last for thirty breaths?

You can verify the authenticity. Anyway, this is a ‘true and false’ person.

Ao Ying joked and described Su Li's 'True and Void Taoism' as true and 'virtual'.

Xu here obviously means ‘no’.

After hearing this, Ao Yun thought for a while, and a look of disgust suddenly appeared on her pretty face: In this case, such a little loach probably can't make any waves in my profound orthodoxy. After all, Still not worth it and meaningless.

Come to think of it, since this kind of gossip appears, it is probably not aimless and has some credibility.

This person did well in terms of great love and open-mindedness because he was not good at many things.

A person who truly has seven emotions and six desires is often very possessive, which is not the case with him.

Ao Yun is obviously very good at spiritual matters, and has a strong grasp of certain human natures and even divinities.

Moreover, the most obvious difference from other existences is that her intelligence has obviously not been affected by the real-time erasure.

In other words, if Su Li knew about her situation at this time, his understanding of the real genius would be deeper.

But at this time, Su Li did not know about Ao Yun and Ao Ying.

Ao Ying pondered for a moment, then smiled with relief and said: That's right, so I won't consider marrying him. Of course, looking at your intentions now, you don't have any interest at all.

However - of course this 'superior' product should be put to its fullest use.

Neither of us likes it, but...

But what, Ao Ying did not say clearly.

Ao Yun smiled jokingly and understood what Ao Ying meant: Yes, those two hypocritical and self-righteous dragon girls can be put to good use.

Ao Ying sneered and said: Why Qin Mo Shuangshu, only they are worthy of it?

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