I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,105 The Road to the Future, Marriage Cause and Effect

As Su Li expected, the system was completely upgraded this time.

Its seven-star upgrade transformed to the eight-star level.

What Qixing pays attention to is Qi Shang.

The Bagua and balance that the Eight Stars pay attention to correspond to down.

This is a state that looks powerful and perfect but is not very stable.

However, both the system and Su Li had expected this aspect. Very early on, the system actually had the ability to transform into an eight-star level 64.

However, at that time, Su Li and the system maintained a certain tacit understanding, temporarily suppressing this upgrade and retaining the corresponding foundation.

But this time, it is obvious that the system has not only completed the transformation of the extreme, but the level and the stars of some corresponding functions have also reached the eight-star balance level.

In addition, the system has a large balance in terms of foundation and fortune points.

This kind of balance is the real balance.

In other words, it is precisely this surplus that shows that the people of the Sanqing Realm Master have given up the idea of ​​harvesting.

Only in this way can these insights be fed back in the form of data.

The benefits of this are indeed countless.

This is the biggest benefit of this time.

As for the destiny of 'Lord of Heaven', in fact, this is only a superficial benefit - for Su Li, this halo seems to have many conveniences, but it will also help him promote the Chinese ancestral land, Creating a prehistoric royal family poses certain obstacles.

This is the disadvantage that this identity brings after getting close to the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower.

But to Su Li, these situations really don't matter.

Because he doesn't need to care about these things, and he doesn't need to look at other people's faces for any decision he makes.

The system itself is his.

His own dojo is also his own arrangement.

Even the dojos on the first nine and tenth floors of the memory restricted area have now become his own for him.

As long as he is not the true master of heaven, it will not have any impact on his own cultivation growth and establishment of the Tao.

External obstacles are another matter.

At this time, Su Li was most concerned about the function of 'Tianji Meditation'.

Meditation is a state of mind, and it is also a foundation for observing and deducing the world in the Huangji Jingshi Book.

This ability is really a spiritual ability.

Similar to spiritualism.

But in fact, this ability is the 'meditation' orthodoxy that Su Li acquired in the space fault deep in the sea of ​​​​elves, a special state of meditation.

The sublimation and detachment of the soul are indeed very powerful.

Just because Tianji's sign-in ability transformed into Tianji's meditation ability, Su Li's intellectual foundation transformed from seventeen to eighteen or above.

Breaking the barrier of eighteen.

Breaking this barrier is actually a special kind of detachment in itself.

Coupled with his current form of existence, this is indeed a kind of Great Emperor destiny.

During this period of time, combined with his own Dao Injury, Su Li could indeed do many things without any scruples or worries.

But Su Li is Su Li. If he is unscrupulous and careless, what is the difference between him and the prodigal Su Wangchen?

After possessing the ability of Tianji Meditation, Su Li has completely understood how he should deal with the cause and effect of this world.

At this time, Su Li's eyes completely fell on the time point on the system panel.

Su Li remembered the previous time clearly, it was 15:33 on February 23, the first year of the Prehistoric Era, and 15:33 on October 16, 3030, the Yunhuang Era.

The current time: 15:33 on July 26, the first year of the Prehistoric Era, 23:33 on July 26, 3032, during the Yunhuang Era.

Time is obviously lost in this.

Moreover, Su Li's time was cut off by almost five months.

And how much time was cut off in the Yunhuang era?

Nearly two years, which is more than nine months a year.

Why is time being ‘cut’?

These are some of the inconsistencies caused by the timeline repair.

The areas that do not fit will be overwritten by very simple and repetitive life experiences. Then, even some monks with amazing memories will not have many relevant memories.

In their memories, this period of their lives is like a puppet, repeating the things they usually do every day.

Like three points and one line in life, with repetition, this period of time can be gradually chipped away.

At the same time, some causes and effects that cannot be dealt with will be properly arranged.

Su Li indeed no longer knows these things.

However, some beings will gradually pull out what happened during this period of time and the corresponding cause and effect, and then, just like Lianxu Huazhen, fill in the illusion, and slowly the corresponding memory will be restored - oh, It turns out that so many things happened before.

In this way, everything will become perfect.

That is to say, in the gap in the timeline, I existed in the form of the Supreme Being of Ten Thousand Daos, and in the form of a bystander and planner. During the time when I became the top layer, the corresponding actual cause and effect was almost the same. Years and four months.

The remaining five-odd months were shaved off like them.

This may be precisely the causal factor that has reduced the fate of the indigenous people.

This is indeed a very mysterious rule, and a very magical form of refining the void and returning it to the true form.

If one repair is not enough and the so-called 'timeline impurities' cannot be removed, then superimpose time and cause and effect multiple times, then remove and replace. This will go smoothly.

Su Li was deep in thought, and then instinctively glanced at the cute light blue elf on the system panel.

The light blue elf was now completely carefree.

She has shown her laziness to the fullest.

In other words, her mission has been completed, and what she is now connecting with Su Li is a smaller version of Immortal Light Blue.

This gave Su Li an illusion - his identity was different, his status was higher, even his 'secretary' had been upgraded, and the people he was dealing with were all high-level beings.

This feeling is indeed very obvious.

Su Li's mood relaxed a lot, and he smiled and said in his heart: The changes in the rules of the timeline are mysterious and unpredictable. After understanding this, it will be of great help to me in the era of great struggle between the royal families.

Immortal Light Blue smiled and responded softly: That's natural. After all, even the eighteenth level of life wisdom and enlightenment in the state of rule pulling is still somewhat transcendent.

Everything benefits from the whirling state of the Thousand Worlds of the Three Thousand Avenues, as well as the corresponding state of listening to the secrets of heaven and meditating on the secrets of heaven.

Su Li responded in his heart: That's true. Although the system no longer displays the Three Thousand Avenues, I have already sensed it - the Great Chaos Technique, the Great Yin-Yang Technique, the Great Five Elements Technique, the Great World Technique, the Great Sky Technique, and even It’s a great prophecy technique, and it’s fast.”

Hearing this, Immortal Qinglan's beautiful eyes were full of relief.

This is truly an indescribable joy and touch.

With Tianji Meditation, you have surpassed the level of Tianji Sign-in, and you can transform yourself from the three thousand avenues to the all-round perfection of entering the palace, and suddenly realize the profound meaning of the rhyme of the thousands of worlds. You are indeed... the helmsman of this layout.

Moreover, this time you don't even need to hide or deliberately interpret it. Dao injuries arise naturally and disappear naturally... No existence can detect any abnormalities.

You have transcended the level of Daoshang and are above Daoshang.

Su Li said: It seems that everything is very good and perfect, but in fact, at this time, I can only just stand firm, and I can't be careless at all.

Immortal Light Blue, you also understand that this time the forbidden memory includes the soul sea, the cause and effect in the depths of the Tianchi Blood River, and the simulator's cause and effect and corresponding small world. All the details have not been discovered.

Including some of the catastrophes, they have not been truly dealt with.

That world was only temporarily blocked or covered.

Covering is not so much interruption as avoidance.

But that is still Su Ye's restricted area of ​​memory.

It was still the cause and effect caused by Su Wangchen.

Hu Chen is still there, and Hu's fairy gourd world is still there, so this stability cannot be completed.

Immortal Light Blue, do you understand this?

Immortal Qinglan said softly: Don't think about taking a big step at once. For now, what we used to be the worst policy can now become the best policy because of your identity change.

Before that, since it was decided that in the future, I would refine the real and return to the imaginary, and at the same time, I would refine the imaginary and return to the real.

Then, just manage everything that follows well.

So, do you still remember what I said to you before?

Su Li was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly and said, I remember. You mentioned the marriage before.

Immortal Qinglan said: This is indeed the case.

As before, the core cause and effect will not change, it is just that it will not be harvested for the time being - but after the bottom line is broken once, it may be broken countless times.

Don't think that the identity of the Lord of Heaven will definitely not be harvested.

After all - even in China, there are not a few people who chew on the old, right?

Those who took the blood of their parents to live happily, wasn't Hu Chen a witness? The money from selling blood of parents can be used to live happily, so it is normal for the Lord of Heaven to be harvested or betrayed by them.

All I can say is that it is currently beneficial to you, but once you are at the top, you have to understand some of the top-level thinking.

Of course, you are now fully qualified in this regard, which is a good thing, but it is also the beginning of greater pressure and challenges.

Su Li silently agreed.

Immortal Qian Lan added: Let's talk about marriage. According to cause and effect, if you want to reset Hua Taichu's cause and effect, or solve his suffering, you can only use cause and effect to match cause and effect.

Therefore, once Ao Qin died for love did not happen, Ao Qin's lover could be Hua Taichu or you.

Of course, the real Ao Qin likes Hua Taichu, just like Zixia in the small world of Westward Journey likes Supreme Treasure.

But the Zixia on the city wall in the sunset likes the Sunset Warrior.

What is that supreme treasure?

It's just a dog that has to carry the burden of saving all sentient beings in order to obtain sutras - only by obtaining sutras and saving sentient beings will there be no more suffering like the Supreme Treasure and Zixia.

Ao Qin is dead.

Hua Taichu died.

Hua Qiudao also died.

But only by doing it, only by persisting on this path, can the wronged souls of the Emperor Soul Clan truly transcend.

You have made a great wish - until hell is empty, you will never become a Buddha.

What is imitated is Ksitigarbha’s cause and effect.

It just so happens that hell has now become the imperial domain, the emperor's prison.

In the Emperor's Prison, those imprisoned are the wronged souls of my Chinese children...

What is the Emperor Soul Clan?

What is the Soul Clan?

Immortal Qianlan said, sighed softly, and brought the topic back up.

I mentioned to you before - that Ao Qin died for love a long time ago.

After Hua Taichu died, she went to seek revenge from Jiang Taiyi. After being severely injured, she died to protect her innocence. Today's Ao Qin is the next life she will live, and Hua Taichu's cause and effect has ended and she is completely dead. Not many people remember Hua Taichu anymore, so I judged at that time that it should be possible for her to marry you.

If there is a marriage, the upper level will use the dragon crystal of the dragon clan to repair your Tao damage.

Dragon Crystal, also known as the Heart of the Dragon King.

The time you manifested the five-clawed golden dragon, the orthodox Dragon Emperor, was qualified.

This is the way to preserve the source of hope.

At present, in terms of the general direction, the upper levels are actually not bad, otherwise the world would not be able to continue to grow.

And if this request is made - you stand in the direction of humanity and righteousness, you cannot refuse.

This was actually considered at the time.

But now, you are burdened with the 'Lord of Heaven', which they think cannot be stripped away, but is actually just an additional state that Hua Qiudao has trapped the black shadow cause and effect of Guixu.

In this way, you can have the foundation to complete such a combination.

As long as you change Ao Qin's cause and effect, you will change the situation again.

At the same time, I will not interfere with whatever you do next - how to do it, or even make suggestions.

Because you are the Human Emperor and also the 'Lord of Heaven', you will have your own judgment - whether this judgment is good or bad, right or wrong, it is a kind of tempering and training for your growth. .

Why don't I care?

Because there is still room for trial and error, and there are still opportunities for trial and error.

But if you refine the true to return to false and reverse the cause and effect and refine the false to true, there will be no chance for trial and error.

At that time, once those powerful upper-level or even top-level people intervened to buy the bottom and strike head-on, it would be a real disaster and irreversible!

Su Li nodded deeply and said, My bloodline has obviously completely transformed and recovered. Is this something they sensed?

Immortal Light Blue affirmed: This is nature - this is a kind of positive feedback that they have restrained all kinds of cages. When it appears in you, it is 'Heaven's care', and it is 'impossible not to care' That kind of thing.

In a short period of time, they will still worry about their face and will not quarrel with each other.

In addition, Li Juan is balancing in it, and Hu Chen is muddying the waters, both trying to cause trouble. In fact, it is the most balanced state.

In this case, grasping the pattern is the most critical.

So whether this is the case depends on the specific situation - of course you are willing, but others may not be willing, because now the higher-ups know that you won't live long.

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