I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,104 8-star system, destiny soul emperor

Likewise, Su Li naturally knows everything about the communication between the Lord of Tongtian Realm and the Ghosts of the Three Purities.

But the Su Li of today is not the Su Li of the past. Even if he knows the cause and effect, he will not keep this information in his heart or memory.

Moreover, for such a cause and effect, in fact, Su Li only provided corresponding traction, and it was Hua Qiudao who really helped complete such a tarsal maggot operation.

However, what Hua Qiudao left behind was Su Li's causal direction.

The result of this is that others will think that Su Li is the Lord of Heaven, and even affirm it as such.

After all, the real Su Li did not really participate in it.

It is well known that he has been trapped in the sea of ​​elves.

Without participation, cause and effect cannot be drawn, and layout is impossible.

Therefore, on this basis, the cause and effect of the Lord of Heaven can be trusted.

But in fact, Su Li is not the Lord of Heaven, and there is no so-called cause and effect - the reason why he is the Lord of Heaven is actually just what the Three Pure Realm Lords and other entities think, and the timeline also gives such a Cause and effect orientation.

But Su Li himself has never admitted it, nor will he admit it, so Su Li will not be involved in such a cause and effect.

In this way, the so-called ‘impurity’ no longer exists.

In this way, the Three Pure Realm Lords would no longer think about harvesting Su Li.

Li Juan, on her side, will also not think about harvesting Su Li, but will further protect and cultivate him.

As for the side of the prehistoric mythical world, after determining such a result, they will find that there is a new room for penetration and operation, at least it is not a completely blocked road, so they will also escape. .

In this case, the whole world would become active because of Su Li's existence.

It's like a very simple economic story - a thousand dollars from outside revitalized the entire economic system of a small town.

Today, Su Li is still the same Su Li, and the cause and effect is still the same.

Even after the timeline is repaired, some things that should exist still exist, and things that should disappear may not disappear.

But the overall structure has become different.

The opening of the Emperor Soul Realm clearly illustrates this point.

In addition, the help and compensation given to Su Li seemed more sincere and more valuable.

In this situation, what would Su Li do?

He has always been a man of integrity, so he will not accept this kind of food that comes from outside.

Therefore, when Su Li accepted it, the other party had to pay some price and make greater sacrifices and concessions, so that Su Li would compromise appropriately.

In this regard, it can actually make Su Li's path easier to walk, and naturally he can gain more information.

Su Li has already analyzed these aspects and considered the next path.

After these matters were properly handled, Su Li silently closed the Huangji Jingshi Book.

Today, the growth of Huangji Jingshi Shu has reached a very scary stage.

The dojo contained in this is already pure and powerful beyond imagination.

Almost all the details of the chaotic world in Su Ye's mind have been drawn in, and many aspects of the rules at the timeline level have been quoted by the system, and a series of corresponding modifications have been made.

As for the subsequent cause and effect in Su Ye's memory restricted area?

There is no subsequent cause and effect.

Why not?

It’s not that it hasn’t developed, but there are still many changes.

How has the situation changed today?

This situation is - the fantasy world that once existed has almost completely disappeared.

That world can be seen as a chaotic world of cause and effect.

And the cause and effect of that world has changed.

When the cause and effect changes, many things will become completely irreversible.

Therefore, its corresponding cause and effect is the world today.

In today's world, Su Li has gone through the restoration of the timeline since he came to this world. This can be regarded as a brand new era.

In this era, there are actually many causes and effects that have not been completed or resolved.

For example, Su Meng.

For example, Yan Yan has not been born yet but always needs to be born.

But these are still not the key.

The key is that while Taishan in the fantasy world of the past completely disappeared, Meier also completely gained liberation, detachment, and new life.

This is an important factor.

At this time, Su Li was not excited, nor did he have any major emotional changes.

While coughing, looking slightly weak and pale, he watched in the white light in the distance the geniuses who were gradually returning from their experience in the world of A Chinese Girl.

Some he knew, and many more he didn't know.

But he didn't take the initiative to speak. Instead, he looked at the waterspout area in the distance.

From there, you can enter the Flower Moon Valley.

What will the scenery of Huayue Valley be like today?

Where could it be?

Su Li didn't know, and he didn't want to pay too much attention to it at the moment.

Su Li silently brought up the system panel.

He hadn't watched this panel in a long time.

I didn't watch it before because the system anti-virus was not completed and the connection of the timeline was not perfect.

But now, the system is a complete system, and the dojo is also a real dojo.

So, what would this message look like?

The Ultimate Heavenly Secret File System Light Blue☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Seven Stars Defying Fate and Bagua Form

Current time: 15:33 on July 26, the first year of the Prehistoric Era; 23:33 on July 26, 3032 of the Yunhuang Era

Level: 64

Secret value: 172, 9973, 1759

Causal value: 9

Merit value: 22, 1669, 7673, 1225

Creation point: 3771, 9056

Immortality value: 27, 3129, 2311

Basic Guardian Taoism Immortal Light Blue: Live in truth and emptiness, live in the present reversal of reality.

Basic functions: Tianji Meditation: Meditation is a state of mind, and it is also a foundation for observing and deducing the world in the Huangji Jingshi Book.

Function 1: System early warning is passive: the sea reaches the limitless sky and the shore reaches the end, and I am the peak when the road reaches its peak. The system is strong enough to prove the truth in all directions - the ability radiates in all directions, it can sense great cause and effect and immeasurable disasters, form a direct or indirect early warning, and have a certain probability of activating the light blue saint of heaven to protect the way at the moment of threat.

Function 2: The God of Secrets ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆: The purpose is - if I brag and criticize you, just listen. If I don’t brag and criticize you, just listen honestly. Just listen to the God of Heaven and God and it’s over. However, the 'life file' is the evolution of the 'seeing the future' function of the cycle of cause and effect, destiny, and reincarnation. It is recorded in the book of life and death, so there will be no mistakes. If there is a mistake, then use function 3 to give it some color.

Function 3: Heaven's Secret Reverses Fate ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆: The life profile or essence of a living body can be locked and modified. If you use the fortune pen and the Book of Life and Death to copy the opponent's profile, you can directly lose life. Obliterate! Life-cutting and erasure are no longer affected by the opponent's life-chart strength, and the source of creation and imperial life-qi can be forcibly cut away.

Function 4: Ultimate Merit Mall: The system will provide the best product selection plan on its own or directly provide items that best fit the cause and effect of the current environment to provide auxiliary help without any consumption and with a certain upper limit.

Tianji Mall gestation time: The system will be conceived intelligently on its own, and there is no system that has the final say. Just use it if you have it, if not, don’t beep.

Function 5: True and Void Realization ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Priority is given to the Small Thousand World, the Middle Thousand World, or the Causal World of Ancient Myths in the Heavens and Worlds. The system uses endless fate, causal merit, and reincarnation to recreate the real world, including the Tianmai World. The archive world, and deduce everything that may happen in reality in the archive world.

In the file world, you can speed up the passage of time at any time. There is no limit to the sustainable time of the file world. The longer the time, the more unstable it becomes. The optimal three days is three days, followed by seven to fifteen days, and the upper limit is one month.

During the period of ‘True and Void Realization’, all system functions can be used, covering all the Middle Thousand Worlds and Small Thousand Worlds.

Ancillary function reward - file copying.

File copy: You can copy any life form participating in the file world, except the life form in the world, and make a perfect copy. You can have all the abilities of the character and completely replace the life form within the period of the next use of the true and virtual realization function! During the period when the life body's files are replaced, the life body will experience the cause and effect of being closed down, permanently trapped in the Lost Realm and lose all self. At the same time, it will not be able to produce any memory of everything during the period of being copied.

After recovery, you can choose to lose your memory or choose the memory experience of the copyist - that is, it is completely covered by the experience within the suppression time and completely substituted into the evaluation after realizing the truth and void, which determines the full substitution effect of the 'copied character').

Function 6: Chaos of heaven and earth ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆: The system creates a chaotic world and chaos of heaven and earth, forming a simulated real and virtual environment at the beginning of creation to provide various modifications and calculations to better fit the layout of the causal reincarnation system.

Function 7: Exquisite secrets☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆: Exquisite chess game, using the heaven and earth as the chessboard, and the common people as the creation, to derive real scenes. The system will use the great reincarnation, destiny, cause and effect, and chaos as its foundation to evolve the exquisite chess game, allowing the chess pieces to fall into the chessboard. They will be drawn by the reincarnation of cause and effect and recognize the cage of truth. They will fall into the cage of truth and be unable to extricate themselves.

Function 8: The Bagua Wheel of the Tianji Star Transformation Passive Cause System, corresponding to the Bagua Zhoutian. This function is turned on to the limit: the star rating is improved and the function is transformed. The system will intelligently consume a certain basic value on its own and evolve corresponding system function optimization and transformation.

Function 9: The current number of spins of the destiny roulette is 33) The wheel is fun for a while, and it will always be fun if you keep turning it: the hope that comes from true love can definitely create miracles; the roulette that comes from destiny can definitely change your destiny.

Function 10: Listening to the truth of the heavenly pulse is superb: the eye of listening is the only one in the world, immortal and eternal. It can illuminate the darkness and extinguish the light. It can evolve the darkness and ignite the light. It can see the three realms and five elements, the six paths of reincarnation, the creation of merit, and the origin of cause and effect.

Have your own realm: Earthly Immortal Realm Kung Fu 1100 → Earthly Immortal Realm Superb Transformation 1100) Transformation level upgrade.

Possessing the foundation of enlightenment: Life Wisdom Enlightenment [17 (181927)] → Life Wisdom Enlightenment [18+181927] The improvement is more obvious. Here I have to show my aunt's smile again.

Possessing three thousand spells that have awakened the reincarnation vision of thousands of worlds: the great destiny spell has entered the room 100100; the great reincarnation spell has entered the room 100100); the great time spell has entered the room 100100; the great cause and effect spell has entered the room 100100; the great wish spell has entered the room 100100; the great fortune spell has entered the room 100100; The great catastrophe spell has entered the room 100100); the great soul spell has come into the room 100100); the great merit spell has come into the room 100100); the great origin spell has come into the room 100100); the great space spell has come into the room 100100); the great astrology spell has come into the room 100100).

Possess prehistoric talents: Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix bloodline; Pangu bloodline enters the room 73100 → 100/100; Suzaku bloodline of the four holy beasts enters the room 1100) → 100/100; First glimpse of the green dragon bloodline of the four holy beasts 1100) → 100/100.

Own the prehistoric dojo:

Dojo 1: The first nine floors of the Tianmai Domain Memory Forbidden Zone, the ninth floor of the Hanguguan Memory Forbidden Zone, the ninth floor of the Wangchenhuan Memory Forbidden Zone, and the tenth floor of the Guixu Black Abyss Memory Zone.

Dojo 2: The Immortal Realm of the Land of the Emperor's Sutra: It contains the Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor, the Divine Realm of East Taishan Mountain, Wuzhi Mountain, Qingdi Palace, Yaochi, Underworld Reincarnation Hall, and Huaguo Mountain.

Dojo Three: The World of the Book of the Other Side of the Huangji Jingshi Book: The World of the Ancient Royal Family.

Dojo 4: The World of the Other Side of the Huangji Jingshi Shu: A Chinese Ghost Story.

Dojo 5: The Mirror World of Mountains and Rivers and the Land of the World. Ten paintings of the world.

Possessing the Soul Immortal Foundation: The Earthly Immortal Immortal Soul’s Divine Consciousness is greatly improved; the Heavenly Vein and Dao Gong ginseng creation → the Heavenly Vein and Dao’s Divine Realization is enhanced.

Possessing one of the special items: Linghe Green Lotus Armor, Hope Soul Poison Yuyi Gathers God and Divine Transformation, Hope Soul Poison Sword Gathers Divine Soul and Divine Transformation and it is made by refining the Heavenly Soul weapon for 20,000 years.

Possessing two special items: Jade Disc of Creation is activated, initially opened, Sky-Opening Axe, Xuanyuan Sword Gathers Spirits for Perfect Repair and Evolution, Fuxi Qin Gathers Spirits, Creation Pen Gathers Spirits This is still a stupid pen, Book of the Other Shore Gathers Spirits, Blood God Xinluo, Moro umbrella.

Possessing system special abilities: Heavenly Meridian Listens to the Chaos Emperor Dao and sees that the five aggregates of divinity are all empty; The Chaos Destiny Sutra has a first glimpse of the Emperor's Path; The Juehun Ancient Forbidden Emperor's Path has a first glimpse; Tianshu ancient town's divine magic shows that the five aggregates of divinity are all empty; The Great Array of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons, Yuanci Divine Realm is perfected; The Royal Thunder God Chapter enters the palace; Nine Palaces of Spiritual Source Array reaches its peak; Nine Palaces of Spiritual Source Alchemy Path reaches its peak ; The mystic arts channeling shows that the five aggregates of divinity are all empty and perfect; The Heavenly Meridian Fighting Soul Gong takes part in creation; The Heavenly Vein Divine Hidden Gong takes part in creation.

Possessing the system's special magical powers: Red Soul Shenfa reveals that all five aggregates of divinity are empty; The method of refining the gods enters the hall; The transformation of the soul of the three pure and three pure states of one energy enters the room); The transformation of the soul of the three clear and three pure states of the heavenly veins becomes pure and pure. ); Huangji Jingshi Gong Participates in Creation; Zhuang Zhou's Mengdie is Supernatural; The Seven Arrows Book of Nail Head is Supernatural; Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou reaches its peak; Shura's soul-killing path reaches its peak; The Way of the Origin of Time is Supernatural; Specialized Qi leads to Softness Gong takes part in creation.

Possess system chaos creation talent: Tianmai·Huangji Gongshen creation).

Possessing the system’s ultimate killing skills: Xuanyuan Sword of the Heaven-breaking Heaven-breaking Path of Nirvana, Pangu Ax of the Panhuang Life-Destroying Killing Path, Pangu Ax of Sanqing Yiqi Transformation, Wuzhishan of the Heavenly Veins Judgment Sin Domain Destroying the Gods, Yuanci Killing Domain Twelve Celestial Gods The magic formation contains the path of killing.

Possessing the new, undeniable and eliminated destiny of the system - rooted in the core area of ​​the timeline: the master of heaven, the destiny of the emperor of the Emperor Soul Clan.

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