I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,044 Dharma and Cause and Effect, Erasing the Shadow

There is no content filling, which means that once it is overwritten and pulled into the timeline to connect, it can be filled in at will.

The cause and effect of filling is naturally the cause and effect of refining the void and restoring the true state.

At this moment, Su Wangchen suddenly realized how insignificant he was compared to this group of people who didn't want to be a disciple. He was really innocent and pure.

Even though his scalp was numb several times before, Su Wangchen was still shocked now.

He never thought that Su Li would one day be able to stand at such a height and deal with such terrible cause and effect.

This is a game across levels.

Moreover, he didn't understand the specific cause and effect of this game, but after he stepped into the seventh and eighth floors of Su Ye's memory restricted area and saw this series of blank spaces, he already understood that this was almost equivalent to attacking the enemy's cavalry. The face is exported, how can we lose?

Su Wangchen was so unbelievable that he couldn't even imagine that one day, his side could have such a huge advantage!

After a while, Su Wangchen gradually calmed down his restless heart.

Later, he tried to pull the cause and effect in those empty spaces, but found that he couldn't pull it at all.

The mysterious reliefs on the aisle of the light path looked lifelike, but after he saw them, he couldn't remember them at all. It was as if these reliefs were like layers of phantoms. He remembered them deeply when he saw them for the first time, but after seeing them, he couldn't remember them at all. After that, just like after the dream penetrates the memory, it seems that the memory is firm, or the memory is consciously firm, but after a while, nothing is remembered.

Even if I can remember some fragments of scenes, they will become extremely hazy.

In the end, all that is left are some strange fragmented memory scenes.

Such fragmented memory scenes, any strange scene mixed with a little bit of this kind of scene, can be combined incomparably, eliciting complete memories, and making people feel very reasonable and familiar.

But in fact, Su Wangchen no longer knew what the specific scene was.

He also thought about going back and watching it again.

But at this time, he obtained some information from the ancient memory fragments of 'Su Li' about some ancient sayings about looking back.

Legend has it that people have three fires all over their body. Don't look back easily if nothing happens, and extinguish one fire at a time. When all three lamps are extinguished and ghosts surround him, eating his flesh and drinking his blood, killing his life, he will die.

Of course, this is just an old legend.

When Su Wangchen thought carefully, he remembered another explanation.

There is a saying similar to ghost blowing out a lamp. It is said that there are three oil lamps on the body, one on the head and the other two on the shoulders. It is said to be the Yang Fire in people. When walking at night, if someone calls your name, do not look to both sides. If it is blown out, it will attract ghosts...

The so-called ghost here refers to the corresponding weird, evil spirit and the like.

Su Wangchen had two related legendary memory fragments appear in succession, and suddenly he felt a little inexplicable, both physically and mentally.

He is also a man who is not afraid of anything, but at this time, he inexplicably recalled this fragmented memory, and suddenly felt an inexplicable shiver down his spine.

Especially this kind of bright road, the light was a bit tragic, which made him inexplicably uneasy.

The original thought of turning back immediately dissipated.

But the more he didn't want to look back, he felt inexplicably that there seemed to be a bunch of extremely ferocious and terrifying things following behind him, and they were the kind that he had no defense and no chance to defend.

It is equivalent to completely exposing your back to the brutal enemy.

Swish, swish, swish

At this time, there were even extremely vicious and strange footsteps coming from behind him.

Then, a chill gradually spread and soon enveloped his back.

Su Wangchen felt his body and mind go cold. After a gloomy chill hit him, the skin on his body felt as if it had been cut by a knife. He could clearly feel the bone-chilling gloomy chill.


Su Wangchen's nerves suddenly became tense.

But he still didn't look back, but his neck became a little stiff.

Because the coldness gradually wrapped around his neck like a hand that had been biting by the ice.

Su Wangchen's nerves became even more tense and on such a light path, many of his abilities could not be released at all.

It was as if he had turned into the most ordinary ordinary mortal.

And an ordinary person will naturally be afraid when faced with an extremely ferocious lonely soul.

Fear is not timidity. Sometimes it comes from an instinct of the body, a sense of crisis, and the body's own demand for life and survival.

This is an instinct engraved in your bones and even your soul!

Only in this way will the sense of crisis be aroused, and only when the sense of crisis is aroused will the corresponding fear arise.

Su Wangchen understood all this.

At this time, he was even concentrating and holding his breath, and his breathing temporarily stopped.

The next moment, an even more terrifying chill invaded, even seeming to envelope his body, mind, and soul, and began to eat away at his soul.

At this time, Su Wangchen knew that he could no longer be so indifferent.

After pondering for a moment, Su Wangchen returned to his heart without hesitation, maintaining a state of meditation.

At the same time, Su Wangchen began to meditate on the source of hope.

He meditated and turned into a ray of light, like a blazing sun, shining in the darkness in all directions. This was Su Ye's method of meditation in the world of murals.

Just like meditating on the Great Sun Tathagata.

When this kind of meditation started, he seemed to have transformed into the real Su Ye, or he and Su Ye seemed to be one and the same, which led to a very strange state of 'resonance'.

This kind of resonance is different from the previous kind of resonance with Emperor Wang.

This kind of resonance is more like a powerful 'interoperable' ability feedback.

As a result, when such meditation was started, Su Ye's supreme state of ten thousand ways actually appeared with the mentality of 'the law of heaven and earth'.

That is an extremely huge Buddha!

But when a huge Buddha statue like the scorching sun appeared behind Su Wangchen, covering the sky and the sun, Su Wangchen understood it instantly.

There is no doubt that this is Su Ye in the supreme state of Wandao!

At the same moment, many sources of merit that had previously dissipated came together again. At the same time, Su Ye seemed to have completely lost his self-awareness and became a Buddha like the blazing sun.

Such a scene really resembles the Buddha's Dharma appearance of the Great Sun Tathagata!

When this scene appeared, Su Wangchen felt for a moment that he was in such a common state, which seemed to be drawn to some kind of past of Su Li's body.

It was as if Su Li had also manifested the laws of heaven and earth at some point in the past.

In this sense, Su Wangchen immediately understood that due to some cause and effect in the past, Su Li encountered danger, encountered the invasion and even erosion of darkness!

The strange invasion he encountered in the passage of the forbidden memory area was not an invasion of him, but an invasion of Su Li at a certain point in time!

Demonic soul invasion?

Weird invasion?

Su Wangchen's heart moved, and he gave Karma again without hesitation!

He gave his current state to Su Li in the 'common' state, that is, Su Li in the 'interconnected' time fault point.

However, that Su Li may be living in the past.

At this time, he is using this three-party cause and effect as the pivot to subsidize the past.

However, this kind of funding still lacks a little media, so the effect is somewhat limited, but the effect is not wasted.

Therefore, Su Wangchen immediately felt clear and had the answer!

Without hesitation, he began to recite the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra and the Dongxuan Lingbao Suffering Sutra, and even started to recite the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra!

While reciting, the Buddha's image behind him actually condensed further, forming a perfect level of 'commonality' in an instant.

But at this time, in the blank area of ​​the originally white jade-like flawless memory restricted area, there were many more manifestations of cause and effect.

But Su Wangchen still couldn't see these causes and effects.

These causes and effects are shrouded in a layer of light blue light, all protected within it.

Su Wangchen understood that this should be some of Su Li's past causes and effects, which were now reproduced here.

And why should it be reproduced?

Su Wangchen didn't know either, but he knew that the core reason must be that Su Li had been hit by some kind of terrible killing move or prison. Now, in this way, the important cause and effect was extracted and placed in this blank memory forbidden area. , and then wash away the cage, or even isolate it!

Such a method is not inferior!

At least, Su Wangchen felt that even if he had grown up for another ten thousand years, he would not be able to achieve this step!

Use Su Li's memory forbidden area to cultivate the Tianchi blood river, cultivate the underworld, and then set up various causal shackles in the underworld, and even make the memory forbidden area in it a 'blank paper', and then reproduce his own memory forbidden area!

So, isn't Su Ye... a proper tool man?

Isn't Su Ye just a 'tool man' who exists to store Su Li's memory restricted area?

Is this fact too cruel?

Even in such a special common state, Su Wangchen suddenly had many considerations in his mind.

These are also based on a special sigh and emotion towards Su Ye.

I can't say that I have sympathy and pity, but this reality does seem to be a bit tragic and cruel.

However, as soon as Su Wangchen's thoughts emerged, a resonant voice from Su Ye appeared in his heart.

This is also the sound of spiritual connection in the supreme state of all things.

Su Wangchen, you should remember part of the cause and effect of the 'Soul Slave Son of God', right? There is no such thing as a tool or a tool between brothers. There is only true family affection and growth at all costs.

He is the source of hope, the source, and hope.

And I am nothing but the source of trouble, and my obsession is to be the source of hope.

Moreover, I am also an older brother, so giving and caring is really what I should do.

In addition, I can roughly guess a little bit about Master's origin.

So not only am I not sorry, I am also very pleased, very happy, and very proud of him.

Not to mention, as a tool person, there are so many benefits. This is a huge opportunity that no one else can ask for. How can I not know the blessings in the midst of blessings?

“So, no matter what form I exist in, no matter what cause and effect I am used to serve as, it is worthy and willing, so I am happy and gratified.

No tragedy, no cruelty.

There is only real will and real hope.

Only in this way can we see the most beautiful hope and the brightest tomorrow, and then we can have a better tomorrow.

Su Ye passed on some information.

At such a critical moment, he didn't want Su Wangchen to have any mood swings.

This is very detrimental to the cause and effect of such an imminent victory.

When Su Wangchen heard this, he was deeply moved.

This is Su Ye.

The great and arrogant Su Ye, no matter how wronged he was, always shouldered the burden alone, and was willing to leave all the good things to his relatives.

When it’s time to show ‘viciousness’ or even ‘viciousness’, he will make people hate him till their teeth itch.

And when he truly shows his courage, it will make people extremely moved and heartbroken.

Su Wangchen was silent for a while, then breathed out a breath of silence.

Then, those voices in my heart dissipated and disappeared again.

It was as if Su Ye had never existed and never spoken.

But Su Wangchen knew that Su Ye now existed with the mentality of 'the law of heaven and earth'.

Su Wangchen relaxed his mind and body, no longer had any worries, and ignored everything about life and death.

He recited Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra, Dongxuan Lingbao Sutra of Saving Suffering and Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra with great piety and concentration.

Like one mind with three uses, and like the body, mind, and body being unified as one body, three separate bodies, and three pure incarnations.

Reciting it by one person is like tens of thousands of Chinese people preaching together and praying together.

Such a scene is simply appalling.

As for those cold and mysterious invasions, Su Wangchen didn't care at all.

If you are the source of light, why should you be afraid of any darkness?

With such a mentality, Su Wangchen transformed into wisps of pure blazing sun. The supreme heaven and earth Dharma of Su Ye behind him became even more brilliant, and even more like the Tathagata of the Great Sun resurrecting, the light enveloped it. Heaven and earth, dissolve all black spots on the path of light!

It turns out that on the seemingly bright light path and the extremely lifelike relief, there are dense black spots lurking in the dark.

It's just that these black spots are all hidden in hidden gaps and even corners. After being covered by the light source, they are completely invisible.

But this time, when the dharma of heaven and earth appeared like the Tathagata of the Great Sun, all the dark light spots quickly melted and disappeared.

Wisps of terrifying aura rose from the light path like heavy fog from time to time.

However, after this aura appeared, it quickly dissipated and disappeared.

It did not turn into powder, but simply disappeared into nothingness, as if it was completely annihilated and no longer existed.

Chi chi chi

In the void, it seems that the unknown gray mist begins to spontaneously ignite from time to time, and this spontaneous combustion does not show any abnormal conditions.

Therefore, what can be heard in the void is the constant sound of breaking the Dao like the cracking of Dao marks, and it is also the kind of sound that cannot be heard with ears and can only be listened to through meditation.

In addition, there is a kind of painful whisper after the end of Rute's life.

All these seem to indicate that there is a lot of darkness in one thing, and many shadows are being erased and washed away by extremely cruel means!

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