I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1043: Virus removal completed, check-in blocked

This Su Li seemed to have gathered special immortal energy, forming a special self-state.

Seeing Su Li like this, Su Wangchen's breathing froze.

Why is there such a cause and effect in the sixth level of Su Ye's memory restricted area?

Su Wangchen was also a little at a loss at this time. All his cause and effect were based on Su Li.

If Su Li blocks the way to the sixth level of Su Ye's memory restricted area, then this road will really be doomed.

Because there is no way.

Although the current cause and effect is almost completely independent, it is not completely independent.

Just because this time, although he maintained the state of 'Su Wangchen', he represented 'Su Li', and the one who took over was Su Ye.

This kind of entanglement of cause and effect is just like the situation of triangular debt, and they can even kick each other's balls!

And they are all very reasonable.

Su Wangchen's whole body suddenly became numb.

What’s even more terrifying is that this is only the sixth floor!

Just inside the memory restricted area on the sixth floor, good guy, Su Li's true form appeared!

How can we break through the path, how can we open the road to the underworld and move forward?

I thought I was taking on a hell-level difficulty mission, but it actually... turned out to be a super nightmare-level hell-nightmare level?

Su Wangchen's scalp felt numb.

He is very clear about his own position and abilities, and even if he represents Su Li at this time, he is still a 'representative' and not the real Su Li.

He was completely confused about many of Su Li's causes and effects, and had no idea at all.

And he was extremely sure that the Su Li's body he saw now was Su Li's body.

But the scary thing is that under such circumstances, how could Su Li's true body appear here?

What’s even more frightening is that even if its true body appears here, how could such a kind of ‘immortal essence’ be condensed?

Su Wangchen stared at 'Su Li' blankly, unable to say anything for a moment.

He wanted to resonate, but he was afraid that it would lead to a more terrifying cause and effect. Once he resonated, all the information would be the same, and everything would be over.

Because this time, even if he died, even if he was completely destroyed, he could not expose the situation on Su Li's side.

Moreover, facing Su Li's body, one thing Su Wangchen could judge was that this body, Su Li, existed in a different time and space.

In other words, he met Su Li who was in the time gap, and it was very likely that he was Su Li who was in a special 'space-time level'.

So, what should he do?

He has no idea at all.

This is the powerful suppressive force of the main body on the clone.

If Su Li is the enemy this time, then he has absolutely no chance of winning.

As soon as this body came out, he was completely defeated.

Su Wangchen didn't take his eyes away from Su Li, who was the condensed immortal essence in front of him, but he didn't know what to say.

Therefore, he just stared at Su Li blankly.

And this Immortal Yuan Su Li was also in a state of sluggishness for an instant.

Then, Su Li suddenly conveyed a special thought.

This special thought, like a strange wave, rippled into Su Wangchen's heart.

As a result, Su Wangchen was also stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, Su Wangchen's restless and confused heart completely calmed down.

It was as if this special wave gave Su Wangchen special comfort and encouragement, as well as a special kind of affirmation of cause and effect.

Therefore, Su Wangchen felt that this 'ontology' in the past or at a certain time point needed his strong support, help and rewards.

Su Wangchen thought about this time. In the world of murals, Su Ye gathered endless sources of merit in the name of love.

But these can be given away and endowed. This is the heritage that spans time and space.

In addition, he is in a state of supreme supremeness, and he exists in the form of 'Su Ye', so he can 'gift' it through his identity as the controller of this restricted area.

Therefore, after Su Wangchen received the 'comfort' and 'unknown guidance' from Immortal Yuan Su Li, he almost instinctively pulled out a ray of cause and effect and gave it to Immortal Yuan Su Li.

Then, the strange and mysterious Immortal Yuan Suli disappeared after draining away a massive amount of merit.

Then, a special light gate appeared in the sixth-level memory restricted area.

The light gate directly penetrated the three-layer memory restricted space, opened the sixth, seventh and eighth-level memory restricted space in one fell swoop, and went straight to the ninth floor of the memory restricted area!



Is this opening the road ahead of schedule?

Su Wangchen was completely stunned.

But he was still a little doubtful because he didn't understand anything, but Su Ye had accumulated the entire world's merit in the world of murals, but this time almost most of it was emptied.

He couldn't see the rest, and he didn't know where they went.

However, the sixth, seventh and eighth floors of the memory restricted area were indeed directly penetrated and opened by such a mysterious light door.

A bright road lies ahead.

In the corridor, many transparent reliefs appeared. There were many lifelike monsters on the reliefs, various strange statues, and they looked like scrolls, but he couldn't understand the specific cause and effect, nor could he understand them.

And this scene also fell in the eyes of Zhuge Qianyun, Zhuge Jiayi, Su Xinghe and Zhuge Jiayun.

The four of them were equally suspicious and shocked. Especially when they saw Su Li, who was filled with immortal energy and looked like a peerless human emperor, in such a place, they instinctively thought of the Three-Word Heavenly Prince!

The orthodox emperor!

It seems that this is truly authentic!

The four of them were all shocked, and at the same time they all left here with complicated thoughts. They must change their attitude towards Su Li!

Maybe you won’t remember this scene when you go out, but you must start making real friends!

The mentality of the four people has changed.

And these were not noticed by Su Wangchen.

After Su Wangchen hesitated for a moment, he immediately stepped into the light gate without any hesitation.

And when he entered the light gate, some special changes also occurred in the sixth level of Su Ye's memory restricted area.

In this void, there seems to be a mysterious red lotus aura that is gradually being eroded and refined, swallowed up and disappeared.

Then, this area suddenly began to become chaotic, and soon turned into a chaotic area.

This chaotic area quickly formed an independent chaotic area, and then seemed to be opened by a mysterious force.

Then, in this chaotic area, a special immortal essence regrouped and condensed, turning into Su Li's true form.

That wisp of immortality was extremely pure, and it was obviously the most basic origin left by Su Li. Now, after condensing the immortality self with such an origin, this immortality self actually directly transferred the system from it. panel.


The next moment, the figure of the light blue elf naturally condensed in the void.

Then, after the system panel was opened, the light blue elf flew out. She looked at such a pure and secret void with curiosity and surprise, and she seemed particularly excited.

Ding, the core permissions of the system are activated, the system elf is successfully revived, and the elf light blue serves you, the master. 】

Ding: The system functions are fully charged, the system restarts successfully, the system permissions are reset successfully, and the system capabilities are fully charged. 】

Ding system enables basic functions and signs in. 】

The Ding system opens basic rewards and a gift package for newbies. 】

The Ding system turns on the merit value, and Tianji Mall evolves into a Merit Mall. 】

Ding system upgrade star upgrade is enabled. 】

At that moment, when such a space matched the light blue elf, the system suddenly seemed to be illuminated, and it immediately became extremely terrifying.

The next moment, Su Li deeply felt the power of the system and the ultimate transformation of the system.

After a while, the system upgrade was completed.

Afterwards, Su Li received the sign-in reward almost immediately.

Ding Congratulations to the owner of the Kunlun Mirror, the Emperor's Book of Classics, the Map of Mountains and Rivers, and the Zhenxu Realization for successfully reversing cause and effect, and the system authority has been completely restored. 】

Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining the cumulative sign-in reward: a karma-fire-forged body, an innate holy body, and yin-yang eyes. 】

Ding, congratulations to the master for opening the basic reward novice gift package, obtaining immortal bones, which can be used to recast the nine orifices of the exquisite holy body, wash away all the prisons, and make the body clean. 】

Ding Congratulations to the owner for opening the newbie gift package and getting the Soul Cleansing Pill*1, the Immortal Creation Pill*1, and the Origin of Creation Pill*1. 】

Ding Congratulations to the owner for re-acquiring the corresponding ultimate weapon as compensation: Kaitian Ax Imitation*1, Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword*1. 】

After seeing these things, Immortal Yuan's original self, Su Li, chose to receive the reward without hesitation.

Because he was in a special chaotic space, Su Li's body at this time was the immortal body.

Qing Lan, do you think the immortal essence should be cultivated internally, or should we cultivate it together, and then split it again after the cultivation is completed?

When Su Li was practicing, he still chose to ask Qian Lan.

At this time, Qian Lan has grown to a height of about 1.6 meters. She looks like an extremely beautiful flower fairy, which is extremely heart-warming.

The chaotic space that Su Li independently created is equivalent to a special trump card. Even the system didn't know about it before, let alone those peepers?

Now, in such a chaotic space, Su Li used his immortal essence to summon the system. This is equivalent to sharing such a secret with the system. This is equivalent to 'sharing' information with the system, so it is completely breaking some of the shackles.

At the same time, because it has appeared in the real world, the system has already begun to 'settlement' this time.

Therefore, this time the system has not only been upgraded to a star level, but also the permissions have been completely ‘recycled’.

Su Li already knew the reason for this.

Because, when the system permissions began to be reclaimed and reset, Su Li discovered that the first to third levels of his memory restricted area were once again covered by the three layers of memory restricted areas that had been independently cut out before.

His first and second floors are the underworld, the restricted area of ​​memory containing the Four Swords of Immortal Killing.

The third level is the part of Tianchi Blood River.

Now, all this has completed the 'Return of the King' through the Moonlight Treasure Box and the Kunlun Mirror.

Therefore, the system's permissions and capabilities have undergone a completely new transformation.

Master, I suggest that this native be refined directly and replace him.

This time, the light blue elf gave a very clear suggestion.

Su Li nodded, without hesitation, and directly followed the method mentioned in the system to forge his body with karma fire.

Soon, Su Li started taking Soul Cleansing Pill, Immortal Creation Pill and Creation Origin Pill.

Boom boom boom

Su Li's body underwent an unimaginable transformation...

Soon, when this scene was completed, less than two hours had passed.

In this way, the native Su Li completely disappeared from this world, and Su Li also completed the re-condensation of his physical body.

Not only that, because of the Immortal Creation Pill and the Origin of Creation Pill, Su Li's missing three souls and seven souls also grew back very naturally.

In the chaotic world of Su Li's memory restricted area, Su Li's independent Immortal Essence body and the realm of the Earthly Immortal Realm have also stabilized under the laws of this complete world.

There were many imperfections, and many shortcomings were perfectly made up for.

For details, see Chapter 411, System Sign-in Chapter]

At this time, after this scene changed like this, the chaotic space on the level of the memory restricted area began to peel away naturally and quickly disappeared.

As for the Immortal Essence, it has accumulated to a certain extent, and has begun to condense into the most basic appearance of Guixu Black Shadow, and carries part of the cause and effect originating from the Moonlight Treasure Box.

This scene seems to have been temporarily stripped away by the 'interconnection of time and space' at this time.

All the causes and effects were originally inherited by the Immortal Yuan self, but now they are all carried on the body of Guixu Heiying.

At the same time, when this scene was completed and Su Wangchen stepped on the light path in the light gate on the seventh floor of the memory restricted area, the real Su Li, who was in the gap between time and space, also had a series of special insights. .

The originally silent system suddenly shook slightly at this moment.

Yes, in the causal fault pulled by the sea of ​​elves, while waiting for the time axis to connect, he sensed the shock of the system.

The moment the system shook, Su Li knew that the system had completely completed the virus removal.

Ding system anti-virus is completed, core functions are blocked and stripped. 】

After the system's slight beep appeared, the system panel popped up.

Then, the phantoms of the light blue elf and the immortal light blue all appeared, one big and one small, like sisters and mother and daughter.

It looks like one is a large size and the other is a small size.

None of this is surprising.

It wasn't enough to shock Su Li.

What was shocking was that a special chaotic space appeared alone on the system panel.

In the chaotic space, a box like a coffin is locked with the incomparable mysterious cause and effect, the foundation of three thousand avenues, and the chains of order like the supreme one!

Seeing that box, Su Li couldn't help but feel trembling, even in his current 'meditation' state.

That is the Moonlight Treasure Box!

Antivirus killed the Moonlight Treasure Box!

This penetration...

Su Li's scalp was numb, but he was also extremely happy.

At the same time, the ‘sign in’ function has been blocked in the system functions.

This also made Su Li immediately understand the corresponding cause and effect.

It seems that Su Wangchen is at least halfway through the process there. The road to the eighteenth floor of the underworld has opened up at least the ninth floor. Yes, I thought he couldn't cross the barrier of 'Fang Yuening' cause and effect.

Su Li pondered for a moment, then silently closed the system panel without any communication with Immortal Light Blue and the light blue elf.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but this is a critical moment and he can't use the system unscrupulously.

The anti-virus has been completed, but after a hundred and a half miles, if Su Wangchen does not complete the final road to the underworld and penetrates the last layer, the timeline will not be connected.

At that time, his side was destined to be covered.

Therefore, this battle has reached a life-and-death moment. Although he is actually invincible, if he fails, the losses will be extremely heavy.

After Su Li shut down the system, he continued to wait quietly without saying a word.

On the other side, Su Wangchen, who was starting from the seventh floor, also found strangely that except for the reliefs on both sides of the road, the rest of the area was completely blank.

The sixth level of Su Ye's memory restricted area is chaos, the seventh level is blank, and the eighth level is also blank!

It's like a stack of blank murals without any content!

This scene made Su Wangchen tremble a little. He realized that he was still too weak, too low-end!

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