I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1040: The Source of Hope, Breaking the Way by Inaction

Part of Su Wangchen's memories that were originally recovered from Su Ye gradually became silent due to such a series of causes and effects.

In the end, just like when a person dies and the light goes out, the heart becomes ashes.

Later, that emotion also fell into a state of self-blocking.

As for Su Ye, after experiencing such a cause and effect, his black hair quickly turned white.

He had been standing blankly in the courtyard.

The blood in the courtyard has not been drained yet.

The blood in the courtyard is still hot.

But his world seemed to have collapsed.

His confused state also recovered after some of Su Wangchen's memories were completely silenced.

Sometimes, a person's growth is often so direct and intense.

A life or death, or a separation or death of someone close to you, can make you grow up from childishness.

This is the situation of Su Ye at this time.

He thought there would always be a chance for many things.

He thought that many things would never turn out to be so bad.

What he thought was, after all, just what he thought.

Now, when all this cruelty happened, he realized that he had no relatives, no one to rely on, and - nothing.

After losing Nangong Qingyi and the child in her belly, he constantly understood from looking back at the past memories that his happiness was always by his side, but he had never protected it, let alone gone. cherish.

He just stood in such a courtyard, letting the blood mist fill the air in all directions, the gray mist spreading, and the blood and evil energy continuously impacting the heaven and earth without doing anything.

Darkness is coming.

There was no starlight or moonlight in the dark night.

The dark night was very dark.

However, there was no way to turn his white hair into black.

Su Ye stood like this, and time passed day after day.

And during this period of time, his secret ability grew out bit by bit in the midst of extreme grief and regret after a complete loss.

He no longer peeps at the secret, but the secret comes uninvited.

He no longer has any interest in transforming Master Tianji, but Master Tianji's ability is like a torrent bursting out of the bank, and it is out of control.

And he didn't care about any of this at all.

Time passes little by little.

Soon, three years passed.

Five years have passed.

Ten years have passed.

Ten years later, he stood like this, becoming an extraordinary divine master.

His abilities are unmatched.

During this period, there would always be dark shadows coming together, trying to sweep away his body and soul.

He let go of all his defenses and allowed the enemy to invade - but that's exactly what happened. On the contrary, those black shadows could not peek into his heart or touch his way.

Because he is heartless and heartless, and he wants nothing.

To have no heart, no desire, no desire, is to have no desire.

Standing on a wall for thousands of feet, if you have no desire, you will be strong.

Ten years later, he has become more and more powerful and increasingly uncontrollable.

Therefore, that day, a woman appeared again in the Land of Hongmeng.

It was also a woman in Tsing Yi, and her appearance was very similar to Nangong Qingyi.

After she appeared, she appeared directly in front of Su Ye.

Su Ye, you owe the debt to Hongmeng Fortress for ten years, and it's time to repay it.

The woman spoke softly, her tone and voice exactly the same as Nangong Qingyi's.

Su Ye's motionless body remained motionless, but his lowered, cold and dead eyes finally moved.

His eyes looked calmly but deeply at the woman in green.

And even though he saw the exact same figure and felt the exact same temperament, he didn't feel the slightest bit moved.

He didn't speak.

The woman couldn't bear the look in Su Ye's eyes, so she couldn't help but said again: My name is 'Yi', and my code name is 'One'. I am the existence after 'Zero'.

The woman still revealed her identity.

Because she knew that if there was no sincerity, then the matter would not be discussed.

Su Ye spoke calmly and said: I have indeed lost everything, but I no longer owe you any debt.

The woman's tone suddenly became cold: Do you deny it?

Su Ye said: If they were not dead, then I would acknowledge this debt no matter what - but, they are dead and were forced to death by you!

The woman said coldly: If you couldn't withstand the temptation yourself, how could you be like this? In the final analysis, you don't have that kind of cause and effect. If you force it, your virtue will definitely not match it, and the final result will be miserable.

Su Ye said nothing and ignored the woman.

The woman was silent for a long time, and then said: If you can continue to give, then there will be a way to solve the current cause and effect - and even a better cause and effect.

Su Ye still didn't speak.

The woman said: In some heavenly worlds, there are some special treasures, such as the moonlight treasure box, or the special Tianshu hub composed of the three books of heaven, earth and man, which can even shake the timeline.

As long as you can do it, you can reverse the cause and effect.

For example - go back in time, to the day before your wife and children died.

Even, go back to the day when you and your wife did not meet, thereby avoiding the tragedy from the source.

Su Ye raised his head, his eyes suddenly becoming sharper.

The gaze as deep as a pool of stagnant water has become extraordinarily sharp.

Seeing Su Ye like this, the woman 'Yi' showed a confident smile.

She smiled and said very confidently: These words are by no means alarmist, nor are they a cage of truth, but facts.

You know the way our world exists, right?

Since you know this, then you know that as long as you create the small world of the heavens and cultivate it, when the world matures, just like the fruit matures, and you pick the fruit, you will naturally achieve your goal. .

What you need are those special babies.

What we need is the heart of the world, the will of the world and the will of heaven.

So, we can definitely cooperate and each get what we need.

Su Ye was silent.

The woman added: Of course we can also find others for this kind of thing, such as your elder brother or younger brother, or your clone, but after all, it won't be as easy as you yourself.

Moreover, only with great perseverance and will can we embark on such a path.

Furthermore, your soul has some special causal existence, the way it grows is also very strange, and your talent is naturally amazing, like no one in a billion.

Now, after going through such a past, your character has been sublimated, and there is nothing to say about your character - if your character is not good, then you will not guard this courtyard for ten years.

For ten years, emotions can withstand the precipitation of time.

These are the reasons for choosing you.

We are also very open and honest.

Since you are a person who values ​​love and justice, we can fully trust you.

I also hope that you will give yourself a chance to atone for the sins of your wife and children, and also give us a chance!

The woman's tone was very sincere, and every word she spoke was filled with great sincerity.

In this case, it may be easier for others to trust you.

But Su Ye just shook his head indifferently.

I'm sorry, I won't cooperate with you anymore - I admit that I was really a bastard before, not a thing, but I was definitely not that ungrateful.

And you, unscrupulously, used charm and even cause and effect to forcefully guide me and make me fall for it.

I have completely figured this out over the past ten years.

Therefore, I will not give you any chance to take advantage of me.

I believe that if Qingyi had a spirit in heaven, he would never want me to continue to collude with you.

As for the timeline and stuff...

Those don't matter anymore.

What is past is past.

But those who are alive will definitely live well.

I will not sink because of this, but will try to love this world - even though this world erodes me and corrupts me with darkness, I must give everything.

For Qingyi and her children, I am willing to become the protector of this world and work hard to erase all the darkness I can see.

I believe that as long as there is love, there will be miracles in this world!

When the woman 'Yi' heard this, her face suddenly became extremely ugly.

It seems that she never expected that the ripened Su Ye would be twisted like this, and his character would be fully realized!

It turns out that this is a real devil-like bastard who kills his wife and even wants to seize the source of his children's talents - this is already extremely dark!

Regardless of whether you are charmed or not, if you are acting righteously, how can your shadow be skewed?

If you are upright, you are not afraid of slanted shadows!

But it is obvious that Su Ye is not a thing, he is just a beast!

At this time, he killed his wife and children, but became great and noble?

The woman ‘One’ even wanted to sneer and ridicule.

But she saw the firm look in Su Ye's eyes, which was a ray of light, which made her panic.

There is never hope, no love, and no miracles in this world!

The woman's one was a little bit defensive, and what she said seemed a bit hysterical.

She thought that ten years later, grief had penetrated Su Ye's body, mind and soul, and that she could save his wife and children by reversing time or even traveling through time, and complete her plan and use of him.

But now, both things have failed.

First, Su Ye refused to admit his debt - because the agreement was that he lost his wife and children, but the agreement did not succeed!

Why didn't it succeed?

Because his wife and children committed suicide early because of their gambling fight and died.

In other words, because this matter was exposed in advance, my wife and children were persecuted to death.

When Su Ye said he accepted it before, he only accepted it when the gambling itself was impeccable.

Now, there are flaws and loopholes in all this, and Su Ye needs to confirm it twice.

The way of heaven will also not leave such direct flaws.

Therefore, another meaning of the so-called resuscitation of Nangong Qingyi and her unborn children is to make this ‘bet fight’ truly perfect!

This is also the core of the second point.

As long as Su Ye accepts this request to join forces, it is equivalent to acquiescence, and everything will take effect!

Unfortunately, both points did not take effect.

Because Su Ye no longer recognizes it!

There is never hope, no love, and no miracles in this world!

After the woman 'Yi' said it once, she couldn't help but scolded her coldly again.

Su Ye just snorted coldly, with the same calm and firm tone: There may never be hope in this world, but I can become my own hope, the hope of my lover and my children - in this way, I can become theirs and even the whole world's hope. The source of hope!”

If there is no love, then I am the source of true love!

There can be no miracles, then I am a miracle!

I always believe that hope that comes from true love, and true love that comes from hope, can create miracles!

You - just wait and see!

I, Su Ye, am not a thing, I am not a thing, I am even worse than a beast, but I am still a pure person. I do make mistakes, too.

But it's not scary!

Because knowing your mistakes can make a lot of improvements!

I am willing to turn back the prodigal son!

I am willing to completely change my ways!

Not for anyone, just for her and her children to have a better future.

I will give everything, strive for all the causes and effects, and accumulate all the merits, just so that they can have a beautiful next life.

As for going back to the past...

Can I make up for my mistakes by going back in time?

Can going back in time undo the damage I've done to her and our children?

That’s just deceiving yourself and others!

And even if it is possible - then I am no longer worthy.

They deserve better!

In addition, you did win the opening and the layout, but you can never win my Su Ye's heart or my soul!

I, Su Ye, will never kneel down from now on, let alone act like a dog!

Never, never!

Su Ye said word by word. After he finished speaking, he glanced at the woman coldly and said calmly: Go back! By the way, tell the trade envoy at Hongmeng Fort that I will remember this revenge. .

If you can't kill me, I will kill you!

You want the whole world to be dark, but I want to be the greatest source of hope and ignite all the darkness in the world!

Su Ye's tone was particularly firm.

The tone was even more murderous.

But even if it is evil spirit, it still contains the murderous spirit of light.

Because the so-called hatred is just hope that the light will cover the darkness, and a kind of salvation for this group of beings trapped in darkness!

Such a mentality is impeccable!

The woman 'Yi' was very angry, and finally couldn't help it, and manifested Nangong Qingyi's blood-stained face, showing the resentment she had before her death, hoping to draw out Su Ye's inner demons.

Su Ye just watched calmly, and then said softly: Thank you for letting me see Qingyi again, but you don't understand Qingyi, even if she dies, even if she regrets, she will not hate her.

Her death is just a warning and encouragement to me - although I am an animal, I am not so vicious.

So she probably guessed that I was being controlled.

Your actions are not in line with her character, so cause and effect cannot be established.

Of course - you behave like this, but I feel better.

Therefore, you can kill me and torture me in this state. The more this happens, the faster I may grow and the more inner demons will melt away.

Su Ye was very natural and not at all defensive.

But it just so happens that all the means of the woman's one cannot be used no matter what.

Even if it turned into a vicious spirit and ate up Su Ye's soul, it penetrated directly and was completely useless.

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