I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1039: Hongmeng Gambling, Lost Everything

The success of meditation made Su Ye ready to execute it.

However, such a process will inevitably arouse a life-and-death resistance from Nangong Qingyi.

What Su Ye didn't know was that Nangong Qingyi was also affected by Nangong Qingyi's meditation this time.

It's like a special feeling in the dark, and it's like seeing the future.

Nangong Qingyi even saw a series of extremely real things happening in that mysterious feeling.

Such a result made Nangong Qingyi burst into tears.

For Su Ye, she even gave up everything she had, including her dignity and the face of her family.

Throughout Canglan City, she became a despicable person in the eyes of all practitioners, and a strange existence in the eyes of others.

If it weren't for the child in her belly and the Taoist companion she chose, Su Ye, she wouldn't have any motivation to live.

Now, the child is almost eight months old.

Still extracting the source of her life.

And these are no longer enough for a healthy birth of a child.

At this time, if Su Ye really wanted to understand the secret of heaven and suck the soul of her and even her children, she would have to rely on such cause and effect to become an extraordinary master of secret.

So what is the significance of the existence of this extraordinary master of secrets?

However, Nangong Qingyi did not completely believe this sudden feeling, even if it was extremely real and despairing.

After all, Su Ye is her husband.

She must believe in him. Although Su Ye's performance has indeed been very unbearable in recent years, every time she thinks of his sincerity and sincerity, she will silently choose to give him another chance.

again and again.

But this time, it was finally the last step.

Night is coming.

That night, Su Ye did not go home.

The next morning, Nangong Qingyi met Su Ye in the dilapidated courtyard.

Su Ye's performance, just as she felt, seemed to be very sincere, with a gentle gesture that she had not had in a long time.

That smile and those gentle words seemed to be back to the days when we first met.


Nangong Qingyi still saw the purpose in it.

Husband, how is your practice of the Way of Heaven and Secret going? If it stabilizes, you should provide some of the source of essence and soul to your two children.

The two children already have some congenital deficiencies. If they cannot make up for it as soon as possible, it will cause great harm to them in the future.

Nangong Qingyi spoke softly, with a hint of pleading in her tone.

Su Ye pondered for a moment and then said: The situation is not very stable now, but it will be stable soon. And I am only one step away from the extraordinary Master Tianji as my husband.

With that said, Su Ye added: Besides, I do need your help this time. The process may be a bit difficult, but there will definitely be no crisis. Please believe me.

Su Ye's tone was serious.

He looked at Nangong Qingyi with intense eyes.

Nangong Qingyi also looked at Su Ye with gentle eyes.

However, thinking of the process of killing children by caesarean section to seize the origin, Su Ye's eyes still avoided Nangong Qingyi.

Nangong Qingyi's eyes were very clear and affectionate.

It was also because of such clear and affectionate eyes that Su Ye felt a little uncomfortable, so he couldn't control himself and avoided her gaze.

Then, he seemed to think of something. He thought that people who do great things should be informal. At the same time, he was a little annoyed that he was not courageous enough.

Qingyi, don't worry! As long as I become an extraordinary master of secrets

Before Su Ye finished speaking, he was interrupted by Nangong Qingyi.

Beyond the extraordinary Tianji Master, there is also the Tianji Saint Master. Above the Tianji Saint Master, there is actually the Creation Tianji Saint Master or the Immortal Tianji Saint Master. As for the specific name, I don't know.

But there's no end in sight.

But our happy days have an end.

Husband, let’s live a good life. It doesn’t matter if we are less powerful, at least we can still do it.”

Before Nangong Qingyi could finish her words, Su Ye slapped her in the face.

You are shameless, I want it!

I will never forget how the Nangong family humiliated me!

I have decided the matter.

I don't want to hit you but I don't want you to say such incompetent words again!

In addition, please think carefully about whether you want to fully cooperate with me in this enlightenment. I will come back to discuss the details with you at noon.

I hope you can support my decision, no matter what the consequences of it.

I don't want your feelings for me to appear so shallow.

I don't want there to be any misunderstanding between us!

Su Ye's words were very domineering and very self-centered.

After finishing speaking, he suppressed his arrogant heart, turned around and left, and came to the cliff of Cangshan Mountain again.

There is a dark and unknown void above the cliff of Cangshan Mountain.

This void is invisible to others, but he can see it.

In it, dark wind and bright red blood are sweeping.

He watched silently, feeling very irritable.

He thought for a while, and once again meditated on the experience of seizing the origin of his children's secrets, and it turned out that he was still successful this time.

Moreover, he once again realized the power of this extraordinary master of secrets.

However, during the meditation process this time, because the original talent of his children was taken away, most of their life souls were eaten away, so almost half of his children were destroyed.

Even if he is alive in the future, he will probably be demented and stupid.

It is possible that he will continue to be confused for more than ten years, not knowing what is going on, what is going on, what is going on, and what is going on, like a mentally retarded fool.

It is also possible that he will remain like this for the rest of his life, be silly and become a complete fool and a retard.

This result made Su Ye silent for a while.

Then, he looked up at the dark cliff.

After pondering for a moment, he had a thought and his figure flew into the dark void.

All of this has become extremely natural and extremely harmonious.

After his figure entered the darkness, his body on the cliff of Cangshan Mountain seemed to have not moved at all, still in place.

And the void, time and space in all directions seemed to be in a frozen state immediately.

On the other side, Su Ye, who entered the dark void, suddenly came to an extremely mysterious ancient castle.

On the castle, there are two extremely huge ancient characters.

Su Ye vaguely recognized that this was the word Hongmeng.

But these two words are not the words in his world.

But he happened to be able to recognize it.

He was a little suspicious in his heart, but he still followed the dark void and continued to move forward.

Soon, he entered the huge dark castle and came to a spiritual platform.

In the place of the spiritual platform, he saw a huge altar.

On the altar, he saw a special treasure house.

Next to the treasure house, there is obviously a platform similar to gambling.

On the platform, there are some extraordinary treasures, as well as some special halo light groups.

Halo light groups are some abilities.

And the place where gambling and fighting has a mysterious cause and effect.

Su Ye took one look and immediately understood the corresponding rules.

He can pay some price to carry out the derivation and layout of the secret. If he succeeds, he can obtain many causal benefits and get those special halo light groups.

These light source light groups are independent sources. Once absorbed, they can directly turn into their own cause and effect, saving decades, even hundreds, or thousands of years of hard work.

Su Ye was very excited about such benefits.

So, he moved closer.

He started a gambling fight.

At first, it was some ordinary deduction gambling layouts. He won some and gained great benefits.

According to this model, he will soon become an extraordinary master of secrets without even sacrificing his wife and children.

And once you become an extraordinary master of secrets, you will get greater benefits if you continue gambling with that ability.

At that time, a virtuous cycle will enter...

In this state of mind, he began to give.

He began to recognize this kind of gambling and the cause and effect.

He also began to try to use his own essence and soul to engage in layout gambling.

In the subsequent gambling battle, he did make huge profits, and he was even close to becoming an extraordinary master of secrets.

But in subsequent layout games, he lost again and again by just one move.

Every time, it's just a little bit different.

He was very unwilling.

As a last resort, he took out the source of energy and soul to support the child.

As a result, it was no surprise that he lost these.

Not only did he lose his own abilities, but all his divine creation abilities were also lost.

But when he lost all his money, he felt he saw hope.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth, regarded the fate of his wife and children as a bet, and sent them to the funeral platform.

It's all a desperate move.

Moreover, in order to show that he had control over the fate of his wife and children, he used his soul as a guide to meditate on the scene of suppressing his wife and children and made a painting to show his ability to control.

To this, too, this passed.

He was extremely excited.

Once this bet succeeds, everything he loses will come back, and he will be able to step into the realm of an extraordinary master of secrets.

When he was doing these things, he didn't know that his wife Nangong Qingyi was feeling something again.

And this time, it is not Nangong Qingyi's own induction, but because the child has lost the source of traction. The previous source of cause and effect was interrupted, so that the child had signs of 'premature death'.

And when people are about to die, they have more or less 'psychic' abilities.

Therefore, Nangong Qingyi saw this scene again as if she was 'seeing the future'.

Nangong Qingyi's family contains a special kind of bloodline power, which is an extraordinary charm ability.

This kind of charm, in its extreme state, can even enchant Heaven.

It's just that this ability has never evolved among future generations.

But this time, Nangong Qingyi's bloodline was somewhat revived, so she tried to mobilize the ancient ancestor-level bloodline background and conducted a charming deduction.

Then, she deduced several upcoming causes and effects.

But in each case, the child was killed, the talent was taken away, and she was suppressed on the altar, and her soul was locked by the seven dragons. Not only was she defiled by others, she also had her life soul, fame, and charm taken away. Origin and ancient ancestor charm talent inheritance.

Even if this is not the result, she will be suppressed by the mysterious Hongmeng Land, which will continue to raise her clones to charm all living beings and become a dowager-like existence in the world.

The moment Nangong Qingyi obtained such a cause and effect, she immediately knew that she must have been exposed.

So she didn't hesitate and killed herself.

She was so determined that she not only killed herself, but also her children in her womb.

The method of self-destruction she performed was a special way of killing souls, destroying souls and enchanting them.

With one blow, it is like a self-destructing soul that has been reincarnated for thousands of times, and there is no way to save it.

On the outside, she simply slit her wrists.

The bright red blood flowed all over the ground, never stopping and unable to stop.

Her blood, including the blood of her children, continued to flow like this, and soon flowed into the Wusang River.

In the Hongmeng Fortress.

Su Ye still lost.

A complete failure.

However, when the dark light and shadow swept him back to reality and returned to the Qingyi Courtyard, the dark light and shadow also discovered the completely dead Nangong Qingyi who was still staring at death, as well as the nearly eight-year-old girl in Nangong Qingyi's belly who had already completely died. months old child.

At that moment, like a thunder suddenly exploded in Su Ye's mind.

Su Ye stayed where he was.

He thought that everything he had meditated before was just meditation.

He thought that if something didn't happen, there would be a way out.

He thought that some things might be a fluke or might not happen.

However, when the most terrifying thing happened, he suddenly realized that all the faith and motivation in his life collapsed at this moment.

You owe a huge debt to the Hongmeng Research Base. Just like the oath you swore, use your lifetime to repay it!

The dark light and shadow suddenly said a cold word.

The anger in those words was almost beyond words!

Obviously, Nangong Qingyi's sudden death, and also his death, completely shattered some of Dark Light and Shadow's plans.

Su Ye didn't speak.

At this moment, tears flowed uncontrollably from his eyes.

In his originally confused mind, at that moment when the thunder exploded, he revived the memory of 'Su Wangchen'.

At the same time, memories similar to the original 'Su Li' in the Tianji era also revived.

Su Wangchen's whole mentality exploded and collapsed.

This personal experience, this real experience originating from the body and even the soul, hit his heart hard.

Being in the middle of the game, he couldn't struggle because to him, Nangong Qingyi was not Nangong Qingyi at all!

But Jiang Luan!

Nangong Qingyi at this time is not Nangong Qingyi nor Nangong Qingyi, she looks exactly like Jiang Luan!

At that moment, Su Wangchen or Su Ye's heart felt like it was going to burst.


He roared, trembling all over.

The bright red blood river and his heart-rending roar made him even forget that this was a world of murals.

Is this really a world of paintings?

he does not know.

But he knew that his world had collapsed.

His world was completely plunged into darkness.

Why didn't you wake up earlier!

why why!


He clenched his fists tightly, and all the meridians in his body swelled up and exploded in an instant.

Bloody and bloody.

Boom boom boom

Puff puff

The meridians, like dragon veins, were all blown through and shattered at this moment.

At that moment, Su Wangchen, or rather Su Ye, couldn't struggle at all.

He rushed towards Nangong Qingyi's bleeding body like crazy.

However, the corpse was swept away by the dark light and shadow.

On Nangong Qingyi's body, a cold female figure looked like a ghost, quietly looking at Su Ye like a clown, with indifference and hatred in her eyes.

I'll never be that stupid again!

The cold female figure just left an extremely cold word before it completely shattered and disappeared.

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