I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1034: Heavenly Soul Reveals the Secret, Never Forgets the Original Intention

After Su Ye passed the words over, the causal aura contained in them disappeared.

He would not interfere and could not interfere with what Su Wangchen did at this time.

Of course, he didn't want to say more about Su Wangchen's inappropriate behavior.

After all, he was not sure what the cause and effect would ultimately lead to.

And he knew very well that it was nothing more than more trouble.

After getting used to Master's series of inappropriate behaviors, he has actually become numb to such things as taking the blame.

Su Ye's cause and effect was peeled off on its own, and everything on the scene finally returned to normal.

The violent Tianchi Blood River temporarily became calmer.

The huge rising waves have also been suppressed a lot, forming layers of huge waves on the Blood River, but the speed and frequency have been reduced a lot.

The chaotic clouds and mist and hazy and mysterious lightning in the sky are no longer so dense.

This series of changes were just like the changes in Su Wangchen's mind.

What is the significance of Su Ye conveying the resonant voice from Su Li?

it's actually really easy.

From the beginning, Tianhun's identity has always been a mystery.

Since then, the identity has been cracked.

And every crack is a layer of truth, which is just a replaced truth.

Just like the answer to a puzzle is 1, but the answer is less than '100', is there something wrong with this answer?

And no problem.

But is this answer accurate?


The soul of heaven is Su Li.

Yes or no?



Tianhun is not Su Li.

Yes or no?

Yes, and no.

Why is this so?

In the final analysis, it is exactly the same as the levels of clones within clones and entities within entities in the original fantasy world.

However, the real cause and effect this time is to use one truth to hide another truth.

Use a close answer to hide an accurate answer!

What is the purpose of this?

Delay time!

So why delay?

Just because, Tianhun's Black Shadow has obviously been treated as a pawn and has been completely controlled.

If it weren't for this time that Su Wangchen took Su Ye's body but told him the cruel cause and effect of killing his wife and children in the way of Su Li.

I am afraid that the Heavenly Soul ‘Black Shadow’ will really succeed this time.

In the fantasy world of the past, there was actually only one core cause and effect at the beginning, which was the scene in the scroll that Su Li saw from the soul-crushing monument.

The scene where the shadowy man was chained to the soul-crushing monument.

Su Li saw the appearance of the man in that scene, and that appearance was what Su Li looked like.

In fact, from the beginning of the scene, the core cause and effect has already been revealed.

The soul-suppressing monument, the soul-suppressing tomb, the Tower of Babel...

These are all irrelevant, at least to Su Li, who is incompatible with this world and exists independently.

The described ‘groundhog’ is Tianhun.

When Su Xinghe peeked into the 'Tianhun Karma', he actually grasped the core, so both Su Xinghe and Mu Qingya were 'killed'.

And in that fantasy world, why did Mu Qingya always want Su Li to kill himself?

What do you mean by jumping out after death?

In fact, it’s because clues can be found through ‘death’.

What clues did you find?

Discover the clues that people die as ghosts, and ghosts die as ghosts, and discover the clues of Meng Xi's way!

In fact, under the kind of cause and effect at that time, it is very likely that Tianhun has not even been thoroughly studied. If he died at that time, many causes and effects would collapse.

Therefore, at that time, Su Li went through all kinds of dangers, but he did not die.

Or it could be said that he really died due to the cause and effect of the soul-suppressing monument.

But that scene was turned into a virtual one, that is, refining the real thing and returning it to a virtual one. It was said that the soul-soothing secret realm was illusory.

Is it impossible to judge whether this is true or false?

After that time of cause and effect, under the guidance of the system, the 'True and Void Dao Lineage' was locked, thus avoiding the fate of being refining the true and returning to the false again.

Unfortunately, by the second week, Tianhun had obviously been suppressed and truly infiltrated.

In order to continue to achieve a deeper layout and deeper invasion, it is natural to continue to hide the true origin and identity of Tianhun.

Therefore, when the truth is broken through again and again, they will actively 'cooperate' again and again, handing over 'illusions' similar to the truth to replace the truth.

Even as a last resort, the cause and effect of Tianhun was defined on the body of the 'replica', and the corresponding cause and effect was perfected.

It is only now that Tianhun has completely 'awakened' and made atonement through self-sacrifice, that the truth has been truly exposed in one fell swoop.

In other words, the truth has not yet been completely ‘exposed’.

At least the enemy didn't know that Su Wangchen knew this, or that Su Li knew this.

But in fact, Su Li did know.

Why do you know?

The system antivirus 'killed' it.

After all, Su Li has already finished killing the virus, right?

With the help of the Guixu Heiying, Wandao Supreme State had actually already seen through this secret.

But some causes and effects must be peeled off step by step, otherwise it will only be bad.

If you go straight to the core at the beginning, only one of them will be completely defeated.

Isn't this scene the pattern of 'clone within a clone'?

But this scene is now used for ‘truth’.

The truth is the truth.

At the end of the day, it’s still the matryoshka model, and it still works.

This was the core cause and effect in the fantasy world, and it was made clear from the beginning.

But not only Su Li, but also Su Wangchen and Guixu Heiying didn't understand clearly.

Not only can't you understand it, but you can't even imagine it. Do you think you have cracked the truth? In fact, it is just the ‘truth’ that others let you see.

Including the routine of people dying as ghosts, ghosts dying as ghosts, ghosts dying as hope, and hope dying as misfortune. Is this the matryoshka model?

This is also true.

So is it a soul-within-a-soul model?

same with!

So, in the so-called light blue world, the Great Plane of Babel and the world of heavenly rules and regulations, are there any other rules that are not this model?

It seems not.

So what are the three levels corresponding to the intelligence level?

In fact, if you look at a mountain, it is a mountain; if you look at a mountain, it is not a mountain; if you look at a mountain, it is still a mountain!

At the third level, which is above the 18th level of intelligence, what is its core?

Returning to nature, the model will definitely return to the system model of the fantasy world.

This is the core of the enemy.

I will first give you a basic correct system, and then overthrow it. When you are confused, the enemy will actually go further on this road.

This is ‘never forget the original intention’.

The antonym of not forgetting the original intention can be used to describe a misstep that will lead to eternal hatred.

One mistake, or an unintentional first mistake, will bring eternal regret.


Don’t forget your original intention.

These are two different ways.

When a law is exposed from a low level, it is discovered that it is 'wrong' and changes, turning into a higher level of 'correct' level, and then...

Everyone will feel that since they were ‘wrong’ in the past and they have been corrected now, then the mistakes of the past must never be made again.

So who will decide whether this is right or wrong?


What was right in the past is wrong now.

But as long as you don't realize it, you'll never find out.


This is the core reason for failure.

So, who is Tianhun’s identity?

Who will be defined as the next generation of emperors?

Who will become the next generation of emperor?

Who is the clone?

How does the invincible clone replicate?

How many times has the Heavenly Secret Fate-Reversing Technique gone against fate, and how many people have been killed?

If the first time does not represent wrong, but right, then who is the target of the first copy of the Tianji Defiance File? !

This time, Su Wangchen took away Su Ye, but he became Su Ye. Who did he actually represent?

He represents Su Li!

At this point in time, who is the person who copied the files of Tianji Fate Reversal?

It's Su Li!

So! ! !

Has the answer come out?

In the fantasy world of the past, at the end of Su Ye's memory restricted area, the heavenly soul that had been locked was defined as 'Su Li', but why did he suddenly become Feng Yao?

Has the answer come out?

Why did Feng Yao choose to die to help Su Li?

That's because Tianhun's original intention is to atone for his sins!

Who was the first core person Feng Yao killed after copying the files?

Tianji Pavilion, Zhuge Jiayue!

Then came Ming Qian and Meng Siyan!

Was the cause and effect in that fantasy world wrong?

Ignorant recklessness is sometimes the most correct direction of cause and effect.

Just because Su Li was innocent at that time, so he was truly not pulled around by cause and effect.

Be real people!

He is a real novice!

It is true naivety and ignorance, and it is also true that it is not within the Three Realms and is not within the Five Elements!

It is true that it is not drawn by the rules and cannot be restricted by the rules!

in other words.

Where is the failed node?

When the cause and effect of the soul-suppressing monument is turned on.

When Feng Yao was born.

When Feng Yao's cause and effect was challenged.

When Feng Yao died.

The soul of heaven is Su Li.

Tianhun is a copy.

The soul of heaven is Su Wangchen.

Tianhun is the clone of Su Wangchen.

Tianhun is Su Li's body of evil thoughts.

The soul of heaven is Feng Yao.

When all these truths are combined.

The answer is already coming.

When the timeline is connected, the cause and effect of the new generation of Emperor Zi will be completed.

The banquet is about to begin.

Feng Yao will become the new generation of Emperor Prince, which is recognized by Su Li.

Su Li helped Feng Chaoge carve his body again.

Combined with the above conditions.

What's the answer?

The answer is

Feng Yao, who became the real Heavenly Prince, is a clone, a being with the ‘Black Shadow’ Heavenly Soul Cause and Effect, Su Li’s evil thoughts body, Su Wangchen, and Su Wangchen’s clone!

Combined with the causes and effects such as the death of a ghost, the death of a ghost, and the death of a ghost, there is hope.

get conclusion

What is Feng Yao from the outside world?

The 'evil thoughts' that Su Wangchen split when he killed himself with the Asura Soul-Slaying Way were also the last cage in Su Wangchen's body.

When was this cage planted?

It was planted when it was suppressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain.

Similar to the cause and effect of the six-eared macaque.

It's just that Su Wangchen didn't know it himself.

Hu Qingniu seizes the house?

Feint shot.

Really exploring cause and effect?

Feint shot.

The black shadow kneels to death?


But it’s also the end.

The shadows never die.

How should the ‘Heavenly Soul’ stand up against Feng Yao’s cause and effect?

Is such cause and effect terrible?

Is this layout tragic?

Who could have imagined such a result?

Which of these answers is not the truth?

Even if you say it, you can swear that it is absolutely the truth, but it is still only a partial truth. If you believe it, you will be tricked.

How to break this layout?

It's actually not difficult.

Because the real Feng Yao is not dead yet.

Because the real Feng Chaoge is still there.

After Chaoge was refining in fire, Chaoge's body was captured by Tianhun. 'Tianhun' plus 'Su Li body', plus 'Tian Prince', then recreated the cause and effect in the fantasy world, 'Su Li' will be 'manufactured'.

For this, the price they paid was to use the existence of 'Copy Body Ruins' to end the black shadow cause and effect at the cost of 'kneeling'.

This is cause and effect.

This is the ultimate truth.

Such a layout, even now that he figured it out, Su Wangchen's scalp was numb and his whole body was about to explode.

Such cause and effect, if he knew it from the beginning.

He must fail.

Because he was numb.

Because there are too many layers.

It's also because he can't deal with it at all. There are too many places that can be broken through, and there are too many places that can be 'invaded'.

In other words, if Su Li hadn't been protected by a mysterious and powerful guardian, he would have been doomed long ago.

Su Wangchen thought of this, and he also knew that Su Li and Guixu Heiying must have thought of this.

It seems that I am not independent yet.

We must do everything we can to reach the other side of the Tianchi Blood River and rescue Feng Yao who died in it.

At the same time, reverse the promises we made.

The position of the Heavenly Prince cannot be given away. Cause and effect cannot be established.

Damn it, is this the layout above the 18th floor?

Su Wangchen's breathing was trembling, and it was difficult to calm down.

In terms of his nature, it was a bit overwhelming to obtain such information at this time.

Fortunately, because the 'Black Shadow' was killed, Feng Yao's cause and effect has failed at present, and Su Li can no longer be updated in real time, so the enemy is also in a relatively 'weak' state. In addition, this is his memory restricted area, and there is Gui Xu. The Black Shadow Ji Dao protects him from being 'peeped', so that he can think about these issues with peace of mind.

Otherwise, as long as he knows these causes and effects, the results will be extremely tragic.

Because he knows it, it means that Heaven already ‘knows’ it.

To know is also to know the ‘Tao’.

Once he becomes independent, he lives under the law of heaven.

Currently, because he represents 'Su Li', the fate of 'Su Ye', and the existence of a 'protector', he does not count as living under the 'law of heaven'.

In addition, the timeline is not continued, so it cannot be clamped by Heaven.

At this moment, thinking of this, Su Wangchen simply wanted to vomit blood.

For the first time, he found that he could not move forward.

But soon, he was relieved.

Knowing the truth of cause and effect, the next journey to the eighteenth level of the underworld in Tianchi Blood River is not that complicated.

If the other party wants to succeed in terms of time, it must completely connect the timeline.

The other party no longer has the best choice, so they can only seek the best and settle for the second best!

That's his chance!

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