I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,033: Su Ye, who is kind and generous, should not be Su Li, the son of a ruthless person.

Su Xinghe blew his beard and stared for a long time, even wanting to teach his son a lesson.

But he still held back.

Forget it, this little kid is too thoughtful and has always been too outstanding.

This is so much like him.

Therefore, like father, like son, how could he have the nerve to talk about his son, the son of God?

Not to mention, Zhuge Qianyun, the immortal who was banished by Tianji, is also here, and her sister is Zhuge Qianlan, the guardian of Qianlan Star!

And even Zhuge Jiayi is an important presence in Tianji Pavilion.

Thinking about this, Su Xinghe decided to put up with it.

As the child grows older, the cause and effect of Tianchi Blood River is too great. I don’t want to say that I, Su Xinghe, don’t care about it anymore.

Thinking like this, Su Xinghe still couldn't help but twitching his beard, frowning, and said, Is it true that I can't say anything anymore? Do you know that I am your father?

Su Xinghe's tone contained a hint of resentment, just like a wife who had been abandoned by her husband.

Su Wangchen shivered, this Su Xinghe!

Especially his words about I am your father, you know, are simply poisonous.

In Su Wangchen's heart, he couldn't help but want to complain a little bit.

If I hadn't represented Su Li now, I would definitely have quarreled with you. The time level line you are currently in is much narrower. If we follow the division of prehistoric levels, the ability system is divided into three Wait.

So, your origins are just mortals, and I am comparable to a saint from the third level.

After all, the contrast is...

Opponents who are at the twenty-seventh level of life wisdom enlightenment or above.

And you are currently still struggling at intelligence level seven or below.

Of course, these thoughts were just fleeting for him at this time, and they quickly dissipated.

Naturally, he would not look down upon or care about her.

The level of the site is different, and the way of handling it is also different.

Not to mention, some causes and effects can be pulled, but some causes and effects are destined to be covered.

Just as there is no love without reason in this world, there is no hate without reason.

Su Wangchen took a deep look at Su Xinghe, the muscles on his face twitched, and said helplessly: You are the father, Ye'er knows.

Su Xinghe stroked his not-so-thick beard with satisfaction, and then said, So?

Su Wangchen sighed: Father, as Master Tianji, you once said that you are often happy when you don't understand some things. Although I hope to understand, this process is still somewhat beautiful after all; but one day, I really understand If you don’t, then you can only lament and lament that fate has played a trick on people.”

When Su Xinghe heard this, he was a little startled.

He seemed to have thought of something.

The body seemed to be a little stiff.

After a while, he withdrew his gaze, then glared at Su Ye again, and said: If you don't say it, don't say it. What are you talking about? Are you the only one who can repay Tianji? Do you think you are capable now? Are your wings strong?

When Su Wangchen heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but his mood still didn't change much.

He still listened to these words silently.

He thought for a while and said seriously: Father, don't say that the child is unfilial. In this Tianchi Blood River, even if the father is the father, he must abide by the rules. I, Su Ye, said it! If the father is dissatisfied in any way, You can leave Tianchi Blood River before arguing with the child!

Su Wangchen figured it out.

He is not Su Ye.

But his identity is Su Ye, and all the bullshit and ruinous things he does are Su Ye's business, and the cause and effect he deals with are all Su Li's!

He represents Su Li.

In addition, now that I can see further, have deeper knowledge, and understand that the situation is complicated, why should I embarrass myself at this time?

Su Ye is a filial son, whose filial piety reaches the heavens, and who is so filial that it has nothing to do with him.

So why bother yourself?

Like father, like son, this will not change.

Su Li, Su Ye, and even Su He all have an element of transcendence in their nature.

It's absolutely impossible that this has nothing to do with Su Xinghe.

If it is not suppressed at this time, the Tianchi Blood River may still go awry.

The more Su Xinghe thinks and asks, the easier it is to adjust the 'balance' of the timeline, making it more 'difficult'.

Isn't this causing trouble?

So, I'm sorry, this time the 'Su Ye' he represents really has to be a filial son.

As long as Su Xinghe dies unfilially, it will all be a victory.

As for going out to the Tianchi Blood River, each going back to his own home, each looking for his own mother, what does it have to do with his 'Su Wangchen'?

Su Wangchen was still a little passive at first, but now his thoughts suddenly changed, and his thoughts suddenly became smooth and unobstructed.

Su Xinghe, on the other hand, looked confused and continued to be confused.

Listen, is this what this son of God can say?

In the final analysis, Su Xinghe felt that his son was awesome before, and he just wanted to show off his identity in front of Zhuge Qianyun and others.

The middle-aged man saves face, and then shows off his son's filial piety and so on.

Then, he created a favorable impression in front of Zhuge Qianyun, and at the same time asked Su Ye to perform appropriately to make Zhuge Qianyun more favored and favored.

But don't want to

This traitor, this little brat, is going to piss him off to death!

Su Xinghe still wanted to speak, but Su Wangchen raised his hand and suddenly gathered a ray of the Seven Tribulations Dragon Locking Technique, which directly suppressed Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe:......

Su Xinghe was crying and thinking about MMP. Are you and I shameless?

Su Xinghe's face darkened.

Su Wangchen, however, had a gentle voice and a pleasant tone: Father, don't worry, you won't be pulled back by the cage of truth, nor will it be backlashed by the secret of heaven. My child will help you seal your soul power again to prevent your soul from being harmed. .

Just wait until you get out of here.

As for what you see and hear along the way, father, just keep it in your mind. There is no need to think about it. Just go into seclusion and practice hard after you leave this place.

Father, don't be moved. This is what a child should do.

Su Ye seemed to have arranged everything.

Su Xinghe's eyes widened, and he was about to open his mouth to yell, but found that this Seven Tribulations Dragon Locking Method actually made him unable to speak, and he could not even use eye gestures and various means of conveying information. come out.

Not only that, he even showed an expression of relief and was moved uncontrollably.

Su Xinghe: ...

Zhuge Qianyun and others haven't fully understood it yet, but they couldn't help but feel a little sad when they saw Su Xinghe's moved expression.

Zhuge Jiayun's intelligence was still lacking and he couldn't help but said: Son of Su Ye, why do you want to block the soul power and block the strength?

Su Wangchen said: Because my father's inquiry has touched upon some terrible truths, and once the truth is revealed, it will lead to a huge cage of truth.

At that time, it will be very dangerous.

Zhuge Jiayi rolled her eyes at Zhuge Jiayun. Did that look mean that she couldn't even understand such a simple truth?

Zhuge Qianyun said: Yes, don't touch the truth that you can't deal with. Those are too dangerous. And we are far from that level of growth.

But Shenzi Su Ye has already touched these and even has the ability to avoid them, which is really admirable.

Su Wangchen said: Oh, actually it's not the case. The most important thing is that I can't keep it in the world, Zhu Yan Cijing Hua Cishu. Some causes and effects are unstoppable, so we can only try our best to delay them.

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Qianyun's beautiful eyes lit up and she said, The immortal poems of Shenzi Su Ye are very strange.

Su Wangchen smiled and said: I am indeed very good at this. When you get out of the Tianchi Blood River, you can find me and you will find out. I will be willing to give you advice when the time comes.

Zhuge Qianyun immediately nodded in agreement.

As for 'Su Ye's' arrogant words of 'don't hesitate to give advice', although it is a bit inconsistent with Su Ye's usual low profile, it just shows that Su Ye is very confident in this aspect.

Therefore, Zhuge Qianyun decided to take his sister to learn about Su Ye's ability in fairy poetry.

Su Xinghe saw this scene with his own eyes and called him a good guy in his heart.

This son...

Are you enlightened?

It's just this operation... it's a bit useless.

After sensing the seal that prevented him from moving, Su Xinghe felt helpless.

Your dad, I just want to show off and ask you a few more questions. Aren't you usually very patient?

Alas, it’s all my fault for being so weak-mouthed that I’m always unreliable.

It’s all the fault of that stinky bird from Bafeng for bringing me, Su Xinghe, to ruin!

Su Xinghe couldn't help but curse in his heart.

At this time, Zhuge Jiufeng, who was at the same time fault point in the previous fantasy world, certainly didn't know that he had somehow taken such a huge blame.

When Zhuge Jiayi heard this, there was a bit of envy in her eyes.

While hesitating, she couldn't help but said: Son of Su Ye, I saw that your strength before... is really invincible. Although this is related to your dominant position here as the Creator and the God of Creation, but...

Su Wangchen smiled and said: I understand, Fairy Zhuge Jiayi, I also know what you want to ask. Indeed, I do have hundreds of millions of knowledge in the way of heaven, the way of refining weapons, the way of refining gods, and the magic weapon array. With a little bit of attainment, I can give you some guidance and help you improve your intelligence by three to five levels, which is actually not that difficult.

This time you are willing to go through dangers with me, and you are even willing to enter my Tianchi Blood River area power.

That is to give me Su Ye face.

Then I, Su Ye, will never let you lose money.

Who am I, Su Ye?

A peerless good man who stands up to heaven and earth. He means what he says and makes a promise worth a thousand dollars.

If everyone is kind to me, they will give me peaches and repay them with Qiong Yao.

Therefore, I decided to help you improve some of your abilities after you get out of the Tianchi Blood River.

Come to think of it, you won't deny this face, right?

I hope you will not be ignorant of praise.

Su Wangchen said it very sincerely.

It's just that the wording is not very appropriate.

When Zhuge Jiayun heard this, he was immediately excited: We will definitely be willing to hear it fly!

When Zhuge Jiayi heard this, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but twist the flesh on Zhuge Jiayun's waist hard. This didn't relieve her anger, but it spun another thousand and eighty degrees.

Zhuge Jiayun's face suddenly turned green.

That expression simply changed eighteen times in a second.

Zhuge Jiayi then said with some anxiety: Son of Su Ye... do we... still have a chance to leave the Tianchi Blood River?

Su Wangchen said: Of course.

Zhuge Jiayi said: Shenzi Su Ye, look what else we can give... No, what else can we pay... Can we help you... Can we do anything for you?

When Zhuge Qianyun heard this, he couldn't help but laugh and said: What are you worried about? Are you worried about being squeezed out and refining your soul? Jiayi, your layout is small, and your vision is still small.

With the ability of Su Ye Shenzi, there is really no need for this.

Zhuge Jiayi smiled helplessly and said: Receiving salary without merit, how can this... make people feel at ease.

Zhuge Qianyun said: You are also a smart person, but now you are in the middle of the situation. You don't understand that even the father of Su Ye Shenzi has temporarily sealed off the town. Why is this?

Zhuge Jiayi was startled when he heard this, and then understood immediately.

Immediately, she smiled bitterly and bowed again, saying: Son Su Ye, Jiayi is confused.

Su Wangchen glanced at Zhuge Qianyun and Zhuge Jiayi with some surprise or even amazement. Are these two people so smart?

Tell me, where are you confused?

Su Wangchen had the desire to take the exam, so he couldn't help but ask.

He does not look down upon the 'mortals' who are still at the intellectual level. This is the difference between the level of life and the evolutionary scale of the timeline.

At the same level, he may not be stronger than the other person.

He has no right to despise or ignore it.

But the other person's intelligence was beyond expectation, which gave him a bit of a love for talents.

Of course this is not the point.

The point is.

Do they really understand?

Zhuge Jiayi sighed softly and said: Sister Tianji Banished Immortal said that, Shenzi Su, you have sealed off the town even for your closest and most respected father, just to protect you. This shows that there may be many dangers in the future. .

And it must be a danger for a special master of secrets.

Later, he promised us many benefits, and also mentioned it many times after leaving the Tianchi Blood River.

This shows that this trip to the other side of the Tianchi Blood River will probably be very difficult and dangerous.

So, there is a big and clear direction.

That means we need to put aside all our prejudices against each other, and cooperate with the Son of God sincerely to carry out the journey to the other side.

In this direction, there are some possibilities for operations.

For example, we need to lock down the town, what we need to pay, how we need to be combined with each other, and even which of us needs to take a near-death risk and what kind of guinea pigs we need to serve as.

But after thinking about this, I think the possibility is not very high.

Because Su Ye Shenzi's strength is too strong, especially in a place like this, there is almost no possibility of us taking action.

From this point of view, it is nothing more than that we are obedient and do not cause trouble, we trust Su Shenzi, and we are protected by Su Shenzi through the sea of ​​suffering, but what we see and hear along the way must not be thoughtless.

Any insights must be gained after going out...

Su Shenzi also mentioned this to your father before.

Zhuge Jiayi thought carefully and expressed her opinion.

Su Wangchen smiled and said, Not bad.

Su Wangchen's original purpose, to be honest, was to let Su Ye give these people some benefits.

Because they will need it in their future.

Moreover, after the timelines are connected this time, Su Li is not afraid of them updating in real time at all!

Therefore, it would be no problem for Zhuge Qianyun to train him in this aspect. Zhuge Jiayi is already smart, so it would be no problem for him to give him a good tug.

As for Su Xinghe, he is a great father. Although he is a talkative person and likes to brag, it is not a big deal.

It will also be useful in the future.

Zhuge Jiayi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Zhuge Qianyun's tone was a little gentler and said: Shenzi Su Ye, if you say something about the cause and effect of the truth, it will not cause the truth to be trapped in the cause and effect. If possible, I can agree to all your requests this time. you.

Su Wangchen pondered for a moment, thought about it carefully, and was about to speak.

At this time, Su Ye's voice rang in his heart.

You brothers are really no longer human beings? Are you just trying to trick me?

Su Ye's voice was also full of resentment, comparable to Su Xinghe's.

Su Wangchen:? ? ?

Su Ye said: Just now, I received the voice of spiritual resonance in the form of Wandao. Su Li asked me to convey that sentence to you.

Su Wangchen: ...

Su Wangchen's expression was a bit more exciting.


Are all his actions arranged by some guys? Even his mentality is in place?

So, who is this?

Su Wangchen: Let it go.

Su Ye: ...

Su Ye: Every truth has a truth, but that truth is another illusion, just like an onion has many layers. Each time you peel off the layers, it seems to be true, but in fact it is true, but But it’s not the core.”

When Su Wangchen heard this, he felt like a thunder was struck in his heart, and his hair stood on end!

He thought of Heiying's identity and Tianhun, and an extremely terrifying thought instantly made him almost suffocated.

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