I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1023 Qingniu surrenders and confronts Hu Yifeng

Su Ye didn't know about Hu Qingniu's entanglement.

Even though Hu Qingniu was in Su Ye's memory restricted area, Su Ye was obviously unable to truly control it.

The ownership of this world does not entirely belong to Su Ye, or in other words, Su Ye can only control most of it.

There is also a small part of which the control lies in the hands of Guixu Black Shadow Su Li.

As a special soul that has survived in such a world for 20,000 years, it is unimaginable how unnatural the orthodoxy it has accumulated will be.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Guixu Black Shadow Su Li not to make some preparations.

Under normal circumstances, the memory forbidden zone cannot be invaded, nor can a cage be planted.

But that's only under normal circumstances.

In the judgment of Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, the number of times Su Li's memory restricted area in the fantasy world was invaded was more than once?

Even time fault points can exist in it, so there is no need to talk about security.

Now in Su Ye's forbidden memory area, Guixu Shadow has to live in it for tens of thousands of years. How could it be possible without certain guarantees?

This is the control of Guixu Black Shadow.

What he controls is not the Tao of the external and internal worlds, but a kind of treacherous realm within a treacherous realm.

When people die, they become ghosts, and ghosts have ghost realms.

When a ghost dies, it has a so-called domain after death. This kind of domain also contains a kind of spatial ability, but Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, has further deepened it.

This point, he was inspired by, came from the fault point of the dark abyss in the tenth level of Su Li's memory restricted area.

There is also the cause and effect of Meng Xi's way, and the corresponding timeline cause and effect.

In fact, after the cause and effect across the timeline, Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, had already discovered these situations.

Moreover, he knew the way of Meng Xi.

Even Su Li, the main body, thought that Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, had only been enlightened for 20,000 years.

But in fact, according to the rules, the proportion of time in the memory forbidden area is different.

Just like the time in a dream will be extended, in the world of dreams within dreams within dreams, time will be extremely scary.

The structural system and Taoist system of the memory forbidden area are derived from the system of dreams within dreams.

On this basis, Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, constructed the realm after the death of ghosts based on the system of ghost's death is the end, and used it to form a world system like the inside and outside world, and constructed a special Hades system, adding In the blood river of Tianchi.

Therefore, this seemingly secret realm of Hades is actually another way.

But 'ordinary ghosts' obviously don't have access to this kind of Tao.

Just like ordinary people have no access to the ghost realm.

But these are not the core.

The core aspect is that Guixu Heiying has been studying the cause and effect of the three souls and seven souls, and at the same time, he has placed himself on the cause and effect of the heavenly soul.

This is the cause and effect of pushing yourself against yourself.

The top one is the cause and effect of Tianhun.

This aspect can completely explain the core reason why Su Wangchen in the fantasy world wanted to conquer the cause and effect of the Heavenly Soul.

Because the former Su Wangchen was very powerful, we can deduce the huge threat and core dominance characteristics of the 'Heavenly Soul' through similar means as seeing the future.

Just imagine, if the fantasy world of the past is communicated through the timeline, and a kind of coverage is formed, then who is the core master of the cause and effect now?

There is no doubt that it is Su Li, the dark shadow of Guixu.

However, except for Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu himself, who was named Hua Qiuyin by Li Juan, no one else knew about this.

No matter how this world changes, no matter how it cultivates cause and effect, there is one cause and effect that has never been eliminated, and that is the three souls and seven souls.

Even the so-called three souls and seven souls in this world are all patchwork of cause and effect and are incomplete.

This point, in fact, was shown in the fantasy world from the very beginning.

The fantasy world that once existed is about to be transformed into reality, but the core territory and puzzle pieces have not yet been revealed.

What is the core reason?

It is because the issue of three souls and seven souls has not been deepened.

At present, Gui Xu Shadow Su Li has researched this issue extremely deeply.

At this time, he stood quietly beside Su Ye. His figure was also not focused, but he could see everything that happened to Hu Qingniu extremely clearly.

The opponent played a famous card, and it was a chess piece that could be used in both forward and reverse directions.

No matter what Hu Qingniu does, the other party will never lose.

However, even if Hu Qingniu resonates, synchronizes or even activates any causal changes, it will be a gain for the other party.

Not to mention, as the 'Gate of Creation' and 'Roulette of Life' are planted, this method of extracting memory fragments and causal fragments through resonance will become more and more perfect and powerful.

When Hu Qingniu, that is, Su Wangchen's first causal fragment memory after being taken away, was captured, this heralded the success of this step.

As long as it succeeds, then under real-time updates, countless optimization solutions will be provided at an extremely terrifying speed.

This is just like after the 2G network was first developed, technology suddenly exploded, instantly upgrading the 5G network, and then instantly updating and iterating hundreds of years of technology.

Unless this kind of change is unsuccessful, once it is successful, the optimization plan will be immediately superimposed on the timeline, and it will become extremely scary.

Upper limit?

There is almost no upper limit.

Hu Qingniu's mind became more entangled, but the more entangled he was, the more memories he had that Su Wangchen's body instinctively revived.

Therefore, the other party will gain more benefits.

Hu Qingniu didn't want these things to happen, but if he surrendered, what benefits would he gain?

After all, many secrets have been exposed very quickly.

too fast!

It was so fast that he could no longer react.

In his mind, there were even wisps of terrifying black holes like huge tombs in the starry sky, and they began to crazily swallow all the causal fragments and the breath of destiny that he had triggered.

At this time, through his 'medium', the other party was obviously sucking the soul and life.

This change happened at an even more terrifying speed in an instant.

However, at this time, Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, suddenly raised his hand and gathered together a virtual shadow of the ancient East Emperor Bell, and then condensed a golden Bagua Mirror. On the Bagua Mirror, there were two looming mysterious symbols engraved in dark yellow ancient colors. The text is Kunlun.

This is the Kunlun Mirror.

And, Donghuang Bell.

The dark shadow of Gui Xu shone directly on the Donghuang Bell with the Kunlun Mirror.

In an instant, the Donghuang Bell also appeared in the mirror.

In the distance in the mirror, the Tianchi Blood River was also reflected.

Another mirror appeared in the Tianchi Blood River.

The Donghuang Bell appeared in the mirror again.

In an instant, the space seemed to have opened up countless layers.

And in such a level, a destructive Donghuang Bell shook the void on countless levels, and then suddenly emitted an extremely deafening sound.

The ancient bells ring melodiously, but seem to be silent.

The moment the shock came out, the dark abyss in Hu Qingniu's mind and the causal aura like a huge tomb in the starry sky were all shattered and interrupted.

Some of the mysterious gray fog aura contained in it also shattered and dissipated in an instant.

It's quite a powerful method.

Su Li, the dark shadow of Guixu, spoke calmly, then looked at the stunned 'Su Wangchen' with a calm look, and said: Okay, your hidden danger has been solved.

When 'Su Wangchen' heard this, the wisp of green energy flowing in his body gradually became silent.

Immediately, he bowed deeply to Guixu Heyingying and Su Ye, saluted, and said: Thank you, Senior Hua, for your life-saving grace. Wangchen Qingniu can't repay it.

‘Su Wangchen’, that is, Hu Qingniu, after hesitating for a while, directly revealed his identity!

This is his surrender!

Yes, he surrendered!

He had no choice, but he knew he had to surrender.

In fact, he vaguely knew that even if he surrendered, it might still be Hu's method.

This is the other party's terrifying calculation and layout.

He had no way out but to surrender.

If Hua Qiuyin, the black shadow of Guixu, does not accept it, his chess piece will be 'exploded', just like a special bomb, destroying everything here!

The Gate of Creation on his body may contain a kind of world-destroying storm, and it also contains the power of destruction and catastrophe like the 'Chaos Bell' or the 'Eastern Emperor Bell'!

Ao Niu?

When Su Ye heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then his expression suddenly became complicated.

The next moment, he would almost immediately try to use the power of domination of this world to obtain Hu Qingniu's secrets.

Little Leaf.

Suddenly, Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, spoke.


Su Ye immediately said respectfully.

Then, he gave up all monitoring of Hu Qingniu.

You can think of his existence as a kind of 'poisoning', but for us, it's not a big deal.

The dark shadow of Guixu said, and then added: This Tianchi blood river also communicates with the reincarnation system of the Chinese ancestral land. Hu Qingniu, since you have surrendered, just join the reincarnation system of the Chinese ancestral land.

Hu Qingniu was startled when he heard this, and then became a little more uneasy and hesitant.

But after a moment, he still said firmly: Well, thank you Senior Hua for your grace of not killing and rebuilding.

Su Li, the dark shadow of Guixu, said calmly: Little Yezi, recite to him the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra and the Cave Mysterious Spiritual Treasure's Wonderful Sutra of Saving Suffering.

Hu Qingniu was a little dumbfounded, but still gave up resistance.

If he can enter reincarnation, he still has a chance to survive.

And with his ability, after being cleansed by the reincarnation system of the Chinese ancestral land, he could definitely step into the upper echelon if he started over.

What's more important is that if the Guixu shadow connects the reincarnation system of this place with the Chinese ancestral land, as long as Hu Qingniu dares to explode the bomb, everyone will be finished.

Because according to the current trend, Li Juan or Ying from Yinghuang's side controls about 50% of the reincarnation authority.

Although some authority is still restricted, at this time, Hu Qingniu's death is precisely the hope of survival.

Can this 'bomb' explode?


Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, is not afraid at all.

He was freed from the opponent's stud, and was able to forcefully pull out Su Li's resonance in an instant.

At that time, something on his side may be exposed, but on Hu Zhiliu's side, the gain will definitely outweigh the loss.

This kind of fight is like both parties having a net worth of 50 million, and Su Li has 50 million in cash, while the other party has 20 million in cash plus 30 million in assets.

If you attack directly head-on, the opponent won't be able to challenge you.

It seemed like a dead end, and it seemed to have planted countless cages, but the most unexpected thing for the other party was that Su Ye was the blood river of Tianchi and the more orthodox underworld model.

As for Su Li's underworld, it seemed orthodox, but in fact it was just a stand-in.

Or can it be said that they are all orthodox, but in terms of production, how long has Su Li been building it?

And how long did it take Su Li to build the Guixu Black Shadow?

The two sides are completely unequal.

According to the independent system, Su Li's side is 50%, Sharing Guixu Heiying's side is 50%, and Li Juan's side is 50%.

The total went from 100% to 150%.

But the 50% of Guixu Black Shadow's corresponding background and quality are completely different.

Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, didn't need to know what Hu Qingniu's plan was. He just destroyed Hu Qingniu's chess piece and allowed the plan to proceed, allowing Hu Qingniu to fully understand Hu Qingniu's cause and effect.

In this way, he preserved this existence and would have fun in the future.

Is the cause and effect of the green cow important?

That is of course extremely important!

Now, after Gui Xu Heiying made such a decision, Su Ye did not hesitate to start reciting Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra and Dongxuan Lingbao's Miao Sutra of Saving Suffering.

Su Wangchen, who was in the supreme state of Ten Thousand Daos above Su Ye's head, showed a bit of shock.

Vaguely, he glanced at the black shadow of Guixu with a complex expression.

At this time, if he still can't understand, then he is really sorry for the special state of consciousness of the 'Supreme One of All Laws' and 'The Supreme One of All Ways'.

If you want to truly live an independent life, this is a great opportunity.

This is also an opportunity specially given to you.

The voice of Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, suddenly appeared in Su Wangchen's conscious mind.

Su Wangchen's state of consciousness pondered slightly and said: The resonance memory fragments I provided before are all wrong and deliberately distorted.

The shadow of Guixu said: No need to explain, I saw it all, and this is also my original intention.

Su Wangchen's consciousness asked: Is the earliest era the 'Heavenly Secret Era'? The cause and effect at that time.

The black shadow of Guixu said: It has nothing to do with you, you just need to catch the groundhog at the beginning. Whatever your current cause and effect is, you should do what you want.

Su Wangchen said: I'm sorry, but in my current state, I have even lost my true body. My soul has been chopped off and fused with my body. How else can I take action?

The shadow of Guixu said: Your body has not been lost, your soul is still there, isn't it? As for Hu Qingniu... I will use this opportunity to wash away all reincarnations of you two, so that you can come out clean.

Su Wangchen was silent for a long time and stopped talking.

He got it.

The dark shadow of Guixu looked at Hu Qingniu.

At this time, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra and Dongxuan Lingbao's Suffering Sutra recited by Su Ye have evolved into the ultimate source of merit and the source of light that enveloped Hu Qingniu.

Hu Qingniu's whole body began to emit an extremely terrifying dark shadow aura.

Obviously, Hu couldn't sit still anymore.

The dark shadow of Guixu directly transformed into the aura of the Kunlun Mirror and the Donghuang Bell before, shrouding Hu Qingniu.

He even destroyed this 'catastrophe' cause and effect one step ahead of Hu.

As long as Hu wants to destroy this chess piece, he will immediately raise the bet to keep up!

This is a real act of self-destruction!



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