I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1022: Reversal of Meng Xi and Return to Ruins Layout

The moment he saw this scene, Su Wangchen's Supreme Ideology of All Paths had already realized the significance of such a cage of cause and effect and truth.

But he didn't take it to heart.

In fact, not only did he not take it to heart, he immediately understood Hu's methods.

I have to say that when the level has reached such a high level as Hu, the ability to look at problems and deal with them is really very powerful.

In other words, the general Hu controlled all the causes and effects of Hu Qingniu to the extreme, and even calculated what Hu Qingniu would think and do.

At this time, Hu Qingniu's resonance was exactly the product of Hu Qingniu's oppression.

In other words, Hu Qingniu's resonance leak was exactly what Hu wanted to happen.

Hu Qingniu thought he could use this to show his own resistance, but he didn't know that this kind of resistance was part of the opponent's plan.

The so-called prison cage can only be planted with Hu Qingniu's mentality, and then there is a more terrifying trap secretly. Afterwards, whether Hu Qingniu makes a comeback or not, he still becomes a pawn in the hands of the general.

Whether this chess piece is willing to be a chess piece, or wants to jump out, or wants to be a traitor, it is one of the consequences that will happen.

And if Hu Qingniu rebelled against Hu and turned around and devoted himself to Su Ye with great piety and sincerity, it would also be a situation that Hu wanted to see.

By then, even if the two cages on Hu Qingniu's body were eliminated, in fact, when he accepted the 'Mengxi Way', this itself was a more terrifying trap and cage.

Su Wangchen's supreme state of consciousness has already discovered this.

Not only did he discover it, but Su Ye's master actually also discovered it.

Because Su Wangchen's Supreme Ideology of Ten Thousand Daos itself was 'blessed' by Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu.

This is another special law, a special Zhenxu Taoism.

This is an orthodoxy that has been precipitated by the shadow of Guixu for 20,000 years. It has reached an extremely terrifying point, but it has never been revealed.

This time it is used, it is out of the scope of the timeline, so it cannot be updated in real time.

But Su Wangchen's Supreme Consciousness of Ten Thousand Daos had no way of discovering this.

Not only Su Wangchen's Supreme Ideology of Ten Thousand Daos cannot be discovered, but also Su Li's body in the void of the timeline fault is also unable to be discovered.

It seems that the supreme form of the Ten Thousand Daos in the Zhenxu Taoist lineage, this extreme state of the Tao Sheng Yi Zhi Shen Yin Chapter, is indeed very strong. Su Wangchen's Yuan Shen passes through a process similar to 'Ghosts die as 艻' Existing in the form of a human being, but in the supreme state of all laws, I instantly understood the purpose of Hu's causal layout.

In this way, in the state of the supreme state of all laws, the level of life wisdom enlightenment can crush the thirty-third level of intelligence.

It's a pity that this kind of Tao combines the mind's eye and part of the mirror's mirror ability, and reverses part of the Taoist ability of 'Death as a Ghost'.

I let Su Wangchen kill himself before. The process of letting him die was this kind of cause and effect.

He died once in reality, and now he dies again in reality.

Refining the void and returning to the true form, just twice, is exactly the same as Meng Xi's way, but in a reverse way.

At this time, Su Ye's master Guixu Shadow, also known as Guixu Shadow Su Li, had already seen all the performance of Su Wangchen in the supreme state of Ten Thousand Daos.

Including the psychological analysis of Su Wangchen's ideology, all appeared in the heart of Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu.

This is an ability that he gifted and blessed to Su Wangchen's soul. Naturally, he can sense the thoughts in Su Wangchen's heart.

Of course, he also used it on Su Li's side at the same time, in order to allow Su Li to survive in the layout of the timeline.

But he didn't want to, nor could he, peep into Su Li's thoughts.

In the final analysis, although he is also Su Li, he only exists as a background and avatar, which is equivalent to a split part of the heavenly soul and a part of Su Li's three souls and seven souls.

Likewise, seeing Su Wangchen's performance at this time, all the worries of Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, were completely dissipated.

Having reached this point, he was very sure that although Hu was powerful, he was not without methods of confrontation.

The most difficult thing to deal with now is the three options he had imagined before.

It's just that these three options are still too early. At least we need to wait until the system anti-virus is completely completed this time and the timeline is completely settled before we can make a long-term decision.

Su Wangchen's expression of the supreme state of the Ten Thousand Daos Soul has already determined that the path I have stepped into and the path I have comprehended is stronger than the 'Meng Xi's Path'.

However, their way of thinking is still too much for granted. No matter how sincere they are, as if this is really the case, I will not truly admit the existence of this way.

What Meng Xi's way is, in the final analysis, is a demon.

Want infinite immortality?

In the end, you will still die. No matter how you cycle and reincarnate, as long as you die, it will completely conflict with eternal life.

This is the simplest way to crack it.

Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, was thinking in his heart, and then he focused his eyes, and at the same time his eyes fell on Su Wangchen.

At this time, Su Wangchen was ready to enter Su Ye's Tianchi blood river.

Hu Qingniu, on the other hand, has also agreed to join the path of Mengxi and complete his own sacrifice...

Regarding Hu Qingniu's situation, Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, cannot fully grasp it.

Whether he is alive or dead, Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, has no way to judge.

But the body of Su Wangchen, who corresponded to the cause and effect and took away the body, was sluggish for a moment.

It was as if some important cause and effect had suddenly been disconnected.

Su Ye still couldn't see this kind of performance.

But Guixu Black Shadow Su Li and Ten Thousand Dao Supreme Wangchen Consciousness both saw it.

Hu Qingniu is dead after all.

At that moment, Su Wangchen felt a little sad after being stunned for a moment, but he quickly suppressed such thoughts.

In the back of his mind, the scene of Hu Qingniu's death and his transformation into an infant soul ghost appeared.

After that, the infant soul ghost died again, and then turned into a dragon.

This is a very strange form, like a manifestation of a soul within a soul that has transformed into substance, but it is even more ferocious and ferocious.

This situation is just like ordinary people being afraid of ghosts.

And ghosts like you are afraid of worms.

This fear is similar.

Hu Qingniu's change was short-lived, but it also resonated in Su Wangchen's mind.

Likewise, Su Wangchen's body also behaved abnormally as before.

Later, he returned to normal, but he had transformed into Su Wangchen again.

At this time, Su Wangchen was also meditating, meditating on a ball of green energy of creation.

This ball of green energy contains special cause and effect and background.

And, some special cages.

Like the door of creation, like the wheel of fortune.

These causes and effects are all planted in the green energy of creation.

These good fortune green energy are all derived from the gathering of qi.

After becoming a demon, Hu Qingniu's existence form has turned into an existence similar to the vision of nothingness, directly crossing the causal connection of the body and appearing on the head of the 'Su Wangchen body'.

Then, just like three flowers gathering together and five qi heading towards the Yuan Dynasty, it turned into green qi and submerged into the Baihui point on Su Wangchen's head again, and then disappeared.

In this way, the Su Wangchen who had his body taken away completely became 'Su Wangchen'.

But the original Su Wangchen was still in the ideology of the Supreme Yuan Shen of Ten Thousand Daos, in a very strange and peculiar form.

In this form, he could naturally see extremely clearly the condition of his own body that had been taken away from him.

However, he still didn't stop him and still watched calmly.

Hu Qingniu's change was very short-lived, or Su Wangchen's change was very short-lived.

He quickly calmed down some of his chaotic aura, and then showed a bit of anxiety.

Su Ye didn't have any doubts. At this time, he had opened the special channel of the Tianchi Blood River. At the same time, he looked at Su Wangchen and said: On the first level of my memory restricted area, I am almost the real creator and the real controller.

If you come in, you have enough trust in me, so I won't let you down.

Su Ye didn't speak much and his tone was very calm.

But in this, he showed a gentleman's demeanor, which made people very trustworthy and convincing.

'Su Wangchen' nodded and said: Since I have come to this step, I can naturally trust you. The previous efforts were also my sincerity on my own initiative.

Su Wangchen's tone was very indifferent.

It seems that the trust in Su Ye has always been so deep.

Su Ye was no longer vague, opened a special passage to the forbidden memory area, and strengthened the protection of a colorful mysterious light like a source of hope.

This is like a heavenly path that is a source of hope suddenly opened in the cold and dead universe.

Such a heavenly road is indeed extraordinary.

Su Wangchen, who had been seized by Hu Qingniu, looked at such a heavenly road, and a large number of memories about the heavenly road suddenly resonated in his mind.

There seems to be some past memories present.

This is a magical heavenly road, containing past stories and cause and effect.

Many vague memory scenes continued to appear, but Hu Qingniu was unable to grasp these memory fragments.

This gave him an indescribable regret, and at the same time some indescribable anxiety.

This should be my memory, but why can't I remember it? Could this have happened in the earlier past? Or is this my memory or Su Wangchen's memory?

No, I am Su Wangchen now, so these memories should be mine!

Hu Qingniu instinctively tried to remember with his heart, but at this time, when he tried his best to remember, his brain and even his soul all sent out unimaginable tingling.

A feeling that life is worse than death arises spontaneously.

But at this time, those vague memory fragments were all like high-rise buildings washed away by floods, pouring away into the distance along with huge waves, mudslides and even tsunamis.

In the void in the distance, an extremely huge dark abyss appeared, as well as an extremely terrifying whirlpool gate, like a giant black hole that wanted to swallow everything in the world.

This scene made Hu Qingniu tremble.

Then when he looked over again, he found that the scene he had seen before had long since disappeared.

And in the void in all directions, there is still only one incomparably magical heavenly road.

In all directions of the Heavenly Road, there are layers of colorful mysterious light, but within this colorful mysterious light, there are still blood-colored bubbles and some bright, bloody blood energy.

Hu Qingniu wanted to study such a heavenly path carefully, but he held back in the end.

In this process, he still tried to activate the resonance, and then passed on some information, and then followed the heavenly road, followed Su Ye's leadership and Zhiyin, and walked towards the front of the heavenly road.

Soon, the road to heaven came to an end.

Hu Qingniu did not hesitate, and without any fear, he passed directly through the star-gate-like space gate at the end of the Heavenly Road and entered it.

The next moment, he appeared in a black and white chaotic void world.

The void world is gloomy and chilly.

Considering Hu Qingniu's ability to completely seize Su Wangchen's body, he still couldn't help but shudder and felt a biting chill at the same time.


This was his first feeling, and it was also an extremely real feeling.

This is……

The underworld?

At this moment, another vague memory appeared in Hu Qingniu's mind.

The memory is still very vague, like fragments.

But in these clips, there are the Ten Palaces of Hell, the Ten Directions Palace of Hell, as well as the extremely terrifying Naihe Bridge, Huangquan Road...

A series of vague memories of the real underworld unfolded.

There are not only vague memories of the underworld, but even memories of fairy palaces and the like.

It seems that he once transformed into a monkey and rushed into the underworld, beating King Qin Guang of the underworld and fleeing everywhere, and overturned the entire underworld? ? ?

The inexplicable memory appeared very vaguely.

Sun Wukong?

Su Wangchen's former name was Sun Wukong? Is it true or false?

Is this memory... really Su Wangchen's memory? So powerful?

That's right. The Su Wangchen used to seem really strong and invincible.

This Su Wangchen also knows the seventy-two transformations of the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques. Is his body technique similar to the law of heaven and earth, and the golden light of the earth?

Unfortunately, my memory is incomplete and very fuzzy. I'm not sure if that's the case.

As soon as Hu Qingniu thought of this, the void in all directions shook, and then a small dark vortex appeared in the depths of his eyebrows, and then continued to swallow up the fragments of his vague memory!

Is this, seizing cause and effect? ​​Searching for soul memories? Seizing memories?

Is this your purpose?

Hu Qingniu was startled, and then felt horrified.

At this moment, although he had arrived in this hell-like environment, he didn't know how to deal with it!

Moreover, this is not the real underworld, but the first level of Su Ye's memory restricted area, which belongs to the Tianchi Blood River!

what do I do?

If I surrender and rebel now, I'm afraid I will be discovered immediately!

Hu Qing became entangled when he was in Newton.



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