I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 360: : Chaos

When Astorina was about to fly back to the castle but was caught in her hand by a black dragon a few sizes smaller than it, the queen of five colored dragons descended.

As a city ruled by giant dragons, Kaulikan has always been famous for its huge, simple, rugged and magnificent architectural style throughout the main plane. Its floor area is also among the forefront of the entire continent.

But such a city, after the five-color dragon queen came, was shrouded in the shadow of the dragon queen without any suspense.

The day turned into night.

A dragon that is countless times larger than the black dragon Bamas appeared in the sky above Corlican. His wings spread out, covering the entire Forbidden Mountain Range and parts of the kingdoms near the Forbidden Mountain Range, strong and powerful. His claws exuded a chill, and when he looked at each other, he felt astonished that he was completely torn apart. Five heads with different dragon characteristics and hideous faces made everyone's hearts rise. There was a chill.

"It's the Queen of Five Colors!"

Seeing this giant dragon covering the sky and sun, a sense of understanding rose in everyone's heart.

Some people with sensitive brains immediately cast teleportation skills, preparing to leave here.

When a **** descends on the main plane, it must mean that there is a **** or a powerful existence equivalent to the gods doing things.

And it just so happened that the black dragon just hung the golden queen Asteria in a way that did not meet their perceptions...

In the next instant, the faces of these people who were about to teleport changed. The arrival of the five-color dragon queen distorted the rules of this area to the utmost extent, and their teleportation skills all failed.

"go to hell."

The five heads of the five-color dragon queen opened their mouths at the same time, and the golden light began to converge.

At this moment, Jiang Hao, who had been choosing products, finally picked out satisfactory products. Holding a stone in his hand, he began to modify the rules.

"It's forbidden to open your mouth."

The rules in the area were modified, the opened mouth of the five-color dragon's queen was forcibly closed, and the gathered energy was swallowed back by him on the spot.

The huge energy burst out, making him show a trace of pain.

But soon, the five-color dragon queen reacted.

"It's forbidden to shut up."

The surging divine power was dissipated, and the revised rules were covered by the new rules. Under the influence of the new rules, the residents of Caulikan opened their mouths unanimously.

How much power do you want to compete with me? Jiang Hao opened his mouth and laughed.

"It's forbidden to open your mouth."

The rules were revised back.

A new god...The corners of the five-color dragon queen's closed lips showed a disdainful smile, and the surging divine power waved out, and the familiar rules once again covered the old rules.

"It's forbidden to shut up."

"It is forbidden to open your mouth..."

Covering time and time again, the rules in the main plane area were repeatedly rewritten, and the mouths of the residents of Caulikan, the Forbidden Mountains and some of the kingdoms near the Forbidden Mountains, began to close one by one.

If you ignore the fact that they didn't make any sound and the helplessness, entanglement, embarrassment and death on their faces, then they were singing in a chorus.

In the void outside the territory, the gazes that were betting down gradually became weird.


On the plane of Nishak, the outer layer of the kingdom of the orcs and gods, a full moon rose from the east, and the bright moonlight waved down from above.

The pure white moonlight fell on the kingdom of the orcs and gods, like light particles with a mass close to zero, slowly permeating in, covering the kingdom of God material with red as the main color with a layer of moonlight.

In the kingdom of the gods, the orc master **** Gewushi, who was wearing heavy and crude black full-body armor and had only one eye, changed his face suddenly, and he felt that his kingdom had been invaded.

And the daring to invade a kingdom of God constructed by the powerful divine power of God level 16 and several medium divine powers and weak divine powers, at least it is also the great divine power of God level 19.

In an instant, through the connection between the main **** and the slave god, he summoned other gods to his throne, and the six gods revised the rules of the kingdom of gods at the same time.

The swollen wild aura rose up, collided with Yuehua, and expelled the Yuehua who had invaded the kingdom of God with a tsunami-like posture that engulfed everything.

However, the orcs had just expelled the moonlight, and a full moon appeared in front of the orcs and gods.

Seeing the moonlight, the faces of the orc master **** Geusch and the other gods suddenly looked ugly.

"Ms. Night!"

Almost in an instant, moonlight once again filled the entire Nishak plane, crushing the orcs and gods together with their kingdom.

At the moment when the orc master **** Gewushi mobilized his divine power to counterattack, a green arrow shot in from outside the plane and fiercely inserted into Gewushi's heart. In the blink of an eye, the arrow emptied Gewu. Shi's supernatural power has transformed into a huge tree of the world.



In the bottomless abyss, in the magic web of Lady Spider's divine kingdom, crimson rays of light shone in.

The dark elf petitioners bathed in the light felt a nameless throbbing. They instinctively opened their mouths and uttered a wolf howling sound at the crimson moon that had hung above the net of the deep pit.

They were originally Dark Elf petitioners, and they became werewolf petitioners in an instant, and the object of their faith changed from the spider lady to the fallen mother.

Immediately afterwards, the evil beings created by the spider lady, such as the wax melt demon and the higher spider, were transformed into werewolves by the fallen power one by one.

Hiding in the depths of the kingdom of God, the spider lady, who was concerned about the battle of the five-color dragon queen, saw this scene, her heart sank.

"Mother of Fallen Sex."



Moradin, the father of the dwarf and the creator of the dwarf at the **** level 18, looked at the Moon Demon God and the mysterious girl who appeared in front of him, and his expression sank.


In the boundless brilliance, the serpent with seven huge planes dragging its tail untied itself from the Seven-fold Heaven Mountain, and plunged into the multiverse, the home of all the dead, in the underworld.

In the next second, the extremely dazzling light illuminates the entire underworld.


Since the chaos launched the war that swept across the multiverse and failed, it has been closed, and there is no connection with any abyssal level. The steam swamp welcomes visitors.

The All-Knowing Lord holding a seven-headed scepter pried open the closed gate of the steam swamp~www.NovelMTL.com~ and stepped in peacefully,

As soon as he entered, countless purple-black tentacles exuding disgusting mucus stretched out from the bottom of the steam swamp.

On the epidermis of the tentacles, red and purple blood vessels criss-cross, and suckers of different sizes are densely packed in the tentacles. After these tentacles rise up, a very huge humanoid woman with blue skin also follows. Came out.

He stared at the Lord of All-Knowing closely with a pair of purple-black eyes, and the pollution of the ancient gods from the chaotic camp was like a sharp blade, piercing the Lord of All-Knowing fiercely.

"Go out, Lord of All-Knowing."

"This is not where you should set foot."

The Lord of All-Knowing calmly looked at the huge monster that almost merged with the steam swamp in front of him, and raised the scepter in his hand, "Our new universe does not need the gods from the Chaos Age."

"You should go to the star realm."

"After Chaos!"

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