I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 359: : Asteria


The golden scepter collided with the black minions of the black dragon, sputtering a large amount of sparks in an instant.

A look of astonishment was revealed in Astorina's clear eyes.

Can this black dragon get rid of the suppression of his own bloodline?

As the daughter of the five-color dragon queen and the head of the good dragon, it naturally stands on top of all dragons. For it, the dragon is its own servant, its own subjects, and all dragons, even metal dragons, must Call yourself the queen.

But now, this black dragon actually got rid of the suppression of his own bloodline,

"It's very interesting, I am interested in you now, I will treat you kindly..."

Immediately it raised the scepter in its hand, and the pure gem radiated a dazzling light, and received the divine power of Tiamat from the void.

The powerful divine power once again suppressed the black dragon.

The five-color dragon queen is the creator of the five-color dragon, and the creator naturally has control over the creation, so when Tiamat’s divine power came, Bamas immediately felt his body stiff, and the blood in his whole body was solidified.

But this feeling only lasted for an instant, and the influence of Tiamat's divine power on it disappeared.

Tiamat is the creator of the five-color dragon, but he is not the creator of the gods, and he has no influence on the gods.

Soon, Barmas saw'it' disappear in place, and then watched'it' appear in front of Asteria, and watched the expression of a queen on Asteria's face appear. There was a hint of panic and stunned, and there was a hint of pleasure in my heart.

What about the five-color dragon queen and the daughter of the head of the dragon? What if the bloodline is noble enough to be at the top of all dragons? It's not trembling in my paws yet.

At this time, it still doesn't understand that it is its owner, the **** of agriculture, Mountain Drew, who takes over its body.


The huge black paw fell down and slapped Astorina directly into the soil.

In this scene, all the residents of Caulikan were stunned.

That is Astorina, the son of god, the oldest dragon, the famous golden queen on the mainland, and its reputation has even spread to the outer planes, and countless people know its wealth.

But it has been photographed by another dragon now?

"You irritated me, bastard!"

Astorina canceled the constant transformation technique on her body, and reappeared in front of everyone in the form of a dragon.

An emerald dragon that was several times larger than Bamas appeared on the spot.

The dragon has the characteristics of a metal dragon and a five-color dragon at the same time. The emerald green scales emit dark light particles. The huge steel-like membrane wings cover the sky and the sun. The horns above the head are directly facing the sky, and there is a hanging on it. The pink crown reflects the dazzling light in the sun.

"I'm going to kill you and hang your head on the door of my castle" Asteria looked at Bamas, saying word by word: "And your soul will be driven into the bottomless abyss by me. Become a humble and ugly deep-water maggot."

Seeing Astorina showing her real body as a trap to lure the black dragon to rob her shop, the two demons, hoping to get compensation, looked at each other, and the figure slowly disappeared.

The golden queen is not a good-tempered dragon. After suffering from this kind of loss, maybe she will sprinkle fire on their heads. It is better to return to the nine hells first.

But just when they were about to disappear, a huge claw fell from the sky, grabbing them in their horrified eyes, and huge power was transmitted from all directions, constantly squeezing.

Soon, the two demons became a mass of compressed flesh and blood.

"You are the next one of them."

The angry voice roared, Astorina opened her mouth, ice-blue energy gathered in its mouth, and then spit out suddenly.

Where the dragon's breath passes, everything freezes, and even the water molecules in the space are frozen, showing ice-colored flowers condensed from ice **** particles.

‘Bamas’ contracted its wings, the two wings intertwined, blocking the front, full of chill, as if the breath of the dragon hit the black dragon’s wings at absolute zero.

With wings as the center point, the ice spread to the surroundings, turning the black dragon into an icy blue dragon relief in an instant.

The light projected from the sun falls on the relief, reflecting the brilliant light.

But before Astorina was happy, it saw the ice on the surface of the dragon relief chipped inch by inch, from a complete individual to countless fragments.

Seeing this scene, Astorina's pupils shrank.

That was... a strange divine reaction just now?

Is the opponent a **** disguised as a dragon? Or is it the servant of a certain god?

But no matter what it is, it means that he is being watched by the gods.

Astorina spread her wings, turned and flew towards her castle, where there are portals leading to other places. As for why not pass the closest portal to it.

Teleporting to the outer plane while being watched by the gods is tantamount to suicide.

During the flight, she silently prayed to her mother Tiamat, the queen of the five-colored dragon.

As the son of two gods born together, Astorina knows exactly what a terrifying creature a **** is. Occupy an absolute advantage in existing battles.

For millions of years in the entire multiverse, the gods who have fallen in non-god battles have counted with one hand.

"It started praying to its mother."

In a certain shop in Caulikan, Jiang Hao smiled while choosing goods.

"Will he come for his daughter?"


There is a certain level in the bottomless abyss, and the kingdom of God completely covers this level. Petitioners who have been polluted by the power of the abyss fight each other in the kingdom of God, performing various conspiracies and tricks.

In God's house, the five-color dragon queen Tiamat, who was talking with the old man holding the snow wooden Atyn, suddenly stopped.

The old man's fingers fiddled on the snow wooden Atyn~www.NovelMTL.com~ One of your important backhands is being attacked by a deity. Don't you want to help it? "

"Am I in danger?"

Tiamat's five heads opened their mouths at the same time, making a deafening noise.

The old man looked at the five-color dragon, and said in a calm tone: "The good snake probably won't spare any power to attack the evil **** in the near future."

As soon as the voice fell, Tiamat's figure suddenly rushed out.

The huge meteor rushed out from the bottomless abyss and fell into the main plane.

The old man's fingertips flicked, and the melodious piano sounded leisurely.

Play one piece.

He spoke in a low voice,

"I will give you what you want."

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