I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 306: : Mother of Ten Thousand Ants

The Mother of Ants is the ruler of one of the three major races in the mechanical realm of horological nirvana, the Fumi ant tribe, which is spread throughout the mechanical realm of horological nirvana.

If Iolum is really in the mechanical realm of horological Nirvana, then the Mother of Ants most likely knows where he is.

In fact, the distribution of the sanctioner Normanus is wider than that of the Vermi ants, and these constructed lives that follow the laws of the mechanical realm of clock and watch Nirvana are ubiquitous.

But they have no self-awareness, nor do they control them.

They are more similar to the anti-virus program in the mechanical realm of clock and watch Nirvana. It scans every outsider who enters the mechanical realm to determine whether it will damage the order and rules of the mechanical realm. Once it thinks that the foreigner will destroy the mechanical realm. With the order and rules, they will hunt and kill each other endlessly.

When Jiang Hao and the old man appeared in front of a huge Vermi ant, this ant, called the number one killer of the mechanical realm of clock and watch Nirvana, immediately, like its predecessor, stretched out its two small paws and smashed the ground. Up.

Although it is an ant and not a mouse, its speed of paving the soil is not much slower than that of a mouse, but after a while, a large hole in the ground that can accommodate its size is added, and then it gets in.

Seeing this exactly the same action, the old man couldn't help but smile, "If the sanctioner Normanus has no brains and rushes up when he sees the enemy, then the Vermi ant is a typical bullying and fearful of hardship."

"When they see an outsider, they will first evaluate the strength of the opponent. If the opponent is very weak, then it will contact other Vermi ants and attack together."

"But if it finds that the opponent is strong, it will burrow into the ground and escape."

"Of course, except when the mother of ants gives an order, once the mother of ants gives an order, all the Fumi ants will become fierce and undaunted to die."

When the Nether Empire entered the mechanical realm of horological Nirvana, the Vermi ant tribe caused a lot of trouble for them. These creatures are well versed in "the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy garrisons me, the enemy is tired, I beat, the enemy retreats. The sixteen-character tactic of chasing, played guerrilla tactics with them in the mechanical realm, and almost caused the Nether Empire to withdraw from the mechanical realm.

Finally, dozens of legendary mages drove the floating city to the mechanical realm together, besieged the mother of ten thousand ants, and inflicted it heavily, and successfully incorporated the higher plane of the mechanical realm of horological nirvana into the colony of the empire.

Jiang Hao didn't speak, but just walked up and stretched out his hand to the hole dug by the huge Vermi ant, and sucked the ant digging away from the ground into his own hand.

Before he came, he had predicted the hiding place of the Mother of Ants and explored for a long time, but the result was the same as when he predicted/explored Iolum, but there was no result.

Therefore, he can only find the Mother of Ten Thousand Ants in a more stupid but more effective way.

The tall Vermi ant was caught in Jiang Hao's hand, and the antenna-like thing on his forehead shook a bit, black eyes larger than a baby's fist looked at Jiang Hao pitifully, his short forelegs stretched and stretched. , Seemed to want to hug Jiang Hao's thigh but didn't dare to hug it.

When Jiang Hao saw its performance, the corners of his mouth turned upwards, and he reached out and touched the head of the Vermi ant, and countless lines of illusion appeared in his field of vision.

One end of these dense lines of illusion is a Vermi ant, and one end is connected to all the creatures that have been in contact with this Vermi ant and have caused cause and effect.

His thoughts extended along these illusory lines, and the biological information that had been connected with the Vermi ants came into Jiang Hao's sight.

Most of these creatures are similar in appearance, except that Vermi ants of different sizes, a few of them are Sanctioner Normanus, and a few of them are semi-constructed life mounds.

The Demon Tomb is similar in appearance to Normanus the Punisher. Both are constructed of iron cans. But unlike the Punisher, although the Demon Tomb looks like a construct, it is actually a kind of Life, a semi-mechanical, semi-biological life.

Moreover, compared to the sanctioners who are deeply hostile to outsiders, Mo Tomb has no hatred for outsiders. Even if outsiders do things that violate order in the mechanical realm, they will not attack outsiders.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao saw a huge Vermi ant.

The size of this Vermi ant is hundreds of thousands of times the size of the Vermi ant in his hand. It lives in a huge cave with light yellow gears hung on the surrounding walls, and the gears are full of green slime.

The number of Vermi ants that are so large that people with intensive phobias will faint at a glance, fly orderly into the air, transport the food they carry to the mouth of this Vermi ant, and feed her to eat.

And at its tail, that huge vital organ spews out a large number of tiny white translucent'rice grains' into the outside world every minute.

When these "rice grains" fall on the ground in about three hours, they will be broken open from the inside out by the "people"~www.NovelMTL.com~ From inside, a sand-sized Vermi ant larva emerges.

The moment he saw it, Jiang Hao knew the name of this Vermi ant without any prediction or exploration.

Ashlea, the mother of ants.

One of the rulers of the Astral Zerg and the ruler of all the Fami ants, an outland creature that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, even if dozens of legendary mages are driving the floating city can not kill it.

She seemed to have noticed that she was being peeped by others, and the mother of ten thousand ants, Axilia, opened her multiple eyes and met Jiang Hao's eyes across time and space.

In an instant, the violent torrent of spiritual energy rushed along Jiang Hao and its connection, and countless messy spirits fell on Jiang Hao, madly polluting his own consciousness.

In the next moment, strips of silver-white lightning fell from the sky, hitting the spirit that was impacting, and the powerful purifying power would purify the spiritual energy that was turned into a torrent.


The Mother of Ten Thousand Ants snorted, interrupting the output of spiritual energy, and these huge spiritual energy filled with the imprints of different creatures slowly dissipated in the void.

"The strength of the mother of ten thousand ants is approximately equivalent to the weak divine power of God level 7. In the mechanical realm of horological nirvana, relying on the geographical advantage of the mechanical realm and the support advantages of countless Vermi ants, even the medium divine power may not be able to win. it."

"Let's go, if you don't go there, the mother of ants should run away."


Jiang Hao released his hand, and the Vermi ant fell heavily to the ground. The Vermi ant lay motionless on the ground first, and when Jiang Hao and the old man disappeared, it immediately got up from the ground, then moved its limbs and plowed the ground. stand up. But I got in after a while.

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