I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 305: :The mechanical realm of horological nirvana (2 in 1 large

There are people here?

The adventurers who thought they would be teleported to a deserted person, with only countless magic items left by the wizards of the Netheril era, made a defensive move as soon as they saw the old man.

"Don't be nervous, I am not malicious to you."

Hearing the words of the old man, no adventurer really relaxes his guard.

They are not just starting to take risks, how could it be that a stranger said to himself that he did not have any bad intentions?

The old man didn't care what they were thinking. After he finished speaking, he paused for a few seconds, and his voice erratic, "I just want to ask about your main plane."

Hearing these words, Archmage Tingen's pupils shrank, and he quietly released the detection magic-True Vision, only to discover that the teleportation channel had teleported himself into the void outside the domain.

"Is it weird?" the old man asked, "the main plane is strongly suppressed. Hanging the demiplane in the main plane will make it lose its growth."

"In the main plane, it will never grow into a plane, even the lowest sub-plane."

But it's safe to do so, Archmage Tingen retorted instinctively, and then he snorted in his heart, revealing an incredible look in his narrowed pupils.

Can he hear my heart?

The old man heard his heart and smiled, "You are a mage, and you should know that since the emergence of such creatures as Mind Devil, the human brain is no longer absolutely safe."

Hearing these words, Archmage Tingen shook his robe, and a series of magic rose up on his body. He himself took out his weapon, ready to pull the alien creatures over as a meat shield at any time.

Seeing his actions, the old man laughed, "If I were you, I would stop doing this, because playing magic in front of a legendary mage of the Nether Empire is really an act of playing magic in front of the gods. "

"Sit down, I, an old man who hasn't set foot on the main plane for hundreds of thousands of years, just want to learn from you about the situation in my hometown."

The mud behind the adventurers rose automatically, forming a round stone bench just the size of their buttocks.

Archmage Tingen sat up while staying vigilant, more defensive magic was released by him, and soon he became a person wearing a colorful mask.

The other adventurers met and sat up cautiously, staring at the old man who appeared inexplicably. As long as he had any aggressive behavior, they ensured that their weapons could hit him in the face as soon as possible. .

"Caution is a good thing, but being too cautious is timid."

"Is the main plane now a unified empire or a plethora of kingdoms?"

"There are many kingdoms."

Archmage Tingen answered the old man’s question, “Actually, since the Nether Empire collapsed, there has never been a unified empire on the main plane. The empire closest to the unified empire is Karuk of the Fourth Age. Empire, and when it was at its peak, it only occupied one-fifth of the land on the main plane."

"As I expected, after the gods dismembered the Nether Empire, how could they allow a new Nether Empire to be born on the main plane."

"Really the gods dismembered the Netherite Empire?" Arch Mage Tingen asked curiously.

Didn't Karthus use a magic that I don't know what it is called to cause the magic net to collapse?

Although there is a conspiracy theory that'it was the gods that caused the magic net to collapse, which led to the collapse of the Netherite Empire,' few wizards believed that the Netherite Empire that could tie the gods to the planing table for experimentation would be because of the gods. Collapse, but now it seems that the conspiracy theory is true?

"Without the help of the gods, Karthus would not be able to usurp the secret bitch's control of the magic net." The old man said calmly: "Also, we have never tied the gods to the planing platform, although we have thought about it this way. Did it, but never succeeded."

"Don't think of gods as beings that are superior and only looking up, but don't think of gods as low-level creatures that we can dissect."

"Inferiority complex and arrogance should not exist in the body of the wizard."

There is no way to communicate with someone like you who can see through your heart, but what he just said is a secret bitch? Even using a secret **** to describe the Mother of Magic Mi... The name of the Mother of Magic just appeared in the heart of the Great Master Tingen, and the bright red light occupies all of his vision.

He immediately pulled the alien creature he had prepared to block him, and the adventurer with him launched an attack that was still prepared to the old man at the same time.


The colorful mask surrounding the Great Master Tingen shattered in an instant, and then he felt dizzy, and his vision was stained with red.

"Don't mention the secret bitch's name in front of me, even if you think it in your heart." The old man stopped after a warning.

Can't mention the name of the mother of magic? Is it afraid that he will perceive it? But hasn't the mother of magic fallen? Grand Master Tingen raised his hand and wiped the area under his eyes, and soon his hands were all sticky blood.

He turned his head and glanced at his companions, only to see those people fainted, and their eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding out.

The old man sensed his thoughts and sneered, "The **** has fallen, but the mysterious girl is still there. He and the **** may not be two gods."

"Among the gods, the secret **** and the ancient sun **** are the two most special beings."

"Other gods have fallen really when they fall. If you want to resurrect, you can only gather strength in the star realm to return, but only after the two of them fall, new gods will be born from the corpse."

"Although the new gods born from their corpses deny that they are the same person, the great divine power of the gods up to 19 has simply fallen. Don't you find it strange?"

"I suspect that the collapse of the Demon Net was directed by Secret. As for the purpose, hehe, he should have felt the threat of that thing, so he wanted to erase the Netherite Empire from the main plane."

The threat of that thing? What can threaten the mother of magic? Let him have to obliterate the Nishite Empire at the cost of his own fall? Arch Mage Tingen's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but want to explore the secrets in it.

"You don't need to ask your doubts. I won't tell you what it is. The more you know, the closer you are to danger. The mysterious girl has always been committed to erasing traces of its existence."

Soon the old man looked at the void beyond the demiplane, reached out his hand and grabbed a book out of the air, "This book contains a lot of knowledge about the Nether Empire. Keep it if you like it. If you don’t If you like it, give it to other wizards."

"But no matter what choice you make, I hope you can teach as much of the knowledge in the book as possible to others, so that the magic flower of the Nether Empire will bloom again on the main plane."

The Grand Master Tingen was about to say thank you, when he suddenly saw that the scenery in front of him became blurred. When the scenery became clear, the dazzling white snow and the companions lying on the snow were in his eyes. He still held it in his hand. A magic book written in color-resistant text.

After sending away Archmage Tingen, the old man turned his head to see the void with a little light in the darkness, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Unexpectedly, I was found... after living for hundreds of thousands of years, it is finally coming to an end. Fortunately, my knowledge is given away. Whether it can be passed on on the main plane depends on the arrangement of fate."

"So that book is your knowledge."

"I thought it was a color-resistant scroll."

Jiang Hao walked on the void, stepping into this demiplane step by step.

Seeing that it was Jiang Hao, the old man's heart hanging in the air fell, "It turned out to be you."

When he sensed that there was a **** approaching the half plane, his first reaction was that the mysterious girl found him. After all, only the mysterious girl would perseverely pursue the remnants of the Nether Empire, but he did not expect it to be Jiang Hao who swore allegiance to him. His Royal Highness.

He quietly stopped the act of destroying the half plane.

Jiang Hao noticed his movements but didn't care, "Do you know Iolum?"

Hearing the name, the old man missed it for a moment, and then said: "Iolum is my teacher. He is the greatest mage in the era of Netheril. No, he is the greatest mage in the entire multiverse, the only one. A legend who broke through the professional level restrictions of the mage and raised his professional level to 41."

Is this a student's adoration of the teacher?

"Are you still in touch with him?"

"No." The old man shook his head slowly, "When the Nether Empire collapsed, I fell into the shadow plane with the floating city. For some special reasons, I have been hovering near the floating city."

"I tried to contact the teacher, but I never got a response. If it weren't for I'm pretty sure no one can kill the teacher in the multiverse, I would doubt if the teacher is dead."

It really is a student's adoration of the teacher.

Jiang Hao smiled. It is better than Tier, the **** of justice, and Cyric in the dark, that they will be killed. How could Iorem be able to kill no one.

Perhaps in the eyes of many wizards, he is a legend, a peak that cannot be crossed in front of all the wizards, but in his eyes, Iolum is only a slightly stronger wizard.

In the multiverse, there are as many as two hands that can kill him.

Soon, he sent out an invitation to the old man, "Are you interested in accompany me to the mechanical realm of clock and watch Nirvana to find your teacher?"

When the old man heard this sentence, the expression on his face moved slightly, and then he asked.

"What is your purpose?"

"The color-resistant scroll!"


The mechanical realm of horological nirvana is not very famous in the outer space. Its name is only circulated among the countless gods and some powerful beings in the multiverse.

It is a plane with ultimate order, the birthplace of all plane orders, and a working machine for adjusting the order of the multiverse.

The entire mechanical realm of Nirvana of the clock is composed of completely equal light and dark bands, as well as completely equal heat and cold. From the outside, it is like a water drop-shaped clock with an obvious tree-shaped outer layer. field.

When Jiang Hao and the old man entered the mechanical realm of horological nirvana, they immediately alarmed the native creatures here, the sanctioners Normanus and Vermiant who were fighting.

After the ants sensed the breath of the gods, they immediately threw their legs to dig a hole on the spot, and quickly dug a hole and then went in, disappearing without a trace, while the sanctioner Normanus picked up a handful of pure light The long spear formed a charge against Jiang Hao.

These constructed lives born from the native mechanical realm are extremely disgusted by outsiders who may disrupt the order of the mechanical realm of the clock's Nirvana.

"Hundreds of thousands of years, these constructed lives are still as brainless as before, regardless of whether the enemy is strong or weak, they will directly rush forward."

The old man greeted him without evading.

The long spear of the sanctioner Normanus pierced the old man's chest, but it seemed to pierce an illusion, without tearing the slightest wound.

After it noticed something was wrong and was about to retract its spear, the old man's palm touched the silver helmet that made it.


The lightning flashed, and the two bright lights on the sanctioner Normanus' helmet dimmed as bright as light bulbs, and the raised hand wrapped in silver-white iron slowly dropped.

"The magic puppets of our Nether Empire borrowed from the two constructs of Normanus the Sanctioner and the Demon Tomb ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ In order to understand their structure, we took countless Sanctioner Norman Nuss and Demon Tomb were caught in their own laboratory and almost wiped out their two species."

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, these constructed lives are still there, and our Nether Empire has become a paragraph in the history book."

"His Royal Highness, will my teacher really be on this plane?"

The old man questioned.

The mechanical realm of Nirvana of Clocks and Watches is filled with the order that has existed since the birth of the plane, and it is the sanctioner Normanus who maintains the order and cleans up the outsiders who violate the order.

Although not all outsiders are the objects to be cleaned up, his teacher Iolum must be the objects to be cleaned up.

After all, in order to understand the life of construction, his teacher arrested a lot of sanctioners and went back for anatomy. In the mechanical realm of horological Nirvana, he was the kind of heinous crime.

Based on this situation, if his teacher were to hide here, he would have to face the endless attacks of the sanctioner Normanus every day.

——With his teacher's quiet personality, there should no longer be the existence of the sanctioner Normanus in the mechanical realm of horological Nirvana.

Hearing the words of the old man, Jiang Hao's eyes swept over the countless cogs rotating in the void and the Vermi ants hiding in the void and nesting inside, and the countless sanctioners Nuo Manus.

"It was the pastor of the former God of Knowledge who told me the news."

Jiang Hao led him, his figure gradually disappearing transparently, "Let's go to the mother of ten thousand ants, it may know where your teacher is hiding."

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