I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 237: : Snatch the Golden Apple

Sicily is located in the southern part of Italy, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. It is shaped like a triangle. The northeast end faces the Apennine Peninsula with the Strait of Messina, which is 3 kilometers wide.

The island has crystal clear waters and beautiful seabeds, so every year a large number of tourists come to the beaches of Sicily to enjoy the sun.

Therefore, when a group of people dressed in jackets and dressed like tourists stepped off the plane and headed towards the beach, many passers-by did not pay too much attention to the number of people in this group, and the formation was a little strange. A little tour group.

"How long is there?"

Cornelius squeezed the sticky beard and asked quietly.

Because the goal of this trip was too important, he did not choose to visit Italy in public, but entered the country as a Greek tourist after making the necessary disguise.

Therefore, he was a little vacant, and he was afraid that the dull agents would cause great trouble for the purpose of his trip after recognizing him.

"Alright, we're almost there." Alix walked violently, very perfunctory to Mr. President's questioning.

Since entering Sicily, he has had a strong feeling in his heart. That feeling is guiding him to a place. He believes that this is the revelation of God, and believes that as long as he gets to that place, he can get the legendary golden apple.

Cornelius nodded, although he was very anxious, but he also knew that this kind of thing could not be anxious.

Led by Alix, a group of people walked out of the town and climbed up a volcano.

"I feel it, right here."

Alix stopped, and disappeared after feeling this strongly in his heart. Although the loss of the guidance of the gods made him feel a sense of loss, his heart was quickly filled with excitement.

"Is it here?"

When he heard this, Cornelus looked serious. He scanned the environment for a week. The ground was covered with thick **** paved with volcanic ash. The solidified lava after the eruption was everywhere, and he even stood on it. Everyone could feel tremors, as if some kind of explosion occurred below and was transmitted to the ground.

In such an environment, let alone golden apples, he didn't even see an apple tree.

"right here."

Alix closed his eyes and carefully recalled how he felt before the divine guidance disappeared. He slowly walked aside, squatted up, and put his hands into the slag, digging into it bit by bit.

Seeing this scene, Cornelius held his breath. Could it be that the golden apple is in the slag?

Although apples growing in the **** are not scientific at all, things like mysterious powers have never been scientific.

In the eyes of everyone, the emerald light suddenly grew out of the **** dug up by Alix.

A slender sapling sprouts and grows in the emerald green light, and it grows into a half-person-tall sapling just like the one shot in a Hollywood movie.

One branch fell from the small tree, and on it hung an apple glowing with golden awns.

"Golden Apple..."

"The golden apple is really here."

"The fruit of the fabled dispute, the magical fruit that even the gods fought for it."


Seeing such a wonderful scene and the golden apple hanging on the branch within reach, they didn't know that this apple was the famous golden apple, and their eyes were full of heat when they looked at the golden apples.

"This is the apple God gave me!"

There was an intoxicated expression on Alix's face. In his eyes, this was the most beautiful and sacred thing in the world.

He put his dirty and black hands on his clothes and rubbed it twice, stretched out, preparing to take down the apple that God had bestowed on him.

Suddenly, his hands stretched out from the side and firmly grasped his arm.

"Mr. Alix, your hands are dirty, I'll pick the golden apple for you."

In Alix’s stunned gaze, Cornelius, who had already walked up from behind, turned up his mouth slightly, and he was very happy. “The golden apple is the most sacred and beautiful thing in the world. A little bit of dirt, my hands are clean, I'll pick it!"

"It's okay, I don't think my hands are dirty at all..."

"Don't you think, want me to think!"

Alix was instantly pulled back from the apple tree by a strong force, and the two guards immediately coordinated one to the left and the other to clamp his arm.

Cornelius ignored the screaming voice coming from behind. After he decided to take the golden apple by himself, Alix's meaning to him was only to lead the way. Now that Alix brought him here, he has no meaning anymore. Up.

He stood under the tree, looked up at the golden apple, and slowly stretched out his hands.

"I used to be energetic, once I thought about changing Greece's embarrassing position in the international arena, once I wanted to take Greece back to its heyday in history and become the world's political center, cultural center, and economic center... ...."

"... But the cruel reality tells me that I am nothing. Under the suppression of the existing international order, a dog or an ambitious person sitting in the presidential position will not bring quality to this country. The change."

"But now it is different. I, who masters the golden apple, will surely lead the rise of Greece and become the leader of the international order."

He held the golden apple with trembling hands and held the fruit that made the gods crazy. "Power, power, glory, and grace, is this the meaning of the golden apple?..."

Cornelius put a soft force, and the golden apple fell into his hand.

Suddenly, the ground began to vibrate.

"What happened? There was an earthquake? The volcano is about to erupt?"

The sudden change made several people on the mountain panic. This is Mount Etna, a death volcano that has killed 3 million people. If it erupts, those present can no longer imagine what they will become. Looks like it.


There was a loud noise from the sky~www.NovelMTL.com~ People's ears could not hear other sounds except the rumbling sound. The huge vibration from deep underground made several people on the mountain unstable. Fell to the ground.


I don’t know who yelled and awakened the people who were still in a daze. Faced with the roar of the earth, these people ran away, but even if they ran, some loyal guards did not forget to call Cornelius. His Excellency the President protects, after all, they are trained and selected guards, and in those trainings, there are projects with lives to block bullets for the President.

"Hehe, God is angry, this is the fate of snatching the golden apple that God gave me."

Alix, who was abandoned on the ground, looked at Cornelius who was fleeing in embarrassment, and laughed loudly, "Great God, give the blasphemer the harshest punishment!"

His response was a loud ‘bang’ sound and an angry roar from deep underground,

"Three **** of Destiny, I'm going to kill you."

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