I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 236: : Golden Apple

"Kronos, the primitive transcendent **** enshrined by Orpheus, has cast a miracle?"

"God told him to go to Sicily to find golden apples?"

"Is that a gift from God?"

The light appeared on the temple alarmed the intelligence department. Alix, who had just left the house, was caught by the intelligence personnel. After a combination of hard and soft questions, what happened in the temple was sent to Cornelius.

Looking at these records, there was a wave of waves in his heart.

Did the gods finally take care of Greece?

Although before God caused the universe to collapse, the miracle of the primitive transcendent **** Koronos appeared, and Zeus appeared in Egypt, but this is the first time that a **** has looked after the Greeks and brought down his divine grace.

"Did you do anything excessive to him?" Cornelius asked.

Before being favored by the gods, he didn't care who Alix was, and he was an insignificant little person, but after being favored by the gods, he was a priest, favored one, and possessor of extraordinary powers of the primitive transcendence of God Chronos. It is the guarantee and the biggest trump card for Greece to gain a say in international affairs.

Such a person must have a good relationship.

"No." The head of the Greek Intelligence Agency, Mizokis, who was standing in Cornelius, shook his head quickly. Before knowing that the other party was favored by the gods, some intelligence personnel had indeed thought about torturing him if he refused to explain honestly, but The intelligence officer only threatened, and Alix honestly explained everything clearly.

After knowing that the other party was favored by the gods, where did the intelligence personnel dare to carry out severe torture.

"Nothing is fine."

Cornelius originally thought that if the intelligence personnel tortured Alix, he would send the torturer to the other person to vent his anger. Now it seems that there is no need to say, "Let him come to see me... Forget it, I am still me. Go and see him."

To be courteous to others, of course, there must be sincerity.

Under the leadership of the intelligence personnel, Cornelius came to a meeting room violently, and the moment he opened the door, Cornelius’s face had a sincere smile.

"Mr. Alix, these people are not embarrassing you."

The President is here?

Alix was stunned, and Cornelius immediately furiously reprimanded Mizokis beside him, "What do I usually say to you? We must civilize law enforcement and treat our own people like their relatives. Polite, but how did you treat our Mr. Alix? Now, immediately, immediately apologize to Mr. Alix."

Immediately after Mizokis was reprimanded, he said with a panic and frightened expression: "I'm sorry, Mr. Alex, all my people are not good, I am not good, please forgive me..."

"Mr. Alix, these intelligence agents are used to dealing with foreign spies and special agents. They treat such outstanding talents as you, they actually used the same way of treating prisoners... They really wronged you. This is theirs. Malfeasance, if you feel wronged, you must tell them, and I will punish them severely."

Cornelius said firmly.

Seeing this kind of big man who would never see him apologize to himself with fear, Alix was also a bit panicked. He didn't realize that he had changed from an ordinary Athens resident to the whole of Greece and even the whole world. A big shot of the eye.

And even though he was favored by the gods, he is still an ordinary person.

Therefore, he repeatedly stated that he was not wronged.

In fact, he was not aggrieved apart from being intimidated. After talking about his experience, he was invited here to turn on the air conditioner, serve coffee, and the TV set up everything, and asked him if he needed it. Need to chat with beautiful women, the intelligence officer who threatened him had already apologized to him and obtained forgiveness.

"You don't have to be afraid of them. Serving the people is what he should do. If you have a bad attitude, you should be punished." Cornelius said that he must punish those people to vent their anger for Alix, and then said kindly, "Ah. Mr. Lex, if you are going to Sicily, take my special plane... Although I am ashamed and I don’t want to talk about my own scandals, I have to say that our intelligence services have been infiltrated so badly. Many foreign agents and spies are lurking. Inside, maybe the information has already spread out at this time."

Alix, who instinctively wanted to refuse, heard the last words of Mr. President, and his words became "Thank you President".

There is no destiny in Greek mythology. Gods are not omniscient and omnipotent. Those who are favored by them do not mean that they will be rewarded by them. In the mythology, the half-god heroes often make the gods disgraced. Let others **** the golden apple, and he has nowhere to cry.

The smile on Cornelius’s face is even brighter. In fact, after the last time the wheel of fortune was stolen, the intelligence department has been cleansed once. He dare not say that there is no slippery fish, but he definitely does not know as before. What was dug up was immediately known by the country on the other side of the ocean.

Of course, as time goes by, the intelligence department will still be infiltrated into a sieve.

"Golden Apple."

Cornelius thought about it and moved his heart.

The golden apple is the fruit of disputes and disasters with peculiar magical powers.

Although it is not stated in the mythology what kind of magic power it possesses, Hercules, the **** of power, regards taking the golden apple as its own glory, and the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite for the golden apple. From the dispute, it can be seen that ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Golden Apple absolutely possesses peculiar power.

As for the disputes between the three goddesses for the title of "Send to the Most Beautiful Goddess", hehe, do you really think that the great, sacred, and glorious gods will fight for an illusory title? What do they think a **** is? Those vanity nobles in ancient Greece?

"Although the golden apple was obtained by the great primitive transcendence **** Chronos instructing Alix to obtain it, it can be seen from the fact that the gods are pointing rather than directly giving, that the gods are testing Alix. If he cannot complete the test, The favor of the gods is bound to leave, isn't it all said in mythology?"

The more Cornelius thought about it, the more he felt that he was right. Since this is a test given by the gods, can I replace it?

How can it be better to win over the transcendent by becoming a transcendent by yourself?

The confidant can betray himself, he can leave himself, he can stab a knife behind him, he himself will not betray himself.

The more he thought about it, the more his heart moved, and the brighter the smile on his face, "Mr. Alix, I will arrange a special plane to take you there right away."

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