I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 212: : Thor


Hidden in the ‘Golden Princess’ ship shivering and hoping for a miracle, Zou Ziming, when he saw the giant god’s first glance, naturally revealed the other’s god’s name in his heart.

The miracle really happened?


Seeing the appearance of Thor, the big snake Yemengade immediately roared. This big snake who died with Thor in the prophecy opened his mouth like a dark deep sea, and slammed toward Thor. You bite over, it will eat the prophesied enemy into its stomach, and then hang the prophesied Odin with its tail.


Thor took a step forward, and the armor on his body made a fine sound. Numerous thunders filled the entire Pacific Ocean. These thunders were completely different from those created by the magical power of the snake. When they appeared, they defeated the thick dark clouds. The tsunami that had to be created crashed down and turned into a cloud of spray on the coast. The hurricane also turned into wisps of breeze under the impact of the thunder.

"What happened? The tsunami is gone?"

Some people who were slow to respond and didn't have a car and missed the bus thought they were dead after seeing the tsunami. They didn't expect the peaks to turn, so that the big tsunami suddenly disappeared?

Although it was raining, and the whole body was soggy and uncomfortable, it felt so good to be alive.

After sighing, some people took out their mobile phones to call their family members to report their safety, and they cried as they talked. Some took out their mobile phones to post on the Internet, sharing their experiences and the joy of escaping to strangers.

But after they shared it, they were stunned to discover that not only was the tsunami in their own place gone, but the tsunami and hurricanes that had spread across the Pacific coast disappeared. Everyone on the Internet was celebrating and curious.

"what happened?"

"The U.S. used the rumored weather weapon to wipe out the hurricane and tsunami?"

"Nack, meteorological weapons have long been banned. What about the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change? Besides, even if a country ignores the treaty and secretly researches and possesses meteorological weapons, meteorological weapons can also cause earthquakes, tsunamis, and heavy rains. Natural disasters such as torrents, mountain torrents, avalanches, heat, high temperature, and mists. I never thought that it can dispel natural disasters."

"Could it be that the Pacific Ocean has changed. Didn't you find that there are thunder and lightning everywhere over the Pacific? I think the disappearance of hurricanes and tsunamis is related to thunder and lightning, and I suspect that a **** has appeared."

"Thunder and lightning, I thought of a god."

"For the glory of the northern god?"

"I think you are dying. That's the grumpy Thor. Maybe he smashed your dog's head with a hammer."

"I...I'm just kidding, the gods shouldn't be so stingy."

"It’s hard to say, the temper of the Nordic gods...hey, the Viking pirates understand that the Norse people go on a fishing boat to robbery when the sun never sets. Understand that, according to theologians, the temper of the gods will have a profound impact on the local society. Customs, like Greece, do you think the tempers of these gods will be good if they are influenced to that kind of Northern Europe?"

"But you are also the gods of the Black Nordic..."

"Fuck, I kindly explain to you, you actually set a trap for me."

"Isn't there an anchor in the Pacific Center before? I'll go to his live broadcast room to see what's going on, isn't it really Thor?"

"No need to go, people's live broadcast room has long been dark, and people don't know whether they are alive or dead."

Netizens on the Internet didn't know what was happening in the Pacific Ocean, so they had no choice but to keep guessing the truth. Some people guessed the truth by accident.

The countries on the Pacific coast saw Thor's appearance, and while sighing with relief, in order to appease the people, they directly issued an announcement stating that Thor had appeared, so that everyone should not panic. Work for the job, go to school for school, and don't let the society. Stop functioning, after all, even if modern society stops functioning for one day, the loss will be great.

But after seeing the announcement, who is still thinking about going to work and school? They just want to know if Thor, the first warrior among the Nordic gods, has defeated the big snake Yemengade, and whether the world is saved, some online When people are waiting for boredom, they simply go to Zou Ziming's live broadcast and wait for the barrage, hoping that the anchor who does not know that he is still alive can live broadcast the situation on the battlefield to relieve the pain of waiting.

However, the anchor they expected was indeed not dead, but he was not willing to live broadcast, and was not able to live broadcast, because after Thor dispelled the natural disasters created by the snake Yemengade, countless thunder and lightning gathered.

They centered on Thor, the **** of thunder, and formed an ocean of thunder with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Thor's burly figure was incomparable against the backdrop of Thunder Sea, his eyes lit up under his long red hair, and countless thunderbolts shot in the light.

He lifted the hammer, which was extremely large for humans, and the thunder sea of ​​thousands of miles gathered on the hammer in an instant. The thunder and lightning gathered to the extreme fragmented the space disturbance, and strips of small black slits appeared out of thin air. disappear.

The serpent that opened its mouth about to eat the thunder **** Thor fiercely felt a sign of life and death. This beast was more like a creature like a child of God. Following its instinct, it stopped its movement and lifted its body from the bottom of the sea. , Make a defensive posture.

The sea surface was suddenly broken open, countless sea water rushed up, and the snake body hidden in the seabed like a black continent rushed out with incomparable tremendous power, and the air was ‘boom boom boom! ! ! ’The explosion.

"This big snake~www.NovelMTL.com~ is so big." Zou Ziming, who was hiding, saw the big snake's body and trembled all over. Only then did he realize that the snake body he had seen before was just the tip of the big snake's iceberg. The real snake body of the other party is always hidden in the deep sea, covered by countless seas, and the depth is unfathomable.

After the trembling, he turned to worry, can Thor really defeat this big snake?

The Twilight of the Gods is always just a prophecy, not a reality, and the previous Rashen has proven that prophecy can be changed. No matter how he looks at it, he feels that the power of the serpent far exceeds the **** Thor, the **** of thunder.

Bang! ! !

Thor raised his hammer and smashed it against the sea. A person's high water splashed, extremely bright lightning blasted the snake, countless lightning bursts, and silent electric light spread across the entire Pacific Ocean.

From the surface of the planet, it looks like a blue star, centered on one of its own points, emitting its own electric light, like the universe proclaiming its own existence.

In an instant, all electrical appliances on the "Golden Princess" ship were scrapped. Some satellites that are in orbit, the camera is pointed at here, have been affected and malfunctioned.

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