I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 211: : Hela, the goddess of the underworld

If it is for you to kill the gods...

Although his whole body has been cold from just now until now, Tuilaepa, who understood the meaning of the words of the goddess of death, Hela, felt a sudden cold in his heart, as if being left in an environment of absolute zero. Not only was the heart cold, but even time seemed to be frozen, and it flew slowly.

Killing a god, and killing a powerful god, is this different from suicide?

Reality is not a story, nor is he the hero who kills the gods in Olympus myths and legends. He is not a god's father or mother, and even if he really succeeds in killing a god, can he survive?

Tuilaepa looked at the half gentle and half ferocious goddess, speaking in a difficult voice,

"I am willing to..."

If you don’t kill the gods, you won’t be able to live in the future. If Hela doesn’t kill him, he will still die when the tsunami strikes. Instead of doing this, you might as well promise. If you agree, you can at least live for a while. .

The goddess, who was wrapped in the white cloth, did not respond. She walked up step by step, and stuffed a dagger engraved with mysterious patterns with a dark red blood stain that never faded, solidified, and blacked into Tuilaepa’s. In hand.

This... Is this the God Killing Dagger Florence?

As a not very religious believer in God, he is very obsessed with the god-killing dagger Florence. He has seen the pictures published on the Internet not thousands of times or hundreds of times. He often imagines that if he owns this dagger, he should have it. How good, so he recognized this weapon that served as an important prop in the'Holy Son' incident at first sight.

But isn't this artifact called the most important artifact of the crucifixion enshrined in St. Peter's Basilica in the Pope's homeland of the Lord's sanctuary on earth, and guarded by an earthly angel? How could it fall into the hands of the goddess of death Hela

This question came to him as soon as it came to mind.

The opposite **** is the master of the underworld. As the **** of the dead, her personality is almost the same as the **** Odin, the **** of the living. Even if it is bad, it is only a slight difference, otherwise she would not dare to be in the **** of light. After the death of Badr, he rejected the request of the Nordic gods to return Badr's soul to the gods in order to resurrect the God of Light. As a result, Badr, the most beloved son of the great **** Odin, was unable to return to the ranks of the gods from the underworld. .

Wouldn't it be easy for such a great **** to take the God-killing Dagger Florence from St. Peter's Basilica in front of the angels on the ground?

After passing the dagger to Tuilaepa, Hela spoke out a mixture of gentle and ferocious voices.

"I curse the life in front of me. He and his people will be forbidden to set foot in the kingdom of death, and they will never be at peace."


Tuilaepa stunned, and immediately found that the goddess of death Hela in front of him disappeared. Before he opened his mouth to speak, the sunlight coming in from the window was obscured by something and disappeared abruptly, in his stunned gaze. Next, a huge wave that couldn't see the edge at a glance pounced on his face, and instantly flooded his office.


The wind is howling, the waves are roaring, and the storms and waves brought about by the big snake Yemengade itself have swept the Pacific Ocean. Countries that failed to find a solution at the meeting have issued disaster warnings to remind the ships and coastal residents to hurry. Click to evacuate to a safe place.

"Hurry up and adjust the course and go back. Don't follow the original route through the Pacific. There was a tsunami that was rare in a million years."

"Return home, return home quickly, don't call for instructions, no more instructions."

"Look for the nearest port to call and flee there."


After receiving the warning, many ships sailing on the ocean adjusted their routes almost at the same time. Some ships that hadn’t been out for a long time immediately turned their bows and returned, and some of them were too late to return, looking for safe havens to avoid disasters. But Rao In this way, there are still countless ships that were swept in by sudden hurricanes and tsunamis before they could escape.

People in the coastal areas began to drive towards the inland areas, while some people living in island countries sought refuge at high altitudes as much as possible.

"It's so heavy rain, the trees outside are all rolled up, and the flower pots in the sky are smashed down one by one. I'm inland."

"I'm shivering while hiding in the company. I think the windows that I did not close this morning should not be kept. I don't know if there will be a flood at home."

"What's going on? How could such a big tsunami and hurricane suddenly happen?"

"It won't be the end of the world, right? I heard that this tsunami is several hundred meters long, ten times higher than the highest tsunami in the world. It is about to approach the rumored tsunami caused by a comet hitting the earth when the dinosaurs became extinct. Up."

"It's not the end of the world, but it's almost the same. The big snake Yemengada appeared in the Pacific Ocean and caused a disaster. According to theologians, the appearance of the big snake Yemengada is related to the legendary Twilight of the Gods. It is the Twilight of the Gods. As a prelude to this, the gods will soon go to war on our planet."

"As for the government, when can they give us a notice telling us whether it is the twilight of the gods, if so, please come up with a solution."

Many people living in the inland areas have spontaneously discussed it on the Internet. Although this level of disaster theoretically does not affect the people in the inland areas, after all, there is such a long depth. It's also overwhelmed.

But they were still worried about it, especially after this disaster was connected to the Twilight of the Gods, it deepened this fear. They began to ask for help, and the first thing they thought of was their own government.

So some people called on the Internet ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ When it comes to their own safety, this kind of appeal quickly spread all over the Internet and formed a huge voice.

But no matter how excited they were, the governments of various countries did not give an explanation.

In fact, it is not that the governments of various countries do not want to give it, but that they can't give it. In the face of the tsunami caused by the serpent, they can't give a solution, let alone give a solution to the gods?

After all, all the previous weapons have made them realize that the weapons created by human technology do not have much effect on the mysterious power. Forced use will only anger the opponent and cause greater harm.

So they simply pretended not to see the appeal, and began to prepare for the secret transfer. Once things changed, they left as soon as possible.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly lit up, and the extremely dazzling light blasted down from the depths of the universe, tearing apart the thick dark clouds brought by the power of the serpent, and falling on the Pacific Ocean. Then, the rainbow that appeared before in Miró, Egypt The bridge appeared again.

A tall and mighty giant **** with armor and a heroic appearance came out of the rainbow with a hammer in his hand.

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